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Format test case untuk software testing, dimana terdiri dari identifikasi yang dapat menjelaskan detail informasi testing yang dilakukan, dimana testing mengandung status "pass" ataupun "fail" dan juga mengandung status prioritas testing... more
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      Software TestingTest Case PrioritizationTest CaseManual/Automation Testing
There is no enough sound and solid scientific researches expounding the benefits of using automated scripts over manual testing (Samuel R. , 2014). The ones available out there are virtuously promotional trailers made for marketing drive... more
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      Automated Software TestingManual testingAutomated Random TestingChoosing Automated Software Testing Tools
Se presenta la propuesta de un sistema para la transformación de scripts de pruebas de manera automática a scripts de ejecución, para pruebas unitarias en aplicaciones web. Dicha generación reduce la dependencia con las herramientas de... more
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      Web ServicesAutomation testingServicios WebManual/Automation Testing
Regression testing is very important for the delivery of high quality product. It helps to simulate a suite of critical test cases periodically and helps to identify if introduction of any new features or any source code change has... more
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      Visual ArtsVisual StudioRegression TestingHealth and Social Care
Testing is the one of the important component of any software engineering process. As we talking about the software’s applications then web application is the fastest growing application now a day. So web application or web sites will be... more
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      DefectsDatabase TestingManual/Automation Testing
Regression testing is very important for the delivery of high quality product. It helps to simulate a suite of critical test cases periodically and helps to identify if introduction of any new features or any source code change has... more
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      Visual ArtsVisual StudioRegression TestingHealth and Social Care
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      Mobile TechnologyMobile application developmentMobile Technology ApplicationsSoftware Quality Assurance
The International Journal of Software Engineering & Applications (IJSEA) is a bi-monthly open access peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles which contribute new results in all areas of the Software Engineering & Applications. The... more
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      Augmented RealityAugmented Reality ArtWater Quality ModelingAudio Augmented Reality