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Catalogue essay produced for Portals: past, present, future 14 November to 13 December, Western Australian Maritime Museum Victoria Quay Fremantle. The exhibition featured 23 emerging and established artists with work based around the... more
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      Contemporary ArtHuman-Nonhuman relationsExhibition CataloguePhilosophy and Sociology of Human/animal Relations
My contribution today is titled Walking with buildings. The flâneur and the (im)mobilizing power of non-human narrators and aims to reflect on the contrasting encounter between the apparent immobility of buildings, as non-human inert... more
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      Cultural GeographyArchitectureComics StudiesLiterary Geography
This work deals with a study about the contemporary relationship between humans and animals in the context of Animal Assisted Therapies ­ TAA, a growing therapeutic practice in the promotion of human health. The field research was carried... more
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      AnthropologyMedical AnthropologyHuman-Animal RelationshipsAnthropologie de la santé
This essay traces the shifting landscape of ethics in the context of gene modification via art practices, GM critics and CRISPR. extract: In January 2015, artists Revital Cohen and Tuur Van Balen presented a new work in Berlin entitled... more
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      BioethicsRitualHuman-Nonhuman relations
Cahiers de littérature orale est mis à disposition selon les termes de la Licence Creative Commons Attribution-Pas d'Utilisation Commerciale 4.0 International. Interview: Katell Morand "The juxtaposition of contrasting grammatical... more
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      AnthropologyEthnomusicologyEcopoeticsOral literature
Primer capítulo de introducción de la publicación “Traducir un bosque”, editada y coordinada por Santiago Morilla y publicada por la Diputación de Granada (2021): Los estudios y experimentos sobre comunicación entre plantas nos indican... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceArt Practice as ResearchContemporary ArtPosthumanism
Through an ethnography of the C4 Rice Project's sorghum experiment in the Philippines, this article analyzes particular practices in experimental rice fields and how rice researchers understand their work through specific material... more
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      AnthropologyAnthropology of SciencePosthumanismComputer Networks
Negotiating Personal Autonomy offers a detailed ethnographic examination of personal autonomy and social life in East Greenland. Examining verbal and non-verbal communication in interpersonal encounters, Elixhauser argues that social life... more
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      Interpersonal CommunicationArctic Social SciencePersonhoodMateriality (Anthropology)
This article engages the Nietzschean problem of nihilism from a "cross-cultural", comparative vantage-point. In Nietzsche's diagnosis of the "sickness" of nihilism, the measure of that illness is taken with reference to a particular... more
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      Friedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerNihilismRelationality
There is a present need in contemporary queer theory to join forces with ecological criticism, specifically with the burgeoning field of animal studies, to critically assess the controversial life and writings of self-proclaimed... more
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      American StudiesQueer StudiesQueer TheoryAnimal Studies
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      Artificial IntelligenceAnimismTranshumanism/PosthumanismPost-Humanism
This article rethinks the presence of the lion in Bronze Age Crete and its participation in poetic culture in the Aegean. In the absence of living lions on the island, representational embodiments were the basis of people's encounters... more
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      Material Culture StudiesEmbodimentOral TraditionsOrality
Agnès Giard, « “Jouer” au pervers. Amour pour la 2D et radicalité au Japon », L'ethnographie, 3-4 | 2020, 28 octobre 2020. URL : more
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      Japanese StudiesGender StudiesGender and SexualityStereotypes and Prejudice
Nature is being destroyed. The city is expanding territories and boundaries to create shelter, infrastructure, high-rise buildings, and etc. Only a few expansions consider or examine non-human that also inhabits with us in the territories... more
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    • Human-Nonhuman relations
La violencia especista es un problema social emergente a escala planetaria que, lejos de prevenirse o erradicarse, se presenta como un recurso disponible para actuar en sociedad. El objetivo del presente trabajo consiste en introducir el... more
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      Applied PsychologySocial PsychologyMoral PsychologySocial Sciences
What is an animal? In addition to biological and ecological answers, the animal needs to be explored in its psychological and social dimensions. The animal has long been a symbol of human psyche and culture, from fairy tales to horror... more
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      PsychoanalysisArt HistoryEcopsychologyComplexity Theory
This is the Draft Table of Contents for my forthcoming book (Lexington--hopefully December 2016): Eco-Nihilism: The Philosophical Geopolitics of the Climate Change Apocalypse. I post it here to give my readers--for whom I'm tremendously... more
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      Critical TheoryFuture StudiesPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsGender Studies
This paper attempts to bring some clarity to the debate among sentientists, biocentrists, and ecocentrists on the issue of who or what can count as a candidate recipient of justice. I begin by examining the concept of justice and argue... more
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      Social JusticeEcological JusticeJusticeEnvironmental Justice
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      Animal ScienceFilm StudiesAnimal StudiesCritical Animal Studies
This is a transcript of an unpublished talk presented in Frankfurt in November 2015. The paper draws from the principles of François Laruelle's non-standard philosophy to develop a critique of recent philosophies of theatre, both analytic... more
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      Theatre StudiesArt Practice as ResearchPhilosophy of TheatreFrançois Laruelle
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      Environmental PhilosophyEnvironmental Political TheoryEnvironmental PoliticsDeep Ecology
Two independent technical developments have transformed the metal mining industry in considerable ways: the increasing share of waste materials in the feedstock of metallurgical operations has partially transformed metal extraction into a... more
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      BiochemistryMicrobiologyUrban GeographyEconomic Geography
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      PsychoanalysisComparative LiteratureEpistemologyEnglish Literature
Negli ultimi anni l'antropologia culturale ha rafforzato il suo interesse per le relazioni tra umani e non umani, facendone uno dei temi privilegiati della riflessione t eorica e d ella r appresentazione e tnografica. Il di alogo tr a um... more
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      EtnographyAntropología culturalAntropología SocialHuman-Nonhuman relations
Les images visionnaires, qu'elles soient induites par l'ingestion de substances psychotropes, suscitées par des dispositifs rituels ou saisies à l'occasion d'un débordement perceptif, constituent de véritables agents de la vie sociale. Ce... more
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      Visual StudiesAfricaAnimals and non-humansHuman-Nonhuman relations
A variety of artists today are working with geoaesthetics and/or long-term scales of thinking that relate to geological processes or geological timescales. Volcanism, earthquakes, weathering and/or the stages of change in plate tectonic... more
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      Contemporary ArtHybrid EcologiesArt and ScienceEcological Art
This dissertation explores the dolphin release project of South Korea to discuss how the nonhuman agency of dolphins as implicated in biolpolitics, related bodily practices and the meaning of space. Jedol, along with two further... more
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      Animal GeographyActor Network TheoryAnthrozoologyGilles Deleuze
Com base em questões surgidas, porém não abordadas, em minha pesquisa de dissertação, pretendo discutir a existência de um fenômeno na comunidade otaku: os relacionamentos – “românticos” ou não – com personagens oriundas da ficção... more
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      Philosophy of AgencyJapanese Popular CultureHuman-Nonhuman relations
Collating Tadeusz Różewicz’s poetry with Jacques Derrida’s critique of logocentrism and John D. Caputo’s so­‍‑called poetics of obligation, this article ponders upon the ethical relation to non­‍‑human animals – particularly livestock –... more
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      EthicsAnimal StudiesDeconstructionContemporary Poetry
This paper analyses the way Richard Powers portrays plant life in his 2018 novel The Overstory. Unlike in traditional literary depictions of botany, trees are presented as actors and not passive objects. By undermining the mind/ matter,... more
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      English LiteraturePosthumanismContemporary American LiteratureHuman-Nonhuman Assemblages
This article examines the possibilities of visual culture to open new perspectives on interspecies relations by analyzing self-portraits from visual artist Elina Brotherus's photography series Carpe Fucking Diem (2011-2015). Brotherus has... more
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      FamilySelf-PortraitsCompanion speciesHuman-Nonhuman relations
The authors of this edition propose a novel and inspiring research approach to the subject of plants, which – being a form of life that is different, yet akin to us – is a constant source of nourishment and metaphors, decoration and... more
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      Critical TheoryBiochemistryBotanyLandscape Ecology
Authors: Halina Łapińska, Joanna Łapińska The article analyzes the idea of a sensory garden as a place of symbiotic affective coexistence of human and non-human subjects in urban space, based on the concept presented in the study of... more
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      PosthumanismCritical PosthumanismAffect/EmotionAffect Studies
"This article argues for a specifically Darwinian etiology of the image of the monstrous plant, so ubiquitous in the modern genres of speculative fiction. In the profusion of such narratives in the late 19th century, we can identify a... more
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      Animal StudiesCritical Animal StudiesHuman-Animal StudiesMonsters and Monster Theory
The rights of nature can be a powerful tool for thinking anew our relationships with so-called "natural beings" conceived as political subjects, and for protecting them against exploitative corporate interests. In this paper, I first... more
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      PhilosophyPolitical PhilosophyPolitical TheoryEnvironmental Studies
La Violencia Especista es una violencia social que reproduce los parámetros de complejidad atribuidos a cualquier violencia social ya conocida en la actualidad. El presente artículo realiza un análisis diacrónico y sincrónico crítico de... more
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      Social PsychologyMoral PsychologySocial SciencesAnimal Studies
Representing a true portrait, the death mask simultaneously memorialises life and death, offering the living a sense of connection to the dead. Following the invention of photography, the practice of creating death masks languished as a... more
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      Visual SociologyEthicsArt HistoryPhotography
This thesis uses the philosophy of deep ecology as a theoretical framework to explore ecospiritual themes as a key feature of increasing discourse around the ayahuasca phenomenon. The broad objective of the research is to use contemporary... more
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      New Religious MovementsDigital HumanitiesEcopsychologyOnline Communities
I argue that contradictions between contemporary urban Hindutva and more rural and subaltern Bengali Hindu and Muslim religious practices highlight not just deep-seated ideas about caste and community but also reveal a particularly... more
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      ReligionReligion and PoliticsIndian studiesIslam
Nous devons notre existence au monde. Et pourtant les pollutions de l’air, des eaux, des sols ne cessent de s’aggraver, l’effondrement de la biodiversité suit le rythme d’une extinction de masse, le réchauffement climatique est en... more
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      Environmental EducationEcologyEnvironmental PollutionHuman-Nonhuman relations
This paper investigates the occurrence of ecocritical thought in two canonical fantasy epics, The Lord of The Rings (1954-1955) by J. R. R. Tolkien and His Dark Materials (1995-2000) by Philip Pullman. Using current ecocritical theory as... more
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      J. R. R. TolkienEcologyFantasy LiteratureEcocriticism
"If you were introducing Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari 's A Thousand Plateaus (1980) to a seven-year-old who found Anti-Oedipus (1972) boring, you might say that the sequel has more animals." This essay argues that Deleuze and... more
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      Cultural StudiesPsychoanalysisGender StudiesFilm Studies
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      AnthropologyConservation BiologyHuman-Nonhuman AssemblagesMultispecies Ethnography
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      Latin American StudiesEnvironmental StudiesLatin American literatureEcocriticsm
Excerpt from Ch. 5 of Capitalism's Holocaust of Animals: In order to equate the human and the non-human animal in the chain of destruction that sustains economy and technology, or to render them equal in the instance of necessary killing,... more
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      Feminist TheoryMarxismPosthumanismCritical Animal Studies
Singapore the ‘garden city’ has been a longstanding trope used by government officials to promote tourism and actively entice the world’s cosmopolitan well-heeled and moneyed to come and work, or settle, in the small cityscape. Nature in... more
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      GovernmentUrban PlanningSingaporeCats
This essay explores the much-debated question regarding the extent and viability of Thomas Aquinas as a theological source for expanding Christian ethical concern for the nonhuman creation, particularly nonhuman animals. This exploration... more
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      ReligionHistorical TheologyTheological EthicsAnimal Ethics
En este trabajo nos proponemos realizar una primera exploración sobre el lugar que ocuparon las chullpas en la sociedad de Lípez, desde su surgimiento en el siglo XIII hasta el siglo XVI, cuando la invasión europea parece haber puesto fin... more
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      ChullpasLate Intermediate PeriodHuman-Nonhuman relationsSouthern Andes archaeology
Humans have been living with other animals side by side since the beginning of their journey on this planet, and have inevitably been dependent on them for various needs and conditions. In one hand, completely relying on natural... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnthropologyHuman-Animal Relations