Books by Juan-Pablo Vita
Josef Tropper and Juan-Pablo Vita, Lehrbuch der ugaritischen Sprache. Zaphon, Münster 2020
Books edited by Juan-Pablo Vita
Juan-Pablo Vita (ed.), History of the Akkadian Language. Vol. 1: Linguistic Background and Early Periods. Vol. 2: The Second and First Millennia BCE. Afterlife. Handbook of Oriental Studies vol. 152. Brill, Leiden-Chicago 2021., 2021
Akkadian is, after Sumerian, the second oldest language attested in the Ancient Near East, as wel... more Akkadian is, after Sumerian, the second oldest language attested in the Ancient Near East, as well as the oldest known Semitic language. It is also a language with one of history's longest written records. And yet, unlike other relevant languages written over a long period of time, there has been no volume dedicated to its own history. The aim of the present work is to ll that void. The outcome is presented in 26 chapters written by 25 leading authors and divided into two volumes, the rst covering the linguistic background and early periods and the second covering the second and rst millennia BCE as well as its afterlife.
J. J. Justel, B. E. Solans, J. P. Vita, J. Á. Zamora (eds.), Las aguas primigenias - El Próximo Oriente Antiguo como fuente de civilización. Actas del IV Congreso Español de Antiguo Oriente Próximo (Zaragoza, 17 a 21 de Octubre de 2006), Zaragoza 2007., 2007

FOREWORD ………………………………………………………………………………………… …….iii
FOREWORD ………………………………………………………………………………………… …….iii
Federico Corriente, Ethiopic halläwä “to be” and its Arabic Cognates. Some Thoughts on the Close Ties between Rhetorical Interrogation, Emphatic Affirmation and Negation………… . 1
Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Ugaritic and Old(-South)-Arabic: Two WS Dialects?.. 5
Olga Kapeliuk, The Enrichment of the Verbal Systems in Peripheral Neo-Semitic ………………… ….25
Geoffrey Khan, Remarks on the Historical Development of the Copula in Neo-Aramaic ……………… 31
José Martínez Delgado, Some Biblical Verbs Using Different Roots
Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, Comparative Semitics as Incentive for Textual and Literary Analyses in the Arabic Framework …………………………………………………………..55
Joaquín Sanmartín, Etymologie, Etymographie und Sprach-Tektonik: Das „Glossary of Old Syrian“ ..... 71
Wilfred G. E. Watson, Ugaritic Terms for Containers in the Light of Comparative Semitics …………..81
Gabor Takács, Semitic Fauna Terminology and Afro-Asiatic
…………………………………………. 113
Mauro Tosco, What Terminal Speakers Can Do to Their Languages: the Strange Case of Elmolo ….. 131
Andrzej Zaborski, Problems of the Reconstruction of Hamitosemitic Articles …………………………145
A. González Blanco, J. P. Vita, J. Á. Zamora (eds.), De la Tablilla a la Inteligencia Artificial. Homenaje al Prof. Jesús-Luis Cunchillos en su 65 aniversario. Zaragoza 2003., 2003
J. J. Justel, J. P. Vita, J Á. Zamora (eds.), Las culturas del Próximo Oriente Antiguo y su expansión mediterránea. Textos de los Cursos de Postgraduados del CSIC en el Instituto de Estudios Islámicos y del Oriente Próximo 2003-2006, Zaragoza 2008., 2008
Books by Juan-Pablo Vita
Books edited by Juan-Pablo Vita
FOREWORD ………………………………………………………………………………………… …….iii
Federico Corriente, Ethiopic halläwä “to be” and its Arabic Cognates. Some Thoughts on the Close Ties between Rhetorical Interrogation, Emphatic Affirmation and Negation………… . 1
Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Ugaritic and Old(-South)-Arabic: Two WS Dialects?.. 5
Olga Kapeliuk, The Enrichment of the Verbal Systems in Peripheral Neo-Semitic ………………… ….25
Geoffrey Khan, Remarks on the Historical Development of the Copula in Neo-Aramaic ……………… 31
José Martínez Delgado, Some Biblical Verbs Using Different Roots
Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, Comparative Semitics as Incentive for Textual and Literary Analyses in the Arabic Framework …………………………………………………………..55
Joaquín Sanmartín, Etymologie, Etymographie und Sprach-Tektonik: Das „Glossary of Old Syrian“ ..... 71
Wilfred G. E. Watson, Ugaritic Terms for Containers in the Light of Comparative Semitics …………..81
Gabor Takács, Semitic Fauna Terminology and Afro-Asiatic
…………………………………………. 113
Mauro Tosco, What Terminal Speakers Can Do to Their Languages: the Strange Case of Elmolo ….. 131
Andrzej Zaborski, Problems of the Reconstruction of Hamitosemitic Articles …………………………145
FOREWORD ………………………………………………………………………………………… …….iii
Federico Corriente, Ethiopic halläwä “to be” and its Arabic Cognates. Some Thoughts on the Close Ties between Rhetorical Interrogation, Emphatic Affirmation and Negation………… . 1
Gregorio del Olmo Lete, Ugaritic and Old(-South)-Arabic: Two WS Dialects?.. 5
Olga Kapeliuk, The Enrichment of the Verbal Systems in Peripheral Neo-Semitic ………………… ….25
Geoffrey Khan, Remarks on the Historical Development of the Copula in Neo-Aramaic ……………… 31
José Martínez Delgado, Some Biblical Verbs Using Different Roots
Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, Comparative Semitics as Incentive for Textual and Literary Analyses in the Arabic Framework …………………………………………………………..55
Joaquín Sanmartín, Etymologie, Etymographie und Sprach-Tektonik: Das „Glossary of Old Syrian“ ..... 71
Wilfred G. E. Watson, Ugaritic Terms for Containers in the Light of Comparative Semitics …………..81
Gabor Takács, Semitic Fauna Terminology and Afro-Asiatic
…………………………………………. 113
Mauro Tosco, What Terminal Speakers Can Do to Their Languages: the Strange Case of Elmolo ….. 131
Andrzej Zaborski, Problems of the Reconstruction of Hamitosemitic Articles …………………………145