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Christians, Jews and the Money. About the permanence of a prejudice and its roots (text in German). Deconstruction of the myth of exclusive Jewish money lending because of the pretended prohibition of interest for Christians, as it is... more
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      Financial EconomicsJewish HistoryAnti-SemitismHistorical Education
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      Educational ResearchPedagogyTeaching of Foreign LanguagesHistorical Education
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      Historical ArchaeologyHistorical Education
Didattica col Catasto è il frutto, per quanto riguarda la Storia, di una collaborazione tra il Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche, Geografiche e dell’Antichità dell’Università degli Studi di Padova (DiSSGeA) e l’Istituto di Istruzione... more
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      Teacher EducationHistorical Educationdidactics of History
Culture, history, historical culture (in Portuguese)
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      Cultural HistoryTheory of HistoryHistorical Education
In 2008, the vision of a national curriculum was foreshadowed in the Melbourne Declaration on Educational Goals for Young Australians (MCEETYA, 2008) – widely hailed as setting directions for the type of schooling that would prepare young... more
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      Historical EducationThe Australian Curriculum
Il volume raccoglie gli Atti (alternativamente in italiano, spagnolo, inglese e francese) del XX Simposio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales / I Convegno Internazionale Italo-Spagnolo di Didattica delle Scienze Sociali... more
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      Teacher EducationCivic EducationGlobal CitizenshipEuropean Union Citizenship
‘Empathy’ is, of course, a very special word in the world of historical study. In Australia, the national curriculum process has summed up ‘historical empathy’ as ‘the capacity to enter into the world of the past with an informed... more
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      EmpathyHistorical Education
Assessing the potential of Assassin’s Creed Revelations as a learning tool for historical contextualisation serves numerous purposes. The research aims to unveil the relationship between the commercialised game and its role in educating... more
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      GamingHistorical EducationAssassin's Creed
Όπως φανερώνει και ο τίτλος του, το εγχειρίδιο του Λευτέρη Σταυριανού "Ιστορία του ανρώπινου γένους" (1984-90) δεν ήταν μία εθνική ιστορία των Ελλήνων, αλλά μία γενική ανασύνθεση της πορείας των ανθρώπων στο χρόνο. Επανεισήγαγε, με νέους... more
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      History of EducationModern GreeceHistorical EducationHistory textbooks
Malaki ang potensyal ng komiks sa pagtuturo ng Kasaysayan. Sa kasalukuyan, maraming komiks na madaling mabibili sa mga bukstor na ang tema ay kasaysayan, kung hindi man mga kuwentong batay rito. Kadalasan, ang mga komiks na ito ay tungkol... more
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      Historical EducationPhilippine education
Lucrarea abordeaza, intr-o maniera simultan comprehensiv-holistica si detaliat-analitica, fenomenul memoriei istorice romanesti, asezat de autor in centrul nervos al identitatii nationale. Interogand fenomenul pe care si-l fixeaza ca... more
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      EducationRomanian HistoryNationalismNationalism And State Building
Maurizio Gusso, "‘Canzoni d’autore’ sulle migrazioni dall’Italia e in Italia": traccia della relazione nel terzo incontro – "Emigranti e immigrati nella letteratura, nelle canzoni e nella storiografia dell’Italia repubblicana" - (Sala... more
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      Music EducationPublic HistoryHistory and MemoryIntercultural Education
Consta que o conhecimento entre o educador baiano Anísio Teixeira (1900-1971) e o educador paulista Fernando de Azevedo (1894-1974), deu-se através de um bilhete do escritor Monteiro Lobato, em 1931, encaminhando ao segundo e levado... more
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      EducationHistorical EducationHistória da Educação no BrasilA Educação No Brasil
"Rosa di 30 canzoni d’autore di 21 paesi sui movimenti degli anni ’60-’70 (più 5 loro cover)", a cura di Maurizio Gusso (17 marzo 2018): testi con brevi schede, preparata in occasione dei Seminari di formazione e laboratori didattici "’68... more
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      Popular MusicPublic HistoryHistory and MemoryProtest Music
Maurizio Gusso, "Le canzoni": traccia della relazione nel primo incontro - "Usi didattici di film, opere letterarie e canzoni come fonti per la storia dell’emigrazione" – (Sala Bauer, Società Umanitaria, Milano, 19 ottobre 2016) dei... more
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      Music EducationPublic HistoryHistory and MemoryIntercultural Education
"Ce travail est une oeuvre collective qui regroupe les contrubutions de 23 auteurs de différentes générations. La plupart sont des didacticiens universitaires (professeurs et doctorants), mais on y retrouve aussi des textes d'autres... more
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      Democratic EducationCivic EducationEducation for CitizenshipTeaching History
Предметом исследования являются процессы, характеризующие изменения специфики массового исторического сознания российского общества. В статье рассматриваются недавние государственные инициативы в области исторического образования и... more
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      Historical ConsciousnessCollective MemoryHistorical Educationфальсификация истории
Resumen La tradicional separación entre investigación histórica y enseñanza de la historia implica que los avances de ambas disciplinas no tengan verdadero calado. La historia como formadora de élites y creadora de identidades ha dado... more
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      EpistemologyHistoriographyHistory EducationTeaching History
Hate against Jews and Pogroms in the Middle Ages and their Explanation in current textbooks (text in German) The representation of Jewish-German history is focused on discrimination and persecution and constructs a historical continuum... more
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      Jewish HistoryJewish - Christian RelationsHistorical EducationMiddle Ages
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      Historical EducationEnseñanza y Didáctica de la HistoriaHistory Teaching and Learning
В статье рассматриваются те изменения, которые произошли в исторической науке, в оценке ее познавательных возможностей и общественном статусе. Если в XIX столетии высокий социальный престиж исторической науки опирался на представление об... more
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      HistoryPublic HistoryHistory and MemoryHistorical Consciousness
La formación inicial docente para educación primaria La formación inicial docente para educación primaria, cuenta con un plan de estudios nacional, bajo la responsabilidad de la Secretaría de Educación Pública. Actualmente se encuentra... more
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      Historical EducationFormación Inicial DocenteEnseñanza de la historiaFormación docente
In this paper I argue that while an attachment to one's country is both natural and even partially justifiable, cultivating loyal patriotism in schools is untenable insofar as it conflicts with the legitimate aims of education. These aims... more
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      LegitimacyHistorical EducationLoyaltyCoercion
Un percorso di formazione e accompagnamento di Didattica della Storia Costruire un curriculum verticale di formazione storica per l’acquisizione di competenze disciplinari e di cittadinanza (Bergamo, Brescia, Como, Mantova e Milano, 11... more
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      Gender HistoryHistory and MemoryGlobal CitizenshipIntercultural Education
In the last 115 years, history as a school subject has been attributed many diverse finalities. Brazilian historians have deemed it to be formative of the “cult” man; specially concerning sensitive and cognitive dimensions, exploring it’s... more
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      Teaching HistoryHistorical EducationDidática Da HistóriaEnsino de História
User experience design has transformed beyond the fields of digital product and usability design to a set of methods that have immense opportunity to develop positive civic engagement. Digital historical engagement is considered an... more
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      Community DevelopmentExperiential Learning (Active Learning)User Experience DesignCivic Engagement
A személyes történetek és bennük megelevenedő hajdani világ még a kevésbé érdeklődő diákok figyelmét is fel szokták kelteni.Ezért érdemes összekapcsolni a kutatásalapú tanulással és a történelmi metafogalmak (pl. forrás, bizonyíték, ok,... more
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      Inquiry Based LearningOral historyHistorical ThinkingHistorical Education
What is special about History? As the debates continue about the relative merits of History and SOSE in the curriculum, this question seems worth exploring. Certainly, History shares much with the other disciplines and fields of study... more
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      Historical EducationHistorical Literacy
Penelitian ini bertujuan menginvestigasi relevansi debat narasi Gerakan 30 September (G30S) 1965 yang ada di Twitter sebagai konten pembelajaran sejarah. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan critical discourse... more
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      History of EducationHistorical Education
"Documentari, film, opere letterarie e canzoni su ’68 e dintorni" (Sala D’Ars, Società Umanitaria, Milano, 16 novembre 2017), terzo dei Seminari di formazione e laboratori didattici "’68 e dintorni. Movimenti sociali, politici e culturali... more
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      Public HistoryHistory and MemoryProtest MusicSpanish Cinema
Resumen El presente trabajo expone los resultados de un análisis empírico en perspectiva histórica sobre la valoración de psicólogos argentinos de la historia de la psicología como contenido curricular. Para aportar datos sobre los... more
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      PsychologyHigher-Education/University SymbiotsHigher EducationHistory of Science
Bu çalışma yeni kurulan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin Osmanlı Devleti’nden aldığı ekonomik mirasla birlikte sanayileşme, hızlı kalkınma ve ekonomik bağımsızlık hedeflerine ulaşmak amacıyla Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi vasıtasıyla izlemiş olduğu... more
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      Social Studies EducationHistorical Education
"In & Out. Storie di emigranti e immigrati nell'Italia repubblicana. Il cinema, la letteratura, le canzoni": Ciclo di lezioni-proiezioni per le scuole (Milano, 12 gennaio - 6 aprile 2017), nell'ambito della terza edizione di "Cinema e... more
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Public HistoryImmigration StudiesDocumentary Cinema
A vitéz nagybányai Horthy Miklós nevével fémjelzett közel negyed századon belül a kulturális szakigazgatás kulcságazattá vált: az 1920-as években gróf Klebelsberg Kuno kultuszminiszter nagyszabású népiskolai reformokat vezetett be. A... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryHistorical Education
Cultural and historical heritage elements are important factors that they reach to- day and continue live with us, they are witnesses to the term they belong and they make us who we are. However, as they are not used enough in teaching... more
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      Ancient HistoryCultural HistoryCultural HeritageMuseum Education
Бушуев А. Современная история для нового поколения: специфика формирования исторического сознания школьников в постсоветской России // Yearbook of the International Society for History Didactics [Ежегодник Международного общества... more
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      HistoryRussian StudiesYouth StudiesContemporary History
In the April 2016 article listed within the laudable pages of Perspectives on History, the newsmagazine of the American Historical Association, James Grossman and Emily Swafford present the AHA's four-year reconsideration of the " purpose... more
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      Historical LinguisticsHigher EducationGraduate EducationHistorical Theory
This paper advocates and demonstrates an approach to the critical interrogation of an historical source, based on critical pedagogical theory. It describes a systematic process ranging from simple comprehension to critical evaluation of... more
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      Inquiry Based LearningCritical PedagogyHistorical Education
Resumen: En este artículo presentamos 226 documentos de estudios históricos acerca de la educación física escolar en España, desde 1881 hasta hoy. A partir del análisis documental de estos estudios interpelamos propuestas a nuevos... more
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      Physical EducationHistorical Education
Il Progetto pluriennale Milanosifastoria, promosso dal Comune di Milano e dalla Rete Milanosifastoria, prende avvio dall’esigenza di rilanciare la cultura e la formazione storica mettendo in rete una pluralità di soggetti sensibili agli... more
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      Public HistoryLocal HistoryCivic EducationEducation for Citizenship
La prima parte dello scritto ("La riflessione teorica e metodologica") esamina alcuni problemi fondamentali dell'insegnamento della storia in generale e più specificamente negli Istituti professionali, suggerisce alcuni criteri per una... more
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      Teaching HistoryDidactics (History)History TeachingHistorical Education
Atatürk liderliğinde kurulan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti’nin eğitim felsefesinin temeli bilim ve akıldır. Atatürk, yeni Türk insanının yetişmesini eğitim sisteminin bir görevi olarak görmüştür. Atatürk’ün ölümünden kısa bir süre sonra Maarif... more
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      Social Studies EducationHistorical Education
Laboratorio formativo adulto "Analisi comparata e contestualizzazione storica di una serie di fonti sulla vita degli immigrati italiani in Svizzera (anni ’70)", coordinato da Giacinto Andriani, Simone Campanozzi e Maurizio Gusso: quarto... more
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      Music EducationDocumentary (Film Studies)Public HistoryHistory and Memory
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      HistoryJapanese HistoryAsian HistoryHistory of Cartography
Introduction to the special issue "Historical Consciousness and Historical Education" for the Journal "Thoughts and Words"
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      Taiwan StudiesHistorical ConsciousnessHistorical Education
Maurizio Gusso, "Cinque canzoni di cinque cantautori/cantautrici, lingue e paesi diversi sui movimenti degli anni ’60-’70", presentate nell’incontro "Documentari, film, opere letterarie e canzoni su ’68 e dintorni" (Sala D’Ars, Società... more
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      Popular MusicPublic HistoryHistory and MemoryProtest Music
Άρθρο δημοσιευμένο στον συλλογικό τόμο "Μελετώντας και διδάσκοντας την Ελληνική Επανάσταση στο σύγχρονο σχολείο. Καινοτόμες ερευνητικές και διδακτικές προσεγγίσεις." Επιστημονική επιμέλεια: Αγγελάκος Κώστας. Ιόνιο Πανεπιστήμιο-Τμήμα... more
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      HistoryEarly Childhood EducationHistorical EducationHistory of 1821 Greek revolution
El concepto de conciencia histórica, ligado con las concepciones del pasado y futuro en relación al presente, sirve como marco de análisis sobre las ideas del alumnado de Historia. La presente investigación ha contado con 132 estudiantes... more
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      EducationHistorical ConsciousnessEducaciónPatrimonio Cultural