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This book provides an in-depth and multi-disciplinary analysis of the evolving relationship between China and the Middle East. Despite its increasing importance, very few studies have examined this dynamic, deepening, and multi-faceted... more
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      International RelationsMiddle East StudiesSilk RoadSilk Road Studies
In June 2016, the European Union launched its new ‘Global Strategy for Foreign and Security Policy’. In less unusual times, it would have been received as merely the latest iteration of the main tenets and ambitions of EU external action,... more
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      International RelationsClimate ChangeInternational StudiesInternational Law
The geopolitical rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia is fueling much of the present conflict raging across the Middle East, including bloody proxy wars in Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Identity-based conflict has also gained fresh vitality as... more
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      The Persian GulfArab-Iranian relationsIran nuclear programArab Spring (Arab Revolts)
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      Iran nuclear programComprehensive Plan of Action Joint (JCPOA)
The security apparatus of the Islamic Republic of Iran-that is the combination of those institutions and organizations that are responsible for internal and external security including matters of national defense and intelligence-differs... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceStrategy (Military Science)Intelligence
Despite the historic distrust between Iran and United States, signing of a landmark nuclear deal emerged as a hope for regional and international stability. This deal is supported by global powers and covered by UN Security Council... more
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      Game TheoryIran nuclear programNPTUS- Iran nuclear deal
This paper proposes an analytical framework for the classification of political rhetoric as fear inducing and applies this framework to the different rhetorical approaches adopted by the Prime Minister of Israel Netanyahu versus
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      FearPolitical RhetoricIsraelHillary Clinton
The Yemen, is the birth place and hub for a number of monotheistic religious convictions . In its North West region, just 243 kilometers away from San'aa, the official capital of the Republic of Yemen , lies a spiritual center, a holy... more
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      HistoryJewish StudiesMiddle East StudiesSocial Identity
السؤال الأساسي للورقة وفق ما تمّ تكليفي به هو "هل سيصمد الاتفاق النووي الايراني؟". طبعا لا يمكن أن تكون الإجابة على هذا السؤال الافتراضي قاطعة في ظل المعطيات الحالية التي تتضمن كمّا هائلا من المعطيات المجهولة و/أو المتحرّكة، لكن من الممكن... more
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      Iranian StudiesIran nuclear programIran nuclear dealUS- Iran nuclear deal
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      U.S. Foreign PolicyIran nuclear programEconomic Sanctions
The foreign policy of The Islamic Republic of Iran (hereinafter referred to as Iran) can be explained most convincingly by realist theory. Although other theories may have seemed to offer insight into Iran’s foreign policy decisions and... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisNuclear WeaponsIranian StudiesThe Persian Gulf
The genus Rubus is highly variable and frequently occurring in Iran, particularly in North regions. It has a global distribution on all climates except the Antarctic region. Ten morphological quantitative characters in seven species of... more
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      Science EducationGenomicsMorphological evolutionEducational Research
CLAREMONT, California – 17 March 2021: A new 69-page special report produced by C/O Futures, LLC entitled The Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Assassination Operation: 27 November 2020—Absard, Iran provides a detailed and accurate forensic analysis... more
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      Political AssassinationsIran nuclear programIranian Nuclear Program
Book Description: This book analyzes the crisis surrounding Iran's nuclear program through several theoretical perspectives. In doing so, the authors present a multidimensional controversial topic in an accessible language for scholars... more
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      Critical TheoryInternational RelationsPolitical EconomyInternational Relations Theory
Introduction to "The Love of Strangers"
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      World LiteraturesTravel WritingPersian LiteratureBritish History
Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction Part III: Biological Weapons Programs by Anthony H. Cordesman and Adam C. Seitz October 28, 2008 Iran’s nuclear ambitions and missile programs, and their interactions with its growing... more
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      IranIran nuclear program
The State Department's comprehensive analysis of the threats emanating from the Iranian regime across its missile program, support for terrorism, illicit financial activities, nuclear program, human rights abuses, threat to cybersecurity,... more
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      Iranian StudiesIran nuclear program
The lengthy negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program finally ended with the signing of the agreement on July 14, 2015, with Iran and the six countries that have negotiated with Iran over Iran's nuclear program since 2006 (US, UK,... more
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      International RelationsPeace and Conflict StudiesInternational NegotiationsIran nuclear program
Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction Part V: The Broader Strategic Context by Anathony H. Cordesman and Adam C. Seitz December 8, 2008 Iran’s nuclear ambitions and missile programs, and their interactions with its growing capabilities... more
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      Iran Foreign PolicyIranian Foreign PolicyIran nuclear programIranian Nuclear Program
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the consequences of nuclear proliferation by critically elaborating the current literature over the Iranian nuclear crisis. Nuclear weapons have always been a significant source of debate in... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsNuclear proliferationIran nuclear program
This study seeks to determine how the Islamic Republic of Iran (‘the IRI’) has survived despite the multitude of forces seeking its ouster and vulnerability of prior twentieth century Iranian governments to regime change. The IRI’s... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisMiddle East StudiesWar StudiesRevolutions
Ten things you need to know about the nuclear capacity of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to offer cogent analysis of Iran’s compliance with the existing Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and/or ongoing negotiations by the... more
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      Nuclear EngineeringPhysicsInternational RelationsGlobalization
Policymakers must now assume that Iran has the enriched uranium it needs to build a nuclear weapon. Containment is a failure as Iran’s breakout time is now essentially at zero. [Additional background for non-scientists is appended].... more
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      Intelligence StudiesWeapons of Mass DestructionNuclear WeaponsNuclear Non-Proliferation Policy
The crisis symbolised by the withdrawal from Doha of the ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Kingdom of Bahrain in March, 2014, was the first of its kind since the establishment of the Gulf Cooperation... more
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      International RelationsTerrorismInternational TerrorismInternational Studies
edited by Antonio Missiroli The institutional context in which the European Union conducts its external action – starting with the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) – is complex,... more
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      Foreign Policy AnalysisEuropean Security and Defence PolicyEuropean Foreign PolicyEuropean Union external relations
Abstract Any assessment of Soleimani's acts, expenditures, and influence in creating satellite militias across the Middle East over the past decade, especially with his expenditures made possible by the economic boost to the Iranian... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryTerrorismMiddle East Studies
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      HistoryPsychologyComparative PoliticsInternational Relations
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      Iranian StudiesIranian HistoryIran nuclear program
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      Indian studiesSouth Asian StudiesIranian StudiesSouth Asia
The how and when the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) obtained several Soviet-era nuclear-capable cruise missiles, the Kh-55, Tehran’s reverse engineering of Soviet Nuclear Cruise Missile, the Kh-55.A closer look at Iran’s Nuclear Capable... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsIranian StudiesIran nuclear programIranian Nuclear Program
Überblick strategische Lage 2017
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      European HistoryMilitary HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
IAEA safeguards regime has been instrumental to identify non-compliance cases of safeguards obligations under the NPT and safeguards agreements and to contribute to nuclear non-proliferation. However, Iraqi case showed that existing... more
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      International RelationsInternational LawNuclear WeaponsIran nuclear program
A Preemptive Strike Weapon Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Aerospace Force unveiled on 9 Feb. 2020, a short-range tactical ballistic missile, the Raad – 500 (thunder). Iranian television showed a ceremony during which IRGC commander... more
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      Iranian StudiesIran nuclear programIran-Israel AffairsISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS
Iranian Weapons of Mass Destruction Strategic and Warfighting Implications of a Nuclear Armed Iran by Anthony H. Cordesman and Adam C. Seitz January 22, 2009 Iran’s nuclear ambitions and missile programs, and their interactions... more
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      IranIran Foreign PolicyIran nuclear programIran's Nuclear Programme and Its Implications for the Gulf States
This chapter focuses on the security challenges and perceptions that Iran was facing during the early 2000s. Being isolated by the international community, and with a weakened rival Iraq to its West, Iran did not appear to have an... more
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      Middle East StudiesIranian StudiesRealism (Political Science)Structural realism
This paper will explore the significance and impetus of the Indo-Iranian relationship throughout these phases. Before turning to an analysis of these three periods, it is useful to first understand India’s conception of its strategic... more
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      International RelationsForeign Policy AnalysisIndian studiesIranian Studies
This edited volume consists of nine chapters that deal with various aspects of the Iranian nuclear agreement reached on 2 April 2015. Opening with a technical assessment of the Iranian nuclear agreement by Sheel Kant Sharma, the monograph... more
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      Iranian StudiesRussian Foreign PolicyNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyIran nuclear program
Iranische Politik im Jahr 2020
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      Strategy (Military Science)Middle East StudiesIraqi HistoryIranian Studies
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      IranIran nuclear program
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      Iranian StudiesIranian CinemaIranian HistoryTurco-Iranian World
proliferation instead of nuclear proliferation in it. The purpose of this work is to explore the relation between (1) the gradual increase of international cooperation in nuclear arms control and nuclear deterrence; and (2) the actual... more
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      Nuclear WeaponsNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyIranNuclear proliferation
Le lecteur spécialiste ou l’étudiant découvrant l’histoire, la société, la géopolitique ou la culture iraniennes sera, en refermant cet ouvrage, mieux à même de comprendre les enjeux contemporains d’un pays largement méconnu en Occident
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      Iranian StudiesIranian Modern HistoryTurco-Iranian WorldIran nuclear program
The outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on some of the most sensitive questions surrounding international security. One of these is the US-Iran crisis, where the two countries have been on the brink of a full... more
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      Iranian StudiesU.S. Foreign PolicyIran Foreign PolicyIranian Foreign Policy
This chapter introduces the history of Iran’s nuclear program by breaking it down into three separable historical phases. The preliminary phase of Iran’s nuclear activities started during the early Shah period where the administra- tion... more
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      Middle East StudiesMiddle East HistoryNuclear WeaponsNonproliferation Treaties
The most critical aspect of Tehran's capability of not only producing nuclear weapons but miniaturizing nuclear warheads to fit into a variety of the Iran's inventory of missiles is Soviet's Nuclear Weapons Expert Professor Danilenko... more
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      Israel StudiesNuclear WeaponsIranian StudiesIsraelite Religion
China could be entering choppy Middle Eastern waters. Multiple crises and conflicts will likely shape its relations with the region's major powers, including Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Turkey.
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      Chinese StudiesMiddle East HistoryIsrael StudiesSyrian Studies
After 12 years of diplomatic efforts, on 14 July 2015, the P5+1 (permanent five members of the UN Security Council plus Germany) and Iran finally agreed on a comprehensive deal on the Iranian nuclear issue. This chapter will assess the... more
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      European StudiesIranian StudiesNuclear Non-Proliferation PolicyIran nuclear program
Deneyimli akademisyen Fahri Türk Tacikistan gezisini bu ülkenin tarihi kimliği ve Türk tarihindeki konumunu içeren dikkat çekici değerlendirmeleri ile okuyucunun zihin dünyasında Türkiye'de hemen hemen hiç tanınmayan bir ilginç ülkeyi... more
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      Iranian ArchaeologyIranian StudiesHistory of IranIranian Art History
The parties agreed to a joint plan of action setting out measures to be undertaken during an initial six-month interim period, as well as elements for a long-term comprehensive solution between Iran and the P5+1 on 24 November 2013 .... more
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      Iranian StudiesNegotiationIran nuclear programNegotiation Management by Uçan