Medival Studies
Recent papers in Medival Studies
With over 1000 surviving examples, the TO-diagram is the most common geographical depiction of the world in the Latin Middle Ages. It depicted the three parts of the known world in a memorable and easily replicable way. The origins of the... more
In a course of my Explorations and Monument specific Field Visits in the Konkan, especially in the North Konkan over the years, I had chances to visit, revisit and also to report relatively forgotten Sites and Monuments of the Early and... more
Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) was an incredible woman, and a true pioneer in a myriad of fields. Known as the "Sybil of the Rhine," she was able to transcend the limitations on her sex during the Middle Ages through her visionary works... more
L’uomo contemporaneo difficilmente può comprendere l’insieme di tecnologia, cultura e valori rappresentati da un’armatura d’acciaio. Il Romanticismo, mediando e rendendo “moderno” il medioevo Europeo, ha fatto sì che questi valori... more
SCIVIAS A JOURNEY INTO THE IMAGES Sara Salvadori The meaning of the complex prophetic text by Hildegard von Bingen, amidst symbolisms and visions The book is the story of the journey in which the humanity/bright stars in Eve’s womb join... more
This book traces, through the analysis of the sources, the Mongol domination of Caucasia. The research involves the region that stretches from the Azov Sea in the North, to Georgia and Armenia in the South. The Mongol rule on Caucasia was... more
Zbiorowa monografia podejmująca temat znaczenia, roli i miejsca króla w późnośredniowiecznej Polsce. Autorzy: Anna Adamska, Urszula Borkowska, Sławomir Gawlas, Tomasz Jurek, Jacek Matuszewski, Andrzej Marzec, Przemysław Mrozowski,... more
El viaje a ultratumba es un tema fundamental de origen mitológico, vigente a partir del pensamiento religioso primitivo. Desde luego fue en la Edad Media cuando los escritores abordaron nuevamente con esmero e ímpetu el tópico del... more
Зе му нуиОсје ку,апо томпре бен деруЂа ко ву,жуп никуСар ва шу,Ле вањ скојВа ро шииПе тро ва ра ди ну.Слу жбомсенај ду жеза др жаоуПе тро ва ра ди ну (1866—1897)каожуп никцр... more
22)# +.' @h ]g k]h\ gcaY fY`iWhUbWY h\Uh @ igY hfUbg`Uhcf BUh\fmb Difd\m&AiXm!g fYbXYf]b[ cZ XPOTL_T^P]1 h\Y <b[`]g\ kcfX aYX]Uh]nYX fYZYfg cZ WcifgY hc h\Y dfcWYgg cZ UbbYl]b[ U ghUhY k\]`Y `YUj]b[ U ZcfaYf fi`Yf k]h\ U h]h`Y UbX U... more
There is a thought in the article, that Georgian hagiographical works “Martyrdom of Nine Youhts from Kola” and “Martyrdom of David and Tirichan”, that are kept by manuscripts of Xth century, are written in the IVth century - in the... more
باب الابواب کے دردیوار پر پھر خوف چھایا ہوا تھا ،دیوار پر کھڑے پہریدار سر تا پاوں زرہ بکتر میں ملبوس ہونے کے باوجود دیوار کی دوسری طرف جب جھانکتے تو ایک انجانا خوف انہیں اپنے گرفت میں لے لیتا ، شمالی سمت میں قفقاز کا پہاڑی سلسلہ جو دور تک... more
L'archivio fotografico di Federico Zeri , donato per volontà testamentaria all'Università di Bologna insieme alla vasta biblioteca, è custodito presso l'omonima Fondazione, centro di ricerca d'eccellenza nell'ambito della storia... more
« On est revenu au Moyen Âge[1] », « ces actes sont médiévaux, moyenâgeux, barbares » ! Douloureusement réactivées par les attentats récents, ces formules ont été largement utilisées par les médias. Or, en qualifiant le « Moyen Âge » de «... more
The issue of the East and the conflict of Islam with the West are part of Orientalism and the science of civilization and the clash of civilizations in the field of humanities and from interdisciplinary studies. Bernard Lewis, in dealing... more
Studies in Semitic linguistics in honour of J. Blau (I)
Presented article is devoted to one of the oldest compositions of the Armenian theological literature «Encomium on the Holy Cross of God» by David the Invincible the 5th-6th century Armenian prominent philosopher and theologian, the... more
Kraków fragments of the Apostolus Christinopolitanus of the XIIth century. In July 2020, during my scholarship at Biblioteka Książąt Czartoryskich Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie (Kraków, Poland) granted by «Gaude Polonia», I have... more
Джон Роналд Руел Толкін -ім'я знайоме кожному з дитинства. Сучасна актуалізація сприйняття його творчого спадку тільки через призму екранізацій "Володаря Перснів" і "Гоббіта" особливо в поєднанні з субкультурою тематичних рольових ігор за... more
نقش شهر طلیطله در انتقال علوم و معارف اسلامی به اروپا در قرون وسطی دکتر محمد رضا شهیدی... more
Metropolite of Syunik Stepanos Orbelyan (the second part of the 13th cent. – 1303) is the author of historiographical, art and theological works. His main work “The History of Syunik” is one of the greatest and most important memorials of... more
Die Geburt der Mittelalter aus dem Geist der Mélange. Christianisierte Germanen, der Islam und das römisch-antike Erbe in Jacob Burckhardts Mittelalterkonzeptionen Der Basler Historiker Jacob Burckhardt (1818 – 1897) ist uns heute vor... more
Shahidipak mohammadreza , Scientific knowledge of religions and the emergence of the science of religion in Islamic history and civilization for peaceful coexistence شناخت علمی ادیان و پیدایش علم ملل و نحل در تاریخ و تمدن اسلامی... more
Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales as a Case Study La construcción del espacio(s) e identidad(es) en la Literatura Medieval: The Canterbury Tales de Geoffrey Chaucer como estudio de caso A construção do(s) espaço(s) e identidade(s) na... more
Стаття виправлена. Вперше опублікована в: Щербина Р. А. Латинська мова в Правобережній Україні на початку доби козаччини / Р. А. Щербина // Актуальні проблеми української лінгвістики: теорія і практика. - 2004. - Вип. 9. - С. 24-27.
Biographical Notes; Intellectual Formation, Historical Background and Career: From Traditional Historiography to New Methods and Approaches to Study; Published Work: Fruitful Interrogations and their Echo in Subequent Historiography;... more
آج ہم اس جہاد کے کمانداروں کے نام سے واقف نہیں اور ہمیں یہ بات بھی حیرت میں ڈالے دیتی ہے کہ کیسے کچھ مسلمان یہودی خاقان کی رعایا بن کر رہ سکتے ھیں اور کیسے یہودی خاقان نے اپنی مسلمان رعایا کو اپنے اصل ارادوں سے بے خبر رکھا ، لیکن اس مہذب... more
This talk examined Isabella de Fortibus (1237-1293) and her and times. It includes her widowhood from William de Forz, her very substantial inheritances, the attempts to marry her and death and legacy. The talk particularly focused on... more
The study was published in the journal Archaeological Perspectives in 1966.