Intellectual History of Al andalus
Recent papers in Intellectual History of Al andalus
EPALZA, Míkel de & FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. “Bibliografía sobre temas árabes del Sharq Al-Andalus (Levante de Al-Andalus). Apéndice V”. Sharq Al-Andalus. Estudios Árabes. N. 5 (1988). ISSN 0213-3482, pp. 259-285 | Download:... more
EPALZA, Míkel de & FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. “Bibliografía sobre temas árabes del Sharq Al-Andalus (Levante de Al-Andalus). Apéndice IV”. Sharq Al-Andalus. Estudios Árabes. N. 4 (1987). ISSN 0213-3482, pp. 291-349 | Download:... more
The funerary inscription of Yehudah Bar Akon is dated to 845 AD, a moment in which the first known contacts between the Iberian Peninsula and the Eastern rabbinic academies were taking place. A study of this inscription in the context of... more
En los últimos tiempos la edición y el estudio de nuevas obras y documentos han supuesto una importante contribución a la historia de la jurisprudencia musulmana (fiqh) en el Occidente islámico medieval, y un ejemplo de ello es el... more
Resumen: Panorámica del ambiente intelectual de la ciudad islámica de Jerez y semblanza de los poetas que nacieron en ella entre los siglos X al XIII. Palabras clave: Jerez islámico. Poesía. Poetas de Jerez. Biografías, al-Andalus.... more
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco. “Personatges il·lustres de Cocentaina en l'època andalusina (ss. VIII-XIII), segons les fonts àrabs”. En. Els musulmans al Comtat : 1609-2009, 400 anys de l'expulsió. Cocentaina: Centre d'Estudis Contestans,... more
المدرسة الحزمية في الفقه وعلم الكلام
"Like all multi-lingual computing, Arabic computing is now firmly in the domain of Unicode. Unicode is an industrial protocol with the status of international agreement. It is designed to encode the elements of all known script systems in... more
Petrus Alfonsi was an important and unusual figure in the "twelfth-century renaissance" whose interests embraced polemical theology, astronomy, and literature, each an area in which he made important contributions to the development of... more
"La obra botánica Umdat al-tabīb del autor sevillano Abū l-Jayr al-Išbīlī destaca, entre otros aspectos, por la gran cantidad de fuentes citadas. Sin embargo, no se ha hecho ningún estudio monográfico sobre las mismas. En este artículo... more
This publication consists of three major parts. 1- The re-edition of Prieto y vives´s, LOS REYES DE TAIFAS, first. published in 1926, p.279. 2-The comple plates of rubings discovered in the archives of the Instituto de Don Juan de... more
La obra Kitáb a!-'lbar del gran historiador árabe del siglo XIV, de origen andalusí, Ibn Jaldún; el cual describe al fundador del movimiento almohade como «un jurista versado en la ciencia, que daba consejos y practicaba la enseñanza».... more
Em 1496-7, D. Manuel I forçou os judeus a converter-se ao cristianismo e expulsou todos os súbditos muçulmanos. Portugal foi o primeiro reino da Península Ibérica a acabar definitivamente com a coexistência judaico-cristã-muçulmana,... more
This is an excerpt of Robert W. Lebling's translation into English of Gonzague de Rey's "Les invasions des Sarrasins en Provence pendant le VIIIe, le IXe, et le Xe, siècle" (1878) as reprinted by Editions Jeanne Laffitte in 2001. For the... more
"This discussion of the pyxis invites a meditation on the ways in which subjects and objects acquire meanings and exchange positions within the web of socio-symbolic relations. In Fatal Strategies Baudrillard wages an assault..."... more
A study of the formative period of mysticism in al-Andalus, with a particular focus on the prolific Quran commentator, mystic, and theologian Ibn Barrajān (d. 536/1141).
Depósito legal: AS 00207-2021 Imprime: Gofer Todos los derechos reservados. No se permite la reproducción total o parcial de este libro, ni su incorporación a un sistema informático, ni su transmisión en cualquier forma y por cualquier... more
فتح الأندلس والتحاق الغرب بدار الإسلام, طارق بن زياد وموسى بن نصير / قراءة في الكتاب
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco (ed.) & Míkel de EPALZA (dir.). La rábita en el islam. Estudios interdisciplinares. Congressos Internacionals de Sant Carles de la Ràpita (1989, 1997). Sant Carles de La Ràpita / Alicante : Ajuntament de Sant... more
A en croire Geert Wilders, parlementaire du Partij voor de Vrijheid (extreme droite neerlandaise), si Muhammad revenait aujourd'hui il serait " pourchasse comme terroriste ". Wilders n'est pas le premier, loin s'en... more
A lo largo de la Edad Media la península ibérica fue un ámbito caracterizado por una gran diversidad de formas políticas, sociales y culturales. La conquista de 711 dio origen al nacimiento de al-Andalus, un país árabe e islámico, cuya... more
Scholars in the Arabic Grammatical Tradition have mainly been focusing their attention on the formative stage of the Arabic grammatical theory (2nd-4th/8th-10th centuries). This dissertation aims at broadening the scope and is intended to... more
FRANCO SÁNCHEZ, Francisco & EPALZA, Míkel de. “Bibliografía sobre temas árabes del Sharq Al-Andalus (Levante de Al-Andalus) (Apéndice VII)”. Sharq Al-Andalus. Estudios Árabes. N. 9 (1992). ISSN 0213-3482, pp. 229-276 | Download:... more
FRANCO-SÁNCHEZ, Francisco: «La toponimia árabe de los espacios viales y los espacios defensivos en la península Ibérica». In: Carvalho, C., Planelles Iváñez, M., Sandakova, E., (éds.). De la langue à l'expression: Le parcours de... more
The epigraphic poems written in Arabic in the Alhambra and Generalife have been studied for more than four hundred years. Therefore, their authorship and meaning have been determined. In the present paper, I will analyze one of the two... more
Although Ibn Barrajān (d. 536/1141) was one of the foremost Sufi masters in al-Andalus, he remains a controversial figure. He is mainly known for the accurate prediction of the Muslim capture of Jerusalem on 583/1187, for his close... more
Dari banyaknya buku sejarah yang kita baca dan informasi-informasi yang kita telah dapatkan, para ahli sejarah telah mencatat banyak hal tentang perkembangan peradaban Islam khususnya pertengahan abad ke-8 M hingga permulaan abad ke-13 M.... more
The studies brought together in this volume provide an important contribution to the history of ḏimmī-s in the medieval dār al-islām, and more generally to the legal history of religious minorities in medieval societies. The central... more
SUMMARY: This article focuses on the ethics manifest in the correspondence of Ibn 'Abbād of Ronda (d. 792/1390), particularly the theme of adab. The essay situates Ibn 'Abbād within Ṣūfī discourse on adab and within Islamic ethics... more
The Arabic and Latin sources for al-Andalus mention several Christians who held high office in the Umayyad administration in the ninth and tenth centuries. How did Christians and Christian converts to Islam attain the command of written... more
SUMMARY ( The complete work has now been posted). It would be difficult to overestimate the stratigic, historic, economic and cultural importance of Sabta during the whole of the medieval period. Its privileged georaphical position made... more
In the first century of Islam, most of the former Christian Roman Empire, from Syria to Spain, was brought under Muslim control in a conquest of unprecedented proportions. Confronted by the world of Islam, countless medieval Christians... more
Memorie Domenicane si avvale di una direzione scientifica collegiale. I contributi degli autori, che pervengono alla redazione, prima di essere pubblicati sono sottoposti al previo esame da parte di uno o più membri della direzione.... more
At first glance the typical medieval Islamic map of ‘the West’—Surat al-Maghrib— strikes us as nothing more than a quaint abstraction of circles, triangles, and oblong shapes ornately adorned with vivid pigments. Closer study presents a... more
The use of the dictionary and translation are both common language experiences. The dictionary is an indispensable tool to translating. Yet dictionary skills are grossly neglected in translator training, which assumes that students have... more
Jérusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 41 (2014), pp. 261-312