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Law here, law there, law everywhere. The first nine months of the Trump administration have thrust questions about the force of law, legal strategy and tactics, and the role of judges in the United States' much-vaunted system of... more
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      Critical TheoryConstitutional LawMarxismInternational Law
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      EntrepreneurshipEvolutionary PsychologyProperty RightsTaxation
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
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      HayekGeneral Equilibrium TheoryNew Classical Economics
Il lettore non cada in equivoco: benchè il titolo di questo saggio sia alquanto puntuto, on di velenoso pamphlet si tratta, ma di libro ragionato, riflettuto, che non indulge mai al gusto invasato della provocazione e che sempre, al... more
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      Political EconomyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical SciencePolitics
In March 2007, BBC2 screened The Trap, a series of films by Adam Curtis. Curtis had previously won attention for documentary series such as Century of the Self (on the influence of Freud) and The Power of Nightmares (on neo-conservatives’... more
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      NeoliberalismHayekAdam Curtis
Many scholars have written about F.A. Hayek’s influence on postwar Anglo-American political thought, and many scholars have written about how interwar economic debates informed his turn from socialism to liberalism, but few have analyzed... more
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      Political EconomyGovernmentalityMichel FoucaultNeoliberalism
Supplemental MaterialComments (0) Abstract Inline_ca_web_1 Hafeez Jamali, "Ludwig von Mieses." October 19, 2012. For anthropologists, the term neoliberal often becomes a shorthand for indicating all that is wrong with the present. But... more
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      EthnographySocial and Cultural AnthropologyEmbodimentNeoliberalism
This article provides an introduction to Austrian economics. Although it is intended for audiences that are not well-versed in the Austrian tradition, it sacrifices breadth for depth in order to interest Austrian scholars, as well.
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      Austrian EconomicsHayekAustrian School of Economics
A short series including a distinguishing terms, i.e. ‘moral,’ ‘ethic,’ and ‘Justice.’ I shall defend using animals for human consumption, the current popular problems of big game hunting, and a possible solution to the issues giving as... more
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      American HistoryAsian StudiesEconomicsPhilosophy
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      Business ModelingHayek
John Rawls ve Hayek Sarmalında Adalet Karşılaştırması Üzerine Bir İnceleme " Adalet toplumsal kurumların ilk erdemidir " Adalet kavramı siyaset felsefesi alanındaki ana tartışma konularından biridir. Adil toplumun ne olduğu ve nasıl... more
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      Social JusticeJohn RawlsHayekFreedom
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      GovernmentHayekJohn Maynard Keynes
In 1992, the Chicago School economist Milton Friedman was asked about the original purpose of the neoliberal Mont Pèlerin Society, founded in 1947. There is “no doubt”, he replied, that its original purpose was “to promote a classical,... more
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      Political EconomyPhilosophyPolitical TheoryHuman Rights
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      LiberalismNeoliberalismHistory of Political ThoughtConstitutional Theory
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      HayekFrank H. Knight
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      HayekMilton FriedmanWendy BrownAutoritarismo
A critique of individualism and defense of holism.
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      Philosophy of Social ScienceKarl PopperEmergenceReductionism
İktisadî krizler üzerine yapılan çalışmalar ve teoriler incelenmiştir.
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      EconomicsMarxismAustrian EconomicsMarxist Economics
Lecture given on 5 September 2014 in the University of Hyderabad's Department of Economics; mostly a simplified version of James Farmelant’s and my article with the same title, but with a postscript about Milton Friedman.
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      HayekFriedrich HayekFriedrich August von Hayek
This paper is on The Road to Serfdom Summary.
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      HayekThe Road to Serfdom
While neoliberalism and its history constitutes now a contested yet ever-expanding field of research, little remains known about the origins of neoliberalism before WWII. Too often, the Mont-Pèlerin Society first meeting in 1947 serves as... more
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      NeoliberalismKarl PopperMichael PolanyiHayek
Liberalism is a term employed in a dizzying variety of ways across the humanities and social sciences. This essay seeks to reframe how the liberal tradition is understood. I start by delineating different types of response – prescriptive,... more
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureBritish LiteratureBusiness Ethics
Money is one of mankind's earliest and greatest inventions. Money, as we know it today has a long evolutionary history. The process started from barter in ancient times and evolved into cryptography-based money in modern times. The... more
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      Applied CryptographyCryptographyMoneyHayek
« Théorie (de la théorie) du complot », Kairos 49, avril/mai 2021, pp. 10-11 Peut-on penser le complot ? Les médias « mainstream » considèrent que l'impensable doit rester impensé. Derrière eux se rangent, cela va sans dire, les... more
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      PlatoCyberpunkLanguage and IdeologyIdeology
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      Development StudiesTransnationalismRace and RacismAfrican History
Neoliberals do not believe in the liberation but in the encasement of markets. The encasement or protection is staged not only by the state but, crucially, by a law understood at the global level. This is not only the public... more
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      Critical TheoryHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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    • Hayek
Michael Polanyi’s part in the creation of neoliberalism is an unlikely one. Born in Budapest in 1891, he emigrated a first time from Hungary to Germany before leaving the Continent to seek a more open and tolerant workplace in England,... more
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      Cold War and CultureHistory of ScienceKarl MannheimNeoliberalism
This is the slightly modified text of a lecture that addressed the odd proximity of Hayek and Rawls. The lecture eventually became a paper published in Critical Review (link below). The CR version backtracks a bit on Hayek's Rawlsian... more
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      Social JusticeEqualityJohn RawlsHayek
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      Economic HistoryWorking ClassesHistory of CapitalismCapitalism
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      Cognitive ScienceAnthropologyAustrian EconomicsNeuroanthropology
O Homem foi concebido de diversas formas ao longo da História: cidadão, pessoal, ser racional e coisa. Essas atribuições estiveram relacionadas com os modos de produção de cada época, com exceção apenas do Cristianismo. Os modos de... more
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      LiberalismCapitalismKarl MarxHayek
The Routledge Handbook of Neoliberalism seeks to offer a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of neoliberalism by examining the range of ways that it has been theorized, promoted, critiqued, and put into practice in a variety of... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessManagementBusiness Ethics
What is meant by the phrase “rule of law”, and what is at stake in our public discourse about this ideal? The authors conjecture that contemporary attacks to the rule of law resonate within the legal profession because of the influence of... more
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      Philosophy Of LawThomas HobbesRule of LawHayek
I use the term "cyberlibertarian" to refer to beliefs shared by people from an apparently wide range of political and philosophical orientations today, beliefs that might be summed up via a slogan like "Computerization will set you free."... more
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      Critical TheoryCultural StudiesPolitical PhilosophyTechnology
Review essay on Wendy Brown’s “In the Ruins of Neoliberalism”
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      Critical TheoryRepublicanismHerbert MarcuseFascism
This article takes the case of Uber, a global platform specialized in transport technologies, to reappraise the claims of the sharing economy. The case presents a chronology of the struggles over the regulation of these digital markets in... more
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      SocioeconomicsPolitical EconomyKarl PolanyiCultural Political Economy
Frankfurt School Critical Theory is influential on the left; Austrian School Neoliberalism is influential on the right. Their differing perspectives are analogous to the different notions of the unconscious held by Freud and Jung.... more
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      Critical TheorySocial TheoryJurgen HabermasCarl G. Jung
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      Adam SmithKarl MarxHayekSocial Darwinism
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      EconomicsSocialist EconomicsAustrian EconomicsHistory of Economic Thought
In this paper we try to answer the question in what sense social sciences are subjective and in what sense they are objective. We examine only some aspects of this problem. First, we address the question of intersubjectivity, mainly with... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of ScienceSocial SciencesKarl Popper
The ideal of liberal neutrality and the ideal of equality are often seen as a trade-off. If the State has to be neutral between theinterests of the rich and the poor, it is supposed to not intervene redistributing resources between them.... more
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      Political PhilosophyCommunitarianismJohn RawlsLibertarianism
The paper traces three readings (respectively by Poggio Bracciolini, Friedrick August von Hayek and Maurizio Viroli) of the famous maxim of Cicero «Legum … omnes servi sumus ut liberi esse possimus» (Cic. Pro Cl. 53.146), highlighting... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryLawPhilosophy
El propósito de este artículo es analizar el modo en que se vincula el conservadurismo y el liberalismo económico a partir de la crítica de Roger Scruton a Friedrich A. Hayek. Primero se analizan los conceptos de libertad negativa, orden... more
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      Roger ScrutonHayekConservadurismoFriederich A. Hayek
Cet ouvrage aborde le néolibéralisme sur le terrain qui, dès ses origines, fut le sien : le choix de la guerre civile en vue de réaliser le projet d'une pure société de marché. Une guerre de domination polymorphe qui sait parfois se doter... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPolitical SociologyPolitical PhilosophyGovernment
The growing market for cryptocurrencies, when viewed through the lens of Nobel Laureate F A Hayek’s radical idea of abolishing governmental monopoly over currency and introducing unregulated private currencies, reveals fascinating... more
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      Austrian EconomicsLiberalismBankingHayek
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      Critical TheoryHistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
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      HayekGunnar MyrdalNobel Ekonomi ödülleri