and Design
Making Architecture Between
Metrics and Narratives
Edited by David Benjamin
Columbia University GSAPP
Lars Müller Publishers
Claire Antelman, Jordan Barlow, and Briana
Turgeon-Schramm, Artificial Thicket, proposed for
KVA Matx’s RiverFirst project in Minneapolis,
Inventive Matter:
Architecture for a Third Resource Regime
Blaine Brownell
Throughout history, the built environment has been shaped by available
resources. In the first material epoch, civilizations relied on prime movers,
biomass, and primitive renewable energies; in the second, they unleashed
the more potent capabilities of fossil fuels. Now we are witnessing the
emergence of a third period, marked by the simultaneous expansion, variation,
and optimization of resources. This new regime is motivated by a deeper
awareness of the limitations of certain resources, the inefficiencies of current
production and distribution systems, and the negative impact of human
activity. It recombines first- and second-period approaches within a cyclical —
as opposed to linear — paradigm of zero-waste material flows, exhibiting an
unprecedented diversification of energy and material resources.
This third resource regime represents a profound change in the design of the
built environment. Once conceived as wholly new products composed of widely
available virgin resources, buildings are increasingly seen as processes — or
a temporary suspension of material flows — that make optimal use of available
resources. No longer imagined as discrete islands, buildings are increasingly
designed as spatial, temporal, and cultural bridges that connect with their larger
contexts, as well as their past and (anticipated) future uses. To use an ecological
analogy, architecture is embodied not only in mature, stable systems but
also in scavengers, pioneers, and emergent systems. Recognition of the need
to increase the proportion of retrofits, repurposed materials, and soft energy
sources creates new opportunities for both technological innovation and design
expression in architecture.
Broadening the Spectrum
Human societies are shaped by the energy and material resources they employ,
and economic success is directly related to the quantity and types of these
resources.1 During the first, and by far the longest, period of resource utilization,
humanity derived energy from a combination of biomass (fire), renewable
sources (wind, water), and physical labor. According to scientist Vaclav Smil,
“for millennia our abilities to extract, process, and transport biomaterials
and minerals were limited by the capacities of animate prime movers (human
and animal muscles) aided by simple mechanical devices and by only slowly
improving capabilities of the three ancient mechanical prime movers: sails,
water wheels, and wind mills.”2 Building during the first regime was a painstaking and time-consuming enterprise, involving a significant quantity of human
and animal labor.
The second period emerged with the Industrial Revolution, when humans
learned to harness the chemical energy of fossil fuels and unleash significantly
larger quantities of kinetic energy in machines. The ensuing technological,
economic, and cultural transformation is well known. However, it is not only the
quantitative change in energy use that mattered during this transition but also
1 Efficiency is also a critical factor: “From a fundamental
biophysical (thermodynamic) perspective, the fortunes
of nations are not determined primarily by strategic designs
or economic performance but by the magnitude and
efficiency of their energy conversions.” Vaclav Smil, Global
Catastrophes and Trends: The Next Fifty Years (Cambridge,
MA: MIT Press, 2008), Kindle locations 900–901.
2 Vaclav Smil, Making the Modern World: Materials and
Dematerialization (New York: Wiley, 2013), Kindle location 158.
Inventive Matter: Architecture for a Third Resource Regime
the qualitative change — particularly regarding resource type. During the first
period, the predominant energy source was wood (and, by extension, biomass);
in contrast, industrialization prompted a radical shift toward fossil fuels,
and within a very compressed period. According to the US Energy Information
Administration, in 1850 wood was the dominant energy source in the country,
yet by 1900 it accounted for less than 20 percent of the nation’s energy, which by
then consisted mainly of coal.3 The twentieth century is characterized by the
predominance of fossil fuels, with petroleum and natural gas gradually taking
nearly equal shares of the energy mix.4
Fig. 1 Share of energy consumption in the
United States, 1776–2014.
Fig. 2 Power generation capacity under different
scenarios, 2012–2030.
Concerns about limited supplies of oil, and the negative environmental effects
of fossil fuels in general, have motivated the incremental reintroduction
of renewable energy sources — and the beginnings of a third resource regime.
Solar and wind generation began to make a measurable impact in the late 1980s,
and in 2014 “the renewable share of energy consumption in the United States
was the highest (nearly 10%) since the 1930s, when wood represented a larger
share of consumption.”5 The global energy mix also reflects the declining —
albeit still dominant — use of fossil fuels.6 Looking ahead, energy experts do
not anticipate a complete reversal of the transition from renewable to nonrenewable resources; rather, they predict a diversification of energy sources that
would result in a substantial share of so-called green power sources. For
example, reports published by Bloomberg New Energy Finance forecast an
increasingly multicolored spectrum of geothermal, waste, biomass, solar
thermoelectric generation (STEG), solar photovoltaics (SPV), wind, hydroelectric,
and other sources.7
Materials have traced a similar trajectory. First-period construction from
biomass and earth was quickly superseded in the nineteenth century by secondperiod, energy-intensive alternatives such as steel, concrete, and plastic. Like
energy, the predominance of industrial materials by the late twentieth century
reflected a near-total shift toward nonrenewable options within the overall
material mix.8 Today, industry analysts point to a rebalancing of the material
spectrum, with an increase in renewables that is analogous to the recent
shift in energy composition. “For the first time in 60 years, the carbohydrate
economy is back on the public-policy agenda,” writes David Morris, director
of the Institute for Local Self-Reliance. “It is an exciting historical opportunity,
but one we should approach with deliberation and foresight.”9
In architecture, this change is evident in a renewed focus on wood structures
and the increased use of novel, bio-based products. Advances in timber
construction technologies, coupled with wood’s superior environmental performance compared to concrete and steel, have inspired a resurgence in their
use for both low- and mid-rise structures. According to a 2014 industry report,
“Wood building materials — specifically Plywood, Particleboard and Medium
Density Fiberboard — are expected to show considerable price gains during the
next three years.”10 Cross-laminated timber, structural composite lumber,
nail-laminated timber, and other solid wood construction systems are becoming
increasingly common in commercial as well as residential buildings —
most notably in taller structures like Waugh Thistleton’s 9-story Murray Grove
in London, Lund & Partnere’s 14-story Treet project in Bergen, and Shigeru
Ban’s proposed hybrid timber building for Vancouver. Wood is not the only
biomaterial for tall buildings: Beijing-based Penda has developed a high-rise
construction system, called Rising Canes, made of interlocking bamboo rods
3 “Fossil Fuels Have Made Up at Least 80% of US Fuel
Mix since 1900” (US Energy Information Administration,
July 2, 2015), http: / / www.eia.gov / todayinenergy / detail.
4 “Fossil Fuels Have Made Up at Least 80% of US Fuel Mix
since 1900.”
5 “Fossil Fuels Have Made Up at Least 80% of US Fuel Mix
since 1900.”
6 “Total Primary Energy Supply,” in Key World Energy
Statistics 2015 (International Energy Agency, 2015), 6.
7 “The Future of China’s Power Sector,” Bloomberg New
Energy Finance, August 27, 2013, 2.
8 Michael Ashby estimates the peak of nonrenewable
material consumption at 96 percent. See Michael F. Ashby,
Materials and the Environment: Eco-Informed Material Choice,
2nd. ed. (Oxford: Elsevier, 2013), Kindle location 480.
9 David Morris, “The Once and Future Carbohydrate
Economy,” American Prospect, March 20, 2006, http: //
prospect.org / article / once-and-future-carbohydrateeconomy.
10 Hayden Shipp, “Product and Service Segments with
High Price Growth,” IBISWorld, February 2014, 1, http://media.
ibisworld.com / wp-content / uploads / 2014 / 02 / Productsand-Services-with-High-Price-Growth.pdf.
Phase I
Phase II
natural gas
solar thermal pv
small-scale pv
solar pv
offshore wind
energy from waste
natural gas
Inventive Matter: Architecture for a Third Resource Regime
and rope connectors. Earthen architecture is also experiencing a revival,
with projects like Herzog & de Meuron’s rammed earth Kräuterzentrum for
Ricola, or methods such as Earthbag construction. These examples reveal a
promising future for low-embodied energy architectural technologies that will
likely occupy an increasingly significant portion of the construction market.
Expanding the Resource Base
In The Third Industrial Revolution, economist Jeremy Rifkin argues for a shift from
centralized to distributed energy networks. Claiming that current energy
infrastructure is based on an obsolete framework, resembling first-generation
centralized communications technologies like radio and television, Rifkin
claims that the new model “is distributed in nature and ideally suited to manage
distributed forms of energy — that is, renewable energy — and the lateral kinds
of business activity that accompany such an energy regime.”11 According to
Green Tech Media Research, the US market is heading in this direction, with a
projected photovoltaic capacity of over 20,000 MWdc in 2021 (a 20-fold increase
from 1,000 MWdc in 2010).12 Renewable energy technology is well suited to
a distributed network, given that solar, wind, and other renewable sources are
physically accessible from most building sites — unlike the fossil fuels on
which the centralized energy regime is based. As global electricity demand
continues to increase — along with concerns about power grid vulnerabilities —
distributed networks of renewable power have become a more desirable
format. According to a recent US Energy Information Administration study,
renewables are now “the fastest growing source of electricity generation.”13
In addition to superior environmental performance, distributed energy
harvesting has the potential to fulfill two significant objectives for buildings:
control and resilience. From a control standpoint, the ability to manage
a building’s energy intake appeals to many users, despite the added effort,
particularly if it costs less in the long term. From a resilience perspective,
distributed energy supports resource diversification. Just as a balanced investment portfolio results in lower volatility, buildings with a diversified energy
portfolio are better equipped to respond to short-term peaks and brownouts
from centralized sources — as well as cloudy or windless days.
Today, energy diversification represents one of the most potent territories
for architectural innovation, especially as the incorporation of distributed energy
systems into buildings invites creative approaches to technology integration
and expression. This opportunity remains largely untapped, as is clear from the
large quantity of structures that have solar panels or wind turbines installed
without much design consideration. However, several notable examples
take a more sophisticated approach. One is Inaba Electric Works’ Eco-Curtain,
a multicolored facade composed of vertically oriented wind turbines in Nagoya,
Japan. Throughout the day, these aerodynamic fins harness energy to power
interior lighting, resulting in a continually transforming building envelope.
Another example, Arup’s SolarLeaf bio-adaptive facade, pioneers the integration
of biophotovoltaics into a building itself. The facade employs microalgae within
liquid-infused glazing to harvest sunlight, shading the interiors that experience
the greatest solar exposure. A third example celebrates the interconnected
totality of off-grid systems: Atelier FCJZ’s Dream Cube is clad in a porous, internally illuminated lattice made of recycled plastic tubes. The open matrix exhibits
both onsite rainwater harvesting and solar-generated electricity, transforming
typically hidden resource flows into the fundamental building experience.
11 Jeremy Rifkin, The Third Industrial Revolution: How
Lateral Power Is Transforming Energy, the Economy, and the
World (Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011), 20–21.
12 “US Solar Market Insight” (Green Tech Media Research,
[2016]), http://www.greentechmedia.com / research /
subscription / u.s.-solar-market-insight.
13 International Energy Outlook 2016 (US Energy Information
Administration, May 11, 2016), https: / / www.eia.gov /
forecasts / ieo / electricity.cfm.
Fig. 3 Inaba Electric Works, Eco-Curtain, Nagoya,
Japan (2005).
Fig. 4 Philips bio-light creates light using the same
chemical reaction used by bioluminescent animals
like fireflies and glow worms.
Inventive Matter: Architecture for a Third Resource Regime
Building with local materials was commonplace in preindustrial societies.
Yet today, particularly in industrialized nations, it is just as common to transport
building materials a great distance. Renewed attention to nearby resources not
only reduces transportation costs and their associated energy consumption but
also enables the creative reinterpretation of local building practices.
Hangzhou-based Amateur Architecture Studio, for example, has made ingenious
use of the traditional wapan tiling method in many projects. This custom of
building new facades from salvaged local bricks and tiles takes on a new life
in the National Academy of Art in Hangzhou, the Ningbo Historical Museum,
and other iconic structures. Support for the creative reuse of materials is growing in other regions as well. Eindhoven-based StoneCycling collects rubble
from demolition sites, much of which is in poor condition, and transforms it into
new building modules called WasteBasedBricks. In each case, the materials tell
the story of their checkered pasts as a defining feature of the design.
Fig. 5 In contrast to the cliché that a building looks
its best the day it is first photographed, Giuliano
Mauri’s Tree Cathedral follows trends more
common in landscape architecture, where projects
are designed with respect for how they will grow
and change over time.
Fig. 6 MSR, Mill City Museum, Minneapolis,
Minnesota (2003).
Beyond just sourcing materials locally, materials can be sourced from the
building site itself. In 2016, Italian fabricator WASP (World’s Advanced Saving
Project) constructed the first 3D-printed adobe building on a site in Ravenna.
Using their Big Delta printer, a 12-meter-tall mobile scaffold designed for in situ
fabrication, WASP printed a one-room structure from raw earth and straw.
In another example, the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia’s Stone
Spray project involved 3D-printing sandstone structures using onsite sand
and loam. Even more radically, Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde’s Smog Free
Tower collects smog within some of the world’s most polluted cities, and the
physical particulate captured is then compressed into tiny black cubes. In this
case, the output is not a physical building but rather an inhabitable 1,000 cubic
meter volume of purified air — a welcome destination in smog-choked cities like
Beijing or Allahabad. The cubes are then encapsulated in jewelry sold to raise
funds for investments in more towers; however, an exponential increase in the
scale of the Smog Tower effort could deliver brick-sized smog blocks for use
as provocative building masonry.
Optimizing Existing Resources
In an eye-opening study entitled “Survey on Actual Service Lives for North
American Buildings,” scientist Jennifer O’Connor found that most structures
are demolished for reasons other than physical obsolescence.14 More durable
materials make more durable buildings, and therefore architects assume
they should be prioritized. While this correlation is logical, it fails to take into
account the large percentage of premature demolition for buildings. O’Connor’s
study, which evaluated residential and nonresidential structures of wood,
masonry, steel, and concrete, determined that less than a third of buildings
were demolished due to their physical condition.15 The primary causes
for destruction were area redevelopment (35%) and functional obsolescence
(“no longer suitable for needs,” at 22%) — suggesting that “no meaningful
relationship exists between structural material and average service life, and
that most buildings are demolished for reasons that have nothing to do
with the physical state of the structural systems.”16 A similar US Department
of Energy survey estimates the national average life-span of all nonresidential
buildings is only 45 years.17 Architect Takaharu Tezuka notes a similar
phenomenon in Japan, where most modern structures are razed not due to
physical shortcomings but because of their unpopularity. “When we talk
about architecture, we emphasize the word fondness, because it is critical
to buildings’ longevity that they are beloved.”18
14 Jennifer O’Connor, “Survey on Actual Service Lives
for North American Buildings” (presented at the Woodframe
Housing Durability and Disaster Issues Conference,
Las Vegas, Nevada, October 2004). O’Connor’s study
investigated 227 structures in Minneapolis–St. Paul that
were demolished between 2002 and 2003.
15 O’Connor, “Survey on Actual Service Lives,” 8.
16 Other reasons included the expense of code-mandated
upgrades, changing land values, fire damage, and socially
undesirable uses.
17 “Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey”
(US Department of Energy, 2003), www.eia.gov / emeu / cbecs /
cbecs2003 / detailed_tables_2003 / detailed_tables_2003.html.
18 Takaharu Tezuka quoted in Blaine Brownell, Matter
in the Floating World: Conversations with Leading Japanese
Architects and Designers (New York: Princeton Architectural
Press, 2011), 30.
Inventive Matter: Architecture for a Third Resource Regime
The aspiration to design works of significant cultural value is a fundamental
to architecture, although unfortunately few buildings inspire a collective
defense against the wrecking ball. However, the inherent inefficiency of the
raze-and-rebuild approach, which produces a significant quantity of material
and energy waste, is motivating a shift toward adaptive reuse. According
to engineer Michael Ashby, at the current growth rate, “we will use and — if we
discard it — throw away as much stuff in the next 25 years as in the entire history
of industrialization,” a staggering truth that is prompting better recycling
practices.19 Meanwhile, a building’s structure and foundations remain the most
energy-intensive and expensive elements to demolish, thus driving their reuse.
In Reshaping Metropolitan America: Development Trends and Opportunities
to 2030, urban planner Arthur Nelson claims that “more than half the volume
of nonresidential space existing in 2010 may be replaced, renovated, or in
other ways repurposed for more intensive and / or different functions between
2010 and 2030.”20
Some of these opportunities are entirely unexpected. One of the most dramatic
recent examples is the Mill City Museum and office complex in Minneapolis.21
When the Washburn “A” Mill was devastated by fire in 1991, the architecture
firm MSR worked with the Minnesota Historical Society to build an educational
center within the historic landmark’s ruins. Completed in 2003, the thoughtful insertion of an elegant, ferro-vitreous container within the disintegrated
masonry shell projects a visual potency that would have been unachievable
in an entirely new building.
In most cases, however, less calamitous events give rise to renovation
opportunities. For many vertical structures, poor environmental and technical
performance often encourages adaptations. For example, the first generation
of postwar office towers now have outdated and underperforming curtain-wall
systems. According to a study by architects Mic Patterson and Jeffrey Vaglio,
early high-rise glazing was imperfect from the start: “problems with water
penetration and air infiltration were common; thermal performance was often
miserable resulting variously in condensation, unwanted heat transfer, and
general discomfort to building occupants.”22 Since the mid-twentieth century,
curtain-wall technology has made considerable advances in performance,
design, and fabrication — prompting building owners to consider facade retrofits.
For the Urban Renovation Lormont project in Bordeaux, LAN Architecture
wrapped a collection of Brutalist concrete housing blocks in a shimmering skin
of polycarbonate panels. The new cladding not only provided a facelift but
also expanded the usable space in each unit. “The renewal of the facades, which
is initially designed to thermally insulate the building, opens up an opportunity
for a dualistic approach to the rehabilitation,” claims the architect.23 Urban
Shroud, a theoretical proposal I developed with Arup in 2009, seeks to demonstrate the potential of new cladding not only to upgrade facades but also to
redefine spatial and circulatory potential. In this case, a new solar-harvesting
ethylene tetrafluoroethylene (ETFE) envelope expands and connects two
existing commercial towers in downtown Houston. This scheme adds the area
of an additional tower and creates new connections between formerly separate
The likely frequency of future building adaptations — coupled with a resurgence
of bio-based products — points to intriguing possibilities for commensalism 24
19 Ashby, Materials and the Environment, 2,035–2,036.
20 Arthur C. Nelson, Reshaping Modern America:
Development Trends and Opportunities to 2030 (Washington,
DC: Island Press, 2013), 6.
21 “Mill City Museum,” MSR, http: //msrdesign.com /
project / mill-city-museum.
22 Mic Patterson and Jeffrey C. Vaglio, “Facade Retrofits:
The Dilemma of the Highly Glazed High-Rise Facade”
(presented at the 2011 Building Enclosure Sustainability
Symposium: Integrating Design & Building Practices,
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, 2011), 4.
23 “LAN Architecture Recalls Bordeaux Tower Blocks
with Translucent Windows That Slide Back and Forth,”
Dezeen, July 17, 2015, http: / / www.dezeen.com / 2015 / 07 / 17 /
24 Commensalism is an ecological term for the
relationship between two organisms where one benefits
without having a positive or negative effect on the other.
25 The actual year ecological overshoot first occurred
varies by source, but is presumed to have occurred in either
the 1970s or 1980s. See http: / / wwf.panda.org / about_our_
earth / all_publications / living_planet_report_timeline /
lpr_2012 / demands_on_our_planet.
26 “Earth Overshoot Day,” Global Footprint Network,
http: / / www.footprintnetwork.org / en / index.php / GFN / page /
27 Morris, “Once and Future Carbohydrate Economy.”
in architecture. In a University of Minnesota design workshop I co-taught with
architects Sheila Kennedy and Frano Violich, for example, students devised
wall systems made of reused driftwood and recycled industrial lumber. Proposed
for KVA Matx’s RiverFirst project in Minneapolis, the envelopes were designed
to support migratory species and decay naturally over time — inviting a new
tradition of material renewal as a strategy for public engagement and environmental stewardship.
Toward a Third Resource Regime
Beginning in the last few decades of the twentieth century, humanity’s annual
demand for resources has exceeded the earth’s supply.25 Broadly defined,
ecological overshoot includes both renewable and nonrenewable resources —
as well as inputs and outputs (e.g., supplying virgin materials and absorbing
waste). In 2016, Earth Overshoot Day — the date in a given year that global
demand outstrips supply — was August 8. In 2015 it was August 13, and in 2014
it was August 19; thus, we are losing the equivalent of five to six more days
of resources each year.26 As the population continues to increase, a significant
change in the ways resources are used is the only way to avoid eventual
environmental collapse.
Most scholarship on the subject fails to emphasize the mutually reinforcing
challenges that compound the problems of overshoot. On the one hand, the
economically available supply of nonrenewable resources is dwindling, making
renewables more desirable. On the other hand, the proportional shift toward
renewable materials exerts additional pressure on the earth’s available
biocapacity. Any effort to reverse overshoot will therefore require austerity
(i.e., use fewer resources), reuse (i.e., use repurposed materials and recaptured
energy), or technological advancement (i.e., develop tools and methods that
enable a higher utilization of resources).
A third resource regime could utilize all three strategies, as none will be sufficient alone. There is growing support for all of these approaches in architecture
today; however, we need more aspirational visions for how they are employed.
The grand opportunity is to capitalize on these strategies to advance the
field, and a third resource regime invites such advancement in the form of new
and innovative means of architectural production and expression. As David
Morris states, “We may be changing the very material foundation of industrial
economies. Whether and how we affect that change can profoundly affect the
future of our natural environment, our rural economies, agriculture, and world
trade.”27 Such change will also influence the future of our built environment.
and Design
Making Architecture
Between Metrics
and Narratives
Edited by David Benjamin
Design: Integral Lars Müller / Lars Müller and Esther Butterworth
Copyediting: Glenn Perkins
Lithography: Ast & Fischer, Wabern, Switzerland
Printing and binding: DZA Druckerei zu Altenburg, Germany
Paper: Condat matt Périgord, 1.1, 135 gsm
ISBN 978-3-03778-525-6
Printed in Germany
© 2017 by the Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York and
Lars Müller Publishers
Essays and projects © the authors
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without
the written permission of the publisher, except in the context of reviews.
Every reasonable attempt has been made to identify the owners of copyright.
Errors or omissions will be corrected in subsequent editions.
This book has been produced through the Office of the Dean, Amale Andraos,
and the Office of Publications at Columbia University GSAPP.
Director of Publications: James Graham
Managing Editor: Jesse Connuck
Associate Editor: Isabelle Kirkham-Lewitt
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Benjamin, David, editor.
Title: Embodied energy and design: making architecture between metrics
and narratives / edited by David Benjamin.
Description: New York, NY: Columbia University GSAPP; Zürich, Switzerland
Lars Müller Publishers, 2017. | Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017029853 | ISBN 9783037785256 (paperback)
Subjects: LCSH: Sustainable architecture. | BISAC: ARCHITECTURE /
Sustainability & Green Design. | ARCHITECTURE / Methods & Materials. |
Classification: LCC NA2542.36 .E47 2017 | DDC 720/.47--dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2017029853
Columbia University
Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation
1172 Amsterdam Ave
407 Avery Hall
New York, NY 10027
Lars Müller Publishers
Zurich, Switzerland
On a similar topic:
Climates: Architecture and the Planetary Imaginary
The Avery Review, in collaboration with Columbia Books on Architecture
and the City and Columbia University GSAPP
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