Early Medieval Swords
Recent papers in Early Medieval Swords
In the literature about swords, their use has predominantly not been analysed. This article tries to reconstruct some aspects of the use of Viking Age swords from Northern and Eastern Europe. The reconstruction is based on biomechanics,... more
Raně středověký meč, který je uložen ve sbírkách Středočeského muzea v Roztokách u Prahy, je spojován s hradištěm na Levém Hradci, byť jeho nálezové okolnosti nejsou známy. Zbraň má jílec Petersenova typu Y, a již předchozí rentgenový... more
Studie byla publikována v roce 1964 v knize ,,Studijní zvesti AU SAV" (Díl 14) / The study was published in 1964 in the book ,,Studijní zvesti AU SAV" (Volume 14).
Vlijmscherp verleden Vlijmscherp verleden vertelt het verhaal over de geschiedenis van het zwaard en de rituele en symbolische betekenis ervan. U ziet bijna tweehonderd bijzondere zwaarden, afkomstig uit de prehistorie tot de twintigste... more
On the 3th of August 2015, the British Library has appealed for help in cracking an enigmatic inscription on a mysterious medieval blade. The double-edged sword, which is on loan from the British Museum (until Tue 1 Sep 2015), was found... more
Studie byla publikována v roce 1972 v časopise ,,Gladius", Vol. 10 / The study was published in 1972 in the journal ,,Gladius", Vol. 10 / L'étude a été publiée en 1972 dans la revue ,,Gladius", Vol. 10.
Die Deutsche Bibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über <http://dnb.ddb.de> abrufbar.
Indulge yourself in Carlo Paggiarino’s private tour of one of the world’s finest collection of antique arms and armour and discover, through his unique style of photography, the overwhelming beauty of the medieval and renaissance... more
ENG: The study of most of the Florentine Arti Minori, has aroused until today, a scarce interest by the scholars. This first survey, concerning the Arte dei Fabbri (Art of Blacksmiths) in Florence and its countryside. between the end of... more
The Fechtbuch (Fight-Book) from 1459 AD by Hans Talhoffer is truly an uncanny work. In this edition of his work, the fight-master opens a window for us to his world. He shares knowledge from his own field of expertise – the martial arts... more
This book assesses the results of recent metallographic examination of 45 sword blades (mid-2nd century BC to early-16th century) from the territory of what is now Poland. Pre-Roman blades were usually made from one piece of metal of... more
This essay is the first and only exploration of what the German Tradition of Chivalric Arts (Ritterlich Kunst)—with its three main lineages of Liechtenauer, Nürnberg, Gladiatoria—meant by masse for fencing and wrestling. The findings may... more
The following passages from major Fechtbücher (fencing/fight-books) of the German Tradition are meant to show the presence and the relevance of the principle of Indes (Inthereof) as found originally in the Liechtenauer Lineage of... more
Over the almost two centuries of excavations at the site of Dorestad, over 20 broadswords were found, in various contexts. But among the 2500 skeletons dug up here, just a few have sword wounds. Among the larger assemblage of weaponry and... more
Das im Rahmen einer Rettungsgrabung in den Jahren 2011 und 2012 untersuchte Gräberfeld von Visbek, Ldkr. Vechta, war bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt völlig unbekannt. Es besteht aus zahlreichen Pfostengruben ehemaliger Brandbestattungen, die über... more
The study is focussed on a (then) innovative intercultural and interdisciplinary comparison between sword-culture in Europe and Japan. It contains the first published results of a direct comparison between blade surfaces on medieval... more
The paper presents a compilation of the current knowledge on the so called ‘blatnica deposit’ and its individual components, extended by a series of my own studies dedicated particularly to the gilded set of bronze fittings. The article... more
Throughout history armour and weapons have been not merely the preserve of the warrior in battles and warfare, but potent symbols in their own right (the sword of chivalry, the heraldic shield) representing the hunt and hall as well as... more
Knightly Dueling is a complete overview of the fighting arts of German chivalric dueling, on horse and on foot, during the late Medieval and early Renaissance. Through the words and pictures of original source texts of the great German... more
Axiom : When a new kind of sword originates and becomes prevalent, then it logically follows that both the sword and its new kind of fencing evolve and become perfected. That is what must have started happening in Chivalric Europe circa... more
Der vorliegende Artikel untersucht Formen und Verwendung von Schilden und Schildbuckeln von der vorrömischen Eisenzeit bis ans Ende des Frühmittelalters. Der geographische Schwerpunkt liegt dabei auf Nordeuropa, dem römischen Reich sowie... more
The paper analyses components of early medieval burial equipment from grave 23 in Závada, district Topoľčany/SK after restoration that took place in 2017. The grave contained a type X sword, a pair of spurs, an incomplete set of sword... more
The extraordinary grave of the Early Migration Period warrior from Juszkowo, Pruszcz Gdański com. During excavations held by the Archaeological Museum in Gdańsk in July 2010 at Juszkowo, near Pruszcz Gdański, an isolated grave from the... more
This article aims at presenting for the first time a different interpretation of the origin of part of the archaeological findings from the Bulgarian lands related to the Early Middle Ages armament for close combat and in particular with... more
Within the chronological system of the 10th-century Carpathian Basin, the Hungarian research attributes an important role to the straight double-edged »Viking swords«. According to Gy. László, K. Bakay and L. Kovács, these swords appeared... more
vamz / 3. serija / lii (2o19) 113 goran bilogrivić: formiranje identiteta elite u istočnojadranskome zaleđu na prijelazu sa 8. u 9. stoljeće... Krajem 8. stoljeća na prostoru današnje Hrvatske te Bosne i Hercegovine pojavljuju se prvi... more
Here I present the books I have collected and will use to write my dissertation.
The purpose of pattern-welding, used for the construction of some Anglo-Saxon swords, has yet to be fully resolved. One suggestion is that the technique enhanced the mechanical properties of a blade. Another explanation is that... more
VLFBERHT or ULFBERHT is the most frequent inscription on Viking Age sword blades. The majority of these swords have been found in Scandinavia, much less in the Frankish Empire so that it might seem that they have been produced in... more
The following paper discusses the usability of digital computed tomography as a non-destructive method to examine the construction of the early medieval Spatha focussing mainly on its blade. First results of these examinations are... more