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When the Muslim statement "A Common Word between us and you" appeared on the internet in October 2007, I found it to be dissonant to what I had read in early Muslim commentary on Q 3.64. I decided to investigate the interpretation of this... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyReligious PluralismIslamic StudiesIslamic History
גזרות השמד שניחתו על יהודי תימן הביאו רבים מהם להמיר את דתם ואחרים לפנות לעזרת רמב"ם. האיגרת המפורסמת שכתב רמב"ם בתשובה חושפת סיפור מרתק על המתח היהודי מוסלמי ועל מאבקי ההישרדות של קהילה קטנה אך מפוארת
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      Interreligious PolemicsMedieval Jewish-Muslim Encounters, Judeo-arabic manuscripts regarding Islam, Polemics of Jewish Authors against IslamYemenite JudaismYemenite Jews
Передмова до видання книги архиєпископа Мелетія Смотрицького "Apologia" (1627) з паралельним перекладом українською мовою розглядає твір як зламний етап у творчій еволюції полеміста, простежуючи передумови цього зламу та його вияви на... more
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      Reformation StudiesPoeticsXVIII centuryBaroque Art and Literature
Christians have encountered theological challenges from the beginning. Listening carefully to the voices that question and object had significant impact on the articulation of theology. In like manner, fresh theological insights come from... more
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      ChristologyTheological EducationInterreligious PolemicsJewish-Christian Polemics
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      Interreligious PolemicsEarly Cyrillic Printed Booksold printed books
PhD abstract. Doctoral thesis submitted to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, written under the supervision of Prof. Moshe Sharon.
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      ReligionIslamic StudiesInterreligious PolemicsShia studies
A. Prosperi - M. Catto (eds), Trent and Beyond. The Council, Other Powers, Other Cultures, Turnhout: Brepols, 2017, 583-598
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      Catholic Missionary HistoryEarly Modern EuropeVenetian HistoryMuslims in Europe
The volume "New Directions in Spiritual Kinship: Sacred Ties Across the Abrahamic Religions," edited by Todne Thomas, Asiya Malik and Rose Wellman, undertakes a comparative analysis of "spiritual kinship" (such as God-parenthood) in... more
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      ReligionAbrahamic ReligionsComparative ReligionSocial Theory
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      Jewish - Christian RelationsPolemic (Religion)Medieval Crown of AragonRaymond Martini
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      Translation StudiesHistory of ReligionManuscript StudiesMedieval Iberian History
Learning Interreligiously: In the Text, in the World is a fascinating series of about one hundred blog posts written from November 2008 to December 2016 by Francis X. Clooney, a global scholar known for his work in the field of... more
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      Comparative TheologySimilarities between Hinduism and ChristianityInterreligious PolemicsInterreligious Studies
In exploring two different kinds of early modern institutional religious discourses, i.e. catechisms and exposition of discussed matters, this article highlights two modes of enunciative fading off. On the one hand, catechisms look like... more
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      French Literature17th-Century Studies17th Century French Literature (Literature)Early Modern France
In this presentation Samaw'al al-Maghribi's Ifham al-Yahud is considered as a contested space, apologetical and a frontier space. The Samaw’al charged against his fellow Jews as heretics, at the same time displayed as multiple narratives:... more
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      Jewish-Muslim RelationsInterreligious Polemics
The author explores the differences in the ways of knowing God, with a particular focus on the rational proofs of God’s existence as perceived by noteworthy authors from Christian and Hindu traditions. He deepens the study with insights... more
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      Intercultural EducationInterfaith DiscourseIntercultural IdentityInterreligious Dialogue and Education
In Religious Stories in Transformation: Conflict, Revision and Reception, the editors present a collection of essays that reveal both the many similarities and the poignant differences between ancient myths in Judaism, Christianity,... more
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    • Interreligious Polemics
"Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), ed. Jonatan Meir, Three volumes, Mosad Bialik, Jerusalem Megaleh Temirin (Revealer of Secrets), first published in Vienna in 1819, is one of the sharpest and wittiest pieces of Jewish literature... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionNew Religious MovementsMythology And Folklore
One of the best reviews of my book "Narratives of Tampering in the Earliest Commentaries on the Qur'an" (Brill, 2011) is by Cornell University professor David S. Powers. A good review seeks to thoroughly understand the work under... more
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      Comparative ReligionQur'anic StudiesQuranic StudiesIslamic Studies
Imagine taking a document written in the Middle Ages, available only in European languages, then insisting that it is a long lost "Gospel" from the First Century AD written by the Barnabas of the New Testament. From a scholarly academic... more
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      Qur'anic StudiesGospelsSynoptic GospelsQuranic Studies
This is an little article in a Dictionary. A biography of a great jewish rabi in medieval Spain and Egypt. Organizadores: Guilherme Queiroz de Souza & Renata Cristina de Sousa Nascimento. Colective of a group. This is only a little part
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      Jewish HistoryJewish PhilosophyMaimonidesInterreligious Polemics
In his Epistle to Yemen, Moses Maimonides answers an anonymous Jewish apostate's polemical claims about the truth of Islam. This apostate challenged the Yemenite Jews by presenting quotes from the Torah that Muslims considered proof of... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish ThoughtPolemic (Religion)Jewish Philosophy
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      Islamic StudiesIslam and JudaismConversionInterreligious Polemics
The paper analyzes material on Persians and their beliefs as presented in the 7-th century universal history “The Book of the Main Points, of The History of the Temporal World” by the East Syriac monk John bar Penkaye. The first part... more
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      Syriac StudiesSyriac ChristianitySyriac literatureInterreligious Polemics
Studies of Christian-Muslim polemics often disregard medieval Mediterranean Muslim contributions to the analysis of the biblical tradition. An early golden era of Muslim-Christian engagement in Baghdad is replaced by a decline in the... more
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      Medieval HistoryQur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesHadith Studies
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      Islamic StudiesAndalusia/Al-AndalusIbn HazmIslam and Judaism
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      Islamic StudiesAndalusia/Al-AndalusInterreligious Polemics
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      French LiteratureInterreligious PolemicsRonsardGuerres de religion
Ces documents inédits-et semble-t-il uniques-intéressent à la fois l'étude du latin médiéval et celle des relations entre juifs et chrétiens, en Ashkénaz, au XIIIe siècle. Ils offrent plusieurs pages de latin translittéré tout en se... more
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      Jewish StudiesMedieval StudiesMedieval TheologyRare Books and Manuscripts
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      Qur'anic StudiesIslamic StudiesInterreligious PolemicsMuslim Bible reception
The War of Human Beings against the “duxi zloby podnebesnye” in the Works of Ivan Vyšens’kyj. A Statement of the Issue The article is based on the work of Harvey Goldblatt Godlike “Simplicity” versus Diabolic “Craftiness”: On the... more
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    • Interreligious Polemics
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    • Interreligious Polemics
No previous full-scale study has been undertaken so far to study the polemical writings of the Muslim reformist Muḥammad Rashīd Riḍā (1865-1935) and his associates in his well-known journal al-Manār (The Lighthouse). The book focuses on... more
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      Muslim-Christian RelationInterreligious PolemicsReformist Muslim ThoughtRashid Rida
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      History of ReligionInterreligious PolemicsChristian communities in the Ottoman Empire
One of the most frequent arguments in Islamic polemical writings is that allusions to Muḥammad exist in the Bible but were obliterated by the Jews in what Muslim polemicists call taḥrīf—falsification. One verse in particular, Deut.... more
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      Comparative ReligionComparative LiteratureJewish StudiesHistory of Ideas
Jewish sources commonly refer to Muslims as “Ishmaelites” and to Islamdom as “the Kingdom of Ishmael” due to an alleged biblical genealogy that both Jews and Muslims accept. Other classic Jewish sources, however, associate pre-Islamic... more
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      Jewish StudiesPoetryPolemic (Religion)Medieval Spanish Literature
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      Jewish-Muslim RelationsMuslim-Jewish RelationsInterreligious PolemicsMedieval Jewish-Muslim Encounters, Judeo-arabic manuscripts regarding Islam, Polemics of Jewish Authors against Islam
Resumen: Gilberto Crispino († 1117) ha escrito más de diez obras entre las que se encuentran la Disputatio Iudei et Christiani y la Disputatio Christiani cum Gentili. Cada una de ellas presenta rasgos excepcionales que las convierten en... more
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      Anselm (Philosophy)Interreligious DialogueAnselm of CanterburySt. Anselm
More than 20 years after presenting his first interpretation of the mosaic from the House of Aion in a paper entitled “Uwagi na temat mozaiki z Domu Aiona w Nea Paphos (Cypr)” (Meander 9/10, 1987, p. 421-438, in Polish, and translated to... more
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      ChristianityHistoryAncient HistoryIntellectual History
The Beta Israel, the Ethiopian Jews, have suffered from a negative or complete misrepresentation in the written and oral sources of pre-modern Ethiopia. The term “Jew” was deliberately chosen to stigmatize heretic groups, or any other... more
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      Ethiopian StudiesInterreligious PolemicsJewish-Christian PolemicsEthiopian Jews
Ahmed Deedat has been one of the most prominent contemporary Muslim polemists that have focused on Jesus, the Bible & Christianity. He is worthy of a systematic analysis, as even though he is not especially academic or deep in thought,... more
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      Muslim-Christian RelationInterreligious DialogueChristian-Muslim DialogueInterfaith Theology
In this article it is argued that the Qiblah passages in the Qur’an, which are commonly understood as referring to the direction of the prayer, are directly engaging with and interpreting the Shema passages in Deuteronomy and their... more
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      SemioticsJewish LawJewish StudiesSemitic languages
Abbasid society in ninth-century Iraq faced the challenge of reconciling the role of its many non-Muslim citizens with Islamic norms and governance, as seen in “The Refutation of Christians” by al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 868/869 [255 A.H.]).... more
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      ChristianityAbbasid LiteratureHistory of ReligionHistory of Christianity
In his stigmatization against believers in Christ, Celsus reminds that I Enoch was re-read like a very ‘living’ Christological tradition in contemporary proto-Christian groups. With his response, Origen stresses that there is a... more
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      ChristianityJewish StudiesNeoplatonism and late antique philosophyHistory of Christianity
One of the earliest Muslim authors to make use of biblical material in Arabic translation was ʿAmr b. Baḥr al-Jāḥiẓ (d. 868/9). In his " Refutation of Christians " (Al-Radd ʿalā al-Naṣārā), he attempts to discredit Jewish translations of... more
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      Translation StudiesArabic LiteratureAbbasid LiteratureHistory of Religion
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      HomerNew TestamentEarly ChristianityPauline Literature
The satirical writings of Lucian of Samosata had a tremendous influence on the literature of the Eastern European Haskalah, shaping its criticism of the burgeoning Hasidic movement in the nineteenth century as if there were no gap between... more
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      New Religious MovementsCultural HistoryCultural StudiesEastern European Studies
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      Islamic StudiesInterreligious Polemics
Tulisan ini memberi ulasan umum wacana, praktek dan komunitas Ṣūfī Yahudi sepanjang sejarah, khususnya di abad pertengahan dan era moderen. Ṣūfī Yahudi adalah wacana Yudaisme dan komunitas mistik Yahudi di Mesir, Afrika Utara, Yaman, dan... more
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      Interreligious PolemicsJewish SufismInterreligious Relations
A more developed version of this work has been published in 2023 as a the book: Religious Pluralism: Toward a Comparative Metaphysics of Religion (Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2023).... more
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      Comparative ReligionPhilosophyMetaphysicsOntology
This study explores the previously unstudied anti-Jewish Persian polemic Anbāʾ al-anbiyāʾ by the Jewish convert to Twelver Šīʿī Islam, Ismāʿīl Qazvīnī, the father of Ḥāǧǧī Bābā Qazvīnī Yazdī. It examines Ismāʿīl Qazvīnī’s discussion of a... more
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      Jewish StudiesIranian StudiesJewish HistoryReligious Conversion
This introductory article follows one of the most widely read and used Qur’an editions in Christian Europe, Theodor Bibliander’s Machumetis Saracenorum principis, eiusque successorum vitae, ac doctrina, ipseque Alcoran, printed in Basel... more
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      Reformation StudiesQur'anic StudiesOriental StudiesInterreligious Polemics