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Una fortunata rappresentazione storiografica ha voluto che il dualismo di Descartes si costituisse in diretta rottura col concetto tommasiano di anima-forma. Sulla scia dei numerosi studi che negli ultimi decenni si sono opposti a questo... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyContinental Philosophy
Modern science has been plagued by a dualistic view of nature for some time. This duality could be called the Cartesian Paradox because its origin dates back to the work of René Descartes during the Scientific Revolution and his... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryFuture StudiesPhilosophy of Mind
This is the Portuguese translation of Descartes: A Guide for the Perplexed
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyRené DescartesRené Descartes (in Philosophy/History Of Philosophy/17th Century Early Modern Philosophy)History Of Modern Philosophy
This article presents a brief skeptical response by Richard Strier and an extended reflection by Carla Mazzio on 'Shakespeare and Embodiment: An E-Conversation' (
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      Labor EconomicsEnglish LiteratureMarxismNew Historicism
The purpose of my research essay is to assess the most prominent forms of dualism and find out which theory is the most satisfactory theory dualism. I will not be arguing for dualism over any type of physicalism, my paper will be more of... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindDescartesDualism
This book is about the identity theory in contemporary philosophy of mind containing a long essay of mine and the italian translations of some remarkable contributions by Place. Armstrong, Smart, Lewis, McGinn, Jackson. The book has been... more
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      Philosophy of MindSelf and IdentityMaterialismPhysicalism
My analysis straddles Descartes' metaphysics and some parts of contemporary philosophy, especially regarding consciousness, and aims to show that once our understanding is freed from philosophical habits that affect current debates,... more
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      Self ConsciousnessRené DescartesDescartes, RenéDescartes
I show that for Ryle, category mistakes are mistakes of conjunction and quantification, not predication. Big implications for metaphysics follow.
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      Category Theory20th Century PhilosophyMeta-OntologyDualism
The relationship between self-consciousness, Aristotelian ontology, and Cartesian duality is far closer than it has been thought to be. There is no valid inference either from considerations of Aristotle’s hylomorphism or from the... more
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      PlatoAristotlePhenomenologySelf Consciousness
In this essay, I argue that a proper understanding of the Cartesian proof of the external world sheds light on some vexatious questions concerning his theory of sense perception. Three main points emerge from the discussion: a picture of... more
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      Philosophy of MindEpistemologyPhilosophy of AgencyPhilosophical Scepticism
A collection of fifty essays on Descartes and his influence in the seventeenth century. The first section is devoted to various aspects of Descartes’s philosophy (biography, epistemology, metaphysics, natural philosophy (science),... more
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      Intellectual HistoryPhysiologyMetaphysics17th Century & Early Modern Philosophy
Are near-death experiences (NDEs) just elaborate hallucinations produced by a dying brain? Or the exuberant fantasies of attention-seeking narcissists? As the accounts in this book abundantly demonstrate: Neither! This book contains over... more
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      ParapsychologyMaterials SciencePhilosophy of MindCase Studies
Psychological Behaviorism is committed to classifying and understanding behaviors in a way that “can be described and explained without making ultimate reference to mental events or to internal psychological processes” meaning that... more
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    • Cartesian substance dualism
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      Anthropology17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyFeminist TheoryFeminist Philosophy
Relazione presentata, su invito di Carlo Borghero, al Workshop Filosofia, scienze, erudizione nel Sei-Settecento. Bilanci e prospettive di ricerca (Villa Mirafiori, 26-28 gennaio 2016), nell’ambito del Prin 2010-2011: Atlante della... more
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      Philosophy of MindHistoriographyCartesianismDescartes
Paris, Garnier Flammarion. Sortie en librairie le 29 août 2018. Pixellence - 20-07-18 14:55:10 FL3097 U000 - Oasys 19.00x - Page 546 - BAT Traite de l’homme - GF - Dynamic layout 108 × 178 mm TABLE Avertissement... more
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      NeurosciencePhysiologyCyborg TheoryHistory of Science
My analysis straddles Descartes' metaphysics and some parts of contemporary philosophy, especially regarding consciousness, and aims to show that once our understanding is freed from philosophical habits that affect current debates,... more
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      PhilosophySelf ConsciousnessRené DescartesDescartes
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      Philosophy of MindMaterialismLockeJohn Locke
In this paper, I inspect the grounds for the mature Spinozist argument for substance monism. The argument is succinctly stated at Ethics Part 1, Proposition 14. The argument appeals to two explicit premises: (1) that there must be a... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyBaruch Spinoza
Thomas Nagel in ‘What is it like to be a bat?’ suggests that we don’t yet have much idea of how mental entities could be identical with physical ones (though he wisely stops short of accusing physicalists of not meaning ANYTHING... more
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      Analytic PhilosophyMetaphilosophyPragmatismEmpiricism
Typically, Christian theology includes an understanding of human afterlife consisting of two stages. The first is a disembodied existence as an immaterial being in the time between death and resurrection. Normally, it's affirmed that some... more
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      Systematic TheologyChristologyAnalytic TheologyCartesian substance dualism
In Galileo's Error, Philip Goff sets out a manifesto for a post-Galilean science of consciousness. Article four of the manifesto reads: 'Anti-Dualism: Consciousness is not separate from the physical world; rather consciousness is located... more
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Abstract: The cognitive science of religion has contributed greatly to our understanding the cognitive processes involved in religious beliefs and practices. The author warns, however, that current research trends and theories in the... more
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      ReligionPhilosophy of MindPhilosophy of PsychologyPsychology of Religion
Andrei Tarkovsky's film Solaris (1972) is studied through the lens of philosophy of mind. The question of memory and personhood, as developed by John Locke and then expanded by Derek Parfit, is applied to the status of Hari — the copy of... more
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      Philosophy of MindFilm StudiesPersonhoodRené Descartes
Winner of the Best Paper Award
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindMental Causation
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      CartesianismCartesian substance dualismFilsafat manusia
In this paper I will expose the contents of the Compendium musicae in the light of the Cartesian philosophy. Firstly, I try to comprehend the text as a theory of music based on the nature of sound. To that end, it is important to show the... more
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      Music17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyPhilosophy of MusicDescartes
I offer a thought experiment to support the claim that some thoughts of deceased persons which are non-miraculously present in the minds of the living are disembodied soul parts of the deceased. I show that these soul parts are... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindGhostsDualism
Un mondo fatto di bit? di Diego MARCONI 19 RedPill® di Elena CASETTA e Achille C. VARZI 29 Quale epistemologia in Matrix? di Nicla VASSALLO 37 Matrix e la Mozione degli Affetti di Maurizio FERRARIS 55 SECONDA PARTE -IL SOGNO DI MORPHEUS... more
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      Artificial IntelligencePhilosophy of MindFilm StudiesIdealism
Interview by Jime Sayaka of January 2013.
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      ParapsychologyPhilosophyMaterialismAfterlife studies
Panpsychism, the view that phenomenal perception is a fundamental property of the universe, is one of the oldest theories in philosophy of mind. While it may seem counter-intuitive at first glance, panpsychism deftly avoids many of the... more
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      Philosophy of MindPhilosophy of Science17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyMetaphysics of Consciousness
This book is an introduction in a double sense. It is intended to introduce beginners in philosophy to the idea of philosophical nonsense and the problems it raises. But it is also addressed to professional philosophers, most of whom seem... more
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      PsychoanalysisArtificial IntelligenceMetaphysicsPhilosophy Of Language
The article examines monism as an actual, but not the only possible paradigm of scientific research. The question is investigated why this paradigm as the concept of the One practically supplanted the reflection about the Different both... more
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The following excerpt from my book "Free Will and Human Life" addresses the question of René Descartes’s position on free will in light of the interpretive difficulties, including contradictions, in his writings on this subject.
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindRené DescartesFree Will
Far from being a product of Locke's philosophical genius, the theory of the divine superaddition of thought to matter is rooted in the discussions about Descartes' conception of the soul as res cogitans which took place in France and in... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyMaterialismLockeEarly Modern Intellectual History
Ce texte est la version "brouillon" d'un article à paraître dans O. Lizzini et J.-B. Brenet, La philosophie arabe à l'étude. Sens, limites et défis d'une discipline moderne, Paris, Vrin, 2018 (sous presse).
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      Philosophy of MindMedieval PhilosophyAristotleRené Descartes
The problem of divine agency and action is analogous to the problem of human agency and action: How is such agency possible in the absence of a dualistic causal interaction between disparate orders of being? This paper explores... more
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      Philosophy Of ReligionPhilosophical TheologyTheology and ScienceDualism
According to a traditional Christian doctrine, the soul of the person continues to exist in a disembodied state between bodily death and bodily resurrection. This doctrine places theoretical constraints on a Christian metaphysics of the... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyTheological AnthropologyEschatologyAnalytic Theology
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      ConsciousnessLIFE AFTER DEATHCartesian substance dualism
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      Philosophy of AgencyLiterary Darwinism Or Evolutionary Literary TheoryCartesian substance dualismRepresentations of the Body
The theoretical and moral bedrock of Western colonialism has been its claim to “universalism.” Central to this universalism is a Cartesian dualism in which only the disembodied mind has access to the universal, and the body, as a mere... more
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      Latin American PhilosophyChinese PhilosophyLatin American and Caribbean HistoryPostcolonial Studies
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      Philosophy of MindPhysicalismAnalytical DualismDualism
The aim of the paper is to present the main conceptions in the contemporary philosophy of mental (mind). The debate is narrated in two ways: The first approach concerns the ontology of mental, with the questions such as: What is the... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePhilosophyPhilosophy of Mind
В статье рассматривается аргумент случайности против физикализма. Изучается проблема статуса свободы человеческих решений при возникновении и последующем анализе трагедии. Приводится аргументация в пользу того соображения, что в... more
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      DualismCartesian substance dualismMind/body ProblemДуализм
“Descartes’ Philosophical Physiology”. There is something strange about the way we see Descartes’ doctrine. We know, on the one hand, that it is a dualism and, on the other, that it is a mechanicism. However, we seldom consider the fact... more
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      DescartesDualismCartesian substance dualismEarly Modern Philosophy (Descartes
Various scholars in Kant studies (e.g., Watkins, Chignell, Ameriks) seem to agree that Kant is a dualist of one sort or another. For example, his commitment to transcendental rationalism, to the phenomenal/noumenal distinction of the... more
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      PhilosophyTheologyImmanuel KantDualism
In the standard thought experiments, dualism strikes many philosophers as true, including many non-dualists. This ‘striking’ generates prima facie justification: in the absence of defeaters, we ought to believe that things are as they... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophy of MindEpistemologyPhilosophy of Science
The Twin Earth scenario assumes reference to natural kinds is unique and never changes (rigid designation), and that we can give justice to the intuition of reference-permanence and things having a deep structure only by pushing meaning... more
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      Information SystemsHistoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual History
In this paper I argue that understanding John Locke’s account of personal identity in the context of the metaphysical and religious debates of his day, especially the debates concerning the possibility of the afterlife and the... more
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      Metaphysics17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyDeathMaterialism