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كتاب الأولياء والمزارات الإسلامية في فلسطين تأليف د. توفيق كنعان ترجمة د. نمر سرحان تحرير د. حمدان طه صدر الكتاب باللغة الانجليزية سنة 1927 عن دار نشر لوزاك في لندن. وكان قد نشر قبل ذلك كسلسلة مقالات على صفحات مجلة جمعية الاستشراق... more
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      Christian pilgrimage shrinesSanctuariesShrines, Sufism, Applied AnthropologyIslamic shrines
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      HagiographyCult of SaintsSaints' CultsMuslim saints
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      Devotional ShrinesPakistanPublic SpaceDepoliticization
Shrines of Sufi Saints remain a significant aspect of the religious and social structure of Pakistan. They are fundamentally functional in creating social participation, provision of entertainment in the form of devotional music and songs... more
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      SociologyAnthropologySocial SciencesDevotional Shrines
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      Central Asian StudiesCult of SaintsIslamic StudiesIslam in Central Asia
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      Cultural HeritageMaterial Culture StudiesTourismIslamic shrines
With an appendix by Rian Thum and David Brophy. The story of the Sufi saint Khwaja Muhammad Sharif is one of the best-loved hagiographies from East Turkistan (present-day Xinjiang, China), where the saint’s shrine remains a place of... more
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      ReligionMythology And FolkloreFolkloreNear Eastern Studies
There are a number of detailed studies on Sufi shrines in South Asia and the rituals performed there. However, there has been relatively little attention paid to the connections between the rituals performed at the shrines and the broader... more
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      RitualDevotional ShrinesSufismIndia
A recent survey conducted by the author has revealed the presence of over 50 shrines in Dhofar. This number is significantly higher than the few discussed by others in previous reports in Dhofar (Costa 2001; Costa and Kite 1985; Oman... more
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      Islamic shrinesDhofar
Adjustment Problems of Children with Physical disabilities " at Al-Faraabi Special Education Center for Physically Handicapped Children Sector G-8/4, Islamabad. BY SHAZIA BIBI
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    • Islamic shrines
The divine status of Moula Abi Abdillah Al Imam al-Husain (as) is beyond imagination due to our limitations of Ma’arif and strength of understanding. The Imam of Ahl al-Bayt (as) is an embodiment of “Al Mawjud al-Awwal” (the First... more
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      Spirituality & MysticismMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)OccultismMedicine
This article follows the transmutations of narratives, material structures and rituals focused on Mashhad Ḥusayn. It begins with the alleged discovery of the head of the martyred grandson of the Prophet by the Ismāʿīlī Fāṭimids at the end... more
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      Medieval HistoryIslamic StudiesRelics (Religion)Ismailism
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      Syrian StudiesProphet MuhammadShiismIslamic shrines
Patronage of shrines in Ilkhanid Iran; desire to be buried near a celebrated holy person; Qum as a Shi'i centre in Ilkhanid times; Imamzada 'Ali b. Abi'l-Ma'ali b. 'Ali Safi; Qur'anic suras 3, 17, 23, 36, 48, 55, 59, 76, 97; the Safi... more
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      Spatial AnalysisIranian StudiesIranian Art HistoryIranian History
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      Cult of SaintsIslamic StudiesSufismXinjiang
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      Devotional ShrinesQajar ArchitectureShiismPahlavi Dynasty
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      HagiographyMiddle East StudiesCentral Asian StudiesSilk Road Studies
This paper discusses the concept of death, resurrection and shrine visitation from an Islamic point of view. It is divided into two integral parts. In the first part, we examine the Islamic eschatological concepts of death, resurrection,... more
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      Islamic StudiesSufismResurrectionIsis
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      Central Asian StudiesIslamic StudiesIslamic HistoryUzbekistan
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      Central Asian StudiesIslamic StudiesCentral AsiaUzbekistan
Andrew Petersen, professor of Islamic archaeology at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, has conducted extensive research on the topic of Islamic architecture in Palestine and the larger eastern Mediterranean region. In this... more
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      Ancient HistoryPalestineIslamic StudiesSufism
В данной статье ставится задача проанализировать существующий материал по святилищу Укаша-ата в Южном Казахстане, и выявить его аналогии в Центральной Азии. При написании статьи также использовались данные полученные в ходе полевых... more
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      Central Asian StudiesCult of SaintsIslam in Central AsiaIslamic History
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      Safavid PersiaWaqf StudiesIslamic shrines
Within the community of Islamic scholarship, opinions are split with respect to the division between culture practices and religious orthopraxy. This is particularly true with practices of saint veneration and shrine visitation. This... more
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      PilgrimageCult of SaintsSaints' CultsIslamic Studies
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      UzbekistanIslamic shrinesTashkent
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      AfghanistanCentral Asian StudiesCult of SaintsIslamic Studies
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      Gender StudiesAnthropologySex and GenderMiddle East Studies
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      Religion and PoliticsIslamUzbekistanIslamic shrines
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      Middle EastSalafismArab Spring (Arab Revolts)Islamic shrines
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      Cultural HeritageVernacular ReligionContemporary SufismTajikistan
This paper presents the conceptual contours of the Emmy Noether Research Group project “The Bureaucratization of Islam and its Socio-Legal Dimensions in Southeast Asia”. The project views the bureaucratization of Islam not simply as a... more
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      ReligionSocial ChangeIslamic LawAnthropology
The Emamzadeh Yahya at Varamin, a tomb-shrine located south of Tehran, is well known for supplying global museums with iconic examples of Ilkhanid-period luster tilework. After providing a historiography of the site, including its plunder... more
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      Iranian StudiesShrinesIslamic shrines
MA-Program Intellectual Encounters of the Islamicate World Thesis,  Free University of Berlin, Germany
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      HistoryCultural HistorySelf and IdentityAnthropology of Pilgrimage
The site of esh-Sheikh Ahmad el-Qatrawani is located between Birzeit and Atara, ca 13 kms north of Ramallah. The site features a common Islamic saint tomb from the Mamluk-Ottoman period. According to the local traditions, the site was... more
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      PalestineByzantine ArchaeologyByzantine monasticismIslamic shrines
El recuerdo de la muerte puede invocarse a través de diferentes recursos materiales, discursivos o rituales no excluyentes. Este trabajo se centra en los elementos arquitectónicos, escultóricos y/o epigráficos que conmemoran el lugar de... more
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      Death StudiesAl-AndalusAl Andalus (Islamic History)Tombs (Medieval Studies)
The role of religion and kinship is very dynamic in the case of District Jhang (Pakistan) where most of the custodians of religious shrines are actively involved in the national and provincial level politics deriving their political power... more
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      PakistanSufismIslamIslamic shrines
Figure: the Popular and the Political in Pakistan deconstructs the common belief that figurative representation is forbidden in Islam. the book argues that the blasphamous implications associated with the representation of the figure... more
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      Popular CultureIslamic ArtPoster ArtVisual and Cultural Studies
In Syria, there are two dominant scholarly opinions on ritual self-flagellation, which rest on different understandings of health and healing, and which form the topic of the first part of this chapter. The second examines miracle stories... more
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      ReligionMedical SociologyHealth PsychologyAnthropology
This article is focused on the issues of cult of saints and shrines in the Samarqand province of Uzbekistan. The contribution of the author to the study of shrines of the region consists of that beside the summary of the existing material... more
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      Central Asian StudiesOral historyCult of SaintsSaints' Cults
بنای بقعۀ «پیربکران» که از دورۀ ایلخانی در منطقۀ فلاورجان اصفهان به‌جای مانده است، یادگار مهمی از هنرهای تزیینی ایران در زمینۀ تزیینات معماری محسوب می‌شود. از آنجا که این بقعه مورد احترام کلیمیان و مسلمانان منطقه بوده است، در دل تاریخ پر... more
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesMongolian StudiesHistory of Iran
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      Middle EastSalafismArab Spring (Arab Revolts)Islamic shrines
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      Persian LiteratureHagiographyEarly Modern HistoryMiddle East Studies
Syria is considered to be a part of the ancient Levant and one of the important cultural centers in the Islamic world. There are some shrines attributed to the Household of the Prophet (PBUH) and the followers of Imams (A.S.) in different... more
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      PilgrimageSyriaAhl Al BaytIslamic shrines
In this paper the author explores the strategy of politics of memory in Samarkand, the hometown of the First President of Uzbekistan I.A. Karimov, in the post-Soviet period. The analysis concerns the traditions of Samarkand's memory... more
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      Urban HistoryIdentity politicsCentral Asian StudiesPost-Soviet Politics
Saints, Shamans, Priest and priestess refer to full-time religious specialists who serve in an official capacity as a custodian of sacred knowledge. They are usually trained through formal educational processes to maintain religious... more
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      ReligionSociology of ReligionSufismReligious Studies
The Emamzadeh Yahya at Varamin, a tomb-shrine located south of Tehran, is well known for supplying global museums with iconic examples of Ilkhanid-period luster tilework. After providing a historiography of the site, including its plunder... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryMuseum StudiesCultural Heritage
(Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН, Международный центр исламских исследований: Российская Федерация, 199034, г. Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., д. 3) Аннотация. В статье на примере рассказов об... more
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      FolkloreEthnographyPilgrimageFolk legends
[peer-reviewed] (Dr. phil. Diss., Philosophische Fakultät, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 2002/2004). Mit einer beiliegenden Bilder-DVD. XVIII, 708 pp. + 1 DVD with 1367 digital photographs. [Reviews: Iranian Studies 44.1 (2011):... more
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      Anthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageZoroastrianismIranian Studies
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      Ottoman HistorySafavids (Islamic History)Islamic art and architecturepost-Mongol
This chapter proposes a cultural and psychological resonance between neopatrimonial governance and shrine-based Islamic practice, and contrasts this with rationalized bureaucratic governance's resonance with religious scripturalism.
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      Anthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimageCentral Asian StudiesCentral Asian Politics