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Introdotto il principale protagonista e punto di riferimento di questo carteggio (il patriota roveretano Fortunato Zeni, cultore delle scienze naturali, dell'archeologia, della storia del Trentino e della sua città) il saggio si sofferma... more
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      RisorgimentoHistory of TirolEsilioStoria Del Trentino
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      GraubündenHistory of TirolVorarlberg
Kurzer Beitrag zum Rattenberger Rechenbruch und der Holztrift in der Frühen Neuzeit.
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      Austrian EconomicsWater resourcesMiningAustrian History
Abstract english / deutsch Schloss Tirol, the old church on the hillside: The story of the Castle of Tyrol begins a lot earlier then its actual buildings. In today’s vineyard at the south side of the hill a church of the Early... more
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      TirolBurgenforschungMittelalterarchäologieArchäologie des Mittelalters
Il catasto trentino del Settecento nasce al termine di una lunghissima gestazione: oltre 60 anni dal 17 marzo 1722, quando l'imperatore Carlo VI volle estendere al Tirolo il suo progetto di riforma fiscale, al Sant'Andrea 1784 quando, con... more
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      Modern HistoryState FormationState BuildingFiscal History
Kein Geringerer als der irische Schri steller James Joyce spielte in den 20er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts mit dem Gedanken, ein Drama über den "Sandwirt" Andreas Hofer bzw. die Ereignisse von 1809 in Tirol zu verfassen. 1927 bereiste er... more
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      Napoleonic WarsHistory of TirolRezeptionsgeschichteTyrolean History
In: Robert Rebitsch/Elena Taddei (Hg.), Polotik Konflikt Gewalt (Innsbrucker Historische Studien 25), Innsbruck 2007, 203-220.
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      UprisingsHistory of TirolAufständeTyrolean History
"The deepest degradation of the imperial authority to an empty title by the promises of its head to seek the approval of his person by the Pope before his entry into Italy, to appear in Rome for the coronation for only one day, but then... more
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      Late Middle AgesMedieval HistoryItineraries (Medieval History)Medieval Germany
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      Medieval HistoryBavarian HistoryMedieval accountsRegensburg
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      Military HistoryEnglish LiteratureIrish LiteratureItalian (European History)
Volume 1 of the "Forum Hall in Tirol. Neues zur Geschichte der Stadt" - out of print, but you can download it under the link below. The series combines research in archaeology and history, both relating to the city of Hall in Tyrol.
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArtMedieval Towns
Die Kriegserklärung Italiens an Österreich-Ungarn am 23. Mai 1915 ist zugleich die Geburtsstunde der deutschen Gebirgstruppe und speziell des Alpenkorps dar. Das vorliegende Buch zeigt die Eigenheiten des riegsschauplatzes Hochgebirge und... more
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      Military HistoryAlpine ResearchWar StudiesAlpine history
Nel 1803 la dieta di Ratisbona decretò la soppressione di tutti i principati ecclesiastici dell’impero, tra cui quelli di Trento e Bressanone. I profondi sconvolgimenti causati dalle guerre napoleoniche e dalle cessioni territoriali si... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ArchivesStoria del Principato vescovile di Trento in età modernaHistory of Tirol
95 Studi Trentini. Arte a. 92 2013 n. 1 pagg. 95-121 La migrazione delle opere del pittore di corte austriaco Eduard Gurk Paolo Cont  L'autore indaga le ragioni che determinarono la migrazione e quindi la conservazione presso il palazzo... more
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      Art HistoryBiedermeierBiedermeierzeitSüdtirol
Published in: L’eredità di Federico II. Dalla storia al mito, dalla Puglia al Tirolo. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi (Innsbruck – Stams, 13-16 Aprile 2005), ed. by Fulvio Delle Donne, Angelo Pagliardini, Emanuela Perna, Max... more
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      Habsburg StudiesCisterciansMedieval NobilityEpigraphy
Nell'archivio provinciale di Innsbruck, un ricco fondo di registri conservati nel "landschaftliches Archiv" (il cosiddetto "Archivio dei ceti") raccoglie le tracce documentarie del dialogo imbastito tra il potere centrale della contea... more
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      Early Modern HistoryStoria del Principato vescovile di Trento in età modernaHistory of Tirol
Nel 1803 la dieta di Ratisbona decretò la soppressione di tutti i principati ecclesiastici dell’impero, tra cui quelli di Trento e Bressanone. I profondi sconvolgimenti causati dalle guerre napoleoniche e dalle cessioni territoriali si... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHabsburg StudiesHistory of ArchivesStoria del Principato vescovile di Trento in età moderna
Rezensionen zu: Sabine Weiss: Maximilian I. Habsburgs faszinierender Kaiser, Innsbruck 2018 / Michael Forcher, Christoph Haidacher: Kaiser Maximilian I. Tirol. Österreich. Europa 1459-1519, Innsbruck 2018, in: H-Soz-Kult, 20. August 2019.
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      Austria (European History)Habsburg StudiesNobilityHoly Roman Empire
L'iniziativa è stata realizzata con il contributo di 2 Premessa Coordinamento scientifico della dottoressa Katia Occhi, Istituto storico italo-germanico.
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      Economic HistoryArchival StudiesEarly Modern HistoryGerman History
Stampato nel mese di ottobre 2012 a cura delle Edizioni Cantagalli S.r.l. -Siena * Desidero ringraziare Franco Cagol, Paolo Giovannini, Stefano Piffer e Marco Stenico per le preziose indicazioni e le istruttive conversazioni sul tema di... more
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      Early Modern HistoryArchivesModern StateArchivística
Abstract: During excavations in Aguntum (Austria; Tyrol) in 1976, a map carved on a roof tile was discovered, which was interpreted by the excavator as an ancient city map or architectural sketch of Aguntum dated to the 3rd century AD.... more
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      ArchaeologyOld MapsForschungsgeschichte ArchäologieForma Urbis
Der Geometer und der Kegler. Bemerkungen zur Interpretation des alpinen Territoriums in Katasterquellen In der Katasterkarte der Berggemeinde Moena stellt man die Anwesenheit eines Männchens fest, das dem Fluss Avisio entlang kegelt. Es... more
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      Modern HistoryFiscal HistoryCadastreTrentino
Nota copyright Tutto il materiale contenuto nel sito HeyJoe, compreso il presente PDF, è rilasciato sotto licenza Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-Non opere derivate 4.0 Internazionale. Pertanto è possibile liberamente... more
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      Archival Studies20th century (History)19th Century (History)Storia del Principato vescovile di Trento in età moderna
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      Early Modern EuropeLanded Nobilitylate medieval and early modern history of European nobility and courtsHistory of Tirol
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      Historical mapsHistory of MiningHistory of TirolMontangeschichte
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      ReligionArt HistoryArchitectureSymbolism
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      Military HistoryHabsburg StudiesMaximilian von HabsburgPolitical Satire
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      Art History19th Century (History)VormärzBiedermeierzeit
Seit der europäischen Zeitenwende 1989/1990 hat man in den seit der Zerreißung 1918/1919 bestehenden Teilen Tirols versucht, der Landeseinheit durch institutionalisierte Zusammenarbeit in einer Europaregion Tirol näherzukommen. Dies ist... more
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      ZeitgeschichteTirolHistory of TirolEuregio Tirolo-Alto Adige/Südtirol-Trentino
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      Austria (European History)Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesUrban History
d i z i o n a r i o b i o g r a f i c o degli italiani istituto della enciclopedia italiana fondata da giovanni treccani roma © PROPRIETÀ ARTISTICA E LETTERARIA RISERVATA ISTITUTO DELLA ENCICLOPEDIA ITALIANA FONDATA DA GIOVANNI TRECCANI... more
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      Habsburg StudiesRisorgimentoAustrian HistoryHistory of Tirol
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyFlint (Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)Alpine Archaeology
Der Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Geschichte der Pfadfinderbewegung in Tirol und wurde auf den S.54-57 veröffentlicht.
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      Scout MovementBoy ScoutsScoutingTirol
K transferu inovácií v stredoeurópskom hutníctve: Bartolomej Ľudovít Hechengartner (1702–1773) a zhutňovanie medi na Spiši v prvej polovici 18. storočia [Zum Innovationstransfer im mitteleuropäischen Hüttenwesen: Bartholomäus Ludwig... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyEconomic HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Technology
The nationalization process of the inhabitants of territories annexed by Italy previously belonging to the Austrian Empire has as its premise the institute of “option”, which is regulated in articles 70 to 82 of the Treaty of... more
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      History of TirolStoria Del Trentinoitalian citizenship lawTiroler Geschichte
Im Tiroler Stift kann man unversehens auf Spuren stoßen, welche in den Landkreis Dillingen führen - eine spannende und faszinierende Geschichte.
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      StauferHistory of TirolRegionalgeschichtejesuiten
Molto poco letto ma molto citato tra i discendenti di trentino-tirolesi che lasciarono la terra natale prima del 1919, il Trattato di Saint-Germain-en-Layé è stato poi collegato in modo negativo alla storia di questa emigrazione. Per... more
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      Legal HistoryPublic International LawHistory of International LawSouth Tirol
The article deals with the process of army reformation during the Late Habsburg Monarchy and discusses the role of local military privileges in state structure, governance and territorial cooperation of the Empire. The local military... more
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      Medieval Croatian HistoryMilitary ServiceCentral and Eastern EuropeBosnia and Herzegovina
La storia delle poste trentino-tirolesi in età moderna si inserisce nel ben più ampio panorama dei collegamenti postali europei ed extraeuropei, che tra Quattro e Cinquecento iniziarono ad essere predisposti in modo sempre più razionale e... more
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryPostal HistoryHistory of Cartography
"Bei Ihrem letzten Besuch haben Sie auch den sogenannten Alten Widum [das heutige Haus der Fasnacht] besichtigt, eines der ganz wenigen Gebäude in Imst, die historischen Wert haben." So schreibt der Imster Bürgermeister Josef Koch im Juni... more
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      GeschichteHistorische BauforschungHistory of TirolKunstgeschichte Tirols
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      19th Century (History)RisorgimentoGiuseppe GaribaldiItalian Risorgimento
Giovanni Dellantonio analizza un dipinto murale del pittore David Solbach del 1578 nella chiesa parrocchiale di Vigo di Fassa, che non solo mostra due storie dell’Antico Testamento apprezzate da Lutero e del tutto inusuali per il... more
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      IconographyRenaissance ArtReformation HistoryReformation Studies
Recent studies of credit practices in (northwestern) Europe have shown that credit markets already existed in the medieval period in the towns and countryside. Little is known, however, about how these credit markets in large parts of... more
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      Medieval HistoryCreditPawnbrokingHistory of Tirol
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      Art HistoryAustria (European History)ArtRenaissance Studies
50 Jahre nach dem Vorfall auf der Porzescharte wäre es höchst an der Zeit, dass Österreich für die völlige Rehabilitierung der damals zu Unrecht Verurteilten sorgte
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      Military HistoryGeschichtePolitikDeutsche Sprache
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      Modern HistoryEarly Modern HistoryEnvironmental HistoryHistory of Cartography
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      Storia della storiografiaHistory of TirolGrande GuerraStoria Del Trentino
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      History of TirolTyrolean HistoryDreißigjähriger Krieg
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      TirolStoria del Principato vescovile di Trento in età modernaHistory of TirolTrentino-AltoAdige (Süd Tirol)
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      Early Medieval HistoryLate AntiquityHistory of Tirol