Papers by Naira Tamamyan

Herald of the Social Sciences, 2007
Frederick Conybeare in the British Museum catalog gives
a sufficiently detailed description of 1... more Frederick Conybeare in the British Museum catalog gives
a sufficiently detailed description of 149 Armenian manuscripts. In one of the manuscripts (in catalog No. 118, scribe-Astuatsatur, year-1616) there is an interesting passage from the “History of Syunik” by Stepanos Orbelyan (XIII century), this is chapter 66 entitled “On the great slander of the Orbelyans ...”.
When binding, two sheets (98, 99) from this chapter were not in their places (between 77 and 78), their content is given by Conybeare in his catalog in the grabar (ancient Armenian) and in English translation. Since the text does not link to the previous passage, Conybeare assumes that there is no sheet (or sheets) in front of these sheets. This handwritten version contains the line “Որոտշահ Լորա թոռն, Միրան Նուէրայ որդի", which is not found in many other manuscripts and in several printed editions.
Պատմա-բանասիրական հանդես =Historical-Philological Journal, 2009
Metropolite of Syunik Stepanos Orbelyan (the second part of the 13th cent. – 1303) is the author ... more Metropolite of Syunik Stepanos Orbelyan (the second part of the 13th cent. – 1303) is the author of
historiographical, art and theological works. His main work “The History of Syunik” is one of the greatest and
most important memorials of the Armenian historiography and literature. The tales take a special place in this
work, they are intergenre displays. Tales have a real basis and differ from other genres of little prose. There are
various types of tales in the history: historical (about Liparit), historical-epic (about Andok and Babik), spiritual
(about clerics), etc. Orbelyan uses the tale as a method of narration, too.
The work “Medieval Armenian Interpretations of Christ’s Miracles and Healings” includes informati... more The work “Medieval Armenian Interpretations of Christ’s Miracles and Healings” includes information from both handwritten and printed sources. The manuscript includes the interpretations of the healings and miracles according to the order of the Gospels as well as the chronologically. This work of the interpretations of the Lord’s miracles is an opportunity to elucidate the conventional and the transitional, as well as the manifestations of the individual independent layers of each author in the explanatory literary tradition.

Historical-Philological Journal, 2006
In the middle of the 13th century, the Mongol dominion was firmly established in the countries of... more In the middle of the 13th century, the Mongol dominion was firmly established in the countries of Front Asia. Armenia was among them. The ruler of the Mongols of that period was Khan Arghoun, who had been released in his time by Bougha - the military leader of the Mongols. The fact caused Bougha to be given great authorities. Despite this, in 1289 he devised a plot against his king. The plot was discovered, and the organizers were cruelly punished. Contemporary authors reflected on these events. Exactly in “The History of Syunik”, “The Annals” by Stepanos Orbelyan and “About Khan Arghoun and Bougha” by poet Frik. Because Khan Arghoun regarded the Christians with favour, and Armenians looked forward to their saving, in the works of the Armenian authors he is presented as a deserving ruler, while Bougha is denounced, and his death is considered to be just. Through their account of events, they express their judgements about treachery, ingratitude, temptation, love of power, etc.
Conference Presentations by Naira Tamamyan

ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Մանٳկ Աբեղյանի անվան գրականٳթյան ինստիտٳտը և Երևանի պետական համալսարանը սիրով հրավիր... more ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Մանٳկ Աբեղյանի անվան գրականٳթյան ինստիտٳտը և Երևանի պետական համալսարանը սիրով հրավիրٳմ են Ձեզմ ասնակցելٳ ﬔծավաստակ գրականագետ, ակադեﬕկոս Էդվարդ Ջրբաշյանի ծննդյան 100-ամյակին նվիրված հոբել յանական գիտաժողովին, որը տեղի կٳնենա 2023 թվականի նոյեմբերի 8-10-ին։ Բացման խոսք Հերիքնազ Որսկանյան, բ.գ.թ., Մ. Աբեղյանի անվան գրականության ինստիտուտի տնօրեն Ողջٳյնի խոսք Աննա Ասատրյան, արվեստագիտության դոկտոր, պրոֆեսոր, ԳԱԱ արվեստի ինստիտուտի տնօրեն ԷԴՎԱՐԴ ՋՐԲԱՇՅԱՆԻ ԾՆՆԴՅԱՆ 100-ԱՄՅԱԿԻՆ ՆՎԻՐՎԱԾ ՀՈԲԵԼՅԱՆԱԿԱՆ ԳԻՏԱԺՈՂՈՎ ԾՐԱԳԻՐ ՆՈՅԵՄԲԵՐԻ 8 Ժամը 11։00-13։30 Գիտաժողովի բացٳմ, լիագٳմար նիստ ՀՀ Գիտությունների ազգային ակադեﬕայի նախագահություն Նիստի նախագահ՝ Յٳրի Սٳվարյան ՀՀ ԳԱԱ Հայագիտության և հասարակական գիտությունների բաժանմունքի ակադեﬕկոս-քարտուղար, ակադեﬕկոս Ավիկ Իսահակյան, բ.գ.դ., պրոֆեսոր, ԳԱԱ Մ. Աբեղյանի անվան գրականության ինստիտուտի տնօրենի խորհրդական Դավիթ Գասպարյան, բ.գ.դ., պրոֆեսոր, ԳԱԱ պատմության ինստիտուտի առաջատար գիտաշխատող Հենրիկ Էդոյան, բ.գ.դ., պրոֆեսոր, ԳԱԱ Մ. Աբեղյանի անվան գրականության ինստիտուտի առաջատար գիտաշխատող Սٳրեն Աբրահամյան, բ.գ.դ., պրոֆեսոր, ԳԱԱ Մ. Աբեղյանի անվան գրականության ինստիտուտի նորագույն շրջանի հայ գրականության բաժնի վարիչ Աշխեն Ջրբաշյան, բ.գ.թ., ԵՊՀ ակադեﬕկոս Հրանտ Թամրազյանի անվան հայ գրականության պատմության և գրականության տեսության ամբիոնի դոցենտ
Papers by Naira Tamamyan
a sufficiently detailed description of 149 Armenian manuscripts. In one of the manuscripts (in catalog No. 118, scribe-Astuatsatur, year-1616) there is an interesting passage from the “History of Syunik” by Stepanos Orbelyan (XIII century), this is chapter 66 entitled “On the great slander of the Orbelyans ...”.
When binding, two sheets (98, 99) from this chapter were not in their places (between 77 and 78), their content is given by Conybeare in his catalog in the grabar (ancient Armenian) and in English translation. Since the text does not link to the previous passage, Conybeare assumes that there is no sheet (or sheets) in front of these sheets. This handwritten version contains the line “Որոտշահ Լորա թոռն, Միրան Նուէրայ որդի", which is not found in many other manuscripts and in several printed editions.
historiographical, art and theological works. His main work “The History of Syunik” is one of the greatest and
most important memorials of the Armenian historiography and literature. The tales take a special place in this
work, they are intergenre displays. Tales have a real basis and differ from other genres of little prose. There are
various types of tales in the history: historical (about Liparit), historical-epic (about Andok and Babik), spiritual
(about clerics), etc. Orbelyan uses the tale as a method of narration, too.
Conference Presentations by Naira Tamamyan
a sufficiently detailed description of 149 Armenian manuscripts. In one of the manuscripts (in catalog No. 118, scribe-Astuatsatur, year-1616) there is an interesting passage from the “History of Syunik” by Stepanos Orbelyan (XIII century), this is chapter 66 entitled “On the great slander of the Orbelyans ...”.
When binding, two sheets (98, 99) from this chapter were not in their places (between 77 and 78), their content is given by Conybeare in his catalog in the grabar (ancient Armenian) and in English translation. Since the text does not link to the previous passage, Conybeare assumes that there is no sheet (or sheets) in front of these sheets. This handwritten version contains the line “Որոտշահ Լորա թոռն, Միրան Նուէրայ որդի", which is not found in many other manuscripts and in several printed editions.
historiographical, art and theological works. His main work “The History of Syunik” is one of the greatest and
most important memorials of the Armenian historiography and literature. The tales take a special place in this
work, they are intergenre displays. Tales have a real basis and differ from other genres of little prose. There are
various types of tales in the history: historical (about Liparit), historical-epic (about Andok and Babik), spiritual
(about clerics), etc. Orbelyan uses the tale as a method of narration, too.