Moritz von Kalckreuth
At the moment I am a Feodor Lynen Fellow at the University of Padova, while at the same time being associated as a postdoc-fellow at the Max Weber Kolleg at Erfurt. Generally speaking, I understand my research program as a broad account of practical philosophy, which is focused on the following main interests:
1) PHILOSOPHY OF PERSONHOOD AND ITS PHENOMENA: In the current debates, persons are often limited to rational and self-conscious beings. I am mainly interested in the aspects marginalized by such views, such as the problem of the embodiment of persons or their interpersonal relatedness (by sharing a sociocultural background or “objective spirit”). I also work on the question of how certain phenomena (like embarrassment, limit situations etc.) may be interpreted within the frame of a person's life.
2) PHILOSOPHICAL THEORY OF VALUE, VALUES IN ETHICS AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: The field of philosophical value-research seems highly controversial: Are values some sort of normative ideals (such as “justice”, “kindness”, etc.) or qualities we find in the world (for example the value of one distinct friendship)? I am interested in the question of which concrete phenomena may be described referring to values and what implications this may carry for a general value-theory.
3) A THEORY OF COMMON MORALITY: In current discussions, moral philosophy is normally understood as a philosophical reflection on actions, moral principles and judgements. This access does seldom include an interest in the historical and cultural nature of morals, their diversity and constant change. Here I am interested in the question of which insights might be gained by referring to moral as a cultural sphere or life form using the framework of a philosophy of culture.
1) PHILOSOPHY OF PERSONHOOD AND ITS PHENOMENA: In the current debates, persons are often limited to rational and self-conscious beings. I am mainly interested in the aspects marginalized by such views, such as the problem of the embodiment of persons or their interpersonal relatedness (by sharing a sociocultural background or “objective spirit”). I also work on the question of how certain phenomena (like embarrassment, limit situations etc.) may be interpreted within the frame of a person's life.
2) PHILOSOPHICAL THEORY OF VALUE, VALUES IN ETHICS AND POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY: The field of philosophical value-research seems highly controversial: Are values some sort of normative ideals (such as “justice”, “kindness”, etc.) or qualities we find in the world (for example the value of one distinct friendship)? I am interested in the question of which concrete phenomena may be described referring to values and what implications this may carry for a general value-theory.
3) A THEORY OF COMMON MORALITY: In current discussions, moral philosophy is normally understood as a philosophical reflection on actions, moral principles and judgements. This access does seldom include an interest in the historical and cultural nature of morals, their diversity and constant change. Here I am interested in the question of which insights might be gained by referring to moral as a cultural sphere or life form using the framework of a philosophy of culture.
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Papers by Moritz von Kalckreuth
An dieser Stelle setzen die Beiträge des vorliegenden Schwerpunkts an.
philosophy of spiritual being. Many contemporary accounts of personhood are systematically focused
on rational phenomena as self-consciousness or practical reasoning, which are understood as ‘conditions
of personhood’. Apart from having some technical problems, those accounts limit our self-understanding
as persons on distinct rational properties and often fail to consider the sociocultural aspects
of the personal situation. Nicolai Hartmann — although respecting the role of reason — understands
personhood particularly as participation in a shared spiritual sphere called Objektiver Geist (objective
spirit), which includes various intersubjective phenomena as languages, religion, moral, arts, and the
sciences. Being part of this sphere seems to be more fundamental than having distinct rational properties,
which requests a spiritual frame to be exerted. Further it is shown that Hartmann’s ontology of
person also includes a notion of being affected by the existential weight of situations and other person’s
actions — an idea often maintained by phenomenological positions. By regarding rational, intersubjective
and affective aspects, Hartmann’s philosophy of person succeeds in offering a broad articulation
of our self-understanding and may also be seen as providing a background to understand certain phenomena
that are part of the personal situation.
The aim of this paper is to point out and discuss a possible connection between a theory of person and a philosophy of religion. It argues that a broader perspective on personhood and personal life would bring up a variety of phenomena which require a religious context for their proper understanding. The interpretation of these phenomena might disclose a new access to certain aspects of personhood that have been disregarded by more common theories of person.
Books by Moritz von Kalckreuth
1. Das Wertproblem in der Philosophie der Gegenwart (1936)
2. Vom Wesen sittlicher Forderungen (1949)
3. Über die Stellung der ästhetischen Werte im Reich der Werte überhaupt (1926)
4. Die Wertdimensionen der Nikomachischen Ethik (1944)
5. Kants Metaphysik der Sitten und die Ethik unserer Tage (1924)
6. Sinngebung und Sinnerfüllung (1934)
7. Zeitlichkeit und Substantialität (1938)
8. Das Ethos der Persönlichkeit (1949)
An dieser Stelle setzen die Beiträge des vorliegenden Schwerpunkts an.
philosophy of spiritual being. Many contemporary accounts of personhood are systematically focused
on rational phenomena as self-consciousness or practical reasoning, which are understood as ‘conditions
of personhood’. Apart from having some technical problems, those accounts limit our self-understanding
as persons on distinct rational properties and often fail to consider the sociocultural aspects
of the personal situation. Nicolai Hartmann — although respecting the role of reason — understands
personhood particularly as participation in a shared spiritual sphere called Objektiver Geist (objective
spirit), which includes various intersubjective phenomena as languages, religion, moral, arts, and the
sciences. Being part of this sphere seems to be more fundamental than having distinct rational properties,
which requests a spiritual frame to be exerted. Further it is shown that Hartmann’s ontology of
person also includes a notion of being affected by the existential weight of situations and other person’s
actions — an idea often maintained by phenomenological positions. By regarding rational, intersubjective
and affective aspects, Hartmann’s philosophy of person succeeds in offering a broad articulation
of our self-understanding and may also be seen as providing a background to understand certain phenomena
that are part of the personal situation.
The aim of this paper is to point out and discuss a possible connection between a theory of person and a philosophy of religion. It argues that a broader perspective on personhood and personal life would bring up a variety of phenomena which require a religious context for their proper understanding. The interpretation of these phenomena might disclose a new access to certain aspects of personhood that have been disregarded by more common theories of person.
1. Das Wertproblem in der Philosophie der Gegenwart (1936)
2. Vom Wesen sittlicher Forderungen (1949)
3. Über die Stellung der ästhetischen Werte im Reich der Werte überhaupt (1926)
4. Die Wertdimensionen der Nikomachischen Ethik (1944)
5. Kants Metaphysik der Sitten und die Ethik unserer Tage (1924)
6. Sinngebung und Sinnerfüllung (1934)
7. Zeitlichkeit und Substantialität (1938)
8. Das Ethos der Persönlichkeit (1949)
clearly influenced by the latter tradition (referring to thinkers like Walter Benjamin, György Márkus and Agnes Heller), his discussion is very focused on the problem in question, what makes it insightful and stimulating for readers who are interested in cultural theory and cultural