Natural Morphology
Recent papers in Natural Morphology
Even as Saussure’s dogma of the “tyranny of writing” recedes farther into the past, writing systems remain a subject at the margins of linguistics. Although much has been accomplished in the interdisciplinary area of writing systems... more
intRoducción El sufijo diminutivo al que nos referiremos en este trabajo (ito, ita) es el más común en el español actual, particularmente en México. Su uso está tan difundido que prácticamente puede adjuntarse sin restricciones a... more
Naturalness Theory (NT) is founded on the notion of naturalness and claims that when a linguistic phenomenon can be processed by humans with little effort, both sensomotorically and cognitively, it is deemed more natural compared to... more
Morphological techniques, operations, and rules are selected by natural languages according to a range of parameters of morphological naturalness/markedness. Since the range of options within a single parameter goes from a maximum to a... more
Nei lavori precedenti, rifiutando l'interpretazione della conversione come suffissazione zero, abbiamo proposto un'analogia tra metafora semantica e conversione, identificando la conversione come una sorta di metafora morfologica (v.... more
In spite of the central position that the concept word has among the basic units of language structure, there is no consensus as to the definition of this concept (or network of related concepts). Many perspectives are needed in order to... more
The present article deals with the question of the so-called συνθετικό φωνήεν, namely the vowel that links the two members of a compound in Modern Greek. The author proposes to assign to the vowel a morphological status of interradical... more
The semiotic principle of metaphoricity derives from that type of icon that the philosopher Charles S. Peirce calls metaphor. Metaphors, as well as images and diagrams, are particular instantiations of the superordinate category of... more
Dolgozatomban arra az évtizedek óta meg-megújuló vitákat kirobbantó kérdésre próbálok meg adekvát s a korábbiakhoz képest alternatív választ találni, mely a magyar -é morfémastátusát firtatja. A kérdés megválaszolásához azonban kicsit... more
Ma chi dice che una certa condizione che postuliamo come universale per render conto di certe osservazioni sia quella vera, o che almeno corrisponda in qualche forma alla realtà sottostante? Naturalmente nessuno. Questa è semplicemente la... more
Актуальная контактная ситуация, сложившаяся вокруг лемковского языка, является социально асимметричной, что вполне типично для таких языковых образований, как микроязыки, функционирующих, как правило, наряду с национальными литературными... more