Papers by Derya Çığır Dikyol
Hasan Âli Yücel Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 19, 2013
Since 2005, a constructivist education system has been practised in our country. It would not be ... more Since 2005, a constructivist education system has been practised in our country. It would not be wrong to say that without knowing the basic principles of the constructivist education and the epistemological approaches based on it, constructivist education could not be practised effectively. The connection between these basic principles and educational approaches is not known well enough by teachers. This causes some troubles in the practice of constructivist education. It is obvious that it * Bu calisma Uluslararasi Sosyal Bilgiler Egitimi Sempozyumu II’de ( (26-28 Nisan 2013) sunulan sozlu bildirinin genisletilmis halidir.* * Aras. Gor. Istanbul Universitesi Hasan Ali Yucel Egitim Fakultesi, Ilkogretim Bolumu, Sinif Ogretmenligi Anabilim Dali, e-posta: [email protected]* * * Yrd. Doc. Dr. Istanbul Universitesi Hasan Ali Yucel Egitim Fakultesi, Ilkogretim Bolumu, Sosyal Bilgiler Egitimi Anabilim Dali, e-posta: [email protected] be better if the subject studies in textbooks, student’s books and teacher’s books are given by associating them with the principles mentioned above. The textbooks, student’s books and teacher’s books prepared like this will contribute teachers to accept and practise constructivist education system. In the study, the Social Studies for 6th graders textbook, student’s book and teacher’s book prepared by The Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education, the studies on constructivist epistemology and educational theory were used. This study which was carried out with document analysis method deals with the subject ‘Who’s come and who’s passed through’ in the unit ‘The Life on the Earth’ of the field study ‘ Humans, Places and Environments’ in Social Studies textbook for 6th graders. Although there are various questions and projects available in accordance with constructivist education in the unit aforesaid, it is not clear in line with which objectives of the constructivist education these techniques were formed. The study aims to present a sample on the subject matter of studying the questions in the unit, teachings and projects more efficiently by associating the constructivist education approach with the principles mentioned above. The links to be established aim to be a guiding light for the teacher to produce new questions and projects.
Dumlupınar Üniversitesi sosyal bilimler dergisi, Oct 26, 2020
This study aimed to discuss the position of the most famous female poet Sappho in the Greek world... more This study aimed to discuss the position of the most famous female poet Sappho in the Greek world in connection with gender. Because it is known that in Ancient Greece, women were kept out of public places. Under these conditions that limit the space of women in society, it would not be wrong to think that it is quite difficult to see educated and active women in society. For this reason, it has a great importance in terms of education history and women’s studies, as a well-educated, intellectual woman like Sappho can be traced during the Archaic Period. Is Sappho really an exception for the period and geography she lived in? Otherwise, does Lesbos, where she was born and raised, has a different perspective from the strict attitude towards women developed in the Greek mainland, similar to the other city states in Anatolia? In the context of these questions, Sappho's life as a woman, enlightens the cultural past in the Aegean world before the hegemony of Athens.
Akdeniz insani bilimler dergisi, Dec 29, 2016
Bu çalışma antik Yunan kent devletlerinden biri olan Sparta'nın eğitim sistemini konu almaktadır.... more Bu çalışma antik Yunan kent devletlerinden biri olan Sparta'nın eğitim sistemini konu almaktadır. Doküman analizi yöntemiyle ele alınan çalışmanın amacı toplumların yapılanmalarında, ilerleyiş ve yok oluşlarında eğitimin yerini göstermesi bakımından antikçağdan bir örnek ortaya koymaktır. Sparta tarihte ilk kez eğitimi devlet denetimine almış ve hedefleri doğrultusunda bir nesil yetiştirme çabasına girmiş olması sebebiyle araştırma konusu olarak seçilmiştir. Eğitimi diğer Yunan kent devletlerinde olduğu gibi vatandaşlarının tercihine bırakmamış, onlara eşit ve zorunlu bir eğitim sağlamıştır. Konuyla ilgili bilgi veren antik kaynaklar ve az sayıda yazıt incelendiğinde, Sparta eğitim sisteminin oldukça sert, insan psikolojisini, bireyi yok sayan bir sistem olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Eğitimin toplum ve devlet açısından öneminin farkına varıldığı bir ilk olarak Sparta eğitiminin amacı, sadece vatansever ve itaat eden bireylerden kurulu bir toplum yetiştirmek olmuştur. Sparta bu emelini gerçekleştirmeyi başarmış ancak Yunan uygarlığı denilince akla gelen felsefe, sanat, edebiyat, bilim gibi alanlarda katkı sağlayamamış, yaratıcılığı geliştirememiş ve hatta askeri anlamda da istenilen başarıya erişememiştir. Bunun nedeni, eğitimde bilimi, felsefeyi, sanatı, edebiyatı, yaratıcı düşünceyi, aslında insanı insan yapan değerleri yok saymış olması mıdır? İşte bu çalışmada Sparta eğitim sistemi incelenirken bu soruya da cevap aranacaktır.
Turkish studies, 2013
bildirinin geniĢletilmiĢ halidir. Bu makale Crosscheck sistemi tarafından taranmış ve bu sistem s... more bildirinin geniĢletilmiĢ halidir. Bu makale Crosscheck sistemi tarafından taranmış ve bu sistem sonuçlarına göre orijinal bir makale olduğu tespit edilmiştir.
Journal Of History School, 2021
tanrılarından cevap alamadığı noktada ise yabancı inanış ve uygulamaları benimseme yoluna gitmiştir.
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2012
The history of education is the history of humanity. The history of humanity begins with sharing ... more The history of education is the history of humanity. The history of humanity begins with sharing information with the community and transferring it to the following generations not with writing. The materials which are the remains of human culture help us to understand the education obtained through the prehistoric times. The science of archaeology which has been gradually developing in recent years increased our datas with new ones. The purpose of this study was to answer the question of how education was carried out in prehistoric times. Document analysis method was used in this study using anthropologic, ethnologic studies and sources related to education science beside archaeological studies. The findings of the studies, reconsidered in terms of education, were tried to be presented in an integral context. From the findings it was understood that although there was not an institution that could be described as a school and a profession called as a teacher, the education in its own natural process, was informally being done. When the archaeological remains about this period were evaluated in terms of education, with the help of sociological and anthropological studies, it was possible to make deductions about the education in the prehistoric times. The remains of prehistoric times, like stone tools, art forms such as cave pictures and statuettes, agricultural remains, pans and pots, when observed in this aspect, were all good examples for cultural transmission and evolution of human mind. While the prehistoric man was learning, he used the knowledge to solve any kind of life problem, but not with memorization. He structured, conceptualised, interpreted the knowledge in his mind, transferred it to new situations and aimed to produce new knonwledge using this information. As a conclusion, it can be deduced that education in prehistoric period was based on learning rather than teaching which is overlaping with today"s constructivist aproach.
Kesit akademi dergisi, 2017
Turkish history education journal, Apr 27, 2018
Öz: Demokrasinin temellerinin atıldığı Antik Yunan'da, eğitim önemli bir olgu olmasına rağmen kad... more Öz: Demokrasinin temellerinin atıldığı Antik Yunan'da, eğitim önemli bir olgu olmasına rağmen kadın ve erkek için sosyal yaşamdaki roller oldukça farklıydı ve bu durum çocukların eğitim hayatına da büyük ölçüde etki etmekteydi. Kızlardan iyi bir eş ve anne olmaları dışında bir beklenti olmadığı için yetiştirilmelerinde de erkek çocuklarda olduğu gibi formal eğitimin çok önemli bir rolü bulunmuyordu. Aslında kız çocuklarının çoğunluğu yün eğirme, dokuma ve işleme yapma gibi ev içi konularda eğitim almaktaydılar. Antik kaynaklar incelendiğinde, kız çocukların erkeklerle aynı okullara gidip gitmediği hususu da belirgin değildir. Elbette, burada sözü edilen kız çocuklarının Sparta dışında kalan şehir devletlerinde yaşayan özgür yurttaşlar olduklarının belirtilmesinde de fayda vardır. Zira Sparta kent devleti bu noktada pek çok yönden istisnai bir durum oluşturmaktadır. Bu bağlamda özellikle modern Batı Uygarlığı'nın şekillenmesinde büyük etkisi olan Yunan Uygarlığı'nın kadına bakışı ve bunun eğitime yansımaları değerlendirilmeye ve günümüz eğitim anlayışının köklendiği bir devrenin incelenmesiyle günümüze ışık tutulmaya çalışılmıştır. Nitel veri toplama araçlarından doküman analiziyle elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesiyle gerçekleştirilen bu çalışmada, antik kaynaklar taranarak modern kaynaklar ile karşılaştırılmış ve yorumlanmıştır. Bu çalışma ile özellikle Türkiye'de, günümüz eğitim politikalarının temellerinin atıldığı Eskiçağ'da eğitimin durumu ile ilgili çalışmaların yok denecek kadar az olması nedeniyle, bu alandaki boşluğun doldurulması amaçlanmıştır.
The journal of academic social science studies, 2012
The history of education is the history of humanity. The history of humanity begins with sharing ... more The history of education is the history of humanity. The history of humanity begins with sharing information with the community and transferring it to the following generations not with writing. The materials which are the remains of human culture help us to understand the education obtained through the prehistoric times. The science of archaeology which has been gradually developing in recent years increased our datas with new ones. The purpose of this study was to answer the question of how education was carried out in prehistoric times. Document analysis method was used in this study using anthropologic, ethnologic studies and sources related to education science beside archaeological studies. The findings of the studies, reconsidered in terms of education, were tried to be presented in an integral context. From the findings it was understood that although there was not an institution that could be described as a school and a profession called as a teacher, the education in its own natural process, was informally being done. When the archaeological remains about this period were evaluated in terms of education, with the help of sociological and anthropological studies, it was possible to make deductions about the education in the prehistoric times. The remains of prehistoric times, like stone tools, art forms such as cave pictures and statuettes, agricultural remains, pans and pots, when observed in this aspect, were all good examples for cultural transmission and evolution of human mind. While the prehistoric man was learning, he used the knowledge to solve any kind of life problem, but not with memorization. He structured, conceptualised, interpreted the knowledge in his mind, transferred it to new situations and aimed to produce new knonwledge using this information. As a conclusion, it can be deduced that education in prehistoric period was based on learning rather than teaching which is overlaping with today"s constructivist aproach.
Turkish studies - historical analysis, 2021
Trakya üniversitesi edebiyat fakültesi dergisi, Jan 29, 2021
Bu çalışmada, Bilge Cato olarak bilinen ünlü Romalı politikacı Marcus Porcius Cato'nun siyasi kar... more Bu çalışmada, Bilge Cato olarak bilinen ünlü Romalı politikacı Marcus Porcius Cato'nun siyasi kariyerinde, pater kavramının önemi irdelenmeye çalışılmıştır. Pater kavramı, patriarkal bir toplum olan Roma'nın temel değerlerinden biridir. Muhafazakâr bir politikacı olarak tanımlanan Cato, bu kavramın Roma'da başta aile olmak üzere askerî ve siyasi alanda da öneminin farkında olan bir siyasetçi olarak kendisini ideal bir pater olarak göstermeyi başarmış ve bunu siyasi kariyerinde kullanmıştır. Sadece oğlunun eğitimine verdiği önem ve yazdığı eserlere bakılarak dahi Cato'nun tıpkı bir pater gibi Roma'nın kültürel değerlerinin koruyucusu rolüne soyunduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Pater kavramının Roma kültürü ve tarihi içerisindeki yerini sorgulamak ve politik alanda bu statünün nasıl kullanılmış olduğunu görmek açısından, önemli bir tarihî aktör olan Cato üzerinden yol almak aydınlatıcı olacaktır. Cato her ne kadar ideal bir pater olarak Roma'nın değerleri ve dolayısıyla toplumun kurtarıcısı rolünü benimsemiş olsa da pater patriae yerine 'Bilge' unvanı ile yetinmek durumunda kalmıştır. Sonuç olarak Cato'nun bu politik tavrının, kendinden sonra gelen başta Augustus olmak üzere pek çok siyaset adamı tarafından da benimsenmiş olduğu görülür.
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü dergisi, Sep 30, 2021
This study is based on the situation of education as a status indicator in the period under Greek... more This study is based on the situation of education as a status indicator in the period under Greek influence in ancient Rome, starting with the 3rd century BC. The conditions that developed this process, the emergence of a new classification in parallel with the change in Rome's social structure, and the importance of education in this further social stratification were emphasized. We focused on ancient literature. Evaluations were made with a sociological perspective. The change that Rome experienced in the mentioned period and the role of education in this change was highlighted. Besides the intense influence of the Greek culture, the Roman sovereignty's claim to bring the education factor to the forefront has turned into a race for the new Roman class to have a say in the Hellenistic world, and the competition element that has existed in various fields from the past has discovered its place in education. Surely, the separation between patrician and plebeian classes experienced in Rome at the beginning of this process was equalized with laws that caused the formation of a new hierarchical structure in Rome. In this sense, it is possible to talk about a new elite class formed by the plebeians who have economic power and can now find a place in the political field, together with the patricians. In the formation of this new elite class, status symbols are needed to help the Romans separate themselves from the rest, to draw their borders. In which we follow an example of the advantages and privileges of education in antiquity, this process is the case of sociologists like Bourdieu, who believes that education is a status indicator rather than just education, came to life in Rome.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Oct 1, 2012
The purpose of this study, by examining the findings related to education in Greek mythos, is to ... more The purpose of this study, by examining the findings related to education in Greek mythos, is to reveal Plato's contributions to the educational approach. The similarities and differences between Plato's educational approach and the education in Mythos are emphasized in this historical-comparison based study. The effect of mythos, which in fact give ideal education of the period, with the expressions they made about Gods' and heroes' education, on the educational approach of Plato, known to be intensely against the mythos, is rather surprising.
Turkish Studies - Historical Analysis, 2020
This study is an essay to reinterpret the spirit of the period that we can assume as the first st... more This study is an essay to reinterpret the spirit of the period that we can assume as the first stage of the Roman Empire's conversion into a world empire in terms of Cato the Elder's biography. While making this reinterpretation, it is based on the factor of 'conflict'. The aforementioned 'conflict' includes both the contrasts causing the change of the society in early Republican period of Rome and Cato's conflicts with this change and his own personality. Cato is an exemplary Roman despite his Sabine roots, a conservative who defends the core values of Rome against the influences of Greek culture, and a farmer, a soldier, a lawyer, an orator, a writer and a politician referred as 'old type Roman' starting his career as 'New Man'. He owes the success he gained in Roman political field to the traditional values of Rome, where he played the role of advocacy and the network of relationships he formed, which makes up a significant part of the symbolic capital. Throughout his career, Cato defined Rome's 'enemies' as Greek culture effect, Carthage, the degeneration of Roman values and mercenariness and with their existence, he paved way for his recognition. His strongest weapon against his most important political rival 'Scipio' was always 'Roman values'. With the prominence he gave to the concept of Roman citizenship and the efforts he spent for the formation of Roman identity, he is still a significant name for Roman history studies. As a result, in the study, while Rome seized Mediterranean sovereignty, as a witness to the political and social conversion, the contrasts experienced in the resistance of Cato against this change (culturally 'degeneration') were tried to be revealed. * Çalışma etik kurul izni gerektirmemektedir. Çalışmanın başlığında Roma'nın Yaşlı Cato'nun karşıtı olarak 'genç' olarak nitelenmesi toplumları yaşayan organizmalar olarak gören sosyolojik görüşe bir gönderme bulunmaktadır (Turner, J. H. (2001). The origins of positivism: The contributions of Auguste Comte and Herbert Spencer. Handbook of Social Theory. ed. G. Ritzer, B. Smart. London: Sage. ** In the title of the study, that Rome was described as 'Young' in contrast to Aged Cato refers to the sociological view which describes societies as living organisms.
Journal of History School, 2020
Bu çalışma, teknoloji çağında eğitimde bir devrim niteliği taşıdığı dile getirilen VR teknolojisi... more Bu çalışma, teknoloji çağında eğitimde bir devrim niteliği taşıdığı dile getirilen VR teknolojisinin tarih konulu derslerin öğretiminde kullanımına ilişkin bir eylem araştırmasıdır. Çalışmanın katılımcıları bir eğitim fakültesinde 'Uygarlık Tarihi' ve 'Arkeoloji' derslerini almakta olan 1. Sınıfta öğrenim gören öğretmen adaylarıdır. Değişen çağ ve gelişen teknolojinin getirisiyle, son derece hızlı ve çabuk değişen bir dünyaya doğan günümüz gençlerine, tarih dersleri geleneksel yöntemlerle öğretilmeye çalışıldığında, tarih geçmişte yaşanmış sıkıcı olaylar bütünü olarak algılanmakta ve öğrencilerin derse ilgilerini çekmek zorlaşmaktadır. Bu problemin ortadan kaldırılabilmesi için ise dersi destekleyici nitelikte etkinliklerin işe koşulması önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada tarih konulu derslerin öğretiminde sanal gerçeklik uygulaması kullanımının etkilerini ortaya koymak ve teknolojinin işe koşulması ile öğretmen adaylarının tarih konulu derslere olan yaklaşımlarını olumlu yönde değişip değişmediğini değerlendirmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla uygulama için ANAMED tarafından düzenlenmiş olan "Bir Kazı Hikâyesi: Çatalhöyük" Sergisi kapsamındaki Çatalhöyük simülasyonu kullanılmış ve yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme formlarından yararlanılmıştır. Elde edilen veriler tümevarım analizi ile değerlendirilerek, alan yazın ve bahsi geçen 1 Makale yazımı yazar etki oranı: 1. yazar: %50, 2. yazar: %50
This study aimed to discuss the position of the most famous female poet Sappho in the Greek world... more This study aimed to discuss the position of the most famous female poet Sappho in the Greek world in connection with gender. Because it is known that in Ancient Greece, women were kept out of public places. Under these conditions that limit the space of women in society, it would not be wrong to think that it is quite difficult to see educated and active women in society. For this reason, it has a great importance in terms of education history and women’s studies, as a well-educated, intellectual woman like Sappho can be traced during the Archaic Period. Is Sappho really an exception for the period and geography she lived in? Otherwise, does Lesbos, where she was born and raised, has a different perspective from the strict attitude towards women developed in the Greek mainland, similar to the other city states in Anatolia? In the context of these questions, Sappho's life as a woman, enlightens the cultural past in the Aegean world before the hegemony of Athens.
Papers by Derya Çığır Dikyol
Martianus's work was very important in defining the standard formula of academic learning from the Christianized Roman Empire of the 5th century to the 12th century Renaissance. This work aims at teaching seven independent sciences (grammar, logic, rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy) by using the allegory which is very popular in the Medieval Age. Capella, which is a rather violent and hard style, has included rarely used poetic measures and predominantly Greek words in his work. Although occasionally criticized by the contemporaries for its inexplicable, pragmatic language and the use of mythological allegories, this language has been assessed without prejudice, especially in the Carolongian Renaissance, and mythological allegories and learning relations are well received. In general, the work he created under the influence of the Ancient Age had a wide influence in the world of the medieval academy. The main reason for this is that it is written in the form of a summary handbook containing all the independent sciences.
As a result, Martianus Capella, the founder of trivium and quadrivium in medieval educational view, emerges as a key figure in terms of rhetoric, science and education history. In this study, the importance of Capella's educational history, which has been influential in European education, has been assessed by document analysis of qualitative research methods.