Nautical Science
Recent papers in Nautical Science
La expedición de los hermanos Nodal al estrecho de Magallanes y Tierra de Fuego (1618-1619) se llevó a cabo en vísperas de la finalización de la Tregua de los Doce Años (1609-1621), entre la República de Holanda y la Monarquía Hispánica... more
Abstract The HMS St George was a second rate ship-of-the-line of the Royal Navy. She sank, together with the HMS Defence, in the North Sea off the Jutland coast in 1811, with nearly all of her crew lost the tragedy claimed 1400 lives.... more
A determinação da latitude no mar contou, desde o século XV, com o recurso à altura meridiana do sol observada a bordo dos navios. Para completar o cálculo, necessitavam os pilotos de recorrer a tábuas de declinação do sol, elaboradas... more
Underwater archaeological salvage operations in Greece commenced with ‘nude diving’ in Lord Elgin’s wrecked ship Mentor in 1802 at Kythera, continued with hard helmet diving at the Salamis straits in 1877, at Antikythera in 1900 and... more
MA Thesis in Maritime History (Faculty of Letters, Lisbon University FLUL, 2014) - revised version The present thesis Shipwrecks of the “Carreira da Índia” (1595-1623) – Sources for the Study in Portuguese Maritime History deals with... more
The main cosmographer and engineer of Portugal, Luis Serrão Pimentel (1613-1679), gained notoriety at the service of nautical and military architecture teaching. Taking into account the positions he held it’s possible to analyze the... more
Texto ajustado, depois da apresentação no congresso de Huelva (2006), nomeadamente em questões náuticas relacionadas com a 1ª viagem de Colombo. Especial referência para as observações que foram tidas pela historiografia corrente como uma... more
Este trabalho foi desenvolvido para as Comemorações do Ano Internacional da Astronomia, 2009, promovidas pela Sociedade Portuguesa de Astronomia. Nele descreve-se o funcionamento de um oitante ou octante que é um instrumento de medida da... more
The aim of this thesis is to study the institutionalization of nautical teaching in Portugal between 1779, the year of creation of the Royal Marine Academy, and in 1807, the transfer of the Court to Brazil. In the second half of the 18th... more
Since the conquest of Goa in 1510 and Malacca the following year, the Portuguese began to establish a trade Empire in Asia. The high demand for Asian goods, such as spices, tea, silks, cottons, porcelains and other luxury items, combined... more
O S PORTUGUESES vão, sob a orientação do Infante D. Henrique, iniciar uma das maiores epopeias da história da humanidade, os Descobrimentos. As causas que conduziram a este movimento são várias, saindo fora dos objectivos deste trabalho a... more
João Baptista Lavanha viveu na transição do século XVI para o século XVII, um período crucial na História das Ciências e das Tecnologias, e a sua carreira profissional levou-o a percorrer os caminhos da Península Ibérica, quer no sentido... more
Traces the origins and the application of steam-driven power to ships from the late 18th century up to 1860. It was a slow and error-fraught process but ultimately human ingenuity won out and the days of the sailing ship were numbered.
In this paper, the results of a cartometric analysis of a number of Portuguese and Spanish charts of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries are presented and conclusions are drawn concerning the length of the degree of latitude adopted... more
Los viajes a Terranova y a las Molucas: coincidencias y divergencias. Ismael Jiménez Jiménez (Universidad de Valladolid). El estrecho de Magallanes en los textos del marqués del Risco (s. XVII).
Edição reduzida e atualizada da tese de doutoramento.
Approach to Nautical teaching in Portugal since the mid-16th century leaves the eminently practical sphere of master-apprentice transmission and begins to organize and standardize itself. The new corpus of theoretical knowledge has its... more
Coordenação de Maria da Graça A. Mateus Ventura e Luís Jorge Semedo de Matos. As novidades do mundo evidenciadas em áreas complementares, confluentes na produção do conhecimento científico e na representação cartográfica e textual,... more
Reviews of the earliest archaeological evidence of nautical equipment have listed paddles and logboats from western Europe, Japan and Nigeria (Bednarik, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2014). Most of these finds are from various parts of Europe, and no... more
Na segunda metade do século XVIII o ensino da ciência náutica sofreu alterações estruturantes, no âmbito de uma mudança do paradigma educativo iniciada no reinado de D. José I. Em 1772, a Reforma da Universidade de Coimbra incluiu a... more
Renaissance Society of America (RSA) Annual Meeting
Resumo Na segunda metade do século XVIII, o ensino da náutica materializou uma nova conceção de educação: formar para servir e formar de acordo com novos métodos. No caso da Marinha, como noutros domínios, o emprego do saber adquirido... more
In the second half of the eighteenth century the teaching of nautical science suffered structural changes within an educational paradigm shift started in the reign of King José I. In 1772, the reform of the University of Coimbra included... more
Um 300 v.Chr. verfaßte Euklid in Alexandria, dem damaligen wissenschaftlichen Zentrum der westlichen Welt, sein Hauptwerk, die „Elemente“. Sie sollten in den nächsten zwei Jahrtausenden die Grundlage der Mathematik bilden. Proklos, der im... more
The aim of this article is to analyze in depth the life course of Fray Ignacio Muñoz, a seventeenth-century Dominican friar assigned to the Philippines. Particularly relevant is Muñoz’s use of his scientific knowledge, as he tailored it... more