Anselm (Philosophy)
Recent papers in Anselm (Philosophy)
Se o pensamento faz parte da vida, e não pode deixar de fazer parte da vida dos filósofos, pensar o tema da amizade é uma forma de vivê-la sublimadamente. E a oportunidade aqui é óptima, uma vez que se trata de celebrar o legado de um... more
برهان آنسلم از نمونههای نامور برهان وجودی است که قرنها محل بحث فیلسوفان و منطقدانان بوده است. یکی از کلیدیترین فرازهای این برهان چنین است که «اگر [آنچه فراتر از آن قابل تصور نیست] در ذهن وجود داشته باشد، آنگاه میتوان همین فرد را... more
Per inventio s’intende la scoperta di una realtà. Il termine inventio assume in ciò una sfumatura che sottolinea un evento più soggettivo che oggettivo, l’accrescimento del conoscente più che del conosciuto. Tratteremo adesso... more
Monologion é o título da primeira obra escrita por Anselmo, como prior no Mosteiro de Bec (Normandia), durante a segunda metade do ano de 1076. Trata-se de uma obra de síntese sistemática de metafísica teológica. O talento sistemático... more
A relação entre Kant e Santo Anselmo, com respeito ao argumento a favor da existência de Deus no Proslogion, é o que está em causa no presente estudo. Tal é o conhecido argumento anselmiano, reputado, depois de Kant, de «prova... more
A survey of the idea of justice in four medieval authors: Augustine of Hippo, Anselm of Canterbury, Thomas Aquinas and Meister Eckhart
The author analyses the validity of a certain variation of Anselm's "ontological argument", namely the modal-logical version from Charles Hartshorne (1897-2000). He firstly studies the origin of Hartshome's arguments, whose starting point... more
Proslogion é o título da segunda obra escrita por Anselmo, como prior no Mosteiro de Bec (Normandia), durante os anos de 1077 e 1078, a seguir à composição do Monologion. O "Proémio" do Proslogion é significativo acerca da relação entre... more
The paper discusses Anselm’s thought as Christian philosophy in light of positions developed during the 1930s French debates about Christian philosophy, specifically the complementary positions of Etienne Gilson and Jacques Maritain. I... more
This study of Greek-American theologian John S. Romanides explores the first half-decade of his career, a span which includes his seminal book Ancestral Sin. Each chapter of this book is adapted from a lecture written by theologian James... more
Resumen: Gilberto Crispino († 1117) ha escrito más de diez obras entre las que se encuentran la Disputatio Iudei et Christiani y la Disputatio Christiani cum Gentili. Cada una de ellas presenta rasgos excepcionales que las convierten en... more
Intentionality (‘directedness’, ‘aboutness’) is both a central topic in contemporary philosophy of mind, phenomenology and the cognitive sciences, and one of the themes with which both analytic and Continental philosophers have... more
* This essay aims to argue that Karl Barth’s doctrine of the atonement necessarily leads to universalism. It seeks to prove the thesis by observing Barth’s reception of Anselm’s doctrine of the atonement. Barth’s doctrine of objective... more
This paper seeks to analyse the metaphysical presuppositions of the word maius in Anselm’s argument. In order to do so, the paper first interprets Anselm and his philosophy and then the Proslogion. Since maius is seldom used in the... more
"The "unum argumentum" which Saint Anselm refers to in the Proslogion is not what many commentators have made it out to be. It is neither an "ontological argument" of the sort Descartes or Hegel would later make (and Gassendi and Kant... more
1. Anselmo: uma teologia sola ratione Anselmo (1035Anselmo ( -1109 é, sem dúvida, um dos principais representantes do teísmo medieval, como um teísmo filosófico, porque procurou compreender racionalmente, tão profunda e extensivamente... more
ST. ANSELM'S Cur Deus Homo 1 ranks as one of the most influential pieces of Christian theology in the two millennia of reflection upon the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The influence of Cur Deus Homo, however, has not... more
Cfflrft'ntta1pt11111. l!} t'ito �" ibqll \fflbUtt"uii l Gln Opialir fua11ut:'tann,11lubtt11Ut11f l�ltt'd11fiahus, �lf tllll\ff tuduf"tt'ilX!i hlobc1ht 1mp,;mm�tt1111 fbtrln t'lll< no nntti\mfflllt lo11Cll'IIN:f t�qwl'i-.wm•ml)t1fian... more
PAPER INTRODUCTION: St. Anselm of Canterbury’s Canterbury’s Cur Deus Homo (Why did God become human? or Why a God-human?) was a path-breaking work in theology; the first attempt to explain by means of a systematic theory why the Word... more
I offer a reading of Anselm’s famous attempt to rationalize the incarnation (remoto Christo; sola ratione) that is bad but very difficult to evade, and hence compellingly bad. I find my break from the badness by way of two of Burcht... more
One important divine attribute Saint Anselm examines and treats is that of simplicity. His treatment brings out some surprising features of simplicity itself which escape the frameworks of the logic of created being, providing us a... more
This essay deals with the question whether the anselmian argumento of the Proslogion is or is not an ontological argument. For this purpose, it convenes the position of G. E. M. Anscombe, who maintains that the anselmian argument is not... more
1) Encíclica /Eterni Patris, 4 de agôsto de 1879.
The article analyzes the a posteriori argumentation for the existence of God present in saint Anselm’s Monologion. It defends that the arguments in chapters I-IV are parts of a single argumentative way comparable with the fourth way of... more
Is evil a problem for God
This paper examines and attempt to provide a systematic picture of St. Anselm’s discussions, evaluations, and practices bearing on coercion, punishment, and violence. Anselm uses beatings as examples in illustrating important moral... more
The article examines two complementary critical voices to Anselm’s theology of redemption. It focuses on the need to recover the Trinitarian foundations and to avoid legitimizing sacrificial violence.
El argumento ontológico es una prueba argumentativa de la existencia de Dios, escrito entre los años de 1077 y 1078. Es muy interesante el argumento porque, no parte de los atributos de la naturaleza divina asignados en el Monologion,... more
An important issue raised and resolved in St. Anselm's Proslogion is the compatibility between justice and mercy as divine attributes. In this paper I argue (1) that Anselm's discussion of divine justice and mercy is an exploration of... more
This chapter explores the relationship between the present life and eternal life in Anselm’s thought. The first section examines a situation of difficult choice, to illustrate the clear priority in value of eternal life over temporal life... more
La rivista, che si avvale della collaborazione degli studiosi di tutto il mondo, accoglie edizioni di testi, anche inediti e poco conosciuti, e studi sul pensiero filosofico della tarda Antichità e del Medioevo, spaziando dalla cultura... more
My paper argues that Anselm’s moral theory is concerned with virtue and vice. The affections or inclinations of the will are central in Anselm’s moral theory, specifically to human freedom and justice, and this allows Anselm’s moral... more
Evidenciar a influência que a tradição do cristianismo exerceu na génese do valor da historicidade e, em especial, da historicidade da filosofia, é o objectivo de fundo desta exposição. Para esse efeito, destacaremos, em primeiro lugar,... more
Durham, 9th - 11th July 2019
Durham, 9th - 11th July 2019
Saint Anselm has three theories of justice and two of the relationship between justice and mercy, each one better than the last. The first theory of justice (in Monologion chapters 70 - 74) is mostly about divine justice with... more
Dianoia n. 29 - 2019
ISSN 1125-1514 - ISSN digitale 1826-7173
ISSN 1125-1514 - ISSN digitale 1826-7173
This article deals with the human design of salvation and the question of man under the common stimulus of two grand names of philosophical tradition, though parted by more than nine centuries: Saint Anselm and Martin Heidegger. Both... more
Anselmo de Cantuária, esse antigo monge de singular talento filosófico: que contributo pode dar ele hoje para o debate em torno da religião? Anselmo representa, antes de mais, uma atitude, uma atitude de busca de compreensão da fé. Os... more
Anselm’s understanding of God has several important features. First, God is the unity of attributes which we grasp and understand partially but not entirely, and about which we can come to a more adequate understanding through right use... more