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Based on over seventy interviews with diplomats and experts from all five MIKTA member countries, we find that MIKTA is used as a value-for-money minilateral mechanism for the world’s lesser powers grappling with the heightened global... more
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      Global GovernancePolitical ScienceDiplomacyBusiness and Management
In this paper, I’ll try to examine the ideas and the approach of Strange and will try to point out the advantages and disadvantages of a multipolar world to the governance of international trade, finance, production and technology.... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyGlobalizationInternational Political Economy
If we are talking about geopolitics, we must apply an integrated an complex approach that combines power (primarily hard power-military strength and economic) and a certain view on the territory issues. The key concepts in geopolitics are... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisGeopoliticsSouth Asian StudiesPakistan
This University of Bristol (UOB) dissertation analysed the role of BRICS in regional and global governance. It theorises BRICS and explains how it views the militarisation of disputes, its desired role in the financial system and... more
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      International Relations TheoryClimate ChangeRealism (Political Science)Hegemony
It is assumed that China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and the international developmental financing institutions (IDFIs) recently created in order to support it, are going to challenge the Bretton Woods institutions and, as a... more
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      Financial EconomicsChina Going GlobalChina's foreign policyBretton Woods
Russia’s vetoes expressed at the UN Security Council coupled with the military intervention in the Syrian civil war have been harshly criticised by the Western community. While there is widespread agreement about the fact that Putin wants... more
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      GeopoliticsConstructivismRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign Policy
Czwarta Teoria Polityczna" (dalej: 4TP) to idea współczesnego rosyjskiego myśliciela Aleksandra Dugina (ur. 1962), wyłożona w dziele pod tym samym tytułem 11 . Dugin to pisarz polityczny, filozof i socjolog, praktyk i teoretyk stosunków... more
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      GeopoliticsPhilosophy of HistoryPolitical ViolenceCarl Schmitt
Since the Cold War ended the world has become unipolar and the United States is delighting in a hegemonic position. As the 21st century progresses the framework of international system is again moving from unipolar to a multipolar... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisPakistanPakistan StudiesUnipolarity
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      Russian StudiesAmerican StudiesTerrorismNATO
discusses the evolution and preferences of Pakistan's foreign policy with focus on opportunities and options available in changing international order.
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      International RelationsPakistanPakistan StudiesMultipolar
This paper overviews European Identitarian and/or New Rightist philosophy regarding the issues of ethnicity, culture, race, and identities and politics related to these. Topics discussed in the paper include the following: the conception... more
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      Sociology of CultureIntercultural CommunicationCultural SociologyDemocratic Theory
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisEuropean PoliticsEuropean Union
This essay covers the main characteristics of two main schools of thought in international relations theory: classical realism and neo-realism. The essay attempts to give contemporary politics examples in order to enhance the idea that... more
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryPolitical TheoryGlobal Governance
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceCold WarChina
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      Neo-EurasianismMultipolarityAlexandr Dugin
In this brief article, Dugin discusses what role the structure of the nation-state would play in a Multipolar World, and how it differs from what role it plays in globalism.
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      GlobalizationPolitical ScienceTraditionalismNation-State
El mundo vive una compleja y difícil transición. Emergen nuevos actores, las relaciones de poder se reconfiguran y retornan viejas narrativas para explicar las acciones de los estados. La narrativa de un mundo unipolar como sistema... more
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      Russian Foreign PolicyChina Going GlobalUnited States Foreign PolicyNATO-Russian Relations
El 17 de diciembre de 2014 comenzaron las conversaciones bilaterales entre los Estados Unidos y Cuba luego de más de medio siglo de tensiones y hostilidades entre los dos países. Una de las interrogantes que levanta este proceso es si los... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational RelationsCuban StudiesRegionalism
La estrategia occidental frente a la profundización del conflicto entre Rusia y Ucrania puso al descubierto que los dispositivos de cancelación pueden operar a escala planetaria en la disputa geopolítica y hasta tener por objetivo -en... more
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      GlobalizationGlobalisation and cultural changeGeopoliticsViolencia
Application for the University of Melbourne's McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowship Program 2022 round.
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      Artificial IntelligenceInternational RelationsPolitical ScienceStrategic Culture
El presente trabajo se propone describir las principales características de la Iniciativa de la Franja y la Ruta (IFR) lanzada por el presidente chino Xi Jinping en el año 2013, haciendo hincapié no solo en sus dimensiones económicas o en... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsGeopoliticsChinaChina Going Global
DOĞU PERİNÇEK ABD nereye gidiyor 3 ALEKSANDR DUGİN Büyük Yeniden Başlatma ve Büyük Uyanış 11 PROF. DR. SEMİH KORAY ABD hakkında dört tez 29 DR. MEHMET PERİNÇEK ABD üzerine tezler 32 PROF. DR. CÜNEYT AKALIN ABD'nin Musaddık Darbesi 37... more
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      American PoliticsInterest Groups (American Politics)Peace and Conflict StudiesAmerican Foreign Policy
En la presente ponencia, intentaremos hacer una caracterización del estado de situación geopolítica mundial en la actualidad, para luego analizar cómo se inserta América Latina en este proceso. Para ello, abordaremos los acuerdos a los... more
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      Globalization and New World OrderBRICSLatinoamericaMultipolarity
Transcurrida más de una década y media del «siglo asiático», el epicentro de la economía mundial se ha trasladado del Atlántico Norte hacia Asia Oriental a un ritmo sin precedentes. Como correlato, la creciente expansión china a nivel... more
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      EconomicsDevelopment EconomicsInternational RelationsPolitical Economy
The Green New Deal, understood as a means to reestablishing US hegemony, has failed and given way to a global austerity turn. This has significant consequences for the ability of the US state to fully and hegemonically integrate China... more
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      Political Geography and GeopoliticsStrategy (Military Science)International RelationsDevelopment Studies
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      World Systems AnalysisUnipolarityMultipolarityUnipolar Theory
Questi ultimi anni sono stati caratterizzati da profondi cambiamenti che hanno modificato il panorama economico e sociale in cui vivevamo.Le società europee sono state attraversate da una crisi venuta da oltre atlantico (quella dei... more
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      Karl PolanyiMultipolarity
If we compare today's world with the World(s) from 1914, 1929 or 1939, some similarities occur: multiple powerful actors on the global and regional levels with conflicting interests, economic difficulties of a large number of economies,... more
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      GeopoliticsGeopolitical EconomyMultipolarismMultipolarity
Understanding of the dollar’s world role is dominated by the ideas of ‘dollar hegemony’ and ‘US hegemony’. In this paper, based on our extensive past work, we reveal how these ideas are ideologies, not theories. In their place, we reveal... more
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      Political EconomyInternational Political EconomyUnited StatesDollar
This paper inquires into the effects of an emerging multipolar world on the international institution of regionalism. While IR scholarship has been making a strong case for the regionalization of world politics since the 1990s, the fact... more
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      Latin American StudiesInternational Relations TheoryInternational Political EconomyRegionalism
Este artículo muestra el modelo de influencia que Rusia está utilizando en África, ya que posee diversas características que lo diferencian claramente, no solo del que utiliza en su periferia, sino de regiones más lejanas, por ejemplo,... more
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      African StudiesRussian PoliticsRussian Foreign PolicyGreat Power Rivalry
In the last few years, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) countries have been increasingly investing in developing their cooperation and seeking to exert joint global influence. BRICS' mobilization has been visible... more
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      U.S. Foreign PolicyBRICSMultipolarityEmerging powers of Global South: Rising BRICS Countries
El presente trabajo se propone abordar los principales debates y conclusiones del II Foro de la Franja y la Ruta para la Cooperación Internacional (conocida como "Ruta de la Seda"), donde concurrieron representantes de más de 150 países,... more
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      ChinaChina Going GlobalChina studiesContemporary China
Since the disintegration of USSR Eurasia has gained a new geopolitical and strategic significance. Fifteen Countries emerged as result of disintegration, among which only Russian Federation was the successor state. The post-soviet era... more
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      Russian StudiesEastern European and Russian Jewish HistoryCentral Eurasian StudiesEurasianism
Durante los últimos años las regiones han adquirido una creciente importancia en el sistema internacional. La Unión Europea aparece como la formación regional más consolidada de la actualidad, y ha mostrado un renovado interés por las... more
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      GlobalizationGlobal GovernanceRegional IntegrationGlobalización
The coming 5th European Conference of African Studies (ECAS 5) which is being held on 27-29 June 2013 in Lisbon, Portugal, of which this book is partly a sneak preview, proposes to make the case that African Studies are a vibrant,... more
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      DemographyAfrican StudiesDevelopment StudiesCorporate Social Responsibility
„SMALL STATES IN A WORLD OF REGIONS AND THE CHALLENGES OF MULTIPOLARIZATION OF INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE 21ST CENTURY“ In academic discussions and political dicourse on multipolarity at the beginning of the 21st... more
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      International RelationsRussian Foreign PolicyEuropean Foreign PolicyChinese foreign policy
En el presente trabajo, intentaremos caracterizar el proyecto de la Nueva Ruta de la Seda, en tanto complejo productivo-comercial que abarca a más de 60 países de Asia, Europa, África y Oceanía. Para ello, tomaremos como base las... more
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      ChinaBRICSMultipolarityLa ruta de la seda
IV Jornadas de Sociología: Agrietar al neoliberalismo en nuestra América MESA 18: Hegemonía, comunicación y poder. Hacia una geopolítica del siglo XXI Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y... more
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      SociologyPolitical SociologyGeopoliticsIdeology
Guerra comercial o Guerra de 'Big Data' En la era de la globalización se está transitando hacia una nueva forma de acumulación, que algunos lo denominan como "Capitalismo de Inteligencia Artificial" y otros como Data Capitalismo. Su... more
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      CiberculturaBRICSCapitalismoBig Data
This review comments on a book that inspired the debate concerning declining US leadership, hegemonic claims and an upcoming world of turmoil in an unbalanced multipolar world.
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      International RelationsHegemonyMultipolarityRising Powers, International Order, International Relations Theory
In the enthusiasm to declare a second ‘scramble for Africa’ by emerging powers, China has dwarfed the debate, fuelled by the zero-sum perception that its gain is the United States’ loss. Although middle powers such as Turkey and Brazil... more
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisPolitical Science
Russian-Algerian bilateral relations have recently gained more significance for both states. For Russia, as a (re)emerging global actor following the Soviet era decline, Algeria continues to be an indispensable partner to any global... more
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      International RelationsRussian PoliticsContemporary AlgeriaMultipolarity
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      Small StatesRegional PowersSpheres of InfluenceMultipolarity
The paper advances a generational psychosociological argument for the persistence of the Blob in Western foreign policy and attempts to explain the remarkable endurance of a Cold War mentality in the multipolar post-Cold War age.
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      International RelationsInternational Relations TheoryCold War and CultureLiberalism
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      Asia Pacific RegionAsian-Pacific RegionMultipolarityCooperacion Internacional y Política Exterior Colombiana
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      Indian foreign policyMultipolarismMultipolarityInernational relations
In this paper the author argues that Russian policy-and opinion-makers, having borrowed the concept of multipolarity from the (neo)realist vocabulary, very often they use it in a much broader sense of narratives on Russian identity and... more
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      SecurityForeign PolicyRussiaMultipolarity
Resumen: El propósito fundamental de este ensayo es abordar el estado actual y la proyección de corto plazo de la política mundial, así como observar un aspecto central como es el alcance político de la crisis económica-financiera de... more
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      World PoliticsEconomic CrisisMultipolarityInternational Order
Soğuk Savaş boyunca, uluslar arası sistemin iki kutuplu yapısı ve bazı devletlerin elinde bulunan nükleer silahlar, sorunlu bir barışın sürdürülmesini sağladı. İki kutuplu dönem sona yaklaşırken, sistemde yaşanması muhtemel yapısal... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsInternational PoliticsNeorealismPolitics and International relations