History and Theory of the Theatre
Recent papers in History and Theory of the Theatre
A dramatization of theatre director Joan Littlewood's friendship with Baron Rothschild.
Da C. Vicentini, La teoria del teatro politico (Firenze, Sansoni, pp. 83-124) Sommario: 1 La formula del teatro politico. 2 Teatro e trasformazione storica. 3 Epoca storica e modello teatrale. 4 Unicità e molteplicità del modello. 5... more
The contemporary Central European and Slovene theatre of the last decades of the 20th century can therefore, probably very justifiably, be interpreted through several theoretical concepts. That is, Jacques Derrida’s and Philip Auslander’s... more
Due to the ephemeral nature of performance, material evidence for the content, context, and intention behind ancient Egyptian dramatic texts is extremely limited. What remains are the texts themselves (often in pieces) and iconographic... more
Le vicende de "I carabinieri", testo teatrale dell’autore siciliano Beniamino Joppolo, rappresentano il filo conduttore per l’indagine trasversale portata avanti in questo volume. Scritto nel 1945, il testo viene pubblicato in Italia... more
World theatre is nowadays taken for granted, but its post-War pioneer was the remarkable Peter Daubeny. This blog post reflects on Daubeny's achievement, particularly his World Theatre Seasons at the Aldwych Theatre. My tour Peter... more
Dans Hamlet, la réaction de Claudius face à la pantomime et à la représentation théâtrale auxquelles il assiste est ambiguë. Dans cet article, il s’agit de réfléchir à une manière dont elle pourrait être exploitée par des lecteurs — qui... more
Magic Theatre’s San Francisco production of Lloyd Suh’s The Chinese Lady plays with theatrical time to stage a confrontation between the 19th-century American past and the Trump-era present.
Srž rada Žene na vlasti u srpskoj drami je u priči o položaju žena u dramama: "Jelisaveta, kneginja crnogorska" Đure Jakšića, "Kraljeva jesen" Milutina Bojića i "Maska" Miloša Crnjanskog. One su određene i omeđene etnički (ne pripadaju... more
Hartigan offers an alternate reading of playwright-avant garde artist Alfred Jarry's "overly performative public conduct," placing it within the context of fin-de-siècle Parisian Symbolism, focusing on performance, artifice, authenticity,... more
From Claudio Vicentini, "Theory of Acting. From Antiquity to the Eighteenth Century"¸ Marsilio & Acting Archives, Napoli, 2012 (www.academia.edu).
Con questo articolo si intende porre attenzione sulla situazione del teatro in Calabria. Il termine “contemporaneo” fissa non solo un dato cronologico, quanto un preciso ambito artistico che inquadra il teatro calabrese più giovane.... more
Presentation of Claudio Meldolesi's posthumous book during a day dedicated to his memory
Claudio Vicentini, La teoria della recitazione. Il distacco dell’attore dal personaggio The article (in reference to a previous work, Per un’ecologia delle nozioni di lavoro. L’identificazione dell’attore con il personaggio, «Acting... more
This chapter tells the history of what have come to be called ‘stage directions’: short, practical performance or reader-oriented instructions, often in pigeon Latin, of unclear authorship, that typically start, end and intersperse a... more
Μελετάται η φαντασματική μορφή στο θέατρο. Tο φάντασμα δεν αντιπροσωπεύει μιαν ουσία, ούτε βεβαίως μίαν ύπαρξη. Η υπόστασή του είναι μετέωρη και δανεική. Του τη δανείζει η φιλοσοφία, η λογοτεχνία, η λαϊκή δοξασία, το θέατρο, κάθε φορά που... more
The European Journal of Theatre and Performance (EJTP) is pleased to announce that the Journal will be moving from publishing one to two issues per year. This move marks an important step in the growth of EJTP and is inspired by the... more
This dissertation examines musical affective economies surrounding the Wars of Religion in Lyon. Expanding on affect theory that considers how emotions stick to and slide from subjects and objects, this research asks how musical affect... more
Some of the most noteworthy characteristics of costume as presented at the Prague Quadrennial 2011 were embedded in its method of presentation. The Extreme Costume exhibition 1 broke with the traditional organizing principle of the... more
Cовременное искусство всегда находилось в авангарде тех художественных практик, которые пытались заменить эстетический нарратив социальным активизмом. Однако в этом тексте нас будет интересовать, каким образом отказ от собственных... more
This paper is written under the guidance of Prof. Tutun Mukherjee, University of Hyderabad (as Principal Investigator) for Comparative Literature: Drama in India | UGC MHRD e Pathshala. The paper includes rumination on "Theatre:... more
Summary: The Theatre Controversy. The Horizons of Oratory. Oratory and Recitation: the Mysterious Difference. The New Treatises. Andrea Perrucci. Recitation, Oratory and Comedy by Improvisation. Experience, Rules and the... more
Επιχειρείται μια επισκόπηση της μπαχτινικής σκέψης για το καρναβάλι και, στη συνέχεια, μια ευσύνοπτη ανάγνωση του Χάση του Δημητρίου Γουζέλη υπό το πρίσμα των καρναβαλικών στοιχείων. Η γραφή του Χάση διατηρεί ένα επίπεδο πηγαίας έκφρασης... more
A problem seems to undermine the research on history of acting: the scholar cannot get in touch with what he is supposed to study. The actor’s work disappears as soon as the performance ends: according to a famous dictum, the actor «is... more
Il nome della collana già contiene il suo programma: non solo vuole diffondere, esplorare, passare al vaglio critico la letteratura di lingua tedesca, ma si prefigge anche di aprirsi al mondo, seguendo in questo il cosmopolitismo dello... more
Caryl Churchill's plays thematically embody elements of many-isms such as feminism, sexism, capitalism, and socialism, labeling her dramaturgy as an eclectic combination of social philosophies and political ideologies. Although genuinely... more
Despre opera dramatică a lui B. Fundoianu/ Benjamin Fondane şi cu atât mai puţin despre poetica sa, aşa cum se întrevede ea din textele (meta)teatrale publicate de autor înainte sau după plecarea din ţară, s-a scris nu foarte mult la noi... more
Θεατρολογικό μελέτημα για τους όρους και τα όρια της κριτικής του Θεάτρου. Διακρίνεται αρχικώς η κριτική θεάτρου από τη γενική θεωρία περί θεάτρου. Σημειώνεται πως ο θεωρητικός του θεάτρου εξετάζει είτε τα εφικτά στο θέατρο σημειακά... more
Theater Without a Teacher" or About the Beginnings of E. Ionesco as a Playwright) E. Ionesco's first playwriting attempt is the play English Without a Teacher, written in Romanian, a play that is close to the radical metatheatrical... more
What happened to Italian theatre and Italian acting traditions during the fascist period? As the regime progressively aged, symptoms of impatience, and even disillusionment may be noted in the theatre. This was rather unexpected, given... more
published The Art of the Theatre in the summer of 1905. The book had been already published in Germany in June with the title Die Kunst des Theatres (edited and translated by Maurice Magnus, preface by Harry Kessler, Berlin and Leipzig,... more
Aksiyon kavramı 20. yüzyıldan itibaren Batılı tiyatro kuramları içinde oyuncunun sanatı üzerine geliştirilen düşünceler içinde önemli bir yer tutmaktadır. Farklı tiyatro uygulamacıları/kuramcılarının bu kavrama getirdiği yeni yorumlar... more
What are the devices regulating the representation of pain? What is the relationship between sight and reality? What is the difference between the show of pain and the theatre of piety? Christian theory of representation gives us an... more
The essay critically discusses the graduation report of Roderigo Lopez, a Portuguese student proclaimed artium et medicinae doctor at the Paduan Studium in 1559. The meticulous analysis of the document and the reconstruction of the... more
Des éléments science-fictionnels sont présents sur les scènes occidentales des XXe et XXIe siècles : la science-fiction y prend plusieurs formes et y assume diverses fonctions. Afin d’en faciliter l’étude, ces pages ont pour objectif... more
Rețeaua festivalieră din România, construcție complexă, motivată atât de interesul față de producția locală, fațPoate că niciodată sentimentul de familie-de familie mare, zgomotoasă în bucuria de a se regăsi împreună, în orgoliul ei de... more
An attempt to counteract some misunderstandings of Aristotle's attitude to theatrical performance. Includes comparative reference to other theorists, especially Castelvetro and Hegel.
This chapter reflects on Wilde’s shifting preoccupations from c. 1880-1895 in the context of the radical changes in the concept of theatre during this period. It investigates the connection between his excitement about the archaeological... more
What I propose is a portrait: a group photo of the Teatro Due Mondi taken, as we shall see, at a particular and difficult time in their history. It is also an attempt to study theater from a point of view that is close to my heart, but... more
Το Νέον Κράτος εορτάζει: Η ελληνική εκδοχή της φασιστικής θεατρικότητας στους εορτασμούς της 4ης Αυγούστου Σ την εισήγηση αυτή διερευνάται η σχέση θεάματος, ιδεολογίας και πολιτικής με βάση το παράδειγμα των τεσσάρων εορτασμών του... more
»Das Theater an der Ruhr war wie eine Explosion für mich. Vieles von dem, was ich heute als meins ausgebe, kommt daher.« Navid Kermani 1980 gründet Roberto Ciulli in Mülheim an der Ruhr gemeinsam mit dem Dramaturgen Helmut Schäfer und... more
Tuđina u jeziku: Vida Ognjenović – Maj nejm iz Mitar, u: Teatron – časopis za pozorišnu umetnost. Broj 186–187. Beograd: Muzej pozorišne umetnosti Srbije, 2019, 102–107. U radu se analizira funkcija jezika i prostora u drami „Maj nejm... more