Female Studies
Recent papers in Female Studies
Srž rada Žene na vlasti u srpskoj drami je u priči o položaju žena u dramama: "Jelisaveta, kneginja crnogorska" Đure Jakšića, "Kraljeva jesen" Milutina Bojića i "Maska" Miloša Crnjanskog. One su određene i omeđene etnički (ne pripadaju... more
Le donne si sentono rappresentate dalla pornografia? Indagandone l’immaginario, le pratiche di consumo e le sensazioni a riguardo si è cercato di capire perché usufruiscano di pornografia, quanto sia importante per loro se sia necessario... more
Analiza tekstova napisanih o Srbiji i Balkanu, tokom i neposredno nakon Prvog svetskog rata, omogućuje uvid u dve perspektive –1. politički ugao gledanja diplomata i novinara; 2.žena koje su bile lekarke, medicinske sestre i neposredne... more
Research on TV titan Shonda Rhimes and how the leading women of her three Shondaland shows (Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and How to Get Away with Murder) changed and are still changing and breaking TV traditions and conventions.
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s works provide profound insights into the intersection of gender, race, class, sexuality, and cultural experiences. The author’s novels Americanah, Half of a Yellow Sun, and Purple Hibiscus tell the individual... more
在中国当代媒介场域中,“女性脱嵌者”作为一种重要的形象/叙事范型,表面上讲述的是年轻女性离开原乡、进入大都市打拼的人生故事,而实质上提供的则是对中国改革开放以来现代性进程进行社会想象的审美文化支点。20世纪90年代初,“女性脱嵌者”开始在中国媒介场域中风行,并在总体上呈现出一种“自我选择、自我负责”的上升逻辑,以引导社会对于现代性的想象方式;而21世纪以来,这一范型却发生了明显的分化,呈现出当下现代性发展进程中创伤性、奇观性与示范性并存的复杂面貌,并在很大程度上折射出社会转型... more
Stereotypes of women have long existed in society and in the stories told from generation to generation. The Wife of Bath is an excellent female stereotype in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales. Her self-proclaimed practices as a wife are the... more
Dhaka is one of the most unsafe cities in the world especially for females. The unsafety translates into horrid sexual violence which further intensifies in public buses. The female undergraduate students of the Dhaka North City... more
pandemic. In an empirical study, we focus on female top performing students in STEM and the humanities. Of particular interest was whether the measures associated with the pandemic constitute a risk-factor for a re-traditionalization of... more
This article deals with changes in occupational and self-identity among migrant women from Friuli who left for the agricultural colonies and urban areas (in particular Buenos Aires) in Argentina from the second half of the 19th century to... more