Methodist Church history
Recent papers in Methodist Church history
The present work deals with the origin and development of the EMK Switzerland from its beginnings in the 18th and 19th centuries until today. The three branches Wesleyan Methodism (GB), Methodist Episcopal Church (BMK; USA) and... more
The idea that certain iTaukei (formerly ‘Fijian’) clans are descended from the Jews, particularly through a Lost Tribe of Israel, is very strong among some contemporary clans and church groups in Fiji. The importance of the Lost Tribes... more
Oregon was the single most important missionary destination for the Methodist Episcopal missionary society in the 1830s and early 1840s. This is true with regard to both financial expenditure and the number of personnel sent to this... more
This paper considers the religious aspects of the life of Ned Kelly, in dialogue with Russel Ward’s Australian Legend, in order to explore the relatively unexamined religious dimensions of the Australian national myth. Religious leaders... more
This paper explores the murder of Mrs Hattie Pettit by her husband, the Rev William F Pettit in 1889. In doing so it lays out the tensions between notions of popular and official justice that surrounded the celebrated case. It also... more
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement, loudly and strongly renounced the evils of warfare, yet never committed himself to a pacifist position. In this paper, I argue that interpreting Wesley's stance regarding war is best... more
Protestantism, has been losing members at an alarming rate for over the last 50 years. In fact, currently at just over 7 million members, the United Methodist Church has lost around one third of its membership over that 50 year span... more
John Wesley considered the slave trade to be a national disgrace. However, while the American Methodist Church had initially made bold declarations concerning the evils of slavery, the practical application of this principled opposition... more
Within the Southeastern Jurisdiction of the United Methodist Church, women hold the majority demographic of membership across the jurisdiction’s churches. However, the leadership does not fully reflect the membership of Methodists across... more
Ko e fakamatala eni ki he 'uhinga 'o e "Tohi Tikite" 'i he'ene fekau'aki mo e "Kalasi 'Aho" pea mo e "Polotu 'Aho" 'i he ngaahi ouau lotu 'a e Uesiliana.
The Argonaut (Journal of the San Francisco Historical Society) 2005.
This work explores the efficacy of John Wesley’s theories and praxes concerning religious education in eighteenth-century England. Wesley theorized that children should be taught early on to love God, live in His image, and strive for a... more
From the outset of the Evangelical Revival it was more than apparent that John Wesley “saw himself as having a particular mission to the poor people.” Wesley dedicated almost seventy years towards helping the poor. His ethics sought to... more
Harvest Thanksgiving rests at the junction of liturgy, nature and memory. From the late-nineteenth century it was a major event on Nonconformist church calendars, drawing crowds well beyond regular attendance. Yet it was the Nonconformist... more
In an effort to remain relevant and a moral authority during the 1960s, the Methodist Boards of Education and of Social Concerns adapted a popular situational ethic, “the new morality,” as a tool for the Methodist Church to address the... more
This is Chapter One of a history of Morningside Uniting Church. It traces the early beginnings of the church in the context of its surrounding regional development.
I have had this resource available on my personal website ( for several years. Its purpose is to assist United Methodist candidates for commissioning in the process of writing their doctrinal examination paper... more
18th century English reformer, John Wesley is one of the most influential figures in the history of Christianity. As a key theological leader behind the first religious awakening (1730-1760) in England and America, Wesley is often... more
Keunikan Gereja Methodist salah satunya terletak pada Disiplin nya. Disiplin Methodist memberikan gambaran bahwa pelayanan itu tidak main-main, ada aturannya, dan bukan sekedar sukarela melayani. Disiplin adalah buku yang berisi tata cara... more
VINTO, COCHABAMBA SEPTIEMBRE 2011 INTRODUCCIÓN Iglesias liberales, mientras que otras son conservadoras; algunas permisivas, otras legalistas; algunas formales, otras extasiadas. La pluralidad religiosa trae desafíos para el evangelismo.... more
The year 2021 marks the 179th year of Methodism in Nigeria through Badagry in Lagos State. A lot had been done in the area of propagation of the Gospel, civilization, and commerce which endear great influence in national development. This... more
This thesis examines the emergence of a number of North American Wesleyan-Holiness denominations in Australia, beginning in the years following the Second World War. They are the Church of God (Anderson), the Church of God (Cleveland),... more
abStract the year 2016 marks the fortieth anniversary of the ordination of women in the methodist church of Southern africa (mcSa). this, being a milestone worth celebrating and commemorating, highlights not only the gains but also the... more
The paper examines the AB Xuma 6th President of Africn National Congress's approach to the politics of resistance against the colonil government. Of significance was his ability to mobilize other race groups such as the colords and the... more
Philip William Otterbein stands at the head of a German awakening in America, which occurred shortly after the Great Awakening begun by Jonathan Edwards, and slightly prior to the introduction of Methodism to the American Colonies. He and... more
This ar ti cle sug gests that the as cen dance of Chris tian ity as a world faith might hold vi tal clues for United Meth od ism's on go ing ef fort to be come a "world wide" church. It sug gests that pre cisely this ef fort could serve... more
The Methodist Committee for Overseas Relief (MCOR) was one of the first and largest denominational relief and development agencies in the nation from 1940 to 1968. Its ecumenical engagement was robust from the start; it was one of the... more
Pilley’s Island United (originally Methodist) Church was constructed in 1896 and opened in 1897 in Pilley's Island, Newfoundland, Canada. It is a wooden, vernacular Gothic Revival style church with steeple situated within a fenced... more
In recent times, the texts of Leviticus 18:22 and 20:13 have attracted the attention of Old Testament scholars, clergy and the laity, alike. In my view, such an attention has been inspired by the readers' quest for a possible light that... more
W hen the Catholic diocese of Memphis began to train perm a n e n t deacons in 1976, it was a fi rst ve n t u re of moving towa rd an ord a i n e d m i n i st ry for married and single persons for centuries in this ve n e rable ch u rch .... more
Although United Methodists today will rarely claim that they have had a confrontation with the demonic, let alone serve in a deliverance ministry, John Wesley and many early Methodists frequently encountered demons when ministering the... more
Methodists from various backgrounds and all around the world are united in the belief that another church and another world are not only necessary but possible. Holiness traditions, even though at times addressing matters too narrowly and... more
Prima edizione: maggio 2017 Volume pubblicato dal Dipartimento di Storia, Culture, Religioni e con il contributo della Sapienza-Università di Roma I saggi contenuti nel volume sono stati sottoposti a procedura di peer review.... more
This book examines the nature and significance of religious enthusiasm in early Enlightenment England. In the early modern period, the term ‘enthusiasm’ was a smear word used to discredit the dissenters of the radical Reformation as... more
Racism is an issue which the activism of the Black Methodist Consultation (BMC) was set to address during the South African apartheid rule, a view which black theologians and church historians generally accept. This observation brought to... more