Recent papers in Jacobites
In this paper, I would like to argue that the Duchy of Lorraine was part of the Jacobite network in Europe, and especially during the episode of the 1715 Rebellion. The history of the Duchy of Lorraine and the European context between... more
Предметом настоящей работы является прагматика поздних включений Туата Де Дананн в парафольклорный нарратив, в частности в работах Михола О’Клири (Mícheál Ó Cléirigh) и Джеффри Китинга (Seathrún Céitinn). Будучи созданы примерно в одно и... more
In the Jacobite period, the north-east was a geographically and culturally distinct region of Lowland Scotland. It had a well-functioning economy, two universities and a strong Episcopalian heritage. It had the means to raise men and... more
This chapter describes Scottish commercial networks operating in France in the Early Modern Period. It was the first serious look at the politics surrounding Franco-Scottish relations in the period and has inspired much scholarship since... more
The purpose of this study is to cast fresh light on the uprising of the Galloway Levellers in 1724. To achieve this objective, the study takes as its starting point patterns of land use and land ownership inGalloway as they evolved... more
History of a Scottish Regiment in the French army in the 18th century. The regiment Royal Ecossais was created in 1743 by Lord John Drummond. This study is about the creation of the regiment en 1743, the men in charge, and the history of... more
Jacques Baradée : apôtre et prophète ? Retour sur les trois « Vitae » syriaques Jacques Baradée fut une personnalité importante du christianisme oriental antique, mais qui était-il réellement ? La question demeure entière puisque tous les... more
This thesis examines the social record of popular Jacobitism during the 1745 Rising as expressed through its plebeian constituency. Such an assessment fills in the gaps largely ignored by scholars of the Jacobite period, who instead tend... more
This article seeks to address the complex relationships, conspiratorial theories and actual relationship between Jacobites, Hanoverians and Freemasons. This is a translation of the original article published in French.
""يعقوبون والطائفة اليعقوبية فى التراث المصري المملوكى It is a conventional view that one of the most important denominations of Eastern Christianity—the Jacobites—owes its formation to the activity of the sixth-century Syrian bishop... more
Préface et introduction de la version française de l'ouvrage de Margaret C. Jacob, de l'Université de Californie Los Angeles - Traduction Henri Medioni. Paru aux éditions Ubik, à Marseille, ubik-editions.com
The Order del Toboso was a Jacobite social order. In this chapter the author argues that they remained committed Jacobites, but adopted a pragmatic approach and actively discouraged their family and friends from losing all in rash... more
Thank you to Amanda Charland for creation of this pdf, and Roy Edwards, Kara Kozikowski, Jennifer Novotny, M.R. Wood, Elizabeth Pierce, Ryan K. McNutt, Terence Christian, Marjory Horne, Adrian Maldonado, and Christy McNutt for their help... more
Late-seventeenth century County Clare was in upheaval following the defeat of the Jacobite cause at Aughrim and Limerick in 1691. Many soldiers, Catholic landholders and adventurers took advantage of the terms of the Treaty of Limerick... more
The Jacobites were those who for numerous reasons supported the Stuart and claim to the throne of England, Wales, Ireland and Scotland. They had backing of France for many of the rebellions and from Spain. France and Spain supported the... more
""Inhaltsverzeichnis Miscellanea Orientalia Christiana Von den Herausgebern SYRIACA Yulia Furman Der erste Schöpfungstag und die „ersten Naturen“ in der „Geschichte der zeitlichen Welt“ von Johannes bar Penkaye Evgeny... more
This article examines the connections between the Scottish Enlightenment thinker David Hume (1711-76) and the Jacobites. Many of his friendships with Jacobites are known, but they have rarely been explored in detail, perhaps because they... more
Here's a working list showing the names, ranks, origins and other information of the officers of this regiment during the 1745 rising. It's interesting to see from this that the fates of almost all of the officers are known, and that... more
Chapter in Living with Jacobitism, 1690-1788: the Three Kingdoms and Beyond, edited by Allan MacInnes, Kieran German, and Lesley Graham (2014). In 18th-century Scotland, conflict permeated beyond the boundaries of the fields of... more
Якобитское движение, вопреки популярным стереотипам о нем, не было ни в основном шотландским, ни в основном гэльским, ни даже в основном католическим. К тому же, не только реальные участники якобитских кампаний идентифицировали себя как... more
This article explores the migration of Scottish mariners into foreign service in the 17th and 18th centuries. It challenges any notion of 'special relationship' between Scotland and a particular maritime nation (as is often claimed) by... more
This book is the first encompassing history of diasporas in Europe between 1500 and 1800. Huguenots, Sephardim, British Catholics, Mennonites, Moriscos, Moravian Brethren, Quakers, Ashkenazim… what do these populations who roamed Europe... more
In her discussion of the literary representations of seventeenth-century English Catholic women, the cultural critic Frances E. Dolan states that "Catholics provoked more prolific and intemperate visual and verbal representation and more... more
Dominican Riccoldo da Monte Croce headed to the East in 1288, where was sent on a mission towards the Nestorians and Jacobites by Nicolas 4th and the Grand Master of his Order. He stayed there for about ten years. The account of his... more
The polemical treatise by Ibn Ḥazm (994–1064), the famous Andalusian Muslim author, has a section on the Incarnation of God, in which the author provides a critical survey of doctrinal divisions in Christianity. Similarly to other Muslim... more
Slides (in German and English) of a lecture hold at the Third Aramean Congress ("Sayfo 1915-2015 and the Aramean Identity")
95 paperback. ISBN 9781911628163.
The table of contents, and the conclusion of my master dissertation.
Recorrido por la presencia del jacobitismo escocés, aplastado tras la batalla de Culloden (1746) en el cine, finalizando con una visión de la serie Outlander (2014).
In the histories of ecumenism, its initial formation is usually dated the early 20th century. The World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910 is referred to as its «symbolic beginning». A quest for the origins of the ecumenical... more
Sommaire oomplet du numéro et articles en accès libre : https://www.ifao.egnet.net/bcai/36 ou https://journals.openedition.org/bcai/290
In the histories of ecumenism, its initial formation is usually dated the early 20th century. The World Missionary Conference held in Edinburgh in 1910 is referred to as its «symbolic beginning». A quest for the origins of the ecumenical... more
“The networks and connections of Francis Taaffe, Earl of Carlingford and Lorraine “prime minister”, 3rd Earl of Carlingford: an ambiguous pro-Jacobite or an opportunist Williamite?”... more
This article has been published in Miroirs, an online academic Journal of the Toulouse1 University in France.
Full-text is available at http://www.revuemiroirs.fr/links/5/article1.pdf
Full-text is available at http://www.revuemiroirs.fr/links/5/article1.pdf
Primary script consultant for the National Trust for Scotland's virtual battlefield tour at Culloden, produced by YourTour and hosted by VirtualVisits.
In Swedish: Det är en vanlig uppfattning att ett av de viktigaste samfunden i östkristendom – jakobiterna – hänger samman med den syriske biskopen Yaˁqub Baraday, som verkade under 500-talet, och kallades ”jakobit” efter honom. Medeltida... more