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Sağlıkta şiddet, kamusal bir sorun olma bağlamında anlaşılıp açıklanmasında yazılı basının önemli bir temsil alanı olduğunu söylemek mümkündür. Özellikle sektörel bir sorun olarak tanımlanan ve hastalar ile sağlık çalışanlarının ilişkisi... more
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      ViolenceAggressionHealth SectorNews Analysis
The Covid-19 epidemic is going on as a serious health problem and threat. Indeed, it is also a devastating financial and economic problem. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 epidemic is causing many firms to shut down and go out of business.... more
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      FinanceAccountingUnemploymentInternal Audit
Purpose -The evaluation of training results in large groups with limited resources is one of the challenges of organisations. This paper aims to provide a methodological approach to facilitate evaluation of training among large groups.... more
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      TrainingPublic HealthHealth SectorTransfer of Training
''For the assessment of this module you are required to produce a report based on your own independent research into an area of business practice that interests you and will add to your professional development.''
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      Job SatisfactionHealth SectorJob PerformanceJob motivation
ÖZET Sağlık sektörü reform çalışmalarına bakıldığında sağlık harcamaları ve finansmanının temel konulardan biri olduğu görülmektedir. Yapılan bu çalışmada hem kamu sektörünü hem özel sektörü kapsayan bir çerçevede sağlık harcamalarının... more
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      Health EconomicsHealth SectorHealth ExpendituresSağlık Sektörü
The aim of this study is to examine the effects of teamwork and organizational commitment on organizational performance in the health sector. This study sought to investigate specifically, the mechanism through which teamwork and... more
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      Organizational CommitmentTeam WorkingOrganizational PerformanceHealth Sector
ÖZET "Sağlık Sektörü" içerikli seri makaleler üçlemesinin ilki olan bu makalede, sağlık sektörü bir bütün olarak ele alınmakta, bütün ülkeler için geçerli olabilecek ortak bir sağlık sektör, ve sağlık sistemleri"yapısı" özeti önermek... more
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      Health SystemsHealth Sector
Bu araştırmanın amacı, havacılık ve sağlık sektöründe belirlenen iki farklı örneklem üzerinde yapılan bir saha çalışmasıyla liderin kişilik özelliklerinin işyeri ilişkileri kalitesine etkisinde politik becerinin aracı rolünü ortaya... more
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      LeadershipHuman Factors in AviationPolitical SkillWorkplace relationships
In light of the disasters and crises the world is witnessing, the latest of which is the new Corona virus pandemic, we had to look at matters from a different angle for everything that has been accustomed to, and rearrange priorities from... more
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      Crisis ManagementHealth SectorHuman Resource PracticesRemote working
Corruption in the health sector is a concern in all countries especially in developing countries such as Nigeria where public resources are already scarce. The deplorable condition of the health sector in the country, in spite of... more
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      MortalityDrugsCorruptionService Delivery
Abstract: The health sector is by definition one of the most important service areas in a country like education, security, and transport. Many concepts such as efficiency, productivity, effectiveness, system, contingency, learning... more
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      HealthHealth Sector
Background: In March 2020, the first case of COVID-19 in Saudi Arabia was confirmed. In reaction to the outbreak, Saudi Arabia ordered the closure of the majority of governmental and private services. Technology and digital solutions have... more
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      Digital TransformationsHealth Sector
Bu çalışmada bir üniversite ve üç kamu hastanesinde görev yapan 213 hemşirenin duygusal tükenme, duyarsızlaşma ve düşük kişisel başarı boyutları ile tanımlanan tükenmişlik düzeylerinin, yenilikçilik, risk alma ve fırsatlara... more
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      IntrapreneurshipBurnoutHealth SectorTükenmişlik
Nepal moved from unitary system with a three-level federal system of government. As federalism accelerates, the national health system can also speed up its own decentralization process, reduce disparities in access, and improve health... more
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      FederalismNepalHealth ReformDecentralization
The world is constantly under threat of emerging and re-emerging diseases. The outbreak of Ebola virus disease in parts of west Africa has reinforced the need for strong public health leadership, organisation, and better preparedness to... more
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      Global HealthPublic HealthHealth PolicyHealth Systems
This study looked at Citizen Participation in Health Budget Process: Trends and Patterns in Enugu state of Nigeria. The study's objectives included exploring citizens' perception of the factors that influence the release of funds in the... more
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      ManagementEducation FundingParticipatory BudgetingCitizen participation
ÖZ Bu çalışmada Ankara ilindeki bir özel hastanede çalışanların iş stresi ve işten ayrılma niyeti düzeyleri, yaşadıkları iş stresi ile işten ayrılma niyetleri arasındaki ilişki ve iş stresinin işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkileri... more
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      StressHealth Care ManagementJob stressIntention to Leave
Background: Saudi Arabia is currently passing through a transformational phase. There is a huge demand on the Saudi healthcare system to provide better healthcare facilities to the rapidly increasing Saudi population, as well as the... more
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      Saudi ArabiaHRDHealth Sector
Turkish Abstract: Çalışmada Türkiye sağlık sektöründe kamu alımları ve kamu alım yöntemi ve alınan ürün menşei bakımından incelenmiştir. Yabancı menşeli ürün alımı azaltılmasının finansal etkisinin analizi yapılarak tavsiye ve önerilerde... more
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      Waste ManagementEnvironmental Health and SafetyHealth SectorBiomedical Waste Management
Patients who wish to seek medical care often appear at random, and at the moment they need urgent treatment. When the service facilities work at full capacity upon arrival they would have to wait. At this stage, a queue, depending on the... more
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      Nigerian LiteratureComputer ScienceInformation TechnologyComputer Engineering
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      ArgentinaMoral HazardHealth SectorHealth Care Reforms
In light of the disasters and crises the world is witnessing, the latest of which is the new Corona virus pandemic, we had to look at matters from a different angle for everything that has been accustomed to, and rearrange priorities from... more
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      Crisis ManagementHealth SectorHuman Resource PracticesRemote working
This qualitative phenomenological research project focused on the impact of pharmaceutical drug patent expiration on various stakeholders in South Africa, viz., pharmaceutical companies (originator and generic), medical doctors,... more
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      StakeholdersDecision Making ProcessesMarketing StrategyStakeholder Relationships & Issues Management
Background: Lot of articles shed light on the importance of drug adherence on communicable diseases as well in non-communicable diseases, however it failed to achieve proper therapeutic goal in individual concern, here the general... more
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    • Health Sector
The crisis of the pandemic of Covid-19 is considered as a direct threat not only to the global economy, but to the global health systems as well, especially to nations with small and weaker health systems, such as Greece's. The effects... more
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      GreeceHealth Sector
Businesses are not just a set of policies or procedures or else parts of a plant or machine, but also individuals and their relationships. From this perspective, businesses, which are important social systems, have to take into account... more
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      Organizational BehaviorBehavioral SciencesWhistleblowingOrganizational Justice
Corruption in the health sector is a concern in all countries especially in developing countries such as Nigeria where public resources are already scarce. The deplorable condition of the health sector in the country, in spite of... more
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      MortalityDrugsCorruptionService Delivery
The Covid-19 epidemic is going on as a serious health problem and threat. Indeed, it is also a devastating financial and economic problem. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 epidemic is causing many firms to shut down and go out of business.... more
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      FinanceAccountingUnemploymentInternal Audit
ÖZ Bu araştırma, sağlık sektöründeki profesyonellerin sinizm ve kişilerarası çatışma düzeylerinin işten ayrılma niyeti üzerindeki etkilerinin ortaya konulması amacıyla yapılmıştır. Modeli test etmek amacıyla demografik değişkenler dışında... more
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      ConflictCynicismHealth Sector
Prior to the introduction of mobile technologies, the manual system of checking patients' vital signs after approximately seven hours increased the health risk of the patients. Some of the patients' health was jeopardised, worsening their... more
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      HealthMobile application developmentMobile Technology ApplicationsMobile apps
This paper empirically studies two issues in health insurance provision for wage and salary workers in Argentina and their utilization of health services: (1) the moral hazard problem; and (2) the role of prices in utilization. I examine... more
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      ArgentinaMoral HazardHealth ServicesHealth Sector
Nepal moved from unitary system with a three-level federal system of government. As federalism accelerates, the national health system can also speed up its own decentralization process, reduce disparities in access, and improve health... more
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      FederalismNepalHealth ReformDecentralization
Turkish Abstract Çalışmada Türkiye sağlık sektöründe kamu alımları ve kamu alım yöntemi ve alınan ürün menşei bakımından incelenmiştir. Yabancı menşeli ürün alımı azaltılmasının finansal etkisinin analizi yapılarak tavsiye ve önerilerde... more
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Hospitals are health institutions that provide non-stop services to people demand-ing health services with a lot of experts they employ, play an important role in maintaining the welfare of the communities and also have an educational... more
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      Organizational BehaviorJob SatisfactionHealth Sector
Background: One of the main objectives of health systems is the financial protection against out-of-pocket (OOP) health expenditures. OOP health expenditures can lead to catastrophic payments, impoverishment or poverty among households.... more
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      Iranian StudiesEvolutionHealth SectorHealth Expenditures
Prior to the introduction of mobile technologies, the manual system of checking patients’ vital signs after approximately seven hours increased the health risk of the patients. Some of the patients’ health was jeopardised, worsening their... more
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      BusinessHealthPublic HealthMobile application development
Turkish Abstract: Çalışmada Türkiye sağlık sektöründe kamu alımları ve kamu alım yöntemi ve alınan ürün menşei bakımından incelenmiştir. Yabancı menşeli ürün alımı azaltılmasının finansal etkisinin analizi yapılarak tavsiye ve önerilerde... more
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The aim of this study is to examine the effects of teamwork and organizational commitment on organizational performance in the health sector. This study sought to investigate specifically, the mechanism through which teamwork and... more
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      PsychologyOrganizational CommitmentTeam WorkingOrganizational Performance
Numerous investigations demonstrate that the problem of corruption in the health sector is enormous and has grave negative consequences for patients. Nevertheless, the problem of corruption in health systems is far from... more
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      CorruptionHealth SectorLow and Middle-Income Countries
Foreign Aid (FA) is considered a tool for promoting economic and human development. Considerable amounts of FA is directed towards the health sector. The role of FA in development, as well as in health, has been a subject of debate with... more
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      Development StudiesHealth Sector
Objective: To indicate the real causes of the crisis in the health sector. Once indicating and understanding them, it introduces a political and philosophical approach in order to overcome them. It considers both systems: public and... more
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      Public AdministrationCancerHealth Sector
Celem niniejszego artykułu była weryfikacja projektów z obszaru ochrony zdrowia, które zostały zakwalifikowane do dofinansowania z funduszy strukturalnych w latach 2004-2006. Przedmiotem badania objęto 303 przedsięwzięcia zakontraktowane... more
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      PolandStructural FundsEU structural fundsPolska
This paper refers to the study undertaken to evaluate the possibility of using lean principle as a continuous improvement tool in the medical set up with particular reference to the three major hospitals in the Federal capital Territory,... more
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      Quality ManagementContinuous ImprovementHealth Sector
Hastaneler; bünyelerinde bulundurdukları birçok uzman çalışan ile sağlık hizmetlerini talep edenlere kesintisiz olarak hizmet veren, toplumların refahının sürdürülmesinde önemli rol oynayan, bunun yanında eğitici rolü de bulunan sağlık... more
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      Organizational BehaviorPolitical ScienceJob SatisfactionHealth Sector
The study was conducted to examine how social media affects the food and beverage industry. It was also intended to expose the impact of social media on consumer preferences for the marketing of food and beverages. In order for businesses... more
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      Social MediaHealth Sector
Bu çalışmada bir üniversite ve üç kamu hastanesinde görev yapan 213 hemşirenin duygusal tükenme, duyarsızlaşma ve düşük kişisel başarı boyutları ile tanımlanan tükenmişlik düzeylerinin, yenilikçilik, risk alma ve fırsatlara odaklanma alt... more
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      IntrapreneurshipBurnoutHealth SectorTükenmişlik
Bu çalışmada bir üniversite ve üç kamu hastanesinde görev yapan 213 hemşirenin duygusal tükenme, duyarsızlaşma ve düşük kişisel başarı boyutları ile tanımlanan tükenmişlik düzeylerinin, yenilikçilik, risk alma ve fırsatlara odaklanma alt... more
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      IntrapreneurshipBurnoutHealth SectorTükenmişlik