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... Both authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Public Sector Leadership Development Programme Steering Committee (Roma Bridger, Cathy Mercer, and Karen Taylor) and Memorial University's Gardiner Centre (Susan Arscott,... more
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      Knowledge TransferPublic sectorBusiness and ManagementConceptual Model
Although transfer of learning was among the very first issues addressed by early psychologists, the extant literature remains characterized by inconsistent measurement of transfer and significant variability in findings. This article... more
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      ManagementMarketingLeadership DevelopmentWork Environment
About half of BXSB/MpJ-Yaa (BXSB) mice have neocortical ectopias (misplaced clusters of neurons located in layer I of cortex). Previous behavioral studies have suggested that ectopic mice have superior spatial, but equivalent nonspatial,... more
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      Animal BehaviorSpatial MemoryCognitionPrefrontal Cortex
This research is based on an analysis of a management communication training program used by one large US international hotel company to train newly promoted supervisors and managers in Hong Kong and mainland China. The key communication... more
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      BusinessInformation SystemsCommunicationHuman Resource Management
The purpose of this study was to determine if straight sprint training transferred to agility performance tests that involved various change-of-direction complexities and if agility training transferred to straight sprinting speed.... more
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      Strength & ConditioningRunningReference DataAnalysis of Variance
Purpose -The evaluation of training results in large groups with limited resources is one of the challenges of organisations. This paper aims to provide a methodological approach to facilitate evaluation of training among large groups.... more
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      TrainingPublic HealthHealth SectorTransfer of Training
The present paper introduces three facets of information overload in email communication: A large amount of incoming information, inefficient workflow, and deficient communication quality. In order to cope with these facets of information... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyCognitive ScienceInformation Overload
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      System ApproachBusiness and ManagementStructural Equation ModellingProcess Design
Even successful training programs cannot guarantee that newly learned knowledge and skills will be transferred to the workplace. This has led to researchers' interests in understanding the transfer process. Notwithstanding that transfer... more
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      Situated LearningWorkplace LearningBusiness and ManagementPerformance Improvement
Crew Resource Management (CRM) training is one of the critical elements of an organizational strategy to minimize risk and manage human error. The influences of three cultures that are relevant to the cockpit are described: the... more
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      Crew Resource ManagementSafety CultureHUMAN ERRORNational Culture
282 International Journal of Training and Development transfer learning, reinforces the trainee's beliefs in their ability to transfer, ensures the training content is retained over time and provides appropriate feedback regarding... more
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      TrainingTransfer LearningBeliefsWork Environment
The purpose of this paper is to review theories and conceptual frameworks necessary to describe three factors affecting transfer of training. This information helps HRD professionals to understand why people desire to change their... more
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      Instructional DesignHuman Resource DevelopmentOrganizational ClimateBusiness and Management
Working memory (WM) is a cognitive system that strongly relates to a person's ability to reason with novel information and direct attention to goal-relevant information. Due to the central role that WM plays in general cognition, it has... more
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      MarketingProgram EvaluationPsychologyCognitive Science
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      Human Resource DevelopmentHuman ResourcesAdult learningWork Environment
Training professionals were more familiar with academic transfer research when they occupied higher job positions within their organization, held a training certification and had a college degree. The results of our study and the... more
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      EvaluationTrainingIndividual DifferencesWork Environment
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      Principal Component AnalysisTrainingSelf EfficacyBusiness and Management
Six employee characteristics (conscientiousness, self-efficacy, motivation to learn, learning goal orientation, performance goal orientation, instrumentality) and one work environment characteristic (transfer of training climate) were... more
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      PsychologyWork EnvironmentSelf EfficacyBusiness and Management
Given the proliferation of training transfer studies in various disciplines, we provide an integrative and analytical review of factors impacting transfer of training. Relevant empirical research for transfer across the management, human... more
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      Human Resource DevelopmentHuman ResourcesAdult learningWork Environment
Todo treinador de futebol procura sempre a melhor estratégia para surpreender o time adversário, ou seja, um bom sistema tático de jogo visando sempre o melhor posicionamento do seu time com ações para surpreender a qualquer instante o... more
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      Virtual RealityRealidade VirtualTransfer of Training
The aim of this article was to provide data about the effects of child sexual abuse prevention programs. A more specific aim was to estimate the contribution of potential moderator variables such as age, program duration, or sample size... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologySocial WorkSexual Abuse
We studied performance on the Grooved Pegboard Test upon repeated trials and transfer of training between the hands in the first trial. The classification of handedness was based on the writing hand. We employed three trials for each hand... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceBrain and CognitionBrain
An incremental transfer of training research design was used to measure the effectiveness of a flight training device (FTD) and to determine the point at which additional training in a FTD was no longer effective. The dependent measures... more
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      Research DesignTransfer of TrainingControl Group
The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the relative effectiveness of two approaches to staff training. Multidisciplinary mental health staff, receiving a standard training programme (N = 45), were compared on multiple measures... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceTransfer of Training
Purpose: Training transfer has been examined for formal industrial and service organizations in developed countries but rarely for rural organizations in sub-Saharan Africa. This study sought to identify transfer system factors that best... more
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      Work EnvironmentFace to FaceDeveloping CountryDesign Methodology
Through a case study, this article explores a number of theoretical issues related to the often taken for granted relationship between simulator fidelity and the quality and transferability of training in complex, dynamic, safety-critical... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyAviationSimulation
We present a meta-analysis of 24 effect sizes from transfer of training experiments using whole body simulator motion as an independent variable. Three moderator variables were investigated: experiment design, task type, and subjects'... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceExperience DesignAviation Psychology
Two studies investigated the parallel developmental progress in theory of mind and executive control, as exemplified by correlations between the Dimensional Change Card Sorting task (DCCS; and the false-belief task. Experiment 1 with... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceMental RepresentationChild Development
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      Research DesignTransfer of TrainingControl Group
Background. Homonymous visual field defects (HVFDs) are one of the most common consequences of stroke. Compensatory training encourages affected individuals to develop more efficient eye movements to improve function. However, training is... more
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      RehabilitationReadingClinical NeuropsychologyHemianopia
The initial outcomes and current directions of a research and treatment program focusing upon Structured Learning Therapy ( SL T) are the concerns of this paper. SL T is a psychoeducational approach used successfully in the past with... more
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      PsychologyProsocial BehaviorYouthStructure learning
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      Motor ControlHigh FrequencyAphasiologyClinical Sciences
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      Evaluation methodsEducational studiesTransfer of Training
Through a case study, this article explores a number of theoretical issues related to the often taken for granted relationship between simulator fidelity and the quality and transferability of training in complex, dynamic, safety-critical... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyAviationSimulation
■ The aim of this study was to examine the influence of musical expertise in 9-year-old children on passive (as reflected by MMN) and active (as reflected by discrimination accuracy) processing of speech sounds. Musician and nonmusician... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAcousticsMusic
The aim of this article was to provide data about the effects of child sexual abuse prevention programs. A more specific aim was to estimate the contribution of potential moderator variables such as age, program duration, or sample size... more
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      Program EvaluationPsychologySocial WorkSexual Abuse
Several previous studies reported differences when stereothresholds are assessed with localcontour stereograms vs. complex random-dot stereograms (RDSs). Dissimilar thresholds may be due to differences in the properties of the stereograms... more
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      PerceptionPsychometricsBinocular visionStereopsis
Through a case study, this article explores a number of theoretical issues related to the often taken for granted relationship between simulator fidelity and the quality and transferability of training in complex, dynamic, safety-critical... more
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      Information SystemsPsychologyAviationSimulation
We present a meta-analysis of 24 effect sizes from transfer of training experiments using whole body simulator motion as an independent variable. Three moderator variables were investigated: experiment design, task type, and subjects'... more
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      PsychologyExperience DesignAviation PsychologyMeta-Analysis
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      Mechanical EngineeringVisual perceptionAgingFeedback
We examined the relationships between nursing home (NH) resident satisfaction and NH organizational characteristics, while controlling for the effect of resident characteristics within facilities. We used a stratified, random sample of... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkAgingQuality of life
Although transfer of learning was among the very first issues addressed by early psychologists, the extant literature remains characterized by inconsistent measurement of transfer and significant variability in findings. This article... more
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      ManagementMarketingLeadership DevelopmentWork Environment
The objective of this study was to evaluate transfer effects of cognitive strategy training for stroke patients with apraxia. During 8 weeks, 29 apraxic patients received cognitive strategy training to teach them how to perform activities... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceOccupational TherapyNonparametric Statistics
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      System ApproachBusiness and ManagementStructural Equation ModellingProcess Design
This study introduces a critical issue in the practicality of training programs, not only in Saudi Arabia, but also in other developing countries where billions of dollars are spent on training human resources without evaluation of these... more
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      PsychologySaudi ArabiaDeveloping CountriesTraining Programs
This article first appeared in "Translingual Work in Composition," special issue of College English (78.3).
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      LanguagesLiteracyRhetoricSecond Language Writing
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      Principal Component AnalysisTrainingSelf EfficacyBusiness and Management
The paper investigates the impact of different types of training on the mobility expectations of workers, using two new data sets, one of individuals the other of firms. The innovation is that the data incorporate measures of the degree... more
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      Labour MobilityTransfer of TrainingOrdered Probit Model
■ The aim of this study was to examine the influence of musical expertise in 9-year-old children on passive (as reflected by MMN) and active (as reflected by discrimination accuracy) processing of speech sounds. Musician and nonmusician... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAcousticsMusic
and-conditions-of-access.pdf This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in... more
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      EngineeringPsychologyCognitive ScienceSituation awareness
Medium-Term Budgetary Framework (MTBF) is one of the most important policy reforms in the fiscal management of both developing and developed countries of the world. Over the last two decades, on advocacy and technical assistance of World... more
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      Public AdministrationTraining and DevelopmentStrategic Human Resource ManagementTransfer of Training