Recent papers in Manifold
Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF), a popular part-based representation technique, does not capture the intrinsic local geometric structure of the data space. Graph regularized NMF (GNMF) was recently proposed to avoid this limitation... more
Emerging from music and the visual arts, questions about hearing and seeing deeply affected Hermann Helmholtz's and Bernhard Riemann's contributions to what became called the ''problem of space [Raumproblem],'' which in turn influenced... more
Rendón, The fuzzy classifier system: motivations and first results, Proc. First Intl. Conf. on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature-PPSN I, Springer, Berlin, 1991, pp. 330-334 (scatter Mamdani fuzzy rules for control/modeling problems) M.... more
We present an accessible account of the local geometry of the parameter space of Calabi-Yau manifolds. It is shown that the parameter space decomposes, at least locally, into a product with the space of parameters of the complex structure... more
We prove sharp rate of convergence to stationarity for a natural random walk on a compact Riemannian manifold (M, g). The proof includes a detailed study of the spectral theory of the associated operator.
L'expression explicite de la formalité de M. Kontsevich sur R d est la base de la preuve du théorème de formalité pour une variété quelconque [K1 § 7], qui impliqueà son tour l'existence d'étoile-produits sur une variété de Poisson... more
Recently it has been shown that there are paths on the moduli space between two Calabi-Yau manifolds with different topology that have finite length. A priori, there exists the possibility that the singular manifold that is common to two... more
We discuss new and improved algorithms for the bifurcation analysis of fixed points and periodic orbits (cycles) of maps and their implementation in matcont, a matlab toolbox for continuation and bifurcation analysis of dynamical systems.... more
Does inner sense, like outer sense, provide inner sensations or, in other words, a sensory manifold of its own? Advocates of the disparity thesis on inner and outer sense claim that it does not. This interpretation, which is dominant in... more
We study the initial-boundary value problem of the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluids in a domain in $\R^3$ with compact and smooth boundary, subject to the kinematic and Navier boundary conditions. We first reformulate the... more
In general C * -algebras, elements with minimal norm in some equivalence class are introduced and characterized. We study the set of minimal hermitian matrices, in the case where the C * -algebra consists of 3×3 complex matrices, and the... more
We define super Riemann surfaces as smooth 2{2-dimensional supermanifolds equipped with a reduction of their structure group to the group of invertible upper triangular 2 x 2 complex matrices. The integrability conditions for such a... more
In this article, we investigate the response of a thin superconducting shell to an arbitrary external magnetic field. We identify the intensity of the applied field that forces the emergence of vortices in minimizers, the so-called first... more
The main theorem of this note is the following re…nement of the well-known Lelong-Bremermann lemma: Let u be a continuous plurisubharmonic function on a Stein manifold of dimension n: Then there exists an integer m 2n + 1, natural numbers... more
A morph between two Riemannian n-manifolds is an isotopy between them together with the set of all intermediate manifolds equipped with Riemannian metrics. We propose measures of the distortion produced by some classes of morphs and... more
A symplectic groupoid is a manifold T with a partially defined multiplication (satisfying certain axioms) and a compatible symplectic structure. The identity elements in T turn out to form a Poisson manifold To? and the correspondence... more
Many real-world polygonal surfaces contain topological singularies that represent a challenge for processes such as simplification, compression, smoothing, etc. We present an algorithm for removing such singularities, thus converting... more
In this study we concentrate on qualitative topological analysis of the local behavior of the space of natural images. To this end, we use a space of 3 by 3 high-contrast patches M. We develop a theoretical model for the high-density... more
Statistical analysis on landmark-based shape spaces has diverse applications in morphometrics, medical diagnostics, machine vision, robotics and other areas. These shape spaces are non-Euclidean quotient manifolds, often the quotient of... more
Flows in manifolds are of great importance in quite diverse fields of science and technology, including fuel cells, spargers, solar collectors, microchannels, porous infiltration and irrigation. Theory of flow distribution and pressure... more
We study a particular class of autonomous Differential-Algebraic Equations that are equivalent to Ordinary Differential Equations on manifolds. Under appropriate assumptions we determine a straightforward formula for the computation of... more
In recent years differential systems whose solutions evolve on manifolds of matrices have acquired a certain relevance in numerical analysis. A classical example of such a differential system is the well-known Toda flow. This paper is a... more
Kapovich, M., and L. Potyagailo, On the absence of Ahlfors' finiteness theorem for Kleinian groups in dimension three, Topology and its Applications 40 (1991) 83-91.
Pipelines with multiple outlets are used extensively for irrigation under various types of surface, sprinkler and trickle irrigation systems. In this research, a lateral pipeline with two diameters (tapered), laid on horizontal, uphill... more
We study infinitesimal properties of nonsmooth (nondifferentiable) functions on smooth manifolds. The eigenvalue function of a matrix on the manifold of symmetric matrices gives a natural example of such a nonsmooth function. A... more
Recently, some research efforts have shown that face images possibly reside on a nonlinear sub-manifold. Though Laplacianfaces method considered the manifold structures of the face images, it has limits to solve face recognition problem.... more
In this article, we investigate the response of a thin superconducting shell to an arbitrary external magnetic field. We identify the intensity of the applied field that forces the emergence of vortices in minimizers, the so-called first... more
We investigate how a Lorentzian manifold can be reconstructed from a more fundamental structure, in the context ofa proposal for a quantum theory ofgravity. We first show that some collections of countable sets of points of the manifold,... more
We generalize the classical Bochner-Yano theorems of Riemannian geometry to pseudo-Riemannian manifolds in order to obtain information on higher dimensional space-times with symmetries. The results are used to shed some light on questions... more
Let J be a semisimple Lie group with all simple factors of real rank at least two. Let Γ < J be a lattice. We prove a very general local rigidity result about actions of J or Γ. This shows that almost all so-called "standard actions" are... more
We show that any compact almost-complex manifold (M, J) of complex dimension m can be pseudo-holomorphically embedded in R^(6m) equipped with a suitable almost-complex structure.
A unitarizing measure is a probability measure such that the associated L 2 space contains a closed subspace of holomorphic functionals on which the Virasoro algebra acts unitarily. It has been shown that the unitarizing property is... more
We study infinitesimal properties of nonsmooth (nondifferentiable) functions on smooth manifolds. The eigenvalue function of a matrix on the manifold of symmetric matrices gives a natural example of such a nonsmooth function. A... more
The regular reduction of a Dirac manifold acted upon freely and properly by a Lie group is generalized to a nonfree action. For this, several facts about G-invariant vector fields and one-forms are shown.
For an almost contact metric manifold N , we find conditions for which either the total space of an S 1-bundle over N or the Riemannian cone over N admits a strong Kähler with torsion (SKT) structure. In this way we construct new... more
We investigate the steady-state multiplicity exhibited by the reaction of a fuel/air mixture in a continuously stirred tank reactor. The chemical mechanism used is a modification of a scheme due to Sal'nikov. We consider four cases;... more
We exhibit a closed hyperbolic 3-manifold which satisfies a very strong form of Thurston's Virtual Fibration Conjecture. In particular, this manifold has finite covers which fiber over the circle in arbitrarily many ways. More precisely,... more
We discuss the problem of global invertibility of nonlinear maps defined on the finite dimensional Euclidean space via differential tests. We provide a generalization of the Fujisawa-Kuh global inversion theorem and introduce a... more
Inspired by the work of Boris Vertman on refined analytic torsion for manifolds with boundary, in this paper we extend the construction of the Cappell-Miller analytic torsion to manifolds with boundary. We also compare it with the refined... more
Resume. Nous donnons une methode explicite pour construire des varietes symplectiques munies d'une pseudo-metrique compatible. Biles apparaissent comme espace total d'une c1asse speciale de fibrations etudiee en [1]. Parmi elles ,... more
A class of Virasoro algebras with continuously varying central charge are obtained by the addition of terms linear in Kač-Moody generators. The change of the spectrum of Virasoro primary fields and that of characters are investigated. A... more
For the flag manifold X = G/B of a complex semi-simple Lie group G, we make connections between the Kostant harmonic forms on G/B and the geometry of the Bruhat Poisson structure. We show that on each Schubert cell, the corresponding... more
New computational procedures are proposed for experimentally evaluating air-fuel ratio and mass fractions of exhaust emissions as well as EGR rate, oxygen mass fraction and thermal capacity of the inducted charge in IC engines running... more
We propose a novel regularizer when training an auto-encoder for unsupervised feature extraction. We explicitly encourage the latent representation to contract the input space by regularizing the norm of the Jacobian (analytically) and... more