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This essay seeks to root the poem Genesis B’s well-known divergence from doctrine within the pre-Christian folktales of Continental Saxony. First it is argued by comparison with Old Icelandic poetry and prose mythography that the devil in... more
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      Old English LiteratureOld Norse LiteratureOld English PoetryMythology (Old Norse Literature)
Studies on Old Saxon and Middle Low German language and literature.
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      Germanic linguisticsGermanic PhilologyOld Saxon language and literatureMiddle Low German language and literature
This article deals with the origin of the oldest core of borrowed Christian terminology still extant in Icelandic, i.e. those words which were introduced in Old Norse in the period ranging from the first evangelical missions in... more
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      PhilologyDiachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsContact Linguistics
An ancient Saxon text on a relic cross from the tenth, eleventh century that can be seen in the Sint-Goedele cathedral in Brussels,
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      Anglo-Saxon Studiesmedieval Flemish historyOld Saxon language and literature
Water, fundamental to life on earth, plays a prominent role in Medieval Culture. It was not only a powerful physical element, but also had a symbolic meaning, being a key concept in the semiology of the creation of myths and cosmologies.... more
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      Old SaxonLow GermanNiederdeutschMiddle Low German
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      Old Germanic LanguagesOld SaxonHeliandOld Germanic
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      Medieval StudiesPedagogyOld SaxonHeliand
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval German LiteraturePedagogyOld Germanic Languages
Nell’immaginario del tardo Medioevo occidentale, costellato di figure dai poteri straordinari, miti e leggende celebrano il valore rituale e perfino magico di una gamma di oggetti portentosi, il cui valore simbolico non riesce a superare... more
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      Old English LiteratureMythology (Old Norse Literature)Medieval MagicIcelandic Sagas
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      Disability StudiesSaxony (Germany)Old SaxonHeliand
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      Saxony (Germany)Old SaxonHeliandSatan