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Encyclopedia article for Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Organizations that Shaped America. Citizens for Health is an American advocacy group that lobbies the government on behalf of dietary, nutritional, and holistic health... more
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    • Interest Groups (American Politics)
Little empirical attention has been paid to state capital expenditures for higher education. While some anecdotal evidence exists that the process of appropriating capital dollars to higher education institutions is a particularly... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Higher EducationState And Local Public FinanceState Politics
Planung und Evaluation im Public-Affairs-Management (PA) erfordern eine strategische Vorstellung von Ziel-Mittel-Relationen sowie Verlaufs- und Ergebnisinformationen über Veränderungen. Der Beitrag gibt in drei Teilen einen Überblick über... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Measurement and EvaluationPerformance MeasurementPolitical communication
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Lobbying
Since the early 1990s, the federal role in education—exemplified by the controversial No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)—has expanded dramatically. Yet states and localities have retained a central role in education policy, leading to a... more
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      American PoliticsEducationSocial PolicyInterest Groups (American Politics)
In attempting to explain state support of public higher education, this study develops a theory-driven, comprehensive conceptualization of the state political system within a larger theoretical framework that consists of state economic... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Higher EducationState And Local Public FinancePublic Policy
The whole matter of compensation for unjust convictions for felonies and lesser crimes is well worth further study, to the end that within measurable time remedial legislation may cure this defect in our social institutions. 1
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      SociologyLawCriminal JusticeState Politics (American Politics)
В статье проведен обзор лоббистских практик, распространенных в США. Проведен анализ официальных данных о финансировании лоббизма: объем лоббистских трат, объем трат крупнейших лоббистских клиентов и доходы самых высокооплачиваемых... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Political SciencePoliticsPolitical communication
State support of public higher education has rapidly declined relative to total state spending. Much of this decline in support is due to the rapid growth in spending on such things as Medicaid. However, relative support of public higher... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Higher EducationPolitical ScienceState And Local Public Finance
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      Social MovementsInterest Groups (American Politics)Social MovementSocial Movements (Political Science)
En mis escritos y publicaciones, me refiero frecuentemente a la estructura real que permite al poder plutocrático operar su férreo dominio sobre los habitantes del planeta tierra. Pero... ¿Quienes la componen? ¿Como funciona? En otras... more
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      Political SociologySocial ChangePolitical PhilosophyInterest Groups (American Politics)
Introduction I argue that the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) engages in gay mainstream lobbying, which is designed to reward heterosexual institutions over LGBTQ interests. The Human Rights Campaign’s lobbying is considered gay... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)LGBT IssuesLobbyingLGBT Studies
This dissertation examines the role of external experts in local agenda setting. The study conducts on archival research on three components of Oklahoma City’s Metropolitan Area Projects programs, specifically education, indoor arenas,... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)GlobalizationUrban PoliticsInterest Groups (Political Science)
DOĞU PERİNÇEK ABD nereye gidiyor 3 ALEKSANDR DUGİN Büyük Yeniden Başlatma ve Büyük Uyanış 11 PROF. DR. SEMİH KORAY ABD hakkında dört tez 29 DR. MEHMET PERİNÇEK ABD üzerine tezler 32 PROF. DR. CÜNEYT AKALIN ABD'nin Musaddık Darbesi 37... more
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      American PoliticsInterest Groups (American Politics)Peace and Conflict StudiesAmerican Foreign Policy
Interests play an important role in all modern political systems. But the forms in which interests are articulated very much depend on the context of the particular case. Accordingly, this chapter reviews at the outset various definitions... more
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      Social MovementsInterest Groups (American Politics)Democratic TheoryDemocratization
The American Immigration Control Foundation (AIC-Foundation) is an interest group dedicated to restricting immigration by enforcing and expanding upon the existing legislative,
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Immigration
Iklim budaya masyarakat di Amerika Serikat yang sangat konservatif telah menunjukkan ketidaksiapan negara ini menerima adanya hubungan resmi (pernikahan) pasangan gay bahkan cenderung mengintimidasinya tanpa ada perjuangan dari kaum ini... more
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      American StudiesInterest Groups (American Politics)LGBT IssuesSocial Movements (Political Science)
Current developments in the world geopolitical arena indicate that U.S. foreign policy substantially impacts the global and regional scene. At the same time, interest representation or lobbying is legally based and professionally... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)KosovoSerbiaAdvocacy and Lobbying
Why are US labor unions so weak? Union decline has had important consequences for politics, inequality, and social policy. Common explanations cite employment shifts, public opinion, labor laws, and differences in working class culture... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsInterest Groups (American Politics)ClassLabor History and Studies
Contemporaneously, the study of EU lobbying appears somewhat disconnected from other sub-areas within the study of EU-politics. Research tends to be focused on single issues – either particularistic or directional – and concentrates on... more
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      CommunicationTechnologyInterest Groups (American Politics)Environmental policy
The whole matter of compensation for unjust convictions for felonies and lesser crimes is well worth further study, to the end that within measurable time remedial legislation may cure this defect in our social institutions. (1) I.... more
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      SociologyLawCriminal JusticeState Politics (American Politics)
Previously published research suggested that the typical manager may be expected to harm others in his role as a manager. Further support for this was drawn from the Panalba role-playing case. None of the 57 control groups in this case... more
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      ManagementInterest Groups (American Politics)Business Strategies
This final paper discusses the role of a private corporation in the United States which runs the private prison industry, Correction Corporation of America (CCA), against the passage of an SB1070 policy on illegal immigrants in Arizona in... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Interest Groups (Political Science)LobbyingPrivate Prisons
This paper departs from the observation that a systematic review of the available theories, concepts, and methods and techniques for researching lobbying is lacking. Lobbying is a relational geography of power. And although economic and... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEconomic SociologyEconomic GeographyGame Theory
This dissertation advances the state of knowledge on interest group influence in congressional committees. Portions of this work have been delivered at the American Political Science Association Annual Meetings. In 2015, this dissertation... more
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      American PoliticsCongress (American Politics)Interest Groups (American Politics)Social Networks
Scholars of political campaigns have focused on traditional mobilization efforts where a political party or interest group targets core supporters and undecided independents. Yet campaigns are increasingly targeting persuadable members of... more
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      Political BehaviorPublic OpinionInterest Groups (American Politics)Political Science
This is Chapter 8 of my dissertation. It examines why unionization rates in the U.S. and Canada diverged sharply in the mid-1960s, after tracking each other closely for several decades, to the point where Canadian unionization rates are... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Labor History (U.S. history)Trade unionismLabor law
What are the primary factions within the Democratic and Republican parties, and to what extent do rival factions cooperate? We address these questions using a unique data set of information sharing between party organizations, media... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Social NetworksPolitical PartiesSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
Interview with art historian and sociologist Peter Bengtsen for Swedish National Radio (P1 Kulturnytt) about the auction sale of Joshua Monroe’s sculpture "The Emperor Has No Balls" (2016) through Gray’s Auctioneers on 26 October 2016.
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      Critical TheoryHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural History
"ADVOCACY ORGANIZATIONS IN THE U.S. POLITICAL PROCESS Kenneth T. Andrews Department of Sociology, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3210; email: [email protected] and Bob Edwards Department of Sociology,... more
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      Organizational BehaviorSociologyPolitical SociologySocial Movements
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      CommunicationTechnologyInterest Groups (American Politics)Regulation
This course is the introductory course to American Politics at the undergraduate level, and is often considered the introductory course in Political Science for students Majoring or Minoring in the Discipline, and for some, a General... more
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      American PoliticsPolitical PhilosophyTeaching and LearningPolitical Behavior
Revolving door lobbyists sit at the intersection of two communications networks, one connected to Capitol Hill actors, the other to fellow lobbyists. A growing body of research has investigated revolvers’ success in gaining access to... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Social Network Analysis (SNA)Interest Groups (Political Science)Lobbying
Theories of low-information rationality claim that uninformed voters can compensate for their lack of political knowledge by employing heuristics, such as interest group endorsements, to make voting decisions as if they were fully... more
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      Political BehaviorInterest Groups (American Politics)Public Opinion (Political Science)
Word Count: 3,477 Climate change denial in world politics During Donald Trump's rise to power, many have debated the involvement of foreign groups and conflicts of interest behind his campaign for presidency.
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      Comparative PoliticsInternational RelationsInterest Groups (American Politics)Climate Change
The Cuban-American lobby successfully influenced Congress and various presidential administrations from the early 1980s until nearly the end of the century on U.S. foreign policy towards Cuba. Although two major events, the passage of the... more
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      International RelationsInterest Groups (American Politics)Cuban StudiesCapitalism
This study asks: Do higher education institutions form lobbying alliances and if so why, when, and how do they function within those alliances? The study employs the conceptual framework developed by Hojnacki and finds her framework... more
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      State Politics (American Politics)Interest Groups (American Politics)Higher EducationAdvocacy and Activism
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      American PoliticsInterest Groups (American Politics)Lobbying
In attempting to explain state support of public higher education, this study develops a theory-driven, comprehensive conceptualization of the state political system within a larger theoretical framework that consists of state economic... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Higher EducationState And Local Public FinanceEducational Policy
"An examination of the fundamental institutions and political processes of the American system of government. Students are also given an overview of Georgia's Constitution, state politics, and state government institutions. POLS 1101... more
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      American PoliticsCongress (American Politics)Interest Groups (American Politics)Political Science
The United States of America leads the world in imprisonment of citizens (and perhaps noncitizens, too). Seven million Americans (1 of every 31 adults) are under "correctional control"in prison and jail or on probation and parole. Why?... more
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      CriminologyAmerican PoliticsInterest Groups (American Politics)Penology
Um 1920 war Lobbying in den USA allzu aufdringlich geworden. Der Ruf nach Regulierung wurde unüberhörbar. / In the 1920s, lobbying in the USA had become overly obtrusive. The call for regulation became too loud to ignore. KEYWORDS •... more
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      American PoliticsInterest Groups (American Politics)Political Economy of CommunicationRegulation And Governance
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Organizational ChangeInterest Groups (Political Science)Organizational Development
This paper argues that an interest group’s networking skills in micro-states may be as important, if not more important than other variables discussed in the interest group influence literature. This argument is based on the recent... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Social NetworksSocial NetworkingPolitical Science
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Social NetworksPolitical PartiesSocial Network Analysis (SNA)
Der moderne Medienwahlkampf und die permanente Kampagne in der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Regierung, Opposition und Lobbies haben einen neuen Typ von Politprofi hervorgebracht: den Political Consultant. Er bringt die politische Maschine... more
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      CampaigningAmerican PoliticsCongress (American Politics)Presidency (American Politics)
The federal Constitution of the United States has repeatedly been praised for its brevity and clarity. It is the first federal Constitution and has been a model for the constitutions of several other federal countries, “the noblest fabric... more
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesLawComparative Law
Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AU) is an interest group that lobbies officeholders as well as the general public for the promotion of enforcing the separation of church and state within the United States.... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)Religion and Politics
CAP is an American liberal think tank that promotes research and policies which advance the ideas of the modern progressive movement within and outside of the Democratic Party. Encyclopedia article for Political Parties, Interest Groups,... more
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      Interest Groups (American Politics)THINK TANKS & POLICY FORMULATION