The Philosophy of Amartya Sen
Recent papers in The Philosophy of Amartya Sen
In unserem Beitrag möchten wir uns mit einigen Problemen auseinandersetzen, welche mit dem Thema der kulturellen Identität der Individuen verbunden sind. Eine Interpretation der kulturellen Identität, welche die Identität als etwas... more
Sen and Ambedkar represent different times in history, but they essentially want to tackle the same problems of political economy. On one hand, Ambedkar asserted that a social and economic reform must precede political reform in British... more
Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo Jose Orlando Melo Naranjo ÉTICA Amartya Sen, ECONOMÍA Amartya Sen, PENSAMIENTO Amartya Sen, LIBROS Amartya Sen, SOCIEDAD Amartya Sen, IDEAS Amartya... more
Dependiendo de las inferencias preferenciales que la agregación de preferencias individuales (funciones colectivas de elección), podemos clasificar en dos grandes grupos a dichas funciones. Inspirado en el texto de Amartya Sen de 1970... more
I exposed this paper at the Conference 'Current Issues of Social Sciences and Humanities', which took place at the Department of Ethics and Aesthetics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent,... more
Sen and Ambedkar represent different times in history, but they essentially want to tackle the same problems of political economy. On one hand, Ambedkar asserted that a social and economic reform must precede political reform in British... more
La aspiración a formar sociedades justas se choca con alarmantes niveles de pobreza y desigualdad, un problema al cual toda reflexión sobre la justa sociedad debe ofrecer una respuesta convincente. Esta ponencia afirma (1ª parte) que la... more
Categorized research-works of Debaprasad-20
In course of my research on the acquisition of agricultural land for private industries in India, I came across a variety of public opinion which justified acquisitions. None of the supporters of land acquisition was ready to face the... more
Cet article se propose d’étudier les fondements philosophiques que donne Sen à sa théorie des capabilités. La notion de capabilité se construit en opposition à l’utilitarisme et dans un rapport critique à la théorie de la justice de... more
In this article, I have discussed Amartya Sen's view on the Darwinian idea about 'progress'. According to Sen Darwin's idea of 'progress' was based on the sole criterion of 'reproductive success' of a species under changing environmental... more
This is the PDF-Powerpoint I used for my online presentation at the Conference 'Current issues of social sciences and humanities', organised by the Department of Ethics and Aesthetics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National... more
Amartya Sen (co-author with Jean Drèze) in An Uncertain Glory: India and Its Contradictions (2013) seemingly glorifies the roles of non-government organizations (NGOs) in Bangladesh’s better progress in many common aspects of societal... more
An eminent octogenarian economist and philosopher who received the Nobel Prize in 1998, Amartya Kumar Sen has been living for decades in India, UK and United States. He was born and spent part of his childhood in Santiniketan ('Abode of... more
The centralisation of this research is panelised on ‘Indian Foreign Policy’ since 2014, where Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s policies are substantially abided to the minimal. Such decision making and diplomacy within major foreign... more
Gegen politische und religiöse Fundamentalisten verteidigt Claus Dierksmeier die Idee der Freiheit als Leitwert der Globalität. Individuelle Freiheit schließt aber Verantwortung für ihren sozial und ökologisch nachhaltigen Gebrauch ein.... more
2009) señalan que la economía normativa se ha caracterizado por vincular el bienestar a la satisfacción de las preferencias personales; y a éstas, con juicios de elección basados en el propio interés. Desde el punto de vista de la primera... more
This is the PDF-Powerpoint of the paper I used for my exposition during the Webinar International Webinar On “Rethinking and Transforming Public Policy:The Challenges of Ethics, Aesthetics & Responsibility”, Organized By Department of... more
This is the PDF-PowerPoint which I used for my lecture at the Webinar "Socio-Political scenario in Covid times: Ethics, Politics and Spirituality; alternative post covid futures", organised by The Research and Innovation Committee, Lady... more
"Rationality, Commitment and Autonomy" Amartya K. Sen is criticised for a modification of mainstream rational choice theory by an introduction of the commitment concept. This kind of modification sometimes is treated as a mistake. This... more
Este artículo, examina lo hallado por María Eugenia Correa en su estudio sobre la feminización de la educación superior en Colombia desde las tesis de Amartya Sen, Premio Nóbel de Economía 1998. De especial interés es la influencia de... more
This is the PDF-Powerpoint which I used for the contribution I exposed during the webinar 'Alternative Approaches to Development: The Question of Justice from a Cross-Cultural Perspective', 66th in a series on Alternative Perspectives on... more
La pobreza y la democracia guardan relaciones complejas y ya bastante estudiadas por los científicos sociales. En este artículo no volveré sobre estos enfoques, ni tampoco insistiré en los problemas de gobernabilidad que nacen de la... more
This is a comment on Amartya Sen's Darwin lecture later published in Population and Development Review in which I argued that Sen failed to consider two major concepts of Darwinian theory -"prodigality of reproduction" and "transmission... more
Official programme of the Conference 'Current issues of social sciences and humanities', organised by the Department of Ethics and Aesthetics of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the National University of Uzbekistan, 29 April 2022. My... more
Este artículo quiere indagar la relación teórica entre identidad y capabilidades. Las dos primeras partes proponen aproximaciones filosóficas al concepto de identidad. La tercera parte examina de manera critica la noción de identidad... more
Certificate of attendance of the V. Tagung für Praktische Philosophie, held at the Universität Salzburg, Salzburg, Unipark, 16 & 17 November 2017. I gave two talks at the Tagung. The title of the first talk, held on 16 November 2017, was:... more
Los debates ontológicos en filosofía de la economía han adquirido relevancia en las últimas décadas (e.g. Uskali Mäki, Don Ross, Tony Lawson). En este marco, consideramos que una de las contribuciones más importantes del Enfoque de las... more
The purpose of this paper is to prove the importance of legal and economic spheres for the realization of justice according to the Amartya Sen's Theory of Justice. In the most stable democratic societies, the legal system is an... more
The article discusses the idea of ‘human rights’ and the Amartya Sen’s reflections on that topic. By assumption, Sen does not present a catalogue of human rights, yet he claims that the language of human rights can be used to talk... more
This paper attempts to tie various aspects of Amartya Sen’s capability approach, traditionally applied to the field of international development, to jus post bellum. The capability approach, founded by and developed upon by Sen, is a... more
Usually, in the Realism – Antirealism debate, philosophical proofs improved by philosophers are of two kinds: epistemological arguments (realist theories are philosophical issues about reality's independence or autonomy from human mind... more
APGC Centre for the Higher Study of Human Rights and Democratic Development ( & the Centre for Critical Reflections. Organizer and host: Dr. Mahmoud Masaeli. 66th in a series on Alternative Perspectives on Global... more
This is the PDF-Powerpoint of the paper I used for my exposition during the Webinar on ““A Theory of Justice” at 50: Revisiting John Rawls’ Legacy”, organised by Prof. B S Bhargava Chair on Decentralized Governance & Development Centre... more
ये अमर्त्यो सेन की पुस्तक _विकास जैसे स्वतंत्रता_ की समीक्षा है|
This is a review essay on Amartya Sen's book _Development as Freedom_.
This is a review essay on Amartya Sen's book _Development as Freedom_.