Military Education and Training
Recent papers in Military Education and Training
“La educación militar en la transición democrática argentina. Tensiones entre concepciones tradicionales y reformistas en el contexto de crisis profesional e institucional del Ejército. 1984-1986”. En: Páginas. Revista Digital de la... more
This article considers approaches to teaching senior military officers at the U.S. Army War College (USAWC). It reviews the results of several studies and surveys from the employers of our graduates and from recent graduates themselves on... more
Ethics as espoused by philosophers and employed as a control mechanism by the many instruments of power, seems to be more a construct of what ‘ought’ than what ‘is’ , detracting away from genetically coded Ethical Thinking within regions... more
After years of looking for the most effective pedagogy for law school education, I prefer the EDGE method. Yes, it is the teaching rubric of Scouting. And it works. EDGE is an acronym that labels and summarizes a pedagogy, or... more
1nci Dünya Savaşı esnasında yedek subayların başta İstanbul olmak üzere subay talimgahlarda nasıl eğitildiği incelenmektedir.
This study examines the role of multiple instructional strategies in developing critical thinking in enlisted military personnel. The aim of this study is to test the effectiveness of modeling, problem solving, and lecture-based... more
A política de abertura de Colégios Militares não é unanimidade dentro das forças armadas, existe uma corrente que acredita que o Exército deve somente se dedicar ao en sino bélico e voltar suas atividades para seu objetivo fim que é a... more
In order to inculcate the values of “MAKA-DIYOS, MAKA-TAO, MAKAKALIKASAN AT MAKABANSA.”, all NSTP in every institution must be certain in reaching these core values through the NSTP-Common Module. This will remind the student of what is... more
Many military professionals and academics outline the importance of military theory and the need to study it. Some, like Colin Gray, even highlight how understanding it allows the profession of arms to better adapt in war. Given these... more
Türk Askerî Tarihi Bibliyografyası kitabı Nisan’da araştırmacıların hizmetine açıldığında 2021 yılına kadar yapılan 11398 çalışmanın künyesinden oluşmaktaydı. Gözden kaçanlar ve yeni yayınlarla birlikte bu sayı 14618’e ulaştı. Bu... more
Especially after the Second World War, understanding air power became a high priority for military practitioners, policy-makers and theorists, with the United States leading the quest for sound ideas and concepts for most of the following... more
Mission Command is a phrase that is often applied, but rarely understood. This blog takes a light hearted review of the context of Mission Command, and its origins as the German military philosophy of Auftragstaktik. Through this... more
Malgré l'avènement de la bombe atomique à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, le char va rester une arme d'intimidation très efficace durant toute la durée de la Guerre froide. Les deux blocs vont en produire et en déployer des... more
In 1916 the British Army created the Senior Officers' School at Aldershot to instruct majors and captains on various aspects of battalion command. The intention was to prepare officers to assume battalion commands, rather than having them... more
This article examines how well military education at the
Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst delivers lieutenants capable
of coping with the complexities of their operational environment
and the strategic implications of their decisions.
Royal Military Academy of Sandhurst delivers lieutenants capable
of coping with the complexities of their operational environment
and the strategic implications of their decisions.
Educare e addestrare alla guerra: il mestiere delle armi in Occidente, una tradizione aperta di Gastone Breccia Quando ci si avvicina al tema dell'educazione militare, il soggetto rischia di sfuggire prima ancora che sia stato messo a... more
This is a translation into English of the presentation made at the 13th Conference “Hellenic Language and Terminology” (online, 13 November 2021) and published by the Hellenic Society for Terminology, ELETO - ΕΛΕΤΟ, regarding the... more
En términos generales, la filosofía para la educación está conformada por un sistema de experiencias, tradiciones, valores y propósitos orientados hacia objetivos predeterminados que permiten alcanzar un fin. De este concepto... more
Atatürk'ün Harp Akademisi öğrenciliği yanı sıra dönemin askeri eğitim sistemini inceleyen bir makaledir.
This study examined whether cadets at a U.S. service academy perceived attitudinal differences toward their military and civilian L2 instructors along three variables: foreign language expertise, communicative anxiety, and relatability.... more
Artykuł analizuje rodzaj pobożności żołnierzy wczesnonowożytnych, który określany był jako "bojaźń Boża". Zjawisko to wykształciło się w latach 60. XVI wieku, a następnie było kultywowane przez dwa stulecia, w armii polskiej i litewskiej.... more
The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented development in terms of its scale and scope and controversy over its sources and future worldwide impact. The case of education confirms it. 1.3 billion pupils and students have been deprived of... more
¿Qué hacer con las Fuerzas Armadas? Educación y profesión de los militares argentinos en el siglo XXI. Prometeo Libros. Buenos Aires. 2016. ISBN 978-987-574-787-6. 292 páginas. Desde 1990 la subordinación militar a la conducción civil ha... more
Appropriate preparation of personnel is crucial to the effective performance of the duties in the work contexts, especially in the case of the security sector in one country. Given the specifics of the tasks and the hierarchical... more
Osmanlı askerî modernleşmesinin odak noktası olan subay sınıfı, II. Abdülhamid döneminden itibaren Alman usullerine göre yetiştirildi. Askerî okullara verilen önem eğitim kalitesinde artan bir ivme sağlamıştı. Bu dönemde Goltz Paşa,... more
Esta dissertação tematiza o discurso da/sobre a militarização de escolas públicas no Brasil a partir da análise de três políticas educacionais empreendidas em lugares e tempos distintos, a saber: i) a fundação, em 1889, e os primeiros... more
En términos generales, la fi losofía para la educación está conformada por un sistema de experiencias, tradiciones, valores y propósitos orientados hacia objetivos predeterminados que permiten alcanzar un fi n. De este concepto... more
The paper is a general historiographical overview of French military education in 18th century, looking at how the military education originated and developed across various branches in the army: infantry, artillery, cavalry and so on. It... more
Actualmente, los países industrializados destinan considerables recursos financieros para la investigación. Así mismo, se dispone de un apreciable número de personas de alta competitividad profesional involucradas en su desarrollo.
La educación militar es sin duda un área estratégica, por cuanto es allí donde se produce la formación y socialización militar. Por ello debe ser adicionalmente un escenario por excelencia para el fortalecimiento de los vínculos... more
The Strategic Corporal Revisited: Challenges Facing Combatants in 21st-Century Warfare is an edited book that explores the complexity of future warfare from an Australian military perspective.
It is commonly accepted that the nature of military operations is one of such character that no matter how well you prepare there will still be an expectation of having to deal with the unknown and unforeseen. Accordingly, there seem to... more
Twenty years after the unanimous adoption of UNSCR 1325 and the beginning of the women, peace and security agenda, the UN Security Council, for the first time, explicitly addressed equal access to education for... more
The concern of the advanced armies related to the development of the cultural and linguistic capabilities that are allowing the soldiers to operate into multicultural context, is active and adapted to the realities of the theatre of... more