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Монография посвящена исторической поэтике жанра метаромана, установлению его единой смысловой основы и границ варьирования его структуры в разные эпохи его бытования. История метаромана как жанра выстраивается начиная с его генезиса в... more
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      Genre studiesAncient NovelSelf-Reference, Reflexivity, ReflectionMetafiction
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      Gender StudiesItalian StudiesLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporaneaKunstlerroman
The subtitle of Virginia Woolf's Orlando (1928) is not "A Novel,” but "A Biography." Though Woolf's diaries establish that Orlando's subject owes homage to Vita Sackville-West, her long-time lover, the text's fantastical plot marks it as... more
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      Fiction WritingPost Modern LiteratureComparative LiteratureEnglish Literature
In this essay, I focus on the older Stephen and I reflect on Joyce’s engagement with the elements of the Bildungsroman and the Künstlerroman. My goal, as I revisit Joycean literature on the subject, is to bring into sharper relief the... more
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      Irish StudiesEnglish LiteratureIrish LiteratureJames Joyce
The relationship with Romanticism of a great Modernist like James Joyce is a complex subject, ambiguously denoted by a shady mixture of rejection and pervasive influence. In the years of his formation and youth, the cultural paradigm of... more
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      English LiteratureRomanticismIrish LiteratureJames Joyce
The purpose of the article is to study the phenomenon of postmodernist Künstlerroman on the example of The Map and the Territory by Michel Houellebecq. The paper is focused on the social voyage of the artist-protagonist, Jed Martin, who... more
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      Michel HouellebecqPostmodernismKunstlerromanArt World
The paper introduces the concept and canon of the Russian émigré Künstlerroman within the extant theoretical frame distinguishing the genre of Bildungsroman (the coming-of-age novel) and its subgenre, the Künstlerroman (a novel about the... more
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      Literary CanonVladimir NabokovRussian ModernismKunstlerroman
Esta tesis desea centrarse en el aspecto del aprendizaje del lenguaje y como consecuencia de esto del artista en Ximena de dos caminos, postulando que se encuentra influenciada fuertemente por aspectos esenciales del Bildungsroman. Este... more
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      KunstlerromanBildungsromanNovela LatinoamericanaLaura Riesco
Монография посвящена исторической поэтике жанра метаромана, установлению его единой смысловой основы и границ варьирования его структуры в разные эпохи его бытования. История метаромана как жанра выстраивается начиная с его генезиса в... more
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      Genre studiesAncient NovelSelf-Reference, Reflexivity, ReflectionMetafiction
At a conference in Germany in which I made a presentation, Wolfgang Holzschuh asked me to write a short chapter for an anthology on sibling grief. Continuing bonds was a new idea in Germany at that time, so he asked if I would focus... more
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      BereavementSigmund FreudEkphrasisExperimental fiction
Daha önce dört roman yayımladın. Okurlar için hatırlatalım. Yerçekimi (2010), Fars (2013), Baht Dönüşü (2015), Karaçam Ormanı'nda (2019). Yeni kitabın Monograflar ise deneme ile kurmaca arası metinlerden ve fragmanlardan oluşan parçalı... more
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      German LiteratureThomas BernhardExile LiteratureKunstlerroman
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      Creative WritingHistory of ReligionRitualJungian psychology
Psychoanalysis has been a research field for authors a long time ago. The human psyche is complicated; it is a mix of emotions, instincts, actions ad reactions. The 20th century is revolutionary, new inventions and discoveries were... more
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      PsychoanalysisFree WillKunstlerromanRole Model
Armand Colin is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Littérature.
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      Eating DisordersMarcel ProustGeorges PerecStill Life
This paper argues that Defoe's Roxana gathers many facets of the novel of adventures: the epic, the romance, the picaresque, as well as other genres: the cautionary tale, the roman à clef, the detective story... Its generic quality is so... more
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      English LiteratureThe NovelTheory of the NovelDetective Fiction
Resumen: El juego de palabras, uso lúdico del lenguaje que contraviene por definición sus reglas combinatorias habituales, es marca distintiva de la producción de Julián Ríos. Este trabajo plantea el problema de la disposición y... more
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      KunstlerromanLudolinguisticsJuegos De Palabras
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      MysticismKunstlerroman, Portraits of the ArtistKunstlerromanJean Echenoz
(PT/BR) Em Clarice Lispector: uma poética do olhar, Regina Pontieri medita rapidamente sobre Perto do coração selvagem, de Clarice Lispector. Infelizmente sem se adentrar muito no tema, Pontieri afirma que Joana... more
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      Literatura brasileiraBrazilian LiteratureClarice LispectorEstudos de Gênero (Gender Studies)
This paper on the novels "The Master" and "Author, Author" was published in a special issue of ANGLISTIK 2012, edited by Anette Prankratz and Barbara Puschmann-Nalenz called "Portraits of the Artist as a Young Thing in British, Irish and... more
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      Henry JamesKunstlerroman
(PT/BR) Uma das tendências do romance moderno, o romance de introversão, ao explicitar os métodos de sua própria composição na narrativa, tornou evidente a figura daquele que o escreve: o artista. Na obra de Clarice Lispector vários são... more
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      Literature and Visual ArtsClarice LispectorKunstlerromanLiteratura e outras artes
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (Un ritratto dell'artista da giovane), il primo romanzo di Joyce, viene pubblicato nel 1916 dalla B.W. Huebsch, dopo essere apparso a puntate sulla rivista letteraria The Egoist grazie al supporto... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureJames JoyceIntertextuality
Fiat lux .'l'hc artist, likc thc gotl of crcatiou, remains witl¡i¡r or L¡chintl or bcyonrl or above liis handiwolk, invisiblc, rclìnctl out of existcnce, indiffercut, ¡>aring lris fìngcrnaits fl anrcs J oycc, A I'orlrait o! lhe Artist øs... more
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      Jorge Luis BorgesMarcel ProustAuthorKunstlerroman
Resumen: En este artículo propongo leer las novelas Los palacios distantes (2002) y El bailarín ruso de ) de Abilio Estévez (Cuba, 1954, como "novela de artista." Las mismas, argumento, funcionan como parodia de las categorías de artistas... more
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      Cuban StudiesKunstlerromanAbilio EstévezArtist Novels
ßr^lbJ', À^' L+il'^ lr.tlrùYlt) 262 Elisâbeth A. HowE correspond à l'éternel, à I'universel, comme la poésie réunit le temps cyclique et le temps linéaire. Valéry a dit, à propos des << Fragments du Narcisse >> : << Ce qui m'a... more
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      Paul ValéryKunstlerroman, Portraits of the ArtistKunstlerromanMarcel Schwob
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      20th Century French LiteratureMichel ButorAncient RomeVirgil
e Vernáculas, também por todo apoio dado durante esses anos, permitindo-me (literalmente) voar para outros continentes com minha pesquisa. À banca de qualificação deste mestrado, Profa. Dra. Yudith Rosenbaumobrigada pelas aulas incríveis... more
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      HumanitiesArtLiterature and Visual ArtsClarice Lispector
The aim of this thesis is to examine the role of gender, ethnicity, and class as the crucial social and cultural forces which influence female self-development in Chicana literature of the late 20th century. For the analysis were chosen... more
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      Chicana/o StudiesIdentity (Culture)Personal IdentityFeminist Literary Theory and Gender Studies
This thesis attempts to explore the revival of the Kunstlerroman genre in two contemporary works of autobiographical fiction: J. M. Coetzee’s Summertime (2009) and Hisham Matar’s In the Country of Men (2006). The two main goals are to... more
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      J. M. CoetzeeAutofictionMikhail BakhtinKunstlerroman
Рассматриваются две ключевые трактовки творческого субъекта в немецком романе о художнике. Автор выделяет конформистскую и нонконформистскую линии развития жанра, связывая их с вехами становления субъектности в искусстве и литературе... more
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      German LiteratureHerbert MarcusePerformance Art20th Century German Literature
Formalizam i pitanie ianra "Sudeii prema razliiitim noviiim publikacilamapisao ie Pol de Man pre tridesetak godinavetar ne duva u pravcu formalistiike ili unutrainle kritike."l Moida ova dijagnoza ne sadrii sve elemente neophodne za opis... more
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      Comparative LiteratureGenre TheoryKunstlerromanBildungsroman
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      PoetryElectronic MusicEkphrasisExperimental fiction
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyMysticismLiterary studies
Novalis formulierte den Imperativ, dass das Leben eines kanonischen Menschen symbolisch sein müsse. Ein von uns gemachter Roman soll das Leben sein. Friedrich Schlegel fügte hinzu, dass jeder gebildete Mensch in seinem Innern einen Roman... more
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      Michel HouellebecqKunstlerromanRomantikLiteratursoziologie
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      German LiteratureArt HistoryRomanticismWord and Image Studies
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      ModernityFrench ImpressionismEmile ZolaKunstlerroman
Back in 1988, in an article on Echenoz published in a special issue of Yale French Studies devoted to contemporary French novelists, I wrote: “Although the Médicis prize awarded to him for his second novel, Cherokee, has begun to... more
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      Cultural StudiesPhilosophyMysticismLiterary studies
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      Georges PerecKunstlerroman, Portraits of the ArtistKunstlerroman
En octobre 1844, les relations, depuis longtemps tendues, de George Sand avec l&#39;editeur Louis Veron du Constitutionnel, celui qu elle appelle en prive l&#39;autocrate, atteignent un point critique. L&#39;auteur refuse de se plier aux... more
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      Women ArtistsGeorge SandLiterary studiesKunstlerroman
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      Kunstlerroman, Portraits of the ArtistKunstlerromanBildungsromanTahsin Yücel
Over the last sixteen years Almond has experimented with ways of depicting an unruly wildernesses into which his protagonists adventure in search of space and time to come to terms with aspects of themselves and their world that they find... more
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      Children's LiteratureTypographyKunstlerromanFeminine Writing
(Access full text by following the link under '1 file' next to the number of views.) Lajos Gulácsy (1882-1932), the acknowledged Hungarian painter of the early twentieth century, was a kindred spirit to Irish playwright and poet Oscar... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish (early and modern)Irish LiteratureModern Art
Essa comunicação tem como objetivo elucidar um breve panorama sobre meu atual projeto de Mestrado. A presente pesquisa se desenvolve, sobretudo, a partir da teoria de Herbert Marcuse a respeito do Künstlerroman - o romance de artista. Em... more
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      Literatura brasileiraClarice LispectorKunstlerroman
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      American LiteratureScience FictionArt and ScienceTwentieth Century Literature
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      Utopian StudiesScience FictionUtopian LiteratureUrsula K. Le Guin
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      George SandKunstlerromanBildungsroman
RESUMO: Este artigo traz um estudo de literatura comparada entre as linguagens da narrativa e da pintura pela análise do conto "The Oval Portrait", do escritor americano Edgar Allan Poe, baseando-se nas teorias do crítico de arte Heinrich... more
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      Edgar Allan PoeLiteratura ComparadaLiteratura Comparada (Comparative Literature)Pintura
Chyk D. The Biographical Künstlerroman in the Ukrainian and English Literatures of the mid-XIXth cent. (T. Shevchenko, W. Thackeray). The article analyses a novella “The Artist” by Taras Shevchenko and a novel «The Newcomes» by William M.... more
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      Comparative LiteratureThe NovelVictorian LiteratureW.M. Thackeray
This chapter, featured in The Routledge Companion to Literature and Human Rights (2014), contributes to the new and emerging field of the critical human rights humanities, with a special focus on the Caribbean as well as on artistic... more
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      Human RightsCaribbean LiteratureHaitiHaitian Literature