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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityInternet Culture
The Guy Fawkes mask has become a symbol of the internet group Anonymous. This paper seeks to understand why this happened. The Guy Fawkes Mask takes us back to a 17th Century Catholic renegade, a 1980s graphic novel, a millennial movie... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternet StudiesPopular CultureComics Studies
The current study yielded a number of important findings. We managed to build a neural network that achieved an accuracy score of 91 per cent in classifying troll and genuine tweets. By means of regression analysis, we identified a number... more
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      Discourse AnalysisComputer ScienceNeural NetworksInternet Communication
Trolling has become an imperative feature of online communication. The boom of new media and innovative technologies has favoured this acceleration. Trolls hold an undeniable position in gauging public opinion and attitudes on almost... more
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      Digital MediaInternet memesNew Media StudiesCyberactivism
This chapter begins by considering the definition of an online political troll. We argue that in the Philippines, as in many other contexts, one needs to be careful in approaching such a contested term. We then look at the role of the... more
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      Media StudiesPoliticsPopulismPhilippines
what is Troll Trolling & Law in India
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      CyberlawDemocracy and Cyber-Democracy Theory and PracticeCyberpsychologyInternet Studies
This chapter is an attempt to pull together the three contexts sketched above: the multitude of practices experienced in one’s infra-ordinary use of social media; the sensationalist narratives mustered under buzzwords throughout news... more
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      Internet StudiesHate SpeechSocial MediaChina
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      Sosyal MedyaInternet TrollingYeni Medya Ve Nefret Söylemi
This article draws on British newspaper reports in order to demonstrate that trolling, and the media's subsequent framing of trolling, involves " silencing strategies ". It is important to examine how trolling is discussed within the... more
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      Gender StudiesGenderFeminismMedia Framing
To nuance current understandings of the proliferation of digital disinformation, this article seeks to develop an approach that emphasizes the imaginative dimension of this communication phenomenon. Anchored on ideas about the sociality... more
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      JournalismSoutheast Asian StudiesAudience StudiesMass Communication
The internet has had a paradoxical effect with regard to truth claims. On the one hand, it has hastened the dissolution of ‘strong’ truth-claims by creating an irreducibly plural and decentred world. On the other, the internet allows a... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyThe Internet of ThingsPostmodernismGianni Vattimo
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:  Social media/networks literacy (e.g., critical thinking, scams, phishing)  Social media/networks users (e.g., QOL, FOMO, addiction, cyberbullying, trolling, social distancing,... more
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      Social NetworksSocial IdentityCritical ThinkingConspiracy Theories
'Trolling' refers to a specific type of malicious online behaviour, intended to disrupt interactions, aggravate interactional partners and lure them into fruitless argumentation. However, as with other categories, both 'troll' and... more
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    • Internet Trolling
Drawing on theories of internet trolls and trolling to contemplate how media producers and/or fans are often perceived to be intentionally inciting negative responses, my goal is to forward more general theory of fan toxicity as emerging... more
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      FandomRepresentationInternet Trolling
The present study aimed to expand our understanding of trolling interactions by examining 10,025 community-reported trolling incidents in the online game League of Legends to determine what characterizes messages sent by trolls, their... more
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      Multiplayer Online GamesContent Analysis (Research Methodology)TrollingInternet Trolling
AbstrAct This article focuses on AKTrolls, defined as pro-government political trolls in Turkey, while attempting to draw implications about political trolling in the country in general. It examines their methods and effects, and it... more
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      New MediaPropagandaSocial MediaInternet Trolling
Currently, there is a lack of research investigating how the unique structural conditions of cyberspace may influence the expression of ‘dark’ personality and the role of such e-personality in explaining instances of online misconduct.... more
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      SociologyInternet StudiesCyberbullyingPsychopathy
This course explores the ethical issues inherent in our use of digital and online media. We will engage a range of current issues and topics through the application of important moral theories, attending to how new technologies often... more
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      EthicsApplied EthicsNew MediaDigital Media
Ja es ikdienā redzu Jāni, tad visdrīzāk viņš stāv un runā – vai nu ar mani, vai ar kādu citu. Jānis tik labi spēj sarunas biedru pārliecināt, ka viņu ik pa laikam esmu redzējis televīzijā. Turklāt gan tādos raidījumos un tematos, kur... more
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      PropagandaSocial and Cultural AnthropologyNationalismPropaganda Systems In Media
This article uses the concept of the 'imaginative dimension of digital disinformation' to explore how inter-Asian racism in a postcolonial city matters to the way people engage with racially tinged Covid-19 digital disinformation. It pays... more
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      MulticulturalismMedia and Cultural StudiesPostcolonial StudiesDigital Media
The field of disinformation studies remains relatively silent about questions of identity, motivation, labor, and morality. Drawing from a one-year ethnographic study of disinformation producers employed in digital black ops campaigns in... more
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      EthnographyDigital MediaAdvertisingPolitical Campaigns
There is a general trend amongst mass media organisations around the world towards concentration of the visual, written and audio packaging and of newspapers, websites and television as channels of information. These platforms are... more
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      Media StudiesDesign ResearchSocial MediaMedia
It is now a matter of scientific consensus that priming, a recency effect of activation in memory, has a significant impact on language users' choice of linguistic means. However, it has long remained unclear how priming effects coexist... more
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      Clustering and Classification MethodsExperimental LinguisticsPrimingBayesian Networks
Book five in the Cyber Library Reference Book series
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      FeminismTwitterInternet & SocietyNatural Disasters
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      Media StudiesJournalismPoliticsFeminism
The Red Pill (r/theredpill) (TRP) subreddit lies at the heart of an interconnected network of misogynistic blogs and websites known as the manosphere. It disseminates radical anti-feminist and discriminatory content across Reddit and the... more
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      Digital MediaInformation Communication TechnologyReddit.comInternet Trolling
Book two in the Cyber Library Reference Book series
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      Internet StudiesTrollingInternet Trolling
While trolling has existed as a term since the 1990s and as a reality even earlier there has been an exponential increase in the prevalence of the abusive kind-'flame trolling'. Mistakenly the media calls these flame trollers, 'trolls',... more
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      TrollsInternet trollsInternet TrollingUk Law
Pengertian trolling dan internet trolling, siapa yang melakukan trolling, hubungannya dengan perilaku psikopat, sadistik, narsistik, dan BPD, cara mencegah terkena trolling, etika menjadi pengguna daring yang baik
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    • Internet Trolling
This 82-page report is produced by a British Council-funded ethnographic project that gained unprecedented access to the shadow industry of political trolling in the Philippines. Based on one year of interviews and observation of... more
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      Business EthicsPolitical SociologyComparative PoliticsPolitical Economy
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      Hate SpeechTurkeyTrollingInternet Trolling
This article addresses the issues and possible solutions of the Pandemic Covid-19. In addition, it also addresses the political, economic and conflict situations around the world. This article addresses the dire need for a One Earth... more
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      United NationsVaccine developmentWorld Trade OrganizationBill Gates
In two online studies (total N = 1215), respondents completed personality inventories and a survey of their Internet commenting styles. Overall, strong positive associations emerged among online commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment,... more
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      Internet CulturePsychopathyMachiavellianismNarcissism
Today computer-mediated communication (CMC) has been beneficial to users by providing quick and easy communication between humans, separated by time and space. However, it can also provide the safety of anonymity that may encourage a... more
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      FacebookOnline HarassmentTrollingInternet Trolling
Internet memes have become the centre of academic attention in recent years, they have motivated many studies attempting to understand and re-define political propaganda (Bradshaw, 2017) online identity, public conversation (Milner, 2016)... more
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      Digital MediaInternet memesDigital Media ArtDigital Art
In two online studies (total N = 1215), respondents completed personality inventories and a survey of their Internet commenting styles. Overall, strong positive associations emerged among online commenting frequency, trolling enjoyment,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePersonalityInternet Culture
This paper describes some of the history of white supremacy online, its morph into its current most popular format (i.e. The so called 'Alt-Right'), and the processes by which the Alt-Right has insinuated fascist ideology into popular... more
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      Hate SpeechCultural CapitalInternet memes4chan
Recently, academic attention has turned to understandings of online misogyny, e-bile (Jane, 2014), trolling (Herring et al. 2002; Hardaker 2010; Mantilla 2015; Phillips 2015) and online hate. This includes the abuse received by feminist... more
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      Digital MediaSocial MediaFeminismCulture Wars
Given the limited resources and capabilities of states to maintain cyber security, a variety of co-production efforts have been made by individuals, or by collectives of varying degrees of organization and coordination. This article... more
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      Self-regulationPublic Private PartnershipsSocial ControlSelf-help
Twitter is repeatedly positioned as a space of hostility for women with research identifying women being disproportionate targets of misogynist ‘e-bile’ and trolling. Social media in general is presented largely as a space of... more
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      Sociology of EducationComputer-Mediated CommunicationFeminismTwitter
Trolling is often enacted against women and minority groups on social media platforms, such as Twitter, as a means of limiting or undermining participation in virtual space(s). This chapter considers trolling as a form of gendered and... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesCybercrimesDigital Media
Through comparison and contrast with similar discursive practices, the paper singles out some of the main semiotic ingredients of trolling: topic-insensitive provocation; time-boundless jest; sadistic hierarchy of sender and receiver;... more
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      SemioticsCultural StudiesCommunicationSocial Networks
This is an investigation into the case of Mitchell Henderson seen in the light of heroes and villains. The MySpace page commemorating Hendersons suicide was subject to a form of activity known as “trolling”, of such intensity that... more
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      Internet StudiesHeroismBullyingInternet Culture
In the years since the dissolution of the USSR in 1990, Russia has used advances in technology to create new and more diverse channels for the spread of propaganda and disinformation. However, the West often holds misconceptions and falls... more
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      Information WarfareRussian Foreign PolicyTwitterCanadian Arctic Policy
Le trolling, ou troll, est une pratique communicationnelle qui consiste principalement à susciter des discussions polémiques ou enflammées sur l'Internet. Cet article tentera d'analyser le phénomène à partir d'outils déjà existants en... more
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      AestheticsSocial IdentityNelson GoodmanSocial Dynamics
'Trolling' has become a term to denote a wide range of behaviour we find in internet communication, ranging from what appear to be harmless japes through to bullying, abuse and hate speech. I argue that by using tools from the philosophy... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePolitical PhilosophyLanguages and LinguisticsHate Speech
Bireyler, yaşamları boyunca yüz yüze karşılaşmadıkları ya da tanışıklıklarının olmadığı kişilerle ilgili olarak doğruluğu kanıtlanmamış bilgilere kolayca erişebilmektedirler. Bu durum özellikle sosyal medya sayesinde İnternet... more
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      Social MediaOnline social networksSosyal MedyaSocial Networking & Social Media
According to a view widely held in the media and in public discourse more generally, online hating is a social problem on a global scale. However, thus far there has been little scientific literature on the subject, and, to our best... more
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      CommunicationNew MediaCyberpsychologyHate Speech
The rise of the internet gives way to the occurrence of human social interaction in the virtual social environment. With this, social behaviors do not only occur in the actual social environment but also online – one of these social... more
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      Social MediaEmotional ContagionInternet Trolling