Recent papers in Shrines
Pilgrimage art is visual culture intended to enhance or direct a pilgrim's experience at a particular sacred site. The artwork is quite varied, but it tends to fall into broad categories including reliquaries and shrines, architectural... more
At the turn-of-the-nineteenth century, Eastern European architects explored international and temporal connectivity, modernity, and nationhood through construction of architecture for the arts. Their buildings, which were intended to... more
Myths help societies make sense of the world around them, justifying cultural values and social norms. Religion is the chief force bringing social change, as the beliefs and concepts prevalent and plausible in each society are the means... more
Buildings are engraved on several Ancient Near East cylinder seals and I suspect that some of them represent the Abzu shrine. In this essay I show a few of them and explain what they are telling us.
Shrines of Sufi Saints remain a significant aspect of the religious and social structure of Pakistan. They are fundamentally functional in creating social participation, provision of entertainment in the form of devotional music and songs... more
Dome of the Rock – one of the earliest works of Islamic architecture. Addressed is the shaping of the pluralistic sacrality of the Dome of the Rock through exploration and analyses of its details. Foundation Stone ascends the inquirer... more
Jeroen Reyniers, Het reliekschrijn van Sint-Odilia. Een verborgen parel herontdekt, Kerniel, 2014.
The Indian wayside temple starts with a tree-giving solace to the farmers in the field and less so to the traveller. Literature(Must) pay attention to several key themes, particularly, the politics and poetics of religious place, identity... more
This paper theorizes on the construct of the "social shrine" and how the social shrine manifests itself within the course of performance within contemporary art practice.
Sufi shrines hold great importance in Pakistani society. Followers of the shrines consider it sacred place and they perform different rituals there. The role of Sufis has been considered as intermediary who lead towards the path of God... more
This works seeks to conduct a detailed survey of Popular Sufi Shrines in Punjab and document the continued relevance of these shrines in the popular landscape of Punjabis. It is pertinent to note that both in India and Pakistan attempts... more
Los textos del año litúrgico iluminan y animan el caminar de la Iglesia y de cada discípulo/a misionero/a. Exégesis, hermenéutica y pastoral permiten descubrir la vida como peregrinación hacia el santuario definitivo de Dios. El epílogo... more
"This paper proposes three new (and tentatively, another two) identifications of sundials in Middle Eastern mosaics of the 5th – 8th century. The author discusses a vignette from the Holy Martyrs’ Church at Tayibat al-Imâm, central Syria,... more
Jaime L. Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Award - Liturgy Category 15th Cardinal Sin Catholic Book Awards November 19, 2021 (Asia Catholic Communicators, Inc., Quezon City) Finalist, Elfren S. Cruz Award in Social Sciences National Book... more
Here is the official abstract of my Master's Thesis in Theology major in Systematic Theology entitled THE ROLE OF CATHOLIC MARIAN SHRINES IN THE DIOCESE OF MALOLOS IN VIEW OF THE NEW EVANGELIZATION: A Theologico-Pastoral Assessment... more
«Aux prises avec le Centre du Monde. Autour du double paradoxe des Lieux saints chrétiens de Jérusalem», in: Anne-Sophie Vivier-Muresan (éd.), Coexistence et conflits intercommunautaires en Méditerranée. L’enjeu des sanctuaires. Actes du... more
Abstract: Debates about the "divisibility" or "sharing" of religious sites continue to engage historians, political scientists and anthropologists. This paper assesses the issue of agency in two of the more salient critiques of... more
Drawing on this special issue’s ethnographic data and analysis this introduction aims to offer an analytical framework for understanding the notion of wayside shrines. It does so by defining wayside shrines as sites that enshrine a... more
This paper presents the conceptual contours of the Emmy Noether Research Group project “The Bureaucratization of Islam and its Socio-Legal Dimensions in Southeast Asia”. The project views the bureaucratization of Islam not simply as a... more
This paper presents a small part of the pilgrimages undertaken by Croats during the 18 th century across the Adriatic Sea to Loreto. The pilgrimages are described as a sui generis phenomenon of all human and religious societies. The... more
In Syria, there are two dominant scholarly opinions on ritual self-flagellation, which rest on different understandings of health and healing, and which form the topic of the first part of this chapter. The second examines miracle stories... more
Comme le souligne William A. Christian, « les coutumes religieuses (…) ont par définition une chose en commun : elles sont attachées à un contexte spatial et historique spécifique.
بنای بقعۀ «پیربکران» که از دورۀ ایلخانی در منطقۀ فلاورجان اصفهان بهجای مانده است، یادگار مهمی از هنرهای تزیینی ایران در زمینۀ تزیینات معماری محسوب میشود. از آنجا که این بقعه مورد احترام کلیمیان و مسلمانان منطقه بوده است، در دل تاریخ پر... more
An interdisciplinary study about the content of the medieval relic shrine of Saint Odilia in Abbey Mariënlof. Jeroen Reyniers, Mathieu Boudin, Kim Quintelier, Mark Van Strydonck, 'The Relics of Saint Odilia in Abbey Mariënlof (Kerniel,... more
einer der aktivsten und effektivsten Vertreter der Bewegung gegen "götzendienerisches" Verhalten, verfasste detaillierte Anweisungen, wie heilige Objekte und heilige Stätten der Inka zu erfassen und zu zerstören seien. Er betonte... more
This article focuses on various forms of contemporary pilgrims' blessings on the Camino de Santiago, its theological meaning and impact on pilgrims' perception of their way to Compostela, as well as its changes or transformations... more
(Музей антропологии и этнографии им. Петра Великого (Кунсткамера) РАН, Международный центр исламских исследований: Российская Федерация, 199034, г. Санкт-Петербург, Университетская наб., д. 3) Аннотация. В статье на примере рассказов об... more
[peer-reviewed] (Dr. phil. Diss., Philosophische Fakultät, Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg, 2002/2004). Mit einer beiliegenden Bilder-DVD. XVIII, 708 pp. + 1 DVD with 1367 digital photographs. [Reviews: Iranian Studies 44.1 (2011):... more
Emergence of new Khanqahs and dargahs is another feature of contemporary Punjabi consciousness. in significant cases, it is the Jat veneration of Sufi saints which is playing an important role in the emergence of the cult of Baba Lakhdata... more