Recent papers in Biodesign
Despite the ever-growing sophistication of synthetic and digital tools, it's the natural world that captures the imaginations of today's vanguard designers. By looking to nature as a teacher rather than simply as a source for raw... more
The long atmospheric residence time of CO2 creates an urgent need to add atmospheric carbon drawdown to CO2 regulatory strategies. Synthetic and systems biology (SSB), which enables manipulation of cellular phenotypes, offers a powerful... more
The immune system is built from our cells, organs, proteins and tissue, and it is the sum of the whole that defends the body against illness. In this paper, we introduce the immune system as a site to explore morethan-human design.... more
Mit der Entstehung der Bio-Art sind die Ausdrucksmittel der Künste reicher geworden, den traditionellen Ausdrucksmitteln sind neue biologische Medien an die Seite getreten, deren Spektrum von transgenen Organismen bis hin zu synthetischer... more
El avance tecnológico, la desmaterialización del arte, los procesos de diseño y la poetización artística de la ciencia han revolucionado la forma de pensar las disciplinas contemporáneas. Gracias la dificultad de identificar los límites... more
This course is designed to provide the student an overview of the biomedical innovation and how it relates to healthcare sector.
Pamphlet outlining the speculative building codes applying to Panarchistic Architecture's 'Pyro-resistor' architectural and urban design genus pyroarchetype variant for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience... more
DER BLICK IN DIE NATUR: BIONIK UND BIODESIGN Sowohl für die Kunst als auch für die Wissenschaft und Technik galt die Natur lange als Vorbild, das es nachzuahmen oder gar zu übertreffen galt. Während in der Kunst über Jahrhunderte... more
The philosophy of biomimicry, I argue, consists of four main areas of inquiry. The first, which has already been explored by Freya Mathews (2011), concerns the “deep” question of what Nature ultimately is. The second, third, and fourth... more
Representing a true portrait, the death mask simultaneously memorialises life and death, offering the living a sense of connection to the dead. Following the invention of photography, the practice of creating death masks languished as a... more
With the emergence of Bio Art, biotechnology became part of the art world. By bringing cutting edge technologies closer to the public, Bio Art has provoked wider reflection about the ethics of turning biology into technology and in... more
The growing field of bioart and design raises significant questions for artists and designers working with life as raw matter. What is necessary in such practices is that critical discussions centered on ethics and power are integrated... more
This article presents a Biomaterial Design Methodology based on the idea that common people can produce objects using bio-based ingredients to create biomaterials and digital fabrication technologies as tools to drive the design... more
The nascent field of biodesign creates novel applications of life sciences through design methods. Biodesign has the potential to shift interactive computational systems from using purely digital components to systems that integrate... more
Integral to the reproductive processes of the biota of several forest, shrub, and grassland biome-types, wildfire ignites some 3,400,000km2 of Earth’s vegetated surface annually. Though a highly complex phenomena coupled with not one, but... more
Bioplastics are biodegradable materials that come from renewable sources and can be used to reduce the problem of plastic waste that is suffocating the planet and contaminating the environment. This module presents an emerging approach to... more
This paper deals with the relations among neurology and biorobotic research. The result here presented is a new equipment which can measure the status of neuromotor control. In particular, the finger motion may be observed as the result,... more
Dipandang ruangan untuk merokok tidak efektif karena ruangan tersebut tidak memberikan perlindungan terhadap perokok pasif. Berbagai rancangan bangun ruang khusus merokok (smooking area) umumnya hanya berfungsi untuk ruang isolasi tanpa... more
Das Verhältnis von Kunst und Wissenschaft war immer vielschichtig und ist heute im Zeitalter der Technosciences überaus prekär geworden. So erstaunt es nicht, dass schon vor Jahren zahlreiche Künstler das Arbeiten im Atelier gegen das... more
It is a common opinion that humans often are the sole source of normativity in the world. This attitude encourages a bias in favor of the interests of members of the predominant species (who becomes the main subject), against those of... more
Pamphlet outlining the speculative building codes applying to Panarchistic Architecture's 'Pyro-evader' architectural and urban design genus pyroarchetype variant for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience paradigm... more
Pamphlet outlining the principle traits of Panarchistic Architecture's 'pyroevader' pyroachetype for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience paradigm may work in policy and professional practice. Part of the wider... more
Panarchistic Architecture: Building Wildland Urban-Interface Resilience to Wildfire through Design Thinking, Practice, and Building Codes Modelled on Ecological Systems Theory | Chapter 8 [The Panarchic Codex] ebook.
Find the 'Introduction', 'Method', and 'Literature Review' chapters in eBook format in the 'All' section above. Integral to the reproductive processes of the biota of several forest, shrub, and grassland biome-types, wildfire ignites... more
Pamphlet outlining the principle traits of Panarchistic Architecture's 'pyroendurer' pyroachetype for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience paradigm may work in policy and professional practice. Part of the wider... more
Pamphlet outlining the principle traits of Panarchistic Architecture's 'pyroresistor' pyroachetype for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience paradigm may work in policy and professional practice. Part of the wider... more
DNA origami enables the precise fabrication of nanoscale geometries. We demonstrate an approach to engineer complex and reversible motion of nanoscale DNA origami machine elements. We first design, fabricate, and characterize the... more
Asking "how would nature design a city" with resilience to natural hazard events?
Panarchistic Architecture proposes that the wildland urban interface is populated by architecture and urban infrastructure which, modelled on fire-adapted flora that is native to the regional fire regimes, coevolves with the 'rhythms' of... more
Pamphlet outlining the principle traits of Panarchistic Architecture's pyroarchetypes - pyro-evaders, pyro-endurers, and pyro-resistors, for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience paradigm may work in policy and... more
In this paper I will look at current artistic trends, as well as recent developments in biotechnology that in the future may transform living organisms into objects. The concept of technological progress as a part of a linear perception... more
Pamphlet outlining the speculative building codes applying to Panarchistic Architecture's 'Pyro-endurer' architectural and urban design genus pyroarchetype variant for use when exploring how the architectural and urban resilience paradigm... more
En créant un espace de mise en présence, et de rencontre avec le vivant et les relations qui le constituent, des artistes comme Pierre Huyghe ou Tomás Saraceno questionnent la division ontologique entre le spectateur et l'oeuvre qui... more
DNA origami enables the precise fabrication of nanoscale geometries. We demonstrate an approach to engineer complex and reversible motion of nanoscale DNA origami machine elements. We first design, fabricate, and characterize the... more
La artista multimedial Paulina Velázquez-Solís y yo, conversamos realizando un recorrido por lugares y escenarios de la creación experimental, que vinculan tecnologías innovadoras y artesanías. La entrevista les invita a conocer... more
Il paper illustra alcune delle metodologie del design making, attraverso un’indagine laboratoriale che usa, come strumenti della ricerca, le attrezzature e i materiali affini al settore scientifico della biologia. Al confine tra programma... more
Architect and designer Neri Oxman has created a series of external organs speculatively proposed for inter-planetary travel titled 'Wanderers, An Astrobiological Exploration'. Using generative software, the computational growth patterns... more
Panarchistic Architecture: Building Wildland Urban-Interface Resilience to Wildfire through Design Thinking, Practice, and Building Codes Modelled on Ecological Systems Theory - Introduction in ebook format.
The nascent field of biodesign uses the biological affordances of organisms to address some user need. These can range from the development of novel materials, which the designer actively investigates, to applications of synthetic biology... more