Recent papers in Heliand
The recent discovery of a new fragment of the Heliand (L), found at Leipzig in the binding of a volume, has aroused renewed interest in the Old Saxon poem. L (one sheet) contains lines 5823-5870 relevant to the most part of fit 69 and the... more
This dissertation has as objective discusses the way and the paths that the establishment of the existent monarchic institution in the Latin Christianity transforms the Slavic societies of the X century. Since of that century, the... more
First attempt at an edition of the Old Saxon "Sächsische Beichte"
First attempt at an edition of the Old Saxon Altsächsische Allerheiligenpredigt.
Este trabalho pretende analisar a retórica de Einhard, enquanto o autor constrói diferentes ethos em sua obra Vita Karoli Magni. A análise é feita com foco no ethos de Carlos Magno, e como essa construção se aproxima e se distancia dos... more
In the Old Saxon Heliand, night is either black or dark. Though based mostly on the Bible's New Testament and gospels 1 , neither expression is found there: the closest is 1 Thessalonians 5.5 filii diei non sumus noctis neque tenebrarum... more
Die Christenheit hatte vom Anfang ihrer Geschichte an, und sie hat, auch in ihrer säkularisierten Form, bis heute ein Problem mit den Juden und dem Judentum. Sie hat deshalb den Juden nicht nur Probleme gemacht. Sie hat ,die Juden‘ immer... more
Die nachträgliche Humanisierung eines Skandals-das kann Aufgabe der Theologie nicht sein. Dass dies insbesondere für den Skandal des Kreuzestodes Christi gilt, ergibt sich aus dem konflikthaften Wesen des Wortes vom Kreuz selbst. Insofern... more
A lenda de Robin Hood é uma herança da Idade Média aos séculos posteriores. Mas foi através do cinema que o herói tornou-se melhor conhecido pelas últimas gerações. Entre suas diversas versões cinematográficas, As Aventuras de Robin Hood,... more
The Heliand, written shortly after the conquest and conversion of the Saxons at the hands of Charlemagne, maintains a vexed place in the study of medieval European Christianity(ies). Some argue that the Heliand’s overarching intent was... more
Este trabalho analisa as múltiplas formas pelas quais a cultura popular brasileira atualiza a herança épica medieval francesa. Ao chegar ao Novo Mundo através da História do Imperador Carlos Magno, a matéria carolíngia faz sucesso com... more
The Heliand, written shortly after the conquest and conversion of the Saxons at the hands of Charlemagne, maintains a vexed place in the study of medieval European Christianity(ies). Some argue that the Heliand’s overarching intent was... more
Location in space and time the North Sea coastal area - settlement history from Roman to early medieval times social relations among the Old Saxons jural relations among the Saxons before and after Christianization rural economy of the... more
The Heliand is a rewriting of the Gospels in Old Saxon, reflecting daring efforts to not only convert pagans, edify catechumens and reinforce orthodox teachings, but also to present the Old Saxon vernacular as a language worthy of... more
Abstract: The words: disease, blood, body, sin and host constitute the accusatory narratives against the Jews, which are analyzed in this article. The relations between the cure, the consecrated host lead to an antagonism, which goes from... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution. The Heliand, written shortly after the conquest and conversion of the Saxons at the hands of Charlemagne, maintains a... more
The ninth century Heliand is a poetic retelling of the New Testament in Old Saxon, written by an anonymous monk for the purpose of confirming the conversion his fellow Saxons to the new faith. This conversion had been forced upon them by... more
as is the publication of every fascicle, but also for Old English lexicography what stock-market technical analysts call a "breakout" -a moment when a line of psychological importance is crossed. Although the boundary between the letters... more
The early medieval cult dedicated to the crucified Jesus exists between two formative periods in the history of Christianity: late antiquity (ca. 200-600) and the later Middle Ages (ca. 1000-1300). On either side of the chronological... more
Compte rendu paru dans Wékwos n°5, pp. 407-409.
Jack Feuillet, Grammaire du vieux-saxon, Paris, Honoré Champion (Bibliothèque histoire no 11), 2019, 423 pages. ISBN : 978-2-7453-4980-4. Prix : 60 €.
Jack Feuillet, Grammaire du vieux-saxon, Paris, Honoré Champion (Bibliothèque histoire no 11), 2019, 423 pages. ISBN : 978-2-7453-4980-4. Prix : 60 €.
Ein althochdeutsches Gedicht, das uns fragmentarisch in einer Handschrift aus der zweiten Hälfte des 9. Jahrhunderts überliefert wurde, ist von J. A. Schmeller erstmals im Jahre 1832 herausgegeben worden. 1 In dieser Edition benannte er... more
Rebooting the Gospel for a Germanic audience -The case of Heliand. Charlemagne’s wars against, and forced Christianization of, the Saxons at the end of the 8th century was a long and bloody affair. One of its legacies is Heliand the... more
Carlos Magno (742-814) sucede no trono depois da morte do seu irmão rival, Carlomano, em 771, tornando-se responsável pela concepção dos padrões governativos e culturais que dominaram toda a Europa durante vários séculos, de que foi... more
O texto apresenta uma discussão predominantemente bibliográfica apresentada durante o 5º Simpósio Internacional de Ensino de História, tratando principalmente do fenômeno da legitimidade do poder e sua formação histórica com base nas... more
The aim of this paper is to study what was the Catholic Church role in the unification and stability of the Carolingian Empire and how this institution created the basis of Medieval France, the most prosperous and western part of... more
This paper aims to analyze the book Vita Karoli Magni, written by Einhard at the beginning of the 19th Century. Einhard was friends with Charlemagne and wrote the king's biography to be a Vita in the same style of Suetonius's The Twelve... more
A particular narrative dominates our understanding of Passion piety-that is, intense emotional devotion to the suffering Christ or grieving Mary. This narrative, first established by R.W.
This chapter argues for the benefits of comparative linguistic analysis between Old English and Old Saxon, on the basis that the two languages derive from Proto-Germanic, and considering the influence of Anglo-Saxon missionaries in the... more
A further Germanica example of the topos of the 'Hero on the Beach' from Old Saxon Heliand
Prepared in 2012 for a collection that apparently will not see the light of day. Perhaps it might useful for an overview of the topic. This essay, embellished, has been published in Peritia 33 (2022), 41-62.
Estudo acerca das representações em torno da sagração de Henrique V de Lancaster, numa ampla construção de memória produzida no século XV em crônicas após a morte do rei. Para tanto busca-se analisar as lendas e mitos que cercaram o... more
This study addresses the Old Saxon Heliand's expanded version of the "Massacre of the Innocents" narrative in light of contemporary Germanic infanticide practices. It is well established that one of the primary purposes of the Heliand, a... more
Brathair 17 (1), 2017 - ISSN 1519-9053 O presente ensaio pretende apresentar de forma sintética alguns dos principais elementos da lógica beligerante monástica no ocidente medieval. Tomando o combate às influências corporais como uma das... more
At the beginning of fitt XIX of the Heliand one of the disciples asks Christ to teach them how to pray to the Lord in the Heavens; in the following verses the poet adds a rendering of the Pater noster according to Matthew’s Gospel.... more
Este trabalho pretende realizar uma análise da obra de Einhard, Vida de Carlos Magno(VITA KAROLI MAGNI). Einhard (ca. 770-840) - também conhecido como Eginhard - era filho de nobres francos e havia iniciado seus estudos ainda bem jovem no... more
ABSTRACT: Gottschalk of Orbais raised a predestinarian debate in the middle of the 9th century, in rather turbulent times that befell the Frankish realm. It would be important to demonstrate the aspects of the Carolingian client-lord... more
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