Marie Dominique Chenu
Recent papers in Marie Dominique Chenu
Post-modern theology is highly suspicious of social theory and its secular origins. After all, the founder who gave us the word “sociology” also coined the term “positivism.” An alternative strategy is that of Bernard Lonergan, a... more
Title in English:
“Signs of the Times” at the crossroads of definitions of Church and world. Partial reception of the theology of Father Marie-Dominique Chenu O.P. after Vatican Council II
“Signs of the Times” at the crossroads of definitions of Church and world. Partial reception of the theology of Father Marie-Dominique Chenu O.P. after Vatican Council II
Thou mastering me God! giver of breath and bread; World's strand, sway of the sea; Lord of living and dead; Thou hast bound bones and veins in me, fastened me flesh, And after it almost unmade, what with dread, Thy doing: and dost thou... more
Taking into account and responding to two sets of objections to Thomas Aquinas' credentials as political philosopher, the essay examines his political philosophy, its presupposed understanding of human nature, and its portrayal in his... more
Published from 1899 to 1950 the Dictionnaire de théologie catholique has long been considered the incarnation of conservative doctrinal positions. Revisiting articles that examine areas and methods of theology, such as the canon Albert... more
Taking into account and responding to two sets of objections to Thomas Aquinas’ credentials as political philosopher, the essay examines his political philosophy, its presupposed understanding of human nature, and its portrayal in his... more
This chapter on later Platonic traditions focuses on Denys, otherwise known as Ps-Dionysius the Areopagite. A late fifth- to early sixth-century theologian dependent on Plotinus, Damascius, and, above all, Proclus, assumed to have been... more
Structure, argument and sources of the de deo of Aquinas' Summa theologiae. Endeavours to balance the Aristotelian and Proclean elements.
Published in 1971, the work of Peruvian theologian Gustavo Gutiérrez, A Theology of Liberation, marks the starting point of an original theological development within contemporary Christianity. Because of its huge historical and ecclesial... more
Edmond Ortigues (1917-2005) entreprend sa thèse de théologie, Histoire et Parole de Dieu : Essai sur les rapports entre exégèse et théologie, à Lyon durant l’Occupation et en achève la rédaction le 6 mai 1948, deux ans avant sa sortie de... more
Die Habilitationsschrift beschreibt die Geschichte von zwei unterschiedlichen, aber verbundenen Begriffskomplexen. Im ersten Teil wird die „kritische“ Formel „Ende des konstantinischen Zeitalters“ im Werk von Marie-Dominique Chenu OP am... more
Studium podejmuje w szczegółowej analizie naturę teologiczną "znaków czasów". Wyrażenie określone w literaturze fachowej w liczbie mnogiej jest jednym z istotnych tematów poruszonych przez ostatni Sobór Watykański II. Termin „znaki... more
L'engagement social des catholiques a fait l'objet de diverses contestations tout au long du XXe siècle. D'origines diverses, ces contestations aboutissent toutes à remettre en cause le modèle du catholicisme promu en partie par la Curie... more
When, on 20 October 1962, the Fathers of the Second Vatican Council assembled for their first session, they began with a programmatic declaration to all humanity. In the so-called 'Message to the World', the Council Fathers called for a... more
turgeschichtlich vergleichender Perspektive betrachtet Sessa zunächst (Kapitel 1-3) das regulierende und verwaltende Handeln des paterfamilias gemäß dem Normenund Wertesystem der Römischen Republik und die daran anknüpfende... more
Am 9. Februar 2017, kurz nach Vollendung seines 91. Lebensjahres, verstarb in Paris Claude Geffré. Der französische Dominikaner, der sich Zeit seines Lebens mit zeitgenössischen gesellschaftlichen Fragen in theologisch-systematischer... more
A much cited article, preliminary to the publication of God in Himself, presents Aquinas' theology as a synthesis of Hellenic (Aristotelian) theological science and Hellenistic (Proclean) theological system. The result is onto-theo-logy,... more
Capitolo VI dalla prima parte della Teologia nel XII secolo di Marie Dominique Chenu, versione italiana di Paolo Vian. Il fallimento del progetto di Boezio diventa la base della ricerca della filosofia scolastica
Nella congiuntura storico-politica attuale, in cui crisi pandemiche e drammatico precipitare della questione ambientale convergono nel mettere in discussione profondamente il modo con cui il pensiero e i comportamenti individuali e... more
Edmond Ortigues (1917-2005) begins to work on his dissertation, Histoire et Parole de Dieu: Essai sur les rapports entre exégèse et théologie, in Lyon during the French Occupation and he completes it on May 6, 1948, two years before... more
The extremes touch, as the French like to say, and this is nowhere more evident in modern Dominican theology than in the symbolic internecine conflict surrounding Marie-Dominique Chenu.
The General Chapter of the Order of Preachers in Ávila in 1986 has identified Christian-Muslim dialogue as being among the five priorities, to which Dominicans are particularly committed. This prioritisation of an engagement of the Order... more
La pubblicazioni sulla "teologia del popolo" e sulle radici teologico-culturali di papa Francesco, come chiavi ermeneutiche della sua biografia intellettuale e del suo Magistero, sono divenute abbastanza numerose negli ultimi anni.... more
This book seeks to offer a clearer understanding of the Jesuit theologians and philosophers who comprised the group known the 'Fourvière Jesuits'. Led by Henri de Lubac and Jean Daniélou, they formed part of the nouvelle théologie, an... more