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      Collective ActionSocial OntologyCollective IntentionalityMethodological Individualism
Dimostri pure il teorico che l'uomo ha diritto alla libertà, ma, qualunque sia il valore di tali dimostrazioni, ciò che è certo è che la libertà è diventata una realtà soltanto nella e grazie alla società (Durkheim, Sociologie e... more
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      SociologySocial TheorySuicideMethodological Individualism
A brief intellectual history of the indigenization movement in Asia leads to the thesis that the generation of psychological knowledge is culture dependent. Indigenous psychologies go further and insist on viewing a target group from the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityCulture
In the recent methodological individualism-holism debate on explanation, there has been considerable focus on what reasons methodological holists may advance in support of their position. We believe it is useful to approach the other... more
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      Philosophy of Social ScienceMethodological Individualism
Presented at the Third Conference of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS), Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (UNED), Madrid, Spain, 10–12 September 2014.
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      SociologySocial MovementsSocial TheoryPolitical Economy
A critique of individualism and defense of holism.
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      Philosophy of Social ScienceKarl PopperEmergenceReductionism
Este paper foi publicado como capítulo do livro Teoria Sociológica Contemporânea: autores e perspectivas, organizado por Carlos Eduardo Sell e Carlos Benedito Martins, Ed. Ana Blumme, 2017. O objetivo deste capítulo é discutir as... more
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      Social TheoryRational ChoiceSociological TheoryRationality
This paper draws attention to the somewhat neglected domains of affects, emotions, and subjectivity in the study of the commons. The paper argues that a focus on affective and communicative relations among humans and between humans and... more
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      ConservationCommonsPolitical EcologyGilbert Simondon
The present work aims at criticising the foundationalist assumptions of Methodological Individualism (MI) in the social sciences by showing that they depend on one, but not necessarily the only, conception of the role of explanation in... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsSocial TheoryPolitical Economy
Stressing that the pronoun "I" picks out one and only one person in the world (i.e., me), I argue against Hunt (and other like-minded Rand commentators) that the supposed "hard case" of destructive people who do not care for their own... more
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      ReligionComparative ReligionCriminologyPolitical Sociology
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      Methodological IndividualismOntological Anarchy (Hakim Bey)Methodological Holism
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      HayekSocial ComplexityComplex Adaptive Systems Theory - in social systemsMethodological Individualism
Publicado en libro: Los avatares de la modernidad, Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, Tucumán, 2001) David Hume no sólo fue uno de los filósofos más destacados de los tiempos modernos debido a la... more
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      EthicsHumeNaturalistic EthicsDavid Hume
A discussion of the works of Tarde, Canetti, and Deleuze reveals some common insights into a social epistemology that rejects both methodological individualism and methodological holism. In this respect, the debate on crowds in the last... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryEpistemologyMethodology
An actor-based model of political competition is proposed to explain the development of Chaco Anasazi groups in the northern American Southwest. This model is derived from neo-Darwinian theory and the associated concept of methodological... more
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      ArchaeologyAnthropologyPolitical CompetitionAnthropological Archaeology
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      Naturalistic FallacyDoctrine of Double EffectMethodological IndividualismUniversal Moral Grammar
Forty years since its publication, William Riker’s Federalism: Origin, Operation, Significance (1964) remains one of the most influential volumes on the politics of federalism. However, in assessing Riker’s federal theory, scholars tend... more
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      Political ScienceApplied EconomicsConstitutional DesignConstitutional Political Economy
Ideas about social scientific explanation lie at the core of debates about methodological individualism (MI). The spirit of MI is captured by definition by Jon Elster: " … all social phenomena – their structure and their change – are in... more
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      ReductionismHolismScientific explanationMethodological Individualism
Although the understanding of social ontology has been the subject of intense debate among constructivists in the discipline of International Relations the prevailing view drawn from these debates tends to equate social ontology with an... more
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      Social TheoryCritical RealismConstructivismSocial Ontology
What are economic exchanges? The received view has it that exchanges are mutual transfers of goods motivated by inverse valuations thereof. As a corollary, the standard approach treats exchanges of services as a subspecies of exchanges of... more
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      Economic SociologyEconomicsPolitical EconomyPhilosophy
Dependiendo de las inferencias preferenciales que la agregación de preferencias individuales (funciones colectivas de elección), podemos clasificar en dos grandes grupos a dichas funciones. Inspirado en el texto de Amartya Sen de 1970... more
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      Methodological IndividualismPreference logicThe Philosophy of Amartya Sen
According to Searle's theory of collective intentionality, the fundamental structure of any society can be accounted for in terms of cooperative mechanisms that create deontic relations. This paper criticizes Searle's standpoint on the... more
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      Complexity TheoryComplexitySocial OntologyCollective Intentionality
International law, we are taught, is the law made by states to govern their relations. Unsurprisingly, international law scholarship has traditionally embraced a corresponding methodological statism. Despite common perceptions, statism... more
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      International Relations TheoryPublic International LawInternational Legal TheoryMethodological Individualism
A discussion of the origin of the term individualism and its different implications, in ethics and politics, the methodology of the social sciences, and social ontology.
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      CommunityJohn LockeAdam SmithKarl Popper
This paper analyses the concept of empirical ethics as well as three meta-ethical fallacies that empirical ethics is said to face: the is-ought problem, the naturalistic fallacy and violation of the fact-value distinction. Moreover, it... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsNaturalistic FallacyDoctrine of Double Effect
As the entrepreneurship discipline grows, it increasingly faces unique research challenges. Recently, "interactive, activity based, cognitively hot, compassionate, and prosocial" approaches to the study of entrepreneurship have arisen to... more
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      EntrepreneurshipEconomicsSocial EntrepreneurshipAustrian Economics
I have finally decided to make available my MA Thesis in its original, unabridged version. Its 400 pages were produced, with a lot of youthful exuberance, during an intense period of writing from 1997-99. When I began to conceive it, I... more
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      History of LinguisticsPhilosophy of MindLanguages and LinguisticsCognitive Linguistics
عبد الله الحمودي ، رشيق حسن، الفردية المنهجية ، الطقوس ، البحث الميداني ،
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      AnthropologyRitualFieldwork in AnthropologyMorocco
"There exists a debate on the merit of methodological holism vs. individualism in the social sciences. This distinction is especially clear in the study of risk perception."
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      Philosophy of Social ScienceRisk ManagementRisk PerceptionMethodological Individualism
Epstein begins by emphasizing that the social sciences are in crisis. Scholars, he explains, have attributed the crisis to at least five different practices: (i) The assumption of perfect rationality in economics; (ii) the commitment to... more
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      Social OntologyNominalismSupervenienceMethodological Individualism
This paper investigates the relationship between methodological individualism (MI) and agent-based simulation (ABS). We use a thesis defended by Caterina Marchionni and Petri Ylikoski (2013) as the starting point of our approach.... more
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      Computational SociologyComputational EconomicsAustrian EconomicsMultiagent Systems
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      EconometricsEconomic TheoryEconomic MethodologySocial Structure
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      OntologyMarxismLiteratureCritical Realism
Institutional theory rests on a rejection of reductionism. Instead of reducing higherorder phenomena to aggregates of behavior, institutional theory reverses this causal imagery. It attributes the behavior of organizations and... more
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      SociologyResearch DesignInstitutional TheoryInstitutional Change
The aim of this paper is to submit the doctrine of methodological individualism to a reconsideration from the point of view of the arguments formulated by contemporary communitarian philosophy. I propose to approach the opposition between... more
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      Naturalistic EthicsAlasdair MacIntyreCommunitarianismCharles Taylor
The substitution of knowledge to information as the entity that organizations process and deliver raises a number of questions concerning the nature of knowledge. The dispute on the codifiability of tacit knowledge and that juxtaposing... more
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      EpistemologyOrganizational TheoryTacit KnowledgeTrust
Schmoller and Menger provide strictly antagonistic accounts of how ethics and economics should be related. Their contentions are mainly methodological. Whereas Schmoller hopes to integrate ethics within economics in order to improve its... more
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      Political PhilosophyAustrian EconomicsHistoricismCommunitarianism
The article discusses recent scholarship on whether or not the association between agent-based computational models and methodological individualism is justified. It is argued that these analyses are problematic because they start with a... more
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      Agent-based modelingMethodological Individualism
Neoclassical economic theories of violent conflict have proliferated in recent years and, with their application to contemporary wars, have influenced donors and policy makers. This paper reviews the intellectual foundations and empirical... more
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      EconomicsPolitical EconomyEconomic TheoryRational Choice
One issue of dispute between methodological individualists and methodological holists is whether holist explanations are dispensable in the sense that individualist explanations are able to do their explanatory job. Methodological... more
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      Research MethodologyCritical RealismExplanationEmergence
Starting from the plurality of explanatory strategies in the actual practice of social scientists, I introduce a framework for explanatory pluralism -a normative endorsement of the plurality of forms and levels of explanation used by... more
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      SociologySocial TheoryPhilosophyPhilosophy of Science
Parcours de deux sociologues Marocains, Abdellah Hammoudi, Hassan Rachik. Paul Pascon. Institut de sociologie. Sociologie empirique. Sociologie rurale. Acteur collectif et acteur individuel.
Revue Difaf, Faculté LSH, Marrakech, 2013
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      Rural SociologyMethodological IndividualismMOROCO
This special issue of COSMOS + TAXIS is devoted to the non-reductionist variant of methodological individualism and analyses its nature and heuristic power from both an historical and methodological standpoint. It opposes the dominant... more
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      Social ComplexitySystemic approachMethodological Individualism
This article analyzes the relationship between methodological individualism and nominalism in the light of the most recent debates on this topic. It is argued, contrary to Mario Bunge and Brian Epstein, that as an approach committed to a... more
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      Social OntologyIndividualismReductionismSupervenience
Uluslararası Politikanın Yapısal Teorisi adlı bu çalışma, Mayıs 2016’da Siyasal Bilgiler Fakültesi’nde Uluslararası Politikanın Yapısal Teorisi: Kenneth Waltz ve Alexander Wendt’in Uluslararası Yapı Kavramsallaştırmalarının Eleştirisinden... more
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      International Relations TheorySocial StratificationSocial OntologyScientific Realism
Altruismus heißt so viel wie Uneigennützigkeit und Selbstlosigkeit. Namensgeber, Auguste Comte, benannte im Jahr 1851 Altruismus als das Denken und Handeln „(…) das anderen nützt und nicht in Erwartung einer Belohnung erfolgt“... more
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      SociologyRational ChoiceSociological TheoryAltruism
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    • Methodological Individualism