Archaeology of Weapons
Recent papers in Archaeology of Weapons
Access Archaeology offers a different publishing model for specialist academic material that might traditionally prove commercially unviable, perhaps due to its sheer extent or volume of colour content, or simply due to its relatively... more
LIEN pour la lecture / LINK to read it Etude archéologique des techniques d’acquisition et de transformation du métal dans le cadre de la production... more
Despite the vast research undertaken on hoplite warfare, surprisingly little is known about how hoplite shields were made, the very technology underpinning the transformative military reforms of hoplite warfare. The few forays that have... more
"The hand sling is a range weapon that preserves the same morphological characteristics during numerous chronological periods: made of a long strip of organic material with a central widening for lodging the bullet. Simple to produce,... more
Thema der 13. Jahrestagung: „Wegbeleiter des Menschen: Waffen der Jagd und des Krieges“
On t h e Or igin Of t h e Sh i eld BOSSeS of t h e t y p e DobroDz i eń m i c h e l k a Z a n s k i The shield bosses of the type Dobrodzień possess typical longitudinal flutes or facets on the calotte. These artefacts are well known in... more
The subject of the present study revolves around the burials of warriors in the area of Greece during antiquity, with emphasis on the phenomenon of burying the dead with arms. The time period, which is examined here begins from the Iron... more
ISBN: 978-619-92167-1-2 (print); ISBN: 978-619-92167-0-5 (e-book, pdf)
The apex of the hypothetical? On the reconstruction of Sudovian shields In an attempt to reconstruct the shape of shields, the paper analyses the Sudovian Culture inhumation graves with weapons (Figs. 1, 2) that contained shield... more
The paper discusses the appearance of the Great Moravian warriors’ swords and fo cuses on sets of strap and belt fittings used to fasten the swords. It also comments on other elements decorating sword scabbards used in Great Moravia in... more
Degree of recognition of the armament models in Barbaricum allows not only to identify certain cultural areas but also to capture the ordinary findings not exactly matching the indigenous pattern. Their interpretation, although burdened... more
B lunt weapon generally, and maces in particular, receive little attention from students of arms. They were never employed as universally as swords or daggers, but there is no doubt that they were personal weapons. This can be concluded... more
Thrace had the potential to field huge numbers of troops, and the Thracian way of warfare had a huge influence on Classical Greek and Hellenistic warfare. Many examples of weapons and armour have been found in Thracian sites.. After... more
In July 2015, at the request of the Ilfov County Directorate for Culture of an archaeological diagnostic research was undertaken in Snagov Forest, located on the territory of Snagov (Ilfov County, Romania). At this point was reported the... more
Within the chronological system of the 10th-century Carpathian Basin, the Hungarian research attributes an important role to the straight double-edged »Viking swords«. According to Gy. László, K. Bakay and L. Kovács, these swords appeared... more
Thin plates carved from antler, prominent elements of the Magyars’ feared weapon, the bow, are often encountered in the tenth-century archaeological material of the Carpathian Basin. These bow plates have so far been exclusively recovered... more
Тези доповідей наукового семінару присвячені актуальним питанням археології Буковини та сусідніх регіонів. Розглядається проблематика кам'яної доби, епохи палеометалу, раннього заліза, середньовіччя та раннього нового часу, а також... more
Hoplite Phalanx Mechanics: Investigation of Footwork, Spacing and Shield Coverage Karl Randall (Kyungsung Universtiy) The Greek phalanx has been a subject of study for generations of both historians and military tacticians alike. Almost... more
Disc cuirasses of the Iberian Peninsula (6th-4th century B.C.) Most of the proto-historic cuirasses of the Iberian Peninsula consist of a pair of bronze discs. The cataloging and study of these pieces, considering the different cultures... more
The chronology and distribution of the lentil shaped shield buckle is discussed as well as the chronology and origin of the weaponry from the Hjortspring weapon deposit. Basing on recent finds from Scandinavia it is sugested that at least... more
Esta obra que distribuye bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución NoCommercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) Egregius editorial autoriza a incluir esta obra em repositórios institucionales de acceso abierto para facilitar su difusión
Przedmiotem pracy jest zabytek ze zbiorów Zbrojowni Zamku Królewskiego na Wawelu, który może wnieść nowe wiadomości do poznania średniowiecznej instytucji sądów bożych (iudicia dei). Chodzi o tzw. koncerz krzyżacki – broń znaną polskim... more
The aim of the paper is to enhance our understanding of bow finds unearthed in burials in Eurasia in the first millennium A.D. General terminological, methodological and source critical problems are concerned in order to define the... more
Structures make history. They are also the origins and makers of group identities. Based on that principle, this book focuses on power structures in nomadic societies, and more specifically, on the emergence of the Hungarian power... more
Esta obra se distribuye bajo licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-NC 4.0) La Editorial Dykinson autoriza a incluir esta obra en repositorios institucionales de acceso abierto para facilitar su... more
Studies on the Weapons of Poseidonia-Paestum (prov Salerno / I) 1 Azzurra Scarci Iron and Bronze Weapons from the Sanctuary at Monte Casale (prov Syracuse / I) as »ex voto par Transformation, ex voto par Destination« Claudio Negrini... more
En la Antigüedad, las representaciones de amazonas fueron numerosas y relativamente variadas, gracias a los diversos mitos que de ellas existían A lo largo de este trabajo intentaré elaborar una relación de los motivos y los paralelismos,... more