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Bill died recently. According to his will, the residue of his entire estate is to be held in trust as follows: (a) to provide training for soldiers; (b) to provide uniforms for soldiers serving in Bill’s old regiment; (c) to encourage the... more
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      Equity and TrustsLaw of trusts
San Marino trust law is embedded in a consolidated civil law tradition stretching back to the ius commune system of fiduciary instruments, thereby making it possible to trace, to a large extent, an itinerary related to common law trusts,... more
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      Comparative LawCivil LawComparative Private LawTrust Management
L’opera, dopo aver passato in rassegna le principali caratteristiche del trust, dell’atto di destinazione e del negozio di affidamento fiduciario nonché le più rilevanti questioni problematiche ad essi relative (capitolo 1), esamina in... more
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    •   20  
      TrustTrust ManagementEquity and TrustsTrust law
Information overload is a new challenge in e-commerce sites. The problem refers to the fast growing of information that lead following the information flow in real world be impossible. Recommender systems, as the most successful... more
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      Information SystemsControl Systems EngineeringManagement Information SystemsDatabase Systems
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      ZoroastrianismParsisReligion in urban contextsMumbai
In this paper, the author traces the now-commonplace protector mechanism back to its offshore roots. By focusing explicitly on private, express offshore trusts, the present writer asks, first, what motivated the trust parties to include... more
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      Equity and TrustsCommercial LawOffshoreLaw of trusts
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      Succession LawComparative Private LawPrivate lawJapanese Law
Με την παρούσα επιχειρείται μία συνοπτική και εύληπτη παρουσίαση ενός θεσμού, που έλκει την καταγωγή του από το αγγλοσαξωνικό δίκαιο, του θεσμού του εμπιστεύματος, γνωστού ως “Trust”. Το πρώτο μισό της παρούσας έχει ως στόχο να... more
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      LawTax LawTaxationTaxation Law
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      LawComparative LawCivil LawContracts
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      LawCivil LawHuman Rights LawInternational Law
Considering the worsening climate change, in the future outer space might be our last Noah’s Ark. Now, humans must look to space as an opportunity to support growing resource requirements. Asteroids are rich in metals, which could be... more
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      International LawPublic International LawInternational Space LawTrust law
... існуватиме і багато випадків «квазі-довірчої» власності, коли фізичні і юридичні особи акумулюватимуть сільськогосподарські землі в інтересах інших осіб в «тіньовому» режимі, коли номінальний характер власності та відносини між... more
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      Civil LawLand LawLand MarketLaw of trusts
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      TrustHybrid and Mixed Legal SystemsScots LawEquity and Trusts
Document provides in depth knowledge with regard to registration process of NGO in Pakistan. NGO in Pakistan are of different types this document also touches the different types of NGOs and law regulating the NGO thereto
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      TrustNon-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)PakistanSocial Welfare
This is my condensed revision guide on the law of Equity and Trusts, Which include case summaries, statutory references and summaries of textbooks. Please note that: These notes were drafted in 2014, though you should check your... more
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      Property LawEquity and TrustsLand LawEquity
This is problem question structure relates to the law surrounding Trustee Duties and Defences. This is a guide that also includes the Law relating to Fiduciary duties, as Fiduciary duties goes hand-in-hand with general Trustee Duties.
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      Equity and TrustsFiduciary LawFiduciary RelationshipsLaw of trusts
This paper re-examines the Privy Council’s decision in Re Goldcorp Exchange Ltd . The central question this paper addresses is - How would an English court decide a case with near identical facts to Re Goldcorp Exchange Ltd? - i.e. where... more
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      PropertyEquity and TrustsCompany LawLaw of trusts
This is a problem question structure relates to the law surrounding Tracing in Equity. This is a condensed step-by-step guide on how to deal with tracing assets; including assets that have been dissipated.
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      TrustEquity and TrustsEquityPrivate Equity
we are here asked to consider a ‘battle for value’ (as John Tribe describes it between) between Karen’s children and niece Natalia, specifically Daniel on the one hand, who is arguing for a resulting trust for Karen’s estate (to be... more
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      LawEquity and TrustsLaw of trusts
This chapter considers the landmark family property decisions of the House of Lords in Pettitt v Pettitt [1970] AC 777 and Gissing v Gissing [1971] AC 886 through the prism of imputed common intention, an idea advanced by Lord Diplock in... more
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      Family LawProperty LawFamily Property LawLegal History
Equity and trust goes hand in hand therefore it is good to appreciate the maxims of equity so that one can understand the concept of Trust.
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    • Law of trusts
Sommario: 1. I fatti.-2. la vicenda e il provvedimento.-3. le questioni sul tap-peto.-4. Il controllo "del" e "sul" trustee e lo statuto legale di amministrazione del patrimonio delle persone prive di autonomia.-5. Trust a causa... more
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      TrustTrust Theory (Evolution of cooperation)Solidarity EconomySocial Trust
Sri Lanka gained independence from colonial rule in 1948. Despite most of the laws operating today are those which introduced at that colonial era. Some Ordinances specifically state that in case of a gap English Law will apply; One such... more
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      Trust lawLaw of trusts
In this essay, I have critically evaluated the tests for certainty of objects in the law of trusts and assessed whether developments in the last half century have had a positive or negative impact on the law.

Grade: 68%
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      Equity and TrustsLaw of trusts
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      Law of trustsConstructive Trusts
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      Trust ManagementEquity and TrustsTrust lawLaw of trusts
Considers the rule in Saunders v Vautier in light of the Guernsey Royal Court decision in Rusnano Capital AG v Molard International (PTC) Ltd and anr [2019] GRC 011.
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      Equity and TrustsLaw of trusts
Received a Mid 1st after being marked, useful for revision. I have attached both the question and the answer
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      Civil LawProperty LawEnglish lawUndergraduate
Coursework question on certainty of objects. Grade 70%
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      LawEquity and TrustsEquityLaw of trusts
The paper considers within a legal framework issues relating to the law on trust where property is managed by one person or entity for the benefit of another.
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    • Law of trusts
Rezumat: Acest articol continuă seria și își propune o analiză succintă a condițiilor de fond și de formă a contractului de fiducie. Dacă în ceea ce privește condițiile de fond textul legal nu își propune să inoveze, în ceea ce privește... more
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    • Law of trusts

Exploring the regulations surrounding enforcers of offshore trusts and arguing that such enforcers could become a feature of English trusts, if modern trusts theory prevails.
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      Equity and TrustsLaw of trustsOffshore Trusts
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    •   71  
      LawCivil LawPhilosophy of ScienceLogic
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      Disability StudiesTrustEquity and TrustsPrivate law
Question 2: "A declaration of trust can be valid only if the subject matter of the trust has been described with sufficient clarity."
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      Equity and TrustsLaw of trusts
Lo studio affronta la questione della validità del trust liquidatorio, quale strumento di segregazione del patrimonio aziendale utilizzato per la liquidazione di una società in stato di crisi.
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      TrustFallimentoSegregazione PatrimonialeNullità
Un terzetto di recenti decisioni di merito si segnala come valido spunto per una riflessione a proposito dei rimedi efficacemente esperibili dai creditori avverso un trust interno non preordinato al perseguimento di interessi meritevoli... more
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      TrustEquity and TrustsDiritto CivileContratti
SOMMARIO Parte I: Prologo. -1. A mo' d'introduzione. -2. Impostazione della tematica. -Parte II: I terzi e gli atti a titolo gratuito relativi a beni non vincolati. -Sezione I: I terzi immediati. -3. La tutela dell'affidamento dei terzi... more
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      TrustEquity and TrustsPrivate lawNotarial Practice
The late economic crisis has given impetus to trusts settled in furtherance of unlawful purposes, namely, to put assets out of the reach of creditors. This scheme is particularly evident in the Italian scenario, where the courts have used... more
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      Comparative Private LawEquity and TrustsFiduciary LawFiduciary Relationships
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      Comparative LawCivil LawEuropean Legal HistoryLaw of trusts
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      Tax LawPovertyEquity and TrustsEnglish law
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      Comparative LawDiritto ComparatoLaw of trusts
Neither in England, nor in Germany, nor in all Canadian provinces, does the law provide specic rules for the redistribution of property for unmarried cohabitants after the breakdown of their relationship. Instead, courts apply the law of... more
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      CohabitationLaw of RestitutionLaw of trustsFamily and cohabitation law
Il saggio raffronta l'istituto dell'atto di destinazione, introdotto nel nostro ordinamento dall'art.2645-ter cc, con il trust interno
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      TrustTrust ManagementEquity and TrustsTrust law
A summary of the Federal Court’s decision in Chin Jhin Thien & Anor v Chin Huat Yean @ Chin Chun Yean & Anor [Federal Court Civil Appeal No. 02(f)-29-04/2019]. The key takeaway is that the concept of secret trust, which is part of the... more
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      Trust lawLaw of trustsEquity and Trust Law
A discussion of the common law duty to account for unauthorised profits and commissions earned in the capacity as a fiduciary. A trail of how this duty tend to change over the years as courts try to find the best remedy for a principal... more
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      LawTrustEquity and TrustsTrust law
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      Equity and TrustsLaw of trusts
This paper aims to present a comparative law study about the enforceability of arbitration clauses in a trust, with particular emphasis on the U.S. and Latin American developments and a notion of the issue in the international context.... more
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      ArbitrationLaw of trustsLaw of succession
This report analyses the current definitions of beneficial ownership of trusts in the global context (based on the FATF Recommendations on Anti-Money Laundering) and the registration requirements in the European Union (based on the EU... more
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      International Tax LawMoney LaunderingOffshore StructuresTax Evasion