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The shifting boundaries between the state, the market, and institutions of higher education (Henkel 2007) have displaced the university from its 'free-floating' position in society, with implications for the exercise of academic practice... more
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      Higher EducationGlobalization And Higher EducationInternationalization of higher educationNational Polices of Education
Ritüeller, toplumsal yapıyı şekillendirme ve toplum üyelerini birbirine bağlama işlevi görür. Modern uluslaşma süreciyle, yeni nesilleri toplumsallaştırma artık okullarda yapılmaktadır. Geçmişte aile ve dini kurumların işlevi, günümüz... more
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      HistoryEducationInformal LearningHistory of Education
This paper explores the external and internal factors of failures in public education systems and reforms such as geography and climate; cultural differences and transfers; as well as corruption and inefficiency.
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      Comparative & International EducationNational Education and Training SystemsComparative EducationComparative and International Development Education
The National Education Policy- 2010 (NEP- 2010), approved by the National Parliament in December 2010, provides a framework for primary school administration. The policy gives immense power of internal supervision and monitoring to the... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisBangladeshNational Polices of EducationPublic Policy
Ευρισκόμενοι αυτό το διάστημα οι περισσότεροι τελειόφοιτοι σπουδαστές που φοιτούν στο τέταρτο έτος της Σχολής Αξιωματικών της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας, στην διαδικασία συγγραφής της ατομικής πτυχιακής τους εργασίας, στα πλαίσια του... more
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      Police SciencePoliceAnthropology of Police & PolicingPolice Technology
Paradigma pendidikan profesional kepolisian sudah saatnya untuk berubah, CPE dan CPD harus saling melengkapi disinergikan dalam satu sistem yang terintegrasi, sehingga manfaat dari kedua pendidikan berkelanjutan tersebut dapat memberi... more
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      Police ScienceEducationTeacher EducationScience Education
There are a number of previous works showing the fact that education can affect the economic growth and development of countries by various means. In the relationship between national education and economic growth and development, human... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsDevelopment StudiesEconomic Growth
O estudo tem objetivo de realizar o levantamento tipo estado Da arte do termo qualidade aplicado na área da educação. A pesquisa pauta-se sobre os seguintes questionamentos: Existem pesquisas do campo das políticas educacionais que... more
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      EducationPolitics Of EducationQuality in EducationQuality of Education
In the modern world, education is a concept that everyone's paths cross in their lives. While the essence and main focus of education consist of the pedagogical process that an individual goes through for learning purposes, education is... more
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      International RelationsEducationDevelopment StudiesInternational Development
Social studies course is a pivotal course offered in the first three years of students’ primary education. Since the foundation of the Turkish Republic to the present, there have been changes in the curricula of the social studies course... more
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      Modern HistoryEducationHistory of IdeasSocial Sciences
In my article I want to explore the hidden meaning behind Sri Aurobindo's national education theory.
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      EducationNationalismSri AurobindoNational Polices of Education
Suggestions submitted on Draft National Education Policy (DNEP) 2019. Focus on migrating and out-of-school children as well as compliance with Right To Education (RTE) Act, 2009. Suggestions were primarily prepared in regards with status... more
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      Right to EducationNational Education PolicyNational Polices of Education
Την Παρασκευή 16/03/2018 είχα την τιμή και την χαρά να συμμετέχω στο 6ο Συνέδριο Security Project με θέμα: "Φορητές Κάμερες για τις Αρχές και τις Υπηρεσίες Ασφάλειας (Police Body Worn Cameras): Λογοδοσία, Ευκαιρίες & Κίνδυνοι". Το 6ο... more
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      Police SciencePolicePolice Interviews (Community Psychology)Anthropology of Police & Policing
DOTTA, Alexandre Godoy . A estrutura e o financiamento da pós-graduação no Brasil no contexto do desenvolvimento do serviço público de educação. A&C. Revista de Direito Administrativo & Constitucional, Belo Horizonte, v. 14, p. 229-245,... more
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      EducaciónEducaçãoPolíticas de educação superiorNational Polices of Education
Правни и полицијски позив је деликатан и високо захтеван, везан за обављање послова из домена извршне власти те носи специфичности политичког, економског, правног и безбедносног система националне државе. Међутим, са процесом... more
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      National Polices of EducationPolice Education
Achievement of professional results when performing police duties is conditioned by not causing unnecessary harmful consequences, primarily when using police powers, which must be proportionate to the need to exercise them and the police... more
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      Police SciencePolicePolice and PolicingPolice use of force
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      EducationEconomics of EducationEducation PolicyIndia
O artigo tem como objetivo apresentar a estrutura política e o financiamento da pós-graduação stricto sensu no Brasil. Fundamenta-se no estudo do Plano Nacional de Pós-Graduação 2011-2020, cujo objetivo fundamental é fomentar o... more
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      EducaciónEducaçãoPolíticas de educação superiorNational Polices of Education
The policy’s ill-conceived advocacy of multidisciplinary approach could end up producing graduates have fragments of knowledge of some subjects, but are good at none
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      Higher EducationMultidisciplinaryIndian educational systemEducational Policy Studies
Dans le cadre du SEMINAIRE ETHNOLOGIE ET ARCHEOLOGIES 2017 « Sociétés et êtres d'exception. Approche interdisciplinaire et de sciences participatives » (dédié à Tchicaya U Tam' Si) sous la direction de Pierre Le Roux, Bernard Moizo, Roger... more
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      ManagementHistorySociologyEuropean Studies
В историографии национальную политику 1920-30-ых гг. – т. н. коренизацию, принято рассматривать как, в целом, прогрессивное явление, или, словами Т. Мартина, как «политику положительного действия». Действительно, культурные и... more
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      Soviet HistoryNational IdentityNationalism And State BuildingNationalism And State Building (International Studies)
Switzerland, like other countries in Europe, has long depended on migration and mobility for its economy. Facilitating the integration of migrant children in school, primarily through the acquisi-tion of the local language, has therefore... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationMobility/MobilitiesIntercultural Education
AbsTrAcT: This article proposes to carry out an analysis on the context of the financialization of science produced in Brazil enhanced by the new Legal Framework of Science, Technology and Innovation (Law nº 13.243/2016). With the... more
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      Political EconomyNational Polices of EducationScience and Thecnology
This paper examines the state policy of instituting citizenship through national education in Afghanistan. To this end, the Social Studies Textbooks as well as the Civic Education textbooks that are used in state schools in grades 4-9... more
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      AfghanistanEducation for CitizenshipNationalism And State BuildingTextbook Research
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      MediaProgramme for International Students Assessment (PISA)OECD Education PolicyNational Polices of Education
Education of people of German origin in Greater Poland in the first years after the end of World War II. Selected examples Summary In the first months after the end of World War II, the education of children belonging to national... more
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      National minoritiesNational MinorityEthnic and National Minorities In PolandNational Polices of Education
The phenomenon is used as the object of research is the quality of educational services at the Senior High School in South Jakarta Municipality is still not optimal. The research objective was to discuss the influence of implementation of... more
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      Education PolicyEducation Policy StudiesHigher Education PolicyNational Polices of Education
O posicionamento dos integrantes da comissão própria de avaliação sobre o conceito de avaliação institucional, Apresentado no: IX Congresso Nacional de Educação EDUCERE e o III Encontro Sul Brasileiro de Psicopedagogia - ESBPp. 2009.... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationHigher EducationEducación
НАРОДЫ КАВКАЗА В XVIII-XXI вв.: ИСТОРИЯ, ПОЛИТИКА, КУЛЬТУРА Материалы VIII Международного форума историков-кавказоведов (г. Пятигорск, 14-15 октября 2021 г.) В 2 частях. Ч. 1. Ростов-на-Дону: Издательство ЮНЦ РАН, 2021
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      Russian StudiesSoviet HistoryModern Greek HistoryRussian History
The workshop is intended to be a 'hybrid' event (in-person with a 'virtual' component); a part of it will take place in-situ at the IOS, Regensburg, and will be broadcast online, and another part of the event will be held online through... more
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesEastern EuropeRomanian History
Summary of National Education Policy (NEP2020) - School Education Section - in Marathi. First 6 of 8 chapters are covered - Early Child Care & Education, Foundational Literacy & Numeracy, Dropouts, Curriculum and Pedagogy,... more
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      Education PolicyRight to Education ActMarathi literatureNational Polices of Education
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      Sociology of EducationTeacherProgramme for International Students Assessment (PISA)Education in Finland
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      National Polices of EducationPolice EducationPolice and Higher Education