Historical performance
Recent papers in Historical performance
Grounded in a tradition of stylistically disparate genres of music-making, the period’s songs are often generalized in terms of ‘fad’, spuriously dismissed as predominantly English-language hapahaole (‘’half- white”), pandering to... more
In the 18th century, the violoncello usurped the viol as the preferred solo bass instrument throughout Europe, but the lack of skilled cellists in the British Isles along with a preference for the Italian style resulted in high demand for... more
Explores the contentious position of improvisation in the contemporary Baroque music revival. Paradoxically, historical performers aim to obey the composer’s intentions by paying careful attention to the written instructions of the... more
‘Theatre’ and ‘playhouse’ are two words often used interchangeably nowadays. In the early modern period, however, each word was known to be different in meaning, intent, and reach. While ‘theatre’ signified a classical space with a visual... more
Currently there is a strong notice of standardization in the field of Early Music and less artistic diversity in comparison to the early days of its revival. The question is whether institutions that took the training of specialized... more
Professional musicians and connoisseurs have frequently questioned the performance authenticity of piano roll renditions. Do they give a fair representation of the artist’s expressive intention, or were so-called hand-played reproducing... more
In the 1960s, Gustav Leonhardt transformed from locally successful Dutch harpsichordist into a global phenomenon. Ironically Leonhardt, an advocate for historical performance and building preservation, achieved critical and commercial... more
The Notenkrakersactie of 17 November 1969 was a landmark event for Dutch musical life: a group of composers disrupted a concert of the Concertgebouw Orchestra, protesting against the orchestra’s lack of contemporary music programming.... more
Antonín Dvořák composed his last opera after 15 months of searching a new operatic topic. He decided for Jaroslav Vrchlický's libretto Armida from 1888, wchich was written after T. Tasso's Jerusalem Delivered. The genesis of the opera... more
Discusses the 1968 film, Chronik der Anna Magdalena Bach, directed by Jean-Marie Straub and Danièle Huillet, in which the harpsichordist Gustav Leonhardt performs the role of J.S. Bach. What the film reveals about Bach performance... more
Resumen: El propósito principal de este artículo es proporcionar una breve biografía a respecto de Marin Marais (1656-1728), en portugués. Las informaciones recompiladas no son inéditas y se basóen artículos y libros disponibles. La... more
Abordando una perspectiva teórica proveniente de la disciplina teatrológica, el escrito tiene por objetivo realizar un análisis de la performance Zona de dolor 1 o "Maipú" de Diamela Eltit de 1980. Para ello me detengo en la piel, el... more
This chapter is about the homage routinely paid to Shakespeare by dramatists and performers, and their ignorance of his actual works. It shows that Shakespeare’s plays were known best in their adapted Restoration forms; they were then... more
The recordings of pianists born before 1900 offer tantalizing evidence of nineteenth-century performance practice. However, the unfamiliar environment of the early recording studio and technical restrictions of the the recording process... more
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O objetivo principal desse trabalho é apresentar uma tradução comentada dos prefácios do gambista francês Marin Marais, contidos nos cinco volumes de partituras impressas para viola da gamba entre os anos de 1686 e 1725.
As part of Senate House Library's "Queer Between the Covers" exhibition, this post sheds light on the key elements of Oscar Wilde's "Salome" that have ensured its popularity as well as its place within the canon of camp and queer... more
The Notenkrakersactie of 17 November 1969 was a landmark event for Dutch musical life: a group of composers disrupted a concert of the Koninklijk Concertgebouworkest, protesting against the orchestra's lack of contemporary music... more