Music Archaeology
Recent papers in Music Archaeology
The Lamont and Queen Mary harps of National Museums Scotland are two of the oldest surviving examples of the harp of Ireland and the Highlands of Scotland. Growing interest in these iconic instruments has led to a need for new research... more
A lot of researches have already bestowed on the chime-bell’s tonic series between the Western Zhou Dynasty and the early Warring States (about 1046B.C. ~400B.C.). After the Marquis Yi of Zeng’s age passed, the chime-bell culture in... more
D’une teneur principalement méthodologique et épistémologique, cet article aspire avant tout à remettre en question la démarche de l’archéomusicologie et à proposer une nouvelle approche dans laquelle la recherche se mêlerait à... more
O acompanhamento musical das práticas esportivas é uma característica marcante dos jogos na Grécia antiga, seja nos treinamentos, seja nas competições. Este acompanhamento se dava com instrumentos de sopro, especificamente o aulos e a... more
Swedish archaeology is not spoiled for finds of Medieval music instruments. In the collections of Sigtuna museum there are two tuning keys for string instruments dated to the latter half of the 11th century, and what may be a playing key... more
L’interesse di sovrani e uomini di chiesa per l’organo ha caratterizzato la presenza dello strumento dall’età ellenistica sino a tutto il primo millennio. Scienziati e poeti, scultori e artisti, cronisti e storici hanno espresso, ciascuno... more
En El Salvador, el trabajo en materia musical prehispánica es mínimo, lo cual planteó la necesidad de hacer un primer análisis organológico enmarcado en las principales corrientes teórico-metodológicas contemporáneas. El presente trabajo... more
RicaRdo Eichmann -Fang JianJun -LaRs-chRistian Koch (hRsg.) studien zur musikarchäologie Viii Klänge der Vergangenheit die interpretation von musikarchäologischen artefakten im Kontext sound from the Past the interpretation of musical... more
Når begynte menneskene å lage musikk? Kan arkeologene finne spor etter musisering allerede fra steinalderen? Hvordan var musikkhistorien før den vanlige musikkhistorien starter? I denne boka kan du se hvilke instrumenter folk i... more
Cominciamo con un rapido sguardo preliminare all'affresco dcl Parnaso. Vi sono dipinti cinque strumenti, alcuni antichi, altri moderni,
Already in the middle of the 3 rd millennium BC a great number of texts and iconographic documents refer to music and musicians, and a complex hierarchy of musicians is attested. But the beginnings of Egyptian music are much earlier. At... more
Paper read at the SPAFACON2021 (The 4th SEAMEO SPAFA International Conference on Southeast Asian Archaeology and Fine Arts), held online from 13-17 December 2021. Abstract Based on the two inscriptions dated Wednesday 8 September 1546... more
The study of music from the earliest past draws upon iconography and archaeology, and any attempt to understand the earliest acoustic ecologies requires some level of approximation based on material artefacts. Participants are invited to... more
Importantes testimonios sobre al-Andalus han llegado hasta nuestros días gracias a la conservación de distintos manuscritos realizados por cronistas e historiadores andalusíes permitiéndonos conocer las raíces de la historia. Los sabios... more
In the paper I shall present the archaeological finds of Late Neolithic (or Eneolithic) ceramic drums in the Czech Republic and my considerations on their role in the past societies. The process of their production and practical function... more
Selected papers presented at the conference are published in the journal Music in Art XXXVIII/1-2 (2013)
Prehistorical musical instruments have been explored in archaeology more systematically since the 1970s when music archaeology was established as a field of study. The new awareness initially led to studies centred on retrieving musical... more
The paper discusses Scandinavian animal bells in a context of pre-historical and early historical soundscapes. The term soundscape in this sense refer to a physical sonic environment as well as the ways of perceiving that environment.... more
Bells, Pellet Bells and Bell Pendants: Listening to the Iron Age Finland The thesis addresses the problem of Finnish Iron Age bells, pellet bells and bell pendants, previously unexplored musical artefacts from the 400–1200-centuries AD.... more
Resumen: La arqueología musical se caracteriza por el estudio pluridisciplinar.Uno de los principales debates en la materia es su relación con la Etnomusicología,centrado especialmente en la posibilidad de reconstruir el pasado basándonos... more
Music was of great importance in ancient Egypt, playing a significant role in ritual contexts, but also at court festivities and in private households. In the following, it will be discussed what is known about music in ancient Egypt,... more
The archaeological record of the ancient city of Teotihuacan holds the remains of many examples of ceramic multiple flutes with four pipes, known as quadruple flutes, and a variety of miniatures depicting the same kind of instrument. Even... more
En 1976 el Museo Regional de Oaxaca (México) recibió en calidad de donación la colección de instrumentos musicales del etnomusicólogo Samuel Martí (1906-1975). A treinta años del legado de Martí, un proyecto de curaduría ha permitido... more
In this article we reach the mytho-symbolic and ritual character of the drum considering the Macedonian (and broadely the Balkan) Traditional culture. We summarize its role in the shamanic activities, afterwards assuming its role as the... more
The following analysis deals with the “practical” side of the ancient Egyptian love songs: the way they were presented, who the performers were, how and where the performances took place as well as technical aspects concerning singing and... more
Draft paper for Till, Rupert (2009) Songs of the stones: the acoustics of Stonehenge. In: The Sounds of Stonehenge. Centre for the History of Music in Britain, the Empire and the Commonwealth. CHOMBEC Working Papers No. 1 . Hadrian Books.... more
When contextualising the ancient Greek solmisation system, known from Aristides Quintilianus and one of Bellermann's Anonymi, within its musical and linguistic environment, it emerges that it hardly predates the Roman Imperial period, an... more