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MURILLO Chávez, Javier André - "¿Registrar o no Registrar? Ese es el dliema...". En: Revista Diálogo con la Jurisprudencia. N° 238. Lima: Gaceta Jurídica, 2018, pp. 298 - 302.
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      Intellectual Property LawPropiedad industrialIndustrial PropertySignos Distintivos
O IV CICJE decorreu na Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Leiria no dia 22 de novembro de 2012 e foi subordinado ao tema “Propriedade Industrial e Intelectual”. Índice Sessão Plenária O Tribunal da Propriedade Intelectual José... more
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      Labour LawIntellectual and Industrial Property RightsIndustrial Property Law
Los operadores jurídicos que trabajamos con un marco normativo determinado a diario, sabemos que existen disposiciones "legendarias" en nuestras normas; es decir, normas que contienen instituciones que -dice la "leyenda"-han sido... more
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      Trademark LawDerecho de MarcasIndustrial Property LawDerecho de Propiedad Industrial
Dados Internacionais de Catalogação na Publicação (CIP) (Câmara Brasileira do Livro, SP, Brasil) O Direito Civil na era da inteligência artificial / Rodrigo da Guia Silva e Gustavo Tepedino coordenadores. --1. ed. --São Paulo : Thomson... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceInteligencia artificialPropriedade IndustrialIndustrial Property Law
The imminent entry into force of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court brings with it fundamental questions about the European patent regime with the introduction of the European patent with unitary effect and the Unified Patent Court.... more
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      PatentsPatent LawEuropean Patent SystemUnitary Patent
Denunciado : Olivos del Sur S.A.C.
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      Intellectual Property LawCopyright LawDerechos de autorIndustrial Property Law
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      Contemporary HistoryLegal HistoryIntellectual Property LawIndustrial Property Law
This article analyzes the missing rule and ruling about the protection of characters and fictional objects which are part of works covered by copyright. The author systematizes the criteria used in the administrative jurisprudence for... more
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      Intellectual PropertyCopyrightFictional ObjectsFictional Characters
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      Industrial DesignIntellectual Property LawDesigns (Law)Copyright and intellectual property
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      Intellectual PropertyTrade SecretsCopyright (Law)Intellectual Property Law
The pharmaceutical industry is an important component of the health care system in our country.
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      Comparative LawPharmacyPatentsCommercial Law
El artículo 36 del Tratado debe interpretarse en el sentido de que, aunque ello constituya un obstáculo al comercio intracomunitario, el titular de un derecho de marca puede invocar este derecho para impedir que un tercero retire y vuelva... more
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      Free Movement of GoodsTrademark LawParallel ImportsIndustrial Property Law
Específi camente, cinco años contados desde el precedente sobre marcas notoriamente conocidas que desarrolló el inciso h) del artículo 136 de la Decisión 486 de la Comunidad Andina en el caso Tudelano contra British American Tobacco... more
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      Contract LawIntellectual Property LawTrademark LawDerecho De Contratos
Bu makalede, 6769 sayılı SMK ile getirilen yeniliklerden birisi olan Yükseköğretim Kurumları'nda Gerçekleştirilen Buluşlar Üzerinde Hak Sahipliği konusu işlenmiştir.
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      Intellectual Property LawInventionsPatent LawIndustrial Property Law
1 Específi camente, cinco años contados desde el precedente sobre marcas notoriamente conocidas que desarrolló el inciso h) del artículo 136 de la Decisión 486 de la Comunidad Andina en el caso Tudelano contra British American Tobacco . 2... more
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      Contract LawTrademark LawDerecho De ContratosIndustrial Property Law