History of Vilnius
Recent papers in History of Vilnius
[EN] Nobiles pauperes: The Clientele of the Congregation of the Mission Hospital in Eighteenth-Century Vilnius In 1695, Jan Teofil Plater and his wife Aleksandra founded a hospital for six impoverished nobles in Vilnius. Situated near... more
A hypothesis of historiography of the Reformation that Lukasz Markowicz, the burgomaster of Vilnius, was the author of the Polish Arianistic book published in Gardinas in 1564–1566 is analysed. After discussing the arguments of other... more
Nuo XX a. 2 deš. iki Antrojo pasaulinio karo Vilnius turėjo vieną dominuojantį fotografą – Janą Bułhaką (1876–1950), kuris, be to, buvo vienas iš nedidelio Vilniaus paveldosaugos ekspertų rato. Darbe siekiama atskleisti, kaip Bułhako... more
Wilno stanowiło istotny ośrodek zakonny dawnej Rzeczypospolitej. Na podstawie archiwaliów i zachowanych starych druków omówiono księgozbiory wspólnot żeńskich tradycji mniszej, franciszkańskiej, reguły augustiańskiej. Wskazano ponadto... more
Jokūbas Gierkė (Jacob Gercke, Gerich, Gierke, Gierck, Geirke) was one of the most famous 17th century clockmakers of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The Vilnius craftsman is the only Lithuanian included in a directory of the world's best... more
Karinio traukinio katastrofos Vilniaus traukinių stotyje 1945 m. sausio 12 d. ir jos tyrimo bei pasėkmių istorija.
The book is an extensive collection of scholarly articles written by renowned Lithuanian urban historian dr. Stasys Samalavičius (1930–1992). The book is compiled from researcher‘s published articles as well as his previously unpublished... more
This book deals with the role of the Vilnius question for the Lithuanian nationalism
Артыкул прысвечаны “Апосталу” Ф. Скарыны, які пабачыў свет у сакавіку 1525 г. і стаў першым дакладна датаваным выданнем, выпушчаным ў Вялікім Княстве Літоўскім. Разглядаецца змест і структура, мастацкая аздоба і паліграфічнае выкананне... more
Dr. Birute RUta Vitkauskiene (g. 1957) Vilniaus valstybinio dailes instituto (dab. Vilniaus dailes akademija) dailes istorijos ir teorij katedros absolvente. 2005 m. Varsuvos meno institute apgyne daktaro disertacijq tema "Auksakalyste... more
Vladimir Nazimov and the Vilnius Temporary Archaeological Commission. The aim of the research is to describe in general terms the personality of Vladimir Nazimov (Владимир Иванович Назимов, 1802–1874) and his activity in the Vilnius... more
„Rasų kapinės – istorija, menas, gamta” tai pirmoji tokio pobūdžio įvairialypė ir turtinga studija, skirta Vilniaus nekropolijai. Įdomi problematika, autorių ir jų atstovaujamų akademinių mokslo įstaigų gausa, be to įvairialypis... more
Rasa Čepaitienė (wyd.): Vietos dvasios beieškant, Wilna 2014, pp 188–233.
in: Y. Kleinmann, S. Stach, T. Wilson, Religion in the Mirror of Law. Eastern European Perspective from the Early Modern Period to 1939, Frankfurt 2016, s. 307 - 328
The Battle of Orsha Painting – its Genesis, Dating, Iconographical Sources – and the Paiting of the Battle on the Kropiwna River and Other Battle Representations in the Radziwiłłs Palace in Vilnius The article is a critical review of the... more
The exiles of Smolensk Voivodeship, who moved from Moscow territories occupied by the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the late seventeenth century and established in currently ethnic part of Lithuania, in the eighteenth century were faced... more
Since the late 16th-early 17th century, tobacco smoking habit in Europe spread widely, which led to a new business branch-the production and sale of pipes. Due to the lack of historical data about when the habit of smoking tobacco emerged... more
Próba międzywojennego soft-power na kierunku litewskim-Wileńskie Biuro Informacyjne ("Wilbi") i jego rola w kształtowaniu stosunków polsko-litewskich
Dr. Birutė Rūta Vitkauskienė, Vilniaus dailės akademijos dėstytoja, docentė. Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių bibliotekoje aptikti Vilnios brėžiniai paskatino parašyti šį straipsnį. Dr. Birutė Rūta Vitkauskienė, Vilnius Academy of... more
מוילנה לירושלים - לזכר פרופסור שמואל ורסס
Mummified human remains are excellent sources for archaeoparasitological analyses. Examining remains from mummified individuals provides insight into parasite burdens of both individuals and populations in the past. Archaeoparasitological... more
The article focuses on a relatively little known aspect of the history of the cathedral in Vilnius and its treasury, during the period from 1671 until 1684, when Mikalojus Steponas Pacas was Bishop. His episcopate was difficult as it was... more
Ar XVIII a. pabaigoje buvo pastatyti Lietuvos Metrikos archyvo rūmai Vilniuje? Lietuvos Metrikos saugojimo vietoms nu statyti paskirtas ne vienas tyrimas 1 , tačiau šiam Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės kanceliari jos dokumentų... more
This article considers the essential features of Vilnius representations, constructed in Russian literature. These features express different aspects of Vilnius as heterotopic and heterochronic “another place”, which is characterized by... more
The article discusses the problem of localization of the Smolensk and Starodub sejmiks-in-exile of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) in the period 1667–1794. Based not only on the Constitutions of the Seimas of the Polish-Lithuanian... more
In the book the reader will find 153 maps and plans of the Vilnius City, wide descriptions of the drawings and the historical context presented on the basisof archival sources.
The article discovers the investigations of the architect Zygmunt Mieczyslaw Czaykowski and his reconstructions of medieval Vilnius based on the description in the book of Ghillebert de Lannoy "Voyages et Ambassades. 1399-1450".
Роль Университета Стефана Батория в трансляции предания о вильнюсском василиске. Предание о василиске в Вильнюсе в разных версиях известно по меньшей мере с XVIII века. В первой половине XX века легенда была актуализирована и... more
The publication focuses on the visit of the Spanish Jesuit Alfonso Salmerón (1515–1585) in Vilnius in the late 1555. The visit of the first Jesuit in Vilnius lasted one month from October the 28th to the end of November. It was the first... more
The article tells the story of a myth-making around an ivory pieces of "unknown musical instrument" from Adam Kirkor's collection, found in Vilnius castle ruins in 1850-x and since then being interpreted as "an ancient ritual instrument... more
Предание о василиске, появившемся в Вильнюсе при Сигизмунде Августе, зафиксировано в историографических сочинениях на латинском и польском языках первой половины XVIII в. Согласно начальной версии, василиск обосновался в пещере или... more
The article examines the manuscript of Zygmunt Mieczyslaw Czaykowski. His hypotheses were different from Marian Morelowski and Helena and Wlodzimierz Holubowicz. Czaykowski raised the legend of the Subocz Gate and Vilnius' Basilisk and... more
The article offers a closer look into the publication of the Vilnius Council Book of Acts of 1657-1662 (XVII a. vid. Maskvos okupacijos Lietuvoje šaltiniai, t. 1, 1657-1662 m. Vilniaus miesto tarybos knyga, compiled by E. Meilus, prepared... more
Darbe pateikiamas alternatyvus Vilniaus Šv. apaštalų Petro ir Povilo bažnyčios meninės programos aiškinimas. Remiantis ikonografiniais pavyzdžiais yra tikslinama atskirų bažnyčios skulptūrinės puošybos motyvų prasmė ir interpretacija... more