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Why do we need the law? What is its purpose? Some Christians believe that we are still under the law including its moral and ceremonial aspects. We see this often with Seventh Day Adventist and Messianic congregations that practice... more
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      TheologyNew TestamentApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersNew Testament Theology
A riguardo del matrimonio, la rivelazione di Cristo porta a compimento quella dell’Antico Testamento a tre livelli: il livello della continuità, quello della discontinuità e quello del compimento. L'articolo li approfondisce.
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      New TestamentGospelsSynoptic GospelsMarriage and Divorce
If one wants to summarize in one brief sentence three centuries of Egyptian radiation throughout the Middle East and Northeastern Africa, the following is quite sufficient: A permanent strife between two priesthoods for prevalence and... more
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      Ancient Egyptian ReligionHistoryAncient HistoryCultural History
Mosaic Law is not binding for gospel followers, we are told. Is this assertion correct or based on other motives? The article expounds relevant New Testament portions and concludes that Messiah's followers should walk as He did, i.e. keep... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityNew Testament and Christian OriginsApostle Paul and the Pauline Letters
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    • Mosaic law
The centrality of God's sovereignty over what human beings may or may not eat is emphasized after creation, in the dietary laws of Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14. According to those laws, there are certain animals that we should consider... more
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      Jewish LawTheologyOld TestamentTorah/Pentateuch
A discussion of the relationship between Grace, the Law of Moses and the Law of Christ with special reference to Luther's misunderstanding of it.
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      Martin LutherOrthodox ChristianityMosaic law
The purpose of Mosaic law in the life and faith of the Jewish people was to shape them into a “Kingdom of Priests,” a people who reflected the nature of God to the surrounding nations so they could fulfill their mission of being a... more
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      DeuteronomyMosaic law1 PeterRoyal Priesthood
Der Beitrag erwägt aus bibelhermeneutischer Perspektive, wie es zu unterschiedlichen Idealisierungen des alttestamentlichen Gemeinwesens im politischen Denken der Frühen Neuzeit kam. Dabei werden zunächst allgemeine Faktoren... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryLawComparative Law
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      Pauline LiteratureApostle Paul and the Pauline LettersTorah/PentateuchGalatians
This article presents the Greek influence on the genre of Matthew’s text. Greek and Roman tragedy is examined, from which the five basic elements of tragedy are identified. A brief examination of the characters in the Matthean text is... more
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      GospelsAncient Greek and Roman TheatreAncient Greek tragedy, Narratology and ancient drama, Reperformances of ancient dramaAncient Greek Tragedy
This article rejects the view that Paul’s reference to “the keeping of the commandments of God” in 1 Corinthians 7:19b alludes to the requirement to observe the full Torah for believers from the Ἰουδαῖοι. At the same time it critiques the... more
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      New TestamentSecond Temple JudaismPauline TheologyIdentity
An examination of how  Philo of Alexandria and Flavius Josephus understood the role of the Law of Moses both for Jews and other peoples in the Roman Empire.
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      Flavius JosephusMosaic lawPhilo of AlexandiriaStudies In Philo and Josephus
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      RomansMosaic law
This Article analyzes the recent covenant marriage movement in America, and its deep roots in biblical teachings. It shows that the Hebrew Prophets, especially Malachi, described the covenant between God and his chosen people of Israel as... more
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      CalvinismMonogamyProtestantismMarital Communication
In this contribution, the five main views in understanding the fulfilment of the law in Matthew 5:17 are critiqued in terms of their inconsistency with the co-text of the Gospel. The whole of 5:17-48 is assessed in terms of the... more
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      Gospel of MatthewMosaic lawHistory of Salvation
Israel tells its history. But who is the Israel that tells? And what history does it tell? Who wrote the history of Israel is a group of Jews deported to Babylon and returned to Judea after a few decades spent in exile. They have... more
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      ReligionOld TestamentJewish HistoryAncient Israel
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      Biblical LawAncient Greek LawBiblical and Ancient Near Eastern LawMosaic law
In this essay I explore how the cross deals with the corruption and guilt of sin. I do this through the theological concepts of propitiation and expiation.
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      IrenaeusChristologyBiblical TheologyLeviticus
Samuel Bolton sets out a three-fold method for arriving at his conclusions by examining the nature, quality, and parts of Christian Freedom. It is not until Bolton describes the parts of Christian Freedom that the nuances held among... more
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      Baptist TheologyCovenant TheologyReformed theologyPuritans
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      HistoryLawTheologyEarly Modern History
The English puritan, Francis Roberts (1609–1675) wrote the puritan magnum opus on Covenant Theology. This section from that work gives a window into the majority puritan view that the Moral Law in Moses (the Ten Commandments) continues... more
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      Old Testament TheologyCovenant TheologyTen CommandmentsPuritans
Having struggled deeply with how in the New Covenant we should treat the fourth Commandment, in this paper I lay out an argument which has proven incredibly liberating for me as a Reformed, Calvinistic husband and father, especially... more
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      ChristianityEthicsVirtue EthicsCalvinism
Theories and interpretations abound regarding the Mosaic Law and its function in the life of the Christian. Primarily, these fall into two camps - the law enjoys permanent and binding status with Christians or the law has been abrogated... more
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      ChristianityChristian ApologeticsSabbathMosaic law
How do the Judicial Laws of Moses apply today? Rutherford, a Scottish covenanter and one of the Westminster divines, expounds the majority, historic and confessionally Reformed view of General Equity in contrast to Christian pluralism... more
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      Old Testament TheologyReformed Theology and EthicsChristian EthicsPolitical Theology
SUMMARY In accordance with the teaching of the conciliar Constitution Dei Verbum and of the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission entitled The Jewish People and their Sacred Scriptures, the present part of the study offers a... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesLoveBiblical Theology
In this contribution, the notion that the concept of ‘law’ in the Letter to the Hebrews only pertains to the cultic domain is challenged against the discourse on law in the whole letter. Apart from instances in which the law includes... more
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesThe Letter to the HebrewsTheology of Sacrifice
Discovered back in the 1800s, yet deemed a forgery, the text of the blessings and curses of Moses from Deut is actually one of the first Essene Dead Sea scrolls recovered. Potentially a larger book of other teachings and anecdotes of... more
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      Dead Sea Scrolls (Religion)Mosaic law
This Article analyzes the recent covenant marriage movement in America, and its deep roots in biblical teachings. It shows that the Hebrew Prophets, especially Malachi, described the covenant between God and his chosen people of Israel as... more
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Agitators in Galatia insisted that law observance for Gentiles was essential, because the eschatological blessing promised to the heirs of Abraham is only to be found within Israel. But in three key passages (3:13-14; 3:25-26; 4:4-7),... more
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      FaithEschatologyGalatiansJews and Gentiles in Paul
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      Abrahamic ReligionsLawJewish LawPolitical Philosophy
This paper discusses the problem of the Judaic law regarding its form of promulgation. Starting from the Hegelian critique of the Judaic law in Hegel’s Early Writings, the paper tries to show the relationship between promulgation and... more
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      PhilosophyJewish StudiesPolitical TheologyFilosofía
The interaction of law and Christianity has been a perennial topic of study over the past two millennia. In recent years, however, this topic has taken on new importance in legal education as scholars have wrestled with the contributions... more
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      ChristianityLawNew TestamentProtestantism
The curious reference to Moses in 2 Corinthians 3 has resulted in a variety of readings, many of which consider Paul’s argument to be apologetic and opposed to the Mosaic covenant. In this book, however, Duff’s view that internal... more
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      New TestamentBiblical StudiesBiblical TheologyNew Testament and Christian Origins
sermon from Matthew 5:21-30, preached 3/4/18 at Kilgore Bible Church, Kilgore, TX
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      AngerSERMON ON THE MOUNTGospel of MatthewAdultery
... Does the story of Cornelius teach that Peter first abandoned his observance of the Law, which enabled him to reach out to Gentiles, or did the Jewish (Torah-observant) Peter simply carry the gospel to Gentiles? This question goes to... more
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      Mosaic lawBibliotheca Sacra
When all that generation had been gathered to their fathers, another generation arose after them who did not know the Lord nor the work which He had done for Israel.... It seems obvious that the newer generation either had more exposure... more
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      Religious ExperienceBaalIdolatryMosaic law