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Catálogo de la exposición presentada en el Museo Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. 7 de diciembre de 2018 al 24 de febrero de 2019.
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      ColombiaHistory of ScienceColombian HistoryHistory of military Engineering
La evolución en los últimos años de los conceptos de cultura y patrimonio ha proporcionado "nuevos objetos", quizás -por el momento-más complejos, por ser holísticos y transversales respecto a campos disciplinares antes cerrados en sí... more
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      Landscape MappingCartografia CulturalPatrimonio cultural inmaterialCultural Geography, History of Cartography
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      History of CartographyRenaissance CartographyHistory of geographyCultural Geography, History of Cartography
Nota della curatrice » 11 Arte militare CORRADO PETROCELLI Racconti di guerra. Figure della narrazione nelle Storie di Tucidide » 15 IMMACOLATA ERAMO Disegni di guerra. La tradizione dei diagrammi tattici greci nell'Arte della guerra di... more
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      GeographyEpistemologyHistory of Geographic ThoughtHistory of Ancient Geography
The aim of this article is to examine the relationship of the two Portuguese cartographers, Pedro Reinel and his son Jorge, with Fernand de Magellan, as well as the implications that their cartographic production had in the preparation... more
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    • Cultural Geography, History of Cartography
“Feng shui: Members of diverse cultures now and in the past often seem to share a similar intuitive association of their personal well-being and avoidance of misfortune with their being "in the right place at the right time." Chinese... more
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      Korean StudiesSacred spaces and conservationCultural Geography, History of CartographyKorean Culture
The publication reveals the renewal of cartographic knowledge that took place in Europe in the 15th-16th century, the formation of its own cartography of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The album allows seeing the development of Minsk for... more
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      History of the Cityhistory of architecture, history of science and technology, politics of historic preservation, ethnicity and nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe, history , memory, and the built environmentCultural Geography, History of CartographyHistory of Belarus
Bio-bibliographical account of the life and career of the geographer and historian of cartography Helen Wallis Map Librarian of the British Library
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      History of CartographyCultural Geography, History of Cartography
This is a very short history of cartography. Notes and links to images are included at the end.
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    • Cultural Geography, History of Cartography
Questo breve accenno storiografico si propone di chiarire una confusio- ne ovvero un errore storiografico perpetrato da vari studiosi, fra i più noti lo storico della cartografia di origine russa Leo Bagrow (Bagrow, 1975, pp. 31-34),... more
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      Cultural HistoryHumanitiesStoria della storiografiaCultural Geography, History of Cartography
REPORT ON A GLOBE BY CORNELIS DE JODE, ANTWERP 1594 – The study was carried out as a report for the authorization to the export of a rare Dutch globe, made in Antwerp by Cornelis de Jode in 1594. The study was developed according to the... more
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      Renaissance StudiesHistory of CartographyExploration HistoryHistorical Cartography
This article revolves around a map titled Resistenze locali al Decreto Salvini [Local resistance to the Sal-vini decree], which was created with OpenStreetMap by geographer Cristina Del Biaggio on the 5th of January 2019. The map aimed to... more
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      Social MovementsSocial cartographyMigration StudiesCritical Cartography
Rome is certainly one of the most represented cities in the world, and from its images emerges a city that does not correspond in any way to the real one, except the monuments. Its significance of civil or religious supremacy is always so... more
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    • Cultural Geography, History of Cartography
My talk concentrates on the contribution the drawing of charts and other maritime depictions makes to our understanding of what English contemporaries thought was happening geographically and how they saw the world. I say English... more
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    • Cultural Geography, History of Cartography
Las producciones artísticas desafían nuestro sentido común sobre el movimiento y la inmovilidad, el adentro y el afuera y, en general, las formas de pensar las experiencias cuerpo-espacio. En el film Dogville (Lars von Trier, 2003) y en... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyPerformance StudiesMobility/Mobilities
Analiza niemal całego polskiego dorobku w zakresie atlasów historycznych w pełni potwierdziła zamieszczone na początku artykułu stwierdzenie, podkreślające zależność między zakresem podejmowanej na mapach tematyki historycznej a... more
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      Historical GeographyHistory of CartographyHistorical Geography of EuropeHistorical maps
The author analize the crucial passage from the cartography made on behalf of the King and as a privilege of the court to mapmaking as a tool of the administration of the modern state. The author study and discussa the creation of... more
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      Military HistoryHistory of CartographyArt and ScienceMilitary
Il Sacro Manto Cosmico
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      GeographyHistory of ReligionHistory of CartographyHistory of Geographic Thought
This is a dated (1986) survey on the study of ancient maps in Italy with proposal for a different approach. Up to then history of cartography was a pertinence of geography and a geographer's affair. The approach was t study old maps as a... more
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      History of IdeasCataloguingHistory of CartographyHistorical maps
a collection of advertisements for maps placed in the London Gazette, 1668-1719, with biographical notes on the map-sellers
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      History of CartographyCultural Geography, History of CartographyHistory of Maps and Globes
Albrecht Pencks wissenschaftliche Karriere wurde wesentlich von der akademischen Institutionalisierung der Geographie im letzten Drittel des 19. Jahrhunderts begünstigt. Während sich die „Physische Geographie“ und die... more
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      History of Geographic ThoughtHistory of geographyGerman NationalismCultural Geography; History of Science and Technics
A centralização do Estado nacional brasileiro no século XIX foi feita por meio de uma construção historiográfica da qual tambémk fazia parte a narração de seus limites. Nesse sentido desenvoveu-se uma narrativa territorial que inscreveu o... more
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      Human GeographyHistory of CartographyHistory of Brazilian Foreign RelationsHistória do Brasil
Resulta indiscutible la influencia, e incluso en numerosas ocasiones el determinismo, que ejercen los factores geográficos sobre casi todos los aspectos de la vida humana, por ejemplo la forma en que se organiza cada sociedad en un... more
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      GeographyCultural GeographyHistorical GeographyCartography
Adopting a cultural approach to cartographic repertoires, this carto-essay highlights the immense visual heritage of the Venetian Lagoon in order to extrapolate a series of 'mappy' images that have given shape to the cartographic figure... more
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      Venice LagoonCultural Geography, History of CartographyCultural Cartography
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      History of CartographyMaximilian I.Cultural Geography, History of CartographyKaiser Maximilian I.
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      Latin American and Caribbean HistoryRepublicanismHistory of CartographyAtlantic history
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    • Cultural Geography, History of Cartography