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alfa xxvi-xxvii » comunicaciones abstracción, sensibilidad y vida. La lectura henryana de Kandinsky agustín Palomar Torralbo [email protected] 2 Resumen Este trabajo presenta la lectura que hace Michel Henry de la pintura abstracta de... more
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      EstéticaFilosofía contemporáneaFenomenologíaTeoria Del Arte
This work explores the key life events that shaped Vassiliy Kandinsky's complex art vision. Readers will dive into his mindset, discovering the meaning behind the metaphor of the 'Phoenix' of the abstraction art. Throughout the entire... more
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      Art HistoryAbstract ArtDeconstructionPhilosophy of Art
Letting one's eyes wander over a palette laid out with colors has two main results: (1) There occurs a purely physical effect, i.e., the eye itself is charmed by the beauty and other qualities of the color. The spectator experienoes a... more
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      The Spiritual in ArtKandinsky
Material para estudiantes de grado, introduce a la vida y obra de Kandinsky, en especial en su importancia para el campo de la comunicación visual.
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      CommunicationComunicacion SocialARTE DISEÑO & COMUNICACION VISUALArtes
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      Art HistorySymbolismEmanuel SwedenborgWassily Kandinsky
Pepo Toledo expuso escultura por primera vez el 4 de julio del 2010. Esta ha sido una década que ha marcado la historia del arte en esta rama, pero su talento y trayectoria no se limitan a ello. Conozca más de él en esta entrevista... more
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      Paul KleeESCULTURAEstéticaHistoria del Arte
Les critiques n’envisagent pas Beckett comme un écrivain conceptuel, il ne peut pas l’être car il est obsédé par l’idée de l’image, pourtant la négation de l’image se fait, paradoxalement, à travers l’image. Il m’a semblé nécessaire, dans... more
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      BeckettKandinskyArt Conceptuel
The better quality pdf is downloadible from here: " Through recent artistic practices and technology of interactive systems for music, composition and... more
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      Applied MathematicsSet TheoryAlgorithmsHuman Computer Interaction
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      Abstract ArtModern ArtModernismWassily Kandinsky
Clement Greenberg, renowned as the most significant mid-century American art critic and arguably the most articulate champion of modernist abstraction, might well have been expected to embrace the paintings of Wassily Kandinsky as, at the... more
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      Art HistoryModernismSchoenbergKandinsky
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      Wassily KandinskyMusic and PaintingKandinskyThe poetry of color, sound and movement: painting music and dance
Review of the recent Kandinsky show at the Guggenheim, Around the Circle, by Ekin Erkan.
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      Modern ArtWassily KandinskyKandinskyKandinsky and Music
Продолжение темы: субъективность историка, трудности темы, факты и интерпретации: как грубое бытие определяет сознание, о самой разносторонней женщине 20-го века, апология "сверхчеловека" Кандинского.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryMusic HistoryArt History
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      MusicSynaesthesiaAdvertising"New" senses in art: touch, smell, taste
En el presente ensayo, analizaré el anuncio publicitario de Absolut Vodka para su producto "Absolut Pears" se trata de un Vodka con sabor natural a pera, la campaña fue lanzada en 2007 con un toque futurista, y la finalidad de darle... more
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      Wassily KandinskyDiseñoDiseño GráficoAnálisis
Reconozco en mis esculturas influencia de Kandinsky y corrientes influyentes en su época, como el constructivismo y el suprematismo. Descubrí a un escultor joven guatemalteco, Rodrigo Santa Cruz Anchissi, haciendo esculturas también... more
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      Frida KahloPablo PicassoEdouard ManetDiego Rivera
Palabras clave: van Gogh; Kandinsky; Rothko; gesto; color; autonomía del arte; pintura contemporánea
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      AestheticsContemporary ArtVisual CultureVisual perception
Kandinsky was the first known and recorded European artist to create fully abstract artworks. The religious aspects in his understanding of art have long been highlighted, although thise have often remained from the theoretical viewpoint... more
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      Russian StudiesWassily KandinskyÄsthetikMassimo Cacciari
RESUMO: W. Kandinksy (1866-1944) é, sem dúvida, um dos maiores artistas da pintura universal. Fundador do chamado "suprematismo", inaugurou uma nova maneira de se conceber a pintura e seu conteúdo. Marcado por influências teóricas que... more
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      GoetheNeoplatonismArte AbstrataKandinsky
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      Cultural IdentityExileHistory of musicWassily Kandinsky
This is a systematic presentation of S. M. E.'s "Theory of Colour" spread across decades of writing, over many essays.
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      GoetheBauhausIvan the TerribleKandinsky
¿Wassily Kandinsky habrá tomado algunos de los caminos de la
persuasión para realizar sus obras? ¿El arte de Kandinsky
convence y persuade?
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      Art HistoryArtWassily KandinskyRetórica
W assily Kandinsky’s groundbreaking book, Concerning the Spiritual in Art , appeared in December 1911, and has come to be considered perhaps the most influential art theoretical book of the twentieth century. In it, Kandinsky lays out his... more
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      Art HistorySymbolismEmanuel SwedenborgWassily Kandinsky
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      AdornoHelmuth PlessnerÄsthetikKandinsky
Musicisti russi in Liguria, da Cajkovskij a Skrjabin, in “Kandinsky, Vrubel’, Jawlenski e gli artisti russi a Genova e nelle Riviere. Passaggio in Liguria”, catalogue of the exhibition held in Genoa, Palazzo Ducale (27 October... more
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      Alexander ScriabinWassily KandinskyLiguriaTchaikovsky
Het totaalkunstwerk als ideaal was een streven naar de oneindigheid, een oplossing van alle dichotomieën van het moderne tijdsgewricht in een herstel van verloren gegane eenheden: tussen verleden en heden, tussen heden en toekomst, tussen... more
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      Music HistoryPhilosophyArt HistoryRomanticism
Casa Balla – la residenza romana in cui Giacomo Balla visse con la famiglia per trent’anni della sua vita, lasciando fra “quattro mura” il segno indelebile della sua unica e poliedrica creatività – rimarrà aperta e accessibile ai... more
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      Art HistoryInterior DesignAbstract PaintingWellbeing
Mot slutten av det begivenhetsrike året 2014, fant jeg fram en CD med hans gamle fotografier og sammenlignet dem med foto av nyere dato.[3]
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      Russian StudiesPhotographsPhotographyMartin Heidegger
Het totaalkunstwerk als ideaal was een streven naar de oneindigheid, een oplossing van alle dichotomieën van het moderne tijdsgewricht in een herstel van verloren gegane eenheden: tussen verleden en heden, tussen heden en toekomst, tussen... more
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      MusicMusic HistoryArt HistoryRomanticism
The main focus of this book is the use of color in advertising. The research that has been built upon perspectives forwarded by Kandinsky, Scriabin and Elkin tries to find out a correlation between color and music. The study reveals a new... more
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In this essay, I present the assumptions and recent results of the research and artistic achievements of the project being developed at the DramaLab of the University of Brasília, Brazil (LADI-UnB), beginning in 2016. This project deals... more
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      DramaturgySound studiesWassily KandinskyKandinsky
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      Alexander ScriabinWassily KandinskyScriabinKandinsky
In The Rhetoric of Purity, Mark Cheetham explores the historical and theoretical relations between early abstract painting in Europe and the notion of purity. For Gauguin, Serusier, Mondrian and Kandinsky - the pioneering abstractionists... more
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      Art TheoryAbstract ArtArthur SchopenhauerPiet Mondrian
Resumen: Para comprender la tesis de Kandinsky según la cual «en arte, la teoría nunca precede a la práctica» es necesario dejar de lado los significados habituales de las palabras teoría y práctica y recoger, sobre todo, los sentidos que... more
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      Wassily KandinskyAristótelesMetafísicaEstética y Teoría del arte