International Journalism
Recent papers in International Journalism
A sizeable portion of our everyday knowledge about sub-Saharan Africa comes from the work of international news reporters stationed on the continent. Even though they play a critical role in communicating about the distant Other... more
This study explores how recent global news startups have connected freelancers with traditional news organizations. Through 10 interviews with founders and editors, the results reveal a networked marketplace of global journalism: the... more
Trinta anos depois dos debates sobre a Nova Ordem Mundial da Informação e Comunicação (NOMIC), as desigualdades nos fluxos globais de informação permanecem,porém num contexto em que a produção e a circulação são facilitadas pelas novas... more
The purpose of this study is to find out how British and Flemish newspapers reported about the coup attempt in Turkey on July 15th, 2016. More specifically, this dissertation will analyse the newspaper-articles about the failed coup that... more
Many culinary entrepreneurs in food delivery apps as promotional media to increase sales volume. By using a smartphone and opening the Grabfood, Gofood and Shopeefood, consumers can order food from culinary entrepreneurs who are culinary... more
Resumo: Este trabalho propõe realizar um resgate teórico daquilo que já se sabe sobre a especialização jornalística denominada de Jornalismo de Guerra. Sendo assim, a ideia consiste em expor a história da cobertura midiática de conflitos... more
منذ أن كتب جيل الرواد عن المدرسة الاشتراكية في الإعلام لم تصدر دور النشر العربية شيئا عن إعلام ما بعد زلزال انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي السابق، وقد تعرض الإعلام الروسي في ربع القرن الأخير لانقلابات عدة على صعيد الملكية والحرية وسياسات التحرير... more
Após 25 anos do Relatório MacBride e dos debates sobre a Nova Ordem Mundial da Informação e Comunicação (NOMIC), as assimetrias dos fluxos mundiais de informação permanecem praticamente inalteradas. Embora a comunicação em redes e novas... more
C’est la plus grande collection de données clandestinement divulguée jamais rassemblées et analysées par une équipe de journalistes d’investigation. Publiée simultanément à partir du 4 avril dans 35 médias internationaux, “Offshore Leaks”... more
This submission addresses the role of new media (the internet and social media) and international news in the delivery of the UK’s soft power.
The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether articles covering countries with different levels of proximity and relations to the U.S. would be framed differently in American news media. In particular, this study employs the Linguistic... more
Il nuovo giornalista sarà sempre di più un content producer: dovrà essere in grado di intercettare l’informazione, di analizzarla, valutarla, e ridiffonderla, possibilmente in diversi formati. È questo l’identikit del professionista... more
Telah dilakukan penelitian yang bertujuan untuk menguji isolasi kopi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode refluks dengan pelarut aquadest. Pengujian isolasi kafein menggunakan FTIR dan Spektrofotometri UV-Vis. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian,... more
İfade özgürlüğü haklarını gazetecilik yoluyla kullanan kişilerin, işlerini hiçbir kısıtlama olmaksızın yapabilmeleri gerekir. Buna rağmen gazeteciler, sürekli olarak şiddet ve tehditlerin hedefi olmakta. Küreselleşme ve dijitalleşme... more
Journalism and democracy are closely linked. Some academics fear that the breakage of the analogue business model for journalism means the death of Fourth Estate reporting. This paper uses original interview data to argue that reporters... more
This project aims to develop a system which converts a natural language statement into MySQL query to retrieve information from respective database. The system mainly focuses on creation of complex queries which includes nested queries... more
War correspondents provide accurate, reliable, and first hand reports of armed conflicts, military operations and strategies, and the war’s impact on civilian home fronts. These journalists are stationed in conflict zones or distant... more
We live in a changing world, and the focus on how things of the past were done in the media is now in tension with new ideas and evolving methods. From this backdrop, Ulla Carlsson builds on previous works published by Nordicom to present... more
In the 1970s and 1980s, an unprecedent enterprise gathered developing countries in the field of communication: the Non-Aligned News Agencies Pool (NANAP), a syndicate of national news agencies from nations of then-called Third World,... more
Este artigo pretende constituir-se um guia preliminar para eventuais pesquisas que se debrucem sobre o tema, ao oferecer parâmetros de análise, indicar fontes primárias e secundárias, realizar um levantamento bibliográfico preliminar e... more
IJOAR is an Open Access online Journal published monthly. IJOAR Publication hopes that Researchers, Research scholars, Academician, Industrialists, Consultancy etc. would make use of this journal publication for the development of science... more
This study tests the association between time pressure, training activities and dysfunctional auditor behaviour in small audit firms. Based on survey responses from 235 certified auditors working in small audit firms in Sweden, the... more
Московский государственный университет имени М.В. Ломоносова Факультет журналистики Кафедра зарубежной журналистики и литературы Роль юмористической передачи «Кроцца в стране чудес» в политической коммуникации Италии Выпускная... more
This study takes a theoretical approach of gatekeeping by assessing how transnational networks of news gathering indicate a shift in the conceptualization of journalism culture. Research on journalism culture, which has traditionally been... more
Esta tese tem por objetivo explorar as formas pelas quais a mídia noticiosa enfoca a Política Externa do Brasil a partir da cobertura realizada acerca das relações desenvolvidas pelo país no eixo Sul-Sul durante a administração Luiz... more
La fine delle grandi narrazioni e lo sviluppo della tecnologia intessono la trama del mondo contemporaneo. Il moltiplicarsi di trame narrative sempre più frammentate, basate sulla rinuncia ad ogni pretesa di universalità, ha comportato la... more
This monograph is about the international news agenda in Brazilian media, specifically, the news volume and the lack of planning from the international section in Brazil. The country has ambitions to become one of the biggest worldwide... more
Riots that erupted in the northern Nigerian city of Kaduna over a newspaper article that some Muslims interpreted as blaspheming the Prophet Muhammad on account of Nigeria’s decision to host the 2002 edition of the Miss World beauty... more
This article presents an interdisciplinary model attempting to explain how news is constructed by relying on the contributions of different fields of study: News Sociology, Political Communications, International Communications,... more
The aim of this paper is to examine the perceptive of professional journalist on international journalism in social media age. Journalism is a long-established profession prevalent in society in the vast majority of the world. The rise of... more
Ementa, programa e bibliografia da programa da disciplina Jornalismo Internacional ministrada na Faculdade de Comunicação Social da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FCS UERJ) no semestre 2016.2. Syllabus of the undergraduate... more
O presente artigo visa refletir sobre a possibilidade de interação entre os campos do jornalismo e das Relações Internacionais. Considerando os processos de newsmaking (TRAQUINA, 2000), entende-se que a produção noticiosa é uma forma de... more
Resumen: la propuesta del siguiente artículo es problematizar la actuación de los corresponsales internacionales en la contemporaneidad, frente a las nuevas realidades tecnológicas y editoriales. Para eso, fue realizado un relevamiento... more
This article conducts a discursive interface analysis of World Fixer, the most visible online platform currently connecting foreign correspondents with local news workers who can help them translate interviews, navigate unfamiliar places,... more
A study of how Pacific island countries report the science of climate change and the impacts of climate change in their communities.
This study examines elements of what has been defined as global journalism and compares online news stories of Al-Jazeera English and CNN regarding the ISIS threat. The empirical inquiry presents the similarities and differences in... more
The November 2008 attacks on Mumbai stand as a key moment in understanding how liberalized Western values discursively construct the terms through which acts of terror may be understood. Rooted in the work of Foucault, this article... more
A sizable portion of our everyday knowledge about sub-Saharan Africa comes from the work of international news reporters on the continent. The profession of foreign correspondent constituted itself around a group of privileged witnesses... more
Este artículo analiza las relaciones entre las empresas periodísticas del Partido Comunista de Chile y las agencias internacionales de noticias durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. En base a un análisis de Frente Popular y El Siglo, y a... more
To start off the recapitulation of the history, trend and development of International news reporting, a brief account of press history of Indian media is necessary; to understand how and when it all began and why newspaper's... more
O presente texto pretende refletir sobre a cobertura realizada pelo portal da tentativa de mediação de um acordo realizada pelo Brasil, em conjunto à Turquia, acerca da questão nuclear do Irã em 2010. Sob a perspectiva de que o... more
Many theorists would agree that, had it not been for reinforcement learning, the development of Boolean logic might never have occurred. It might seem unexpected but entirely conflicts with the need to provide the lookaside buffer to... more